Category Archives: Society ANNOUNCEMENTS

December 2024 Baronial Business Meeting

4 December 2024, Time: 7:31 PM EST

Notes submitted by Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong, South Downs Chronicler.

Magister Lorenzo called the December meeting to order. The Seneschal Lady Raven Helmsplitter, started recording the meeting and greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Lady Raven read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers’ Reports

Seneschal, (Lady Raven Helmsplitter

  • Schedule for this month:
    • 12/4 – Business Meeting (Zoom)
      • No other meetings in person this month because of the holidays
  • Events for 2025
    • Midwinter A&S 
    • Red Tower
    • Castle Wars
      • Looking to use Bert Adams more often an event site in the future
    • Potential RUM bid

Herald (Magister Lorenzo Petrucci)     

  • Working on getting the baronial awards registered
  • If you see someone who you think needs an award, write them in!
  • Thanks to Sumarlidi for heralding in court at Castle Wars!

Knight Marshal (Baroness Maighread Wilson)

  • Potential Deputies:  (no objections by Barony & will work on getting them Warranted)
    • Ajax (Eirikr’s squire sibling) – does not have a vehicle and cannot store loaner gear
  • Kicked back by DEMHC for lack of recent fighting experience.  Will follow up with DEMHC on developing a Marshal Training Program for Heavy Combat.
  • Update:  Did Marshal training with Ajax at Red Tower (inspections, how to run an authorization, how to marshal the field, etc).  Will continue to work with them on getting Warranted.
  • Castle Wars:  Trained two new HC Marshals, Craig MacDuff & Stuart Rymer
  • Event report in progress – due today
  • Changes will be coming to reporting structure per SEM/KEM in January 2025
  • Upcoming practice considerations:
    • 12/8/2024 – Practice w/Duke Bryce as stunt marshal 
    • 12/15/2024 – Practice as weather permits
    • 12/22/2024 – Practice as weather permits
    • 12/29/2024 – Practice as weather permits

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  1. Practices have been happening.  As always, thank you to our crew of Stunt Marshals, keeping practices going while I’m gallavanting around the country doing Mundane work stuff.
  2. Just to put this in the minutes; it has very little relevance to anyone who isn’t a marshal. Quick admin note:  A new Meridies Marshal’s Rulebook (starting 1 December 2024) went into effect on 12/1.  Whether anyone realized it or not, this book includes material that applies to ALL marshals, including rapier.  So, my droogies, get a look at it.  Among other things, there are changes to the authorization procedures, and some new reporting guidelines.  Some things are now easier, some slightly stupider.  Wait a couple of months, and those reporting guidelines will change again (so the KEM tells me).   Hooray bureaucracy!
  3. Castle Wars included meleé games which helped the Captain-General of the Meridian Rapier Army choose her regional commanders.  If I’m not mistaken, Captain Ogata Mitsuko was chosen as commander for the Middle Watch?  Yes?
  4. Friday evening tournament at Castle Wars was dubbed “South Downs Sunday Rapier Practice Roadshow,” and was won by Ld. Valdemar Varg. The 3-way tie for second place was a fun twist, requiring more fights, and eventually a 3-way meleé.  Many thanks to Mistress Wuennomon for keeping track of the lists.

Live Weapons (Master Mathias Blackett)

  • Live Weapons practice had 8 people at practice last month
  • Working with Mistress Peryn to figure out Dec. practice date
    • Suggested Sat.Dec. 28th, waiting to hear back confirmation.
  • Castle Wars had 41 people signed in on the range for both archery and thrown weapons
    • Shoutout to Nathri and Katya from Bryn Madoc for their help with setup on the throwing weapons range
    • Their Majesties held their weapons champion tourneys at Castle Wars
    • 9 People registered royal rounds at CW
  • Looking for a deputy, especially for helping running the range at events since newcomers do love coming to check out the range. Need help inspections, signing in people, calling the range, recording royal rounds, etc.

Exchequer (La Magnifica Justina di Silvestri

  • $13261.38  in the bank
  • Storage cost has increased this month
  • Annual Budget
    • Pre-approvals for expected expenses for the upcoming year, these are not event expenses, but expenses related to the offices
    • PDF is available for anyone who wants to review it, please contact Justina or Salim if you have any questions or want a copy of the budget
    • If you are an officer and you have requests for budget updates for next year, please contact her or Salim
    • Will need to buy some new archery butts, but will not need to add to the annual budget
    • Motion to vote to approve budget for 2025
      • Vote passed, budget approved for 2025
    • This is the last business meeting for Justina as the Exchequer, Salim will be taking over after Justina.

Fundraising Deputy (THL Majda Anwar

  • Nothing reported

Quartermaster (Lady Genovefa and THL Samurra) 

  • Was not present for things getting checked back into the storage unit after CW
  • Baronial pavilion is not back in because it was still damp, but it is accounted for
  • Planning on doing an updated inventory and clean up in the next few weeks
  • Need to connect with someone who has a key since we only have one and we need two since we have two quartermasters

Chatelaine (Baron Mark de Wytteney)

  • Nothing reported

Demo Deputy (VACANT)

  • Position is still open, if you are interested, please contact Lady Raven.

Arts & Sciences (Lady Maryam al-Jawhariyya)

  • Not much to report for this month

Provost (Lord Ælfric Hort)

  • I do not have much to report for this month.  No Class Night for November or December due to Holiday scheduling.  There were a bunch of great classes at Castle Wars, but I will let Sumarliði cover those in more detail.
  • We need volunteers to teach classes for January and February class nights.  We should know relatively soon whether those will be in person or online.  Also I will be putting out the call for teachers for Midwinter A&S as soon as I have touched base with the Event Stewards and gotten a plan for that put together – be on the look out.
  • CW – Sumarliði
    • 5 classes at Castle Wars
      • People enjoyed the classes
      • Paperwork should have been provided to RUM chancellor to put into the RUM database, shout out to Dorian for helping wrangle the paperwork
      • Sumarliði will be taking over as Provost in Feb. after Midwinter

Chronicler (Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong)

  • Looking for a deputy!
  • Will get yearly report in to Kingdom soon.
  • Always looking to interview the populace for each issue, so please fill out this form to get included! Eventually I’d like to collect these into one PDF so we have a good collection of information about our members:
  • Please submit photos, art, articles, shout-outs, or anything that you’ve found interesting and want to share! I’ll always be collecting stuff for the newsletters going forward. You can submit either through this form: or email me at

Social Media Minister  (Baroness Emelina le Norreys

  • Nothing to report.
  • Will need to meet up with THL Agnes to complete the office change

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Officer (DEIB), (Lady Lily of South Downs)

  • Disappointed that I missed Castle Wars this year!
  • Not much to report for this month, no meetings for Nov/Dec due to holidays and Castle Wars
  • Will be picking up again in Jan.

Webminister (Acharya Mewadi Margavati Bai)

  • Working on website update/refresh
  • When you put in a bid, please give me the information before you start the flyer so the information can go up on the website.
  • Think about what information a newcomer would need to know on the website so we can better inform people about our events. (ie, what kind of foods will be there, general things they might need, etc)
  • Have access to event email groups that we can use to get information out
  • Please send info or any changes that you need on the website to

Minister of Children (VACANT)

  • Position is still open, if you are interested, please contact Lady Raven.

Their Excellencies, (Maestro Ximon Cordoba de Martillo & HE Rhiannon verch Madyn)

  • Baron Ximon
    • Thank you to all that helped with Castle Wars, giant shout out to Genovefa!
  • Baroness Rhiannon
    • Thank you to everyone who helped out for Castle Wars, only thing that came up was to put out more information about the pods at Bert Adams if we use this site again

SCA Business

  • Castle Wars Post-mortem
    • Salim
      • Took notes on what to do differently, things that well and what didn’t
      • Working with autocrat for Fools War to help them run the event better in the future
      • Things to work on:
        • Communication via FB or websites to make sure that information gets put out there
          • Merchants, department heads, just getting general info out there
        • Troll location was good this year, just maybe more space
        • Portapotties would be good for this site
        • Pods were a success, but hopefully we will be able to get more information out about the pods for people for future events
        • Making sure we have a designated set-up and break down crew to make sure things get run smoothly
      • Going to write a standard operating procedure for Castle Wars and using that site in order to make things smoother in the future.
      • Raven will be the liaison for that site going forward, so please make sure that you contact her if you want to use that site.
      • Please send Salim receipts in order to get reimbursed for any event expenses
    • Sumarliði
      • Should make sure that we tell people that the cots in the pods will need extra padding for comfort
  • Brendan
    • Encourage people to get your whole group together to discuss where to put activities since the site is sprawling
  • Justina
    • Should onesie party becoming official party at Castle Wars that we hold every year, volunteering to host it for 2025
  • Midwinter A&S – Feb. 1st 2025
    • Master Mathias – autocrat presenting a bid
      • Proposed theme – Performing Arts focused
        • Hoping for lots of opportunities for people to entertain and be entertained
        • Hoping that the event will be focused on this particular theme
      • Site – McDonough – Church
        • Event is not free, we should make sure that it’s clean before Sunday service
        • Site has kitchen so we could do fundraiser lunch or food at this site
        • Site does have elevator access
      • Motion made to vote to approve proposed budget
        • Vote passes, bid is approved
      • Information will be passed along to Margavati to get information made for the flyer in order to get the information on the website.
        • Will send the flyer to the Kingdom calendar deputy as well
  • Red Tower Quiet Space post-mortem
    • Thanks to everyone who helped keep the space quiet and heat-safe!
      • Thanks for Justina and Brendan for their help
    • Would like to set better expectations for events going forward about popups/ saving space or room for it
    • Will make signage for the space going forward to make sure that people know that the space and bottles of water/etc are available for people to use and take as needed.
    • If you are interested in helping with DEIB classes or resources, please don’t hesitate to contact Lady Lily to contribute or help out!
  • Justina will seek clarification on teacher gift expenses for event bid budgets going forward

Non-SCA Business

  • None reported

The business meeting was closed @ 9:54 PM EST

The next business meeting will be held on January 8th, 2025, 7:00 PM EST via Zoom Meeting.

September 2024 Baronial Business Meeting

4 September 2024, Time: 7:37 PM EST

Notes submitted by Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong, South Downs Chronicler.

Magister Lorenzo called the July meeting to order. The Seneschal Lady Raven Helmsplitter, started recording the meeting and greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Lady Raven read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers’ Reports

Seneschal, (Lady Raven Helmsplitter

  • Schedule for this month:
    • 9/4 – Business Meeting (Zoom)
    • 9/11 – Project Night (Zoom)
    • 9/18 – DEIB Class (In-person)
    • 9/25 – Red Tower prep! (In-person)
  • Thank you to all that submitted nominations for the Swift’s Heart
    • Will work on ballots to send out this week to people to submitted nominations and anyone who requests one
  • Midwinter 2025 – Scheduled for Feb. 1, 2025
    • Please let us know if you’d like to submit a bid or know of a site that you’d like to use

Herald (Magister Lorenzo Petrucci)     

  • No new submissions through Lorenzo, but there are some submissions that are in the works
  • Awards
    • Pennsic
      • Eiríkr Pálsson – Court Barony

Knight Marshal (Baroness Maighread Wilson)

  • Just took over from Baron Eiríkr
  • Will have loaner gear sometime this weekend
  • Have two potential deputies
  • Practices
    • 9/8 – Practice
    • 9/15 – Practice
    • 9/22 – out of town, may not have practice unless someone covers as marshal
    • 9/29 – MGT weekend, no practice

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  1. Practices have been proceeding, weather and other events permitting.  Sundays starting around noon (concurrent with armored practice).  Schedule changes, cancellations, and any other relevant information is shared on the FaceBook group “Atlanta SCA Fighting,” and we’re trying to get better about including Discord.  Loaner gear is usually available, but it doesn’t hurt to check the “Atlanta SCA Fighting” group in advance.  Sometimes when I’m not available, the “stunt marshal” might not be able to bring it.
  2. If you have any trouble at all finding practice announcements, feel free to reach out directly to me or Baroness Mairghread.  If you are using Discord, please @ us, otherwise your post will be lost in the chatter.
  3. Thanks to everyone for working together to keep practices happening.  My continued thanks to our celebrity stunt marshal team, particularly Baroness Mairghread.  BTW, special shout-out to Cpt. Pietro, newly warranted.
  4. Thanks to Baroness Mairghread, I’m now re-warranted as a youth rapier marshal.  We do not currently have a youth rapier program per sé, but if there is interest, we can begin.
  5. Thanks to Lady Sara, completed her Marshal’s warranting requirements, and will soon be on the team of Stunt Marshals so that practice can happen even if I’m not available.

Live Weapons (Master Mathias Blackett)

  • Nothing reported

Exchequer (La Magnifica Justina di Silvestri

  • $5112.20 in the bank
  • Please remember to save your receipts for event expenses and fill out check request forms for events and purchases
  • PO Box is expiring at the end of September, can sign up again if we need to since it’s in the budget should Lord Salim need it.
  • Started autopay for storage unit to help prevent checks getting lost in the mail

Fundraising Deputy (THL Majda Anwar

  • Nothing reported

Quartermaster (Lady Genovefa and Lady Samurra) 

  • Brand new quartermasters as of this week, thank you for stepping into the position!

Chatelaine (Baron Mark de Wytteney)

  • Nothing to report
  • Looking for deputy for Chatelaine and Demo Deputy
  • Ogata is temporary Gold Key deputy

Demo Deputy (VACANT)

  • Nothing reported

Arts & Sciences (Lady Maryam al-Jawhariyya)

  • Not much to report for this month, working on competitions for Red Tower
    • A&S competitions for fiber arts, scribal, bardic competition
  • Need a deputy, if you’re interested, please let me know!

Provost (Lord Ælfric Hort)

  • We had 6 people in attendance this past month for Lady Genovefa’s class on Pickles in Period.
  • We will not have an A&S Class for the Barony this month.  Our usual Class Night – 9/25 – is being set aside for last minute in person Red Tower prep.
  • Currently, the class schedule for the remainder of 2024 is complete.  As we get closer to the end of the calendar year, we will be looking for teachers for 2025.  If you have something you would like to teach or otherwise share with the Barony, please get in touch with either myself or Sumarliði.  
  • Teacher sign-up for Red Tower has already gone live.  As of the drafting of this report, we currently have 3 signups – 2 classes and a Fiber Arts Salon.  We will be accepting sign-ups until Sept. 20.  
  • Also please begin thinking about classes you would like to teach for Castle Wars and Midwinter A&S.

Chronicler (Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong)

  • Been Chronicler for a year now, looking for a deputy!
  • Always looking to interview the populace for each issue, so please fill out this form to get included! Eventually I’d like to collect these into one PDF so we have a good collection of information about our members:
  • Please submit photos, art, articles, shout-outs, or anything that you’ve found interesting and want to share! I’ll always be collecting stuff for the newsletters going forward. You can submit either through this form: or email me at

Social Media Minister  (THLady Agnes Halydaye

  • Nothing to report.
  • Baroness Emelina will be stepping up as THLady Agnes steps down.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Officer (DEIB), (Lady Lily of South Downs)

  • Last month’s class was Sobriety in the Society from Valentine Blake
    • Great class that was canceled at RUM but was taught online for DEIB night. Thank you!
  • Sept. 18 – in person DEIB class
    • Baroness Rhonwyn teaching a hands-on paint by numbers class focusing on Extra European illumination.

Webminister (Acharya Mewadi Margavati Bai)

  • I have done some things behind the scenes this month (or last month, rather). Thanks to all who submitted updates to their Dramatis Personae entries for our website. Those have now been updated! Thank you Pietro, who helped me fix an incorrect email address on our site, which was preventing people from sending in requests to have awards info added. I have also added the list of Swift’s Heart awardees to the site, in light of the nomination and voting before Red Tower.
  • Speaking of Red Tower, the site is live! All the information should be current, and I am updating things as I get new information. The PayPal link is not up yet but will once Bam receives it and sends it my way. If you are a department head for the event and have something specific you need to post, please let me know via email at
  • I am in the process of completing my quarterly report. If you have any questions or need any support before I send it in, please let me know in the next week or so, since I believe the report is due fairly soon.

Minister of Children (VACANT)

  • Position is still open, if you are interested, please contact Lady Raven.

Their Excellencies, (Maestro Ximon Cordoba de Martillo & HE Rhiannon verch Madyn)

  • Baron Ximon
    • Moment of silence for the couple of people who passed away today from the school shooting in Winder.
    • Thank you to everyone who’s been working on getting things together for the Swift’s Heart award.
  • Baroness Rhiannon
    • RT 50 planning
      • Working on getting one link to share for the website for RT 50 and for future events
      • Getting some favors sewn together and stamped, getting things together to help celebrate the Red Ravens at RT

SCA Business

  • Red Tower 50
    • RT pre-reg is up and running
  • Castle Wars
    • Bid by Salim and Maire
    • Looking to use Bert Adams as the site
    • Theme – Olympic Games
    • Adjustments to the bid for field supplies
    • Discussion on pricing the event for pre-reg/at the gate

Non-SCA Business

  • None reported

The business meeting was closed @ 9:10 PM EST

The next business meeting will be held on October 2nd, 2024, 7:00 PM EST via Zoom Meeting.

July 2024 Baronial Business Meeting

3 July 2024, Time: 7:34 PM EST

Notes submitted by Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong, South Downs Chronicler.

Magister Lorenzo called the July meeting to order. The Seneschal Lady Raven Helmsplitter, started recording the meeting and greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Lady Raven read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers’ Reports

Seneschal, (Lady Raven Helmsplitter

  • Schedule for this month:
    • 7/3 – Business Meeting (Zoom)
    • 7/10 – Project Night (Zoom)
    • 7/17 – DEIB (In-Person)
    • 7/24 – Linguistic Overview of “William and the Werewolf” with Lady Sara Wandrownyczka (Zoom)
    • 7/31 – Social Potluck (In-person) and Red Tower Bid voting
  • Meeting schedule has been confirmed for the rest of the year
  • Thanks to the Baronial officers for sending quarterly reports to Kingdom
    • Officers, please send me an email with when you stepped up to your office and if you have a deputy or not
  • Swift’s Heart nominations are now open, the google form will be posted. Please submit your nominations by the end of  July.
    • Ranked voting will take place in August, award to be given out at South Downs events.

Herald (Magister Lorenzo Petrucci)     

  • Awards
    • Giant’s Dance
      • Lady Sara Wandrownyczka – Poet Laureate

Knight Marshal (Lord Eiríkr Pálsson)

  • It is hot out, please drink plenty of water before and during practice to make sure that you’re hydrated for practice.
  • Schedule for loaner gear
    • July 7th – Will not have loaner gear
    • July 14th – Loaner gear available
    • July 21, 2024 – Regional Practice after RUM
    • July 28 – Loaner gear available
    • Lord Eirikr will be at Pennsic at the two weeks after, Baroness Mairghread will be here for practices

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  1. Practices have been proceeding, weather and other events permitting.  Sundays starting around noon (concurrent with armored practice).  Schedule changes, cancellations, and any other relevant information is shared on the FaceBook group “Atlanta SCA Fighting,” and we’re trying to get better about including Discord.  Loaner gear is usually available, but it doesn’t hurt to check the “Atlanta SCA Fighting” group in advance.  Sometimes when I’m not available, the “stunt marshal” might not be able to bring it.
  2. If you have any trouble at all finding practice announcements, feel free to reach out directly to me or Ld. Eirikr.  If you are using Discord, please @ us, otherwise your post will be lost in the chatter.
  3. Thanks to everyone for working together to keep practices happening.  My continued thanks to our celebrity stunt marshal team, particularly Ldy. Ogata, Master Ximón, Master Nikoslav, Baroness Mairghread.
  4. Thanks also to those who are fighting the never-ending administrative battle to obtain their rapier marshal’s warrant.  I look forward to adding you to the Stunt Marshal crew so that practices may proceed unabated.
  5. This coming weekend is the Shire of Arenal’s 1559:  Dios de los Muertos.  The Meridian Order of the Blade will be hosting the annual MOB Open Tournament at this event.  It’s “open” to any authorized rapier fighter from any kingdom except those with Grant- or Peerage-level rapier awards.

Live Weapons (Master Mathias Blackett)

  • We will be having Live Weapons activities at the regional practice after RUM. Nothing outstanding to report.

Exchequer (La Magnifica Justina di Silvestri

  • We have $3,971.86 in our account. 
  • July storage has been paid
  • Switching signatories is moving along, should have them switched by the end of the month to include Baron Ximon and Lord Salim.

Fundraising Deputy (THL Majda Anwar) 

  • Nothing reported

Quartermaster (Maestra Isabetta de San Marco

  • RUM coming up, contact me with when you need to stop by to get stuff for the event.
  • Stepping down at the end of the month, if you are interested in taking over, please contact me by the end of the month or contact the Seneschal or Baronage.

Chatelaine (Capt. Ogata Mitsuko)

  • Nothing to report
  • Looking for deputy for Chatelaine and Demo Deputy

Demo Deputy (VACANT)

  • Nothing reported

Arts & Sciences (Lady Maryam)

  • Not much to report for this month except of course RUM. We have an excellent class schedule that is up now on the event Facebook page. I hope to see you all there on July 20th!
  • Next week we also have a virtual project night!

Provost (Lord Ælfric Hort)

  • We had 7 people in attendance this past month for Magister Lorenzo’s class on A&S Faires.
  • This month’s class will be on July 24 at 7pm via Zoom.  It will be a Linguistic Overview of “William and the Werewolf” with Lady Sara Wandrownyczka.
  • I am currently looking for teachers for August and September – both in person classes. If you have something you would like to teach or otherwise share with the Barony, please get in touch with either myself or Sumarliþi.  Also Please begin thinking about classes you would like to teach for Red Tower and Castle Wars, as those two events will be upcoming soon.

Chronicler (Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong)

  • Looking for a deputy, coming up at a year as Chronicler.
  • Always looking to interview the populace for each issue, so please fill out this form to get included! Eventually I’d like to collect these into one PDF so we have a good collection of information about our members:
  • Please submit photos, art, articles, shout-outs, or anything that you’ve found interesting and want to share! I’ll always be collecting stuff for the newsletters going forward. You can submit either through this form: or email me at

Social Media Minister  (THLady Agnes Halydaye

  • Nothing reported

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Officer (DEIB), (Lady Lily of South Downs)

  • Looking to have an in-person DEIB Night this month, potentially looking at hosting a panel on accessibility in archery
    • Waiting to hear back from speakers to confirm if the class will move forward
  • The Kingdom Deputy DEIB Officer The Oloye Kehinde to help with accessibility at Red Tower this year
    • Red Tower 50
      • Looking to compile FAQs about the site for accessibility to help with expectations and to help inform people about the site
      • Think about general accessibility questions so we can answer and inform the general populace about the site on the website
      • Will send a list of questions to think about to Lady Lily so that we can start evaluating sites for accessibility concerns

Webminister (Acharya Mewadi Margavati Bai)

  • Acharya Margavati has just taken over as webminister, will have a report in for Q3.
  • We have a RUM website and a clickable schedule.
    • Will update the RUM website with maps and information about the regional practice
  • Please contact me if you need me to update anything on the website. 

Minister of Children (VACANT)

  • Position is still open, if you are interested, please contact Lady Raven.

Their Excellencies, (Maestro Ximon Cordoba de Martillo & HE Rhiannon verch Madyn)

  • Baron Ximon
    • Red Tower
      • We do have someone putting in a bid for Red Tower, will be putting the bid forward to the financial committee and then present it to the barony
    • RUM
      • If you can pitch in, please come and help out! 
      • Regional Fighter Practice the Sunday after RUM is confirmed for 10 AM – 4:30 PM
        • Not just for fighters, come out and hang out!
  • Baroness Rhiannon
    • RT 50 planning
      • Bram and Maire have put in the bid for Red Tower
        • Bram, Bard, and Thomas will be our feastcrats for Red Tower
        • Bram will be reaching out to people to help with the event, so please pitch in and help us run a great event

SCA Business

  • Royal University of Meridies
    • Dame Sibella, RUM Chancellor
      • If anyone needs space for anything, please contact me ahead of time.
      • Dame Sibella will not be at RUM, there are five people that will be taking her place
        • Magister Lorenzo will be taking over as RUM Chancellor
        • Maestra Isabetta and Mistress Leda will be helping with checking the site after the event and will have access to Dame Sibella’s office.
        • Two colleagues will be helping, but don’t go to them with RUM or SCA issues.
        • This will be the last event that we will be having at Pafford as there will renovations
        • Put trash outside under the tree between Pafford and the parking lot at the end of the event.
          • Will try to get some big trash bags and put them in her office.
    • Lord Sumarlidi, Event Steward
      • Still have some staff needs
        • Need a list of landed baronage attending – royal liaison
        • Need help getting the hall set up by noon
          • Capt. Brendan to help with setting up the hall
        • Reach out to Dame Sibella if you see any classes listed wrong
        • Getting things out of storage
        • Quiet space for the event
          • Just need help staging the space
  • Red Tower 50
    • Bram and Maire putting together a bid
      • Should have the bid in by Monday, July 8th. Just need possibly adjust for feast prices
      • Genovefa – Friday night feast may be for about 30 people, need to just figure out feast costs
      • July 31 – vote on bid during the Social Potluck
      • Longer event, will need set up and break down crews for Thursday/Friday and Sunday.
    • La Magnifica Justina/Lord Salim
      • Can send in Paypal request form
    • Acharya Margavati
      • Can get the information on the website and a put a flyer together
    • Contact Bram via email, FB, phone, or through discord if you have any questions
  • Castle Wars
    • We currently have Camp Bert Adams reserved for Castle Wars in Covington GA
    • Please contact us if you are interested in running the event!
    • Currently looking for bids, please submit a bid if you’re interested in running Castle Wars.

Non-SCA Business

  • Bram is opening a catering business in case anyone needs BBQ! The Valiant Pig BBQ

The business meeting was closed @ 8:49 PM EST

The next business meeting will be held on August 7th, 2024, 7:00 PM EST via Zoom Meeting.

June 2024 Baronial Business Meeting

5 June 2024, Time: 7:30 PM EST

Notes submitted by Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong, South Downs Chronicler.

Magister Lorenzo called the June meeting to order. The Seneschal Lady Raven Helmsplitter, started recording the meeting and greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Lady Raven read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers’ Reports

Seneschal, (Lady Raven Helmsplitter

  • Schedule for this month:
    • 6/5 – Business Meeting (Zoom)
    • 6/12 – RT 50 Planning Meeting(Zoom)
    • 6/19 – DEIB (Zoom)
    • 6/26 – A&S Judging Workshop with Magister Lorenzo and  La Magnifica Justina (In-person)
  • Voting for Swift’s Heart
    • Starting July business meeting, nominations will be accepted
    • Through August, voting will start via ranked choice
    • Award will be given at a South Downs event!

Herald (Magister Lorenzo Petrucci)     

  • Ajax name and device submitted
  • Awards
    • Artsy Crown
      • THL Bram Halfdannarson (Bam) – Order of the Scarlet Star

Knight Marshal (Lord Eiríkr Pálsson)

  • Practices have been scarce due to events and weather.  I am looking forward to having more this month.  
  • The practice on 9 June will be run by Baroness Margheraed as I will be at Giants Dance.  There will not be loaner gear available.  I am planning on holding practice the rest of the month if weather will allow.  
  • The demo last weekend at Viking Alchemist Meadery went well and was well supported by artisans and fighters alike.  His Majesty has expressed his appreciation for the help and I know the Owls Nest practice had some people come out due to the demo on Saturday.
  • It is hot out, please drink plenty of water before and during practice.

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  1. Practices have been proceeding, weather and other events permitting.  Sundays starting around noon (concurrent with armored practice).  Schedule changes, cancellations, and any other relevant information is shared on the FaceBook group “Atlanta SCA Fighting,” and we’re trying to get better about including Discord.  Loaner gear is usually available, but it doesn’t hurt to check the “Atlanta SCA Fighting” group in advance.  Sometimes when I’m not available, the “stunt marshal” might not be able to bring it.
  2. If you have any trouble at all finding practice announcements, feel free to reach out directly to me or Ld. Eirikr.  If you are using Discord, please @ us, otherwise your post will be lost in the chatter.
  3. Thanks to everyone for working together to keep practices happening.  I wouldn’t mind having a deputy step up who could take over from me in the not-too-distant future.  In the meantime, my continued thanks to our celebrity stunt marshal team, particularly Ldy. Ogata, Master Ximón, Master Nikoslav, et. al.
  4. This weekend is the Southeast Renaissance Fencing Open (SERFO), a non-SCA historical fencing event.  Most of your local rapier marshals will be attending (many competing).  I encourage y’all to come see what it’s all about.  This event is popular with SCA rapier and C&T fighters.
    The venue is on the Kennesaw State University Marietta Campus (635 Walter Kelly Rd, Marietta, GA 30060).  No charge for spectators.   Parking is free, but not immediately adjacent to the gym (689 Polytechnic Ln, Marietta, GA 30060).
    We’ll be there on Friday, 12nn-6p (Eastern)
    – Under-Represented Gender longsword tournament
    – Rapier & Dagger tournament
    – Saber tournament
    Saturday, 9a-7p
    – Three open longsword tournaments (different levels of skill/experience)
    Sunday, 9a-4p
    – Single rapier tournament
    – Sword & Buckler (C&T) tournament
    Weather permitting, South Downs weekly fighter practice is still being held on Sunday, 12nn.  Baroness Mairghread (Charmone Newell) will manage the administration for rapier fighters.  It is unlikely that there will be much in the way loaner gear.

Live Weapons (Master Mathias Blackett)

  • We had Live Weapons practice last month alongside the cavalry practice. There were 3 participants. The pasture at Mistress Peryn’s farm has been cleared, and is beautiful for archery. 
  • Peryn has scheduled the next cavalry practice for Saturday 6/29. I will be at Atlantia’s Bardic Madness event and will not be able to marshal the practice for archery.

Exchequer (La Magnifica Justina di Silvestri

  • We have $4,261.86 in our account. 
  • Our storage costs have gone up by $29/mo, making each month cost $335
  • This will add an expense of $203 to the approved budget. May we take a barony vote if approved, for the records, please?
    • 17 for, 1 opposed, motion passed
  • Second, our super cool deputy reeve did some magic with our Quarter reports from Q4 and Q1 and made the scary (but not really) ledger not have a negative number due to timing of when checks are written. We have a mystery $200, likely from me not separating the troll seed monies from the troll income cash before depositing it, so heads up to always deposit the troll cash separately. It confused the subtemplates on the file but Salim worked with Kingdom and we are all set for Q2.
  • Salim is taking over soon, so please be sure to cc deputy or include him in any exchequer questions or chats. This will super duper help the transition of the office to him.
  • We do have money to tide us to the next event, but as approved in the budget, we need fundraising to keep treading. Special deputy for reeve,  Honorable Lady Majda Anwar, will take that lead in her report.
  • ps as a note, if any of y’all see my name Justina or Meg anywhere with an address that is not a PO box, please let me know- want to make sure people have the right address for sending mail to the barony.

Fundraising Deputy (THL Majda Anwar) 

  • Looking into options for fundraising ideas for the Barony
    • Fundraiser lunches, bake sales, merch, silent auctions, etc.
    • Display devices on castle walls at Castle Wars/Fool’s War?
  • Gave a presentation with ideas on possible fundraiser ideas for feedback and brainstorming
  • Link to the presentation, please let me know if you have ideas for fundraising ideas!
  • Looking to get together a group of people to help pinpoint events and plan how to execute these ideas
    • Will post in the discord to look for volunteers, keep an eye out!

Quartermaster (Maestra Isabetta de San Marco

  • We have stuff
  • Still looking for a deputy

Chatelaine (Capt. Ogata Mitsuko)

  • Nothing to report
  • Looking for deputy for Chatelaine and Demo Deputy

Demo Deputy (VACANT)

  • Nothing reported

Arts & Sciences (Lady Maryam)

  • Artsy Crown was great, glad to see all the cool entries and classes!
  • RUM is coming up for classes, sign up to teach and take some classes.
  • This month’s class will be a workshop on A&S Judging, come take the class!

Provost (Lord Ælfric Hort)

  • Unfortunately, we had to cancel / postpone last month’s class on Sacred Geometry due to technical difficulties.  We will be rescheduling as soon as possible.
  • This month’s class will be on June 26 at 7pm – in person at Doraville Civic Center.  It will be a A&S Judging Workshop with hands-on exercises presented by La Magnifica Signora Justina di Silvestri.
  • I am currently looking for teachers for July, August, September, and October. I will not know if those will be in person or virtual until in-person nights are officially scheduled for the later half of the year, but if you specifically need one or the other, we can be flexible and shift months around if possible. If you have something you would like to teach or otherwise share with the Barony, please get in touch with either myself or Sumarliþi.

Chronicler (Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong)

  • Looking for a deputy, coming up at a year as Chronicler.
  • Always looking to interview the populace for each issue, so please fill out this form to get included! Eventually I’d like to collect these into one PDF so we have a good collection of information about our members:
  • Please submit photos, art, articles, shout-outs, or anything that you’ve found interesting and want to share! I’ll always be collecting stuff for the newsletters going forward. You can submit either through this form: or email me at

Social Media Minister  (THLady Agnes Halydaye

  • Nothing to report aside from a few new folks in the FB group and also one that reached out via email for a discord invite.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Officer (DEIB), (Lady Lily of South Downs)

  • Working on figuring out what to do for the DEIB session this month since it’s online

Webminister (Lord Eiríkr Pálsson)

  • RUM has a webpage thanks to Margavati.  I have taken on the duties of regional webminister and Margavati has agreed to take on the duties of Baronial webminister, she has a lot of experience doing this work and has a lot of plans for making our site better.

Minister of Children (VACANT)

  • Position is still open, if you are interested, please contact Lady Raven.

Their Excellencies, (Maestro Ximon Cordoba de Martillo & HE Rhiannon verch Madyn)

  • Baron Ximon
    • Come and teach at RUM!
    • Next week’s meeting is a planning meeting for RT 50, please come and help us hash out some ideas
      • Looking for an autocrat or co-autocrat to help head up the discussion for RT 50.
    • It was wonderful to see everyone at Artsy Crown under the pavilion. Thank you to everyone who helped set up and tear down the pavilion!
  • Baroness Rhiannon
    • RT 50 planning
      • A lot of the event will be planned or ironed out in the next week or two, so please let us know if you’re interested in being an autocrat
    • Artsy Crown
      • Thanks for hanging out together as a Barony at the event, and congratulations to all the fighters in the Barony who fought in Crown as entrants for their great fights!

SCA Business

  • Royal University of Meridies
    • Lord Sumarliþi 
      • Sign-up sheets for volunteers have been posted
        • Will need help with basic set up, tear down, etc
        • If you have any ideas or jobs that you’d like to do, let me know and we can find something for you
        • Sign up to teach!
        • Food options may be better as the dining hall will be open that day
        • Planning on Quiet Space like we did before previously
    • Baron Ximon
      • Vote for a check to hold the rental at the pavilion for the fighter practice after RUM
        • Will require a check for $150 to hold the rental, but they do not cash the check unless there’s damage or something after the rental.
          • Motion raised to approve funding for the pavilion, 18 in favor, 1 against, motion passed.
  • Red Tower 50
    • Still looking for an autocrat, please contact Lady Raven or Their Excellencies if you’re interested
    • Come to the meeting next week to discuss planning for RT!
  • Castle Wars
    • We currently have Camp Bert Adams reserved for Castle Wars in Covington GA
    • Please contact us if you are interested in running the event!
    • Currently looking for bids, please submit a bid if you’re interested in running Castle Wars.
  • Dance, Art, and Gaming Event in Trimaris
    • June 15th
    • Daytrip
    • St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1950 Silver St., Jacksonville FL

Non-SCA Business

  • SERFO is this weekend, a couple of us are attending. It’s free to spectate, so come watch people fight!
    • Marietta, GA
  • Quick shout-out to our new member Hannah for winning her category in the Foundations Revealed contest that she entered! Congratulations!

The business meeting was closed @ 8:48 PM EST

The next business meeting will be held on July 3rd, 2024, 7:00 PM EST via Zoom Meeting.

April 2024 Baronial Business Meeting

3 April 2024, Time: 7:36 PM EST

Notes submitted by Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong, South Downs Chronicler.

Magister Lorenzo called the April meeting to order. The Seneschal Lady Raven Helmsplitter, started recording the meeting and greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Lady Raven read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers’ Reports

Seneschal, (Lady Raven Helmsplitter

  • Schedule for this month:
    • Apr. 10th: online project night
    • Apr. 17th: in-person dance class by Magister Lorenzo
    • Apr. 24th: in-person class night – Archery 101 Discussion by Lord Ælfric
  • Thanks to La Magnifica Justina and Seong Daegam for covering for me last week

Herald (Magister Lorenzo Petrucci)     

  • A little consultation with some people for submissions.
  • Awards:
    • Gulf Wars – Bram Halfdannarson received Stallion’s Blood

Knight Marshal (Lord Eiríkr Pálsson)

  • Have been having practices, weather is getting hotter so drink water before practice too to hydrate
  • Lady Mairghread has agreed to help cover practices this month since it’s event heavy
  • Looking for a deputy to take over at some point

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  1. Practices have been proceeding, weather and other events permitting.  Sundays starting around noon (concurrent with armored practice).  Schedule changes, cancellations, and any other relevant information is shared on the FaceBook group “Atlanta SCA Fighting,” and sometimes other locations depending on circumstances.  Loaner gear is usually available, but it doesn’t hurt to check the “Atlanta SCA Fighting” group in advance.  Sometimes when I’m not available, the “stunt marshal” might not be able to bring it.
  2. BTW, “Atlanta SCA Fighting” is still visible publicly and searchable, but is now “Private” to keep the bots out.  If you have any trouble at all finding practice announcements, feel free to reach out directly to me or Ld. Eirikr.  It should be readable to anyone, but you’ll need to join in order to post.
  3. Thanks to everyone for working together to keep practices happening.  I wouldn’t mind having a deputy step up who could take over from me in the not-too-distant future.  In the meantime, my continued thanks to our celebrity stunt marshal team, particularly Ldy. Ogata, Master Ximón, Master Nikoslav, et. al.
  4. Big shout-out to folks recently giving rapier a try.  Looking forward to seeing more folks having fun!
  5. Meridian Challenge of Arms was successful.  Congratulations to Master Ximón on his elevation to the Order of Defense and Ldy Ogata  on her induction to the Meridian Order of the Blade.  Barons Mark de Wytteney and Piers Simmons were the Royal Family’s choices to be included in the MCA Championship.  Well done everyone!

Live Weapons (Master Mathias Blackett)

  • Busy this month with events
  • Working with Mistress Peryn to figure out schedules to use her farm for a practice site
  • North pasture of the farm is vacant
  • Equipment is currently being stored at the farm

Exchequer (La Magnifica Justina di Silvestri

  • $4624.62 in account
  • Waiting for Midwinter check from Kingdom
  • Still waiting for confirmation that we can add Lord Salim to the bank account
  • Storage for April is paid
  • Will be starting Q1 report soon
  • Huge shout out to Lord Salim for helping get our paperwork all squared away
  • As always, books are transparent, so if you have any questions, please ask!

Quartermaster (Maestra Isabetta de San Marco

  • We have stuff, the new storage unit looks like it’s working out pretty well
  • Still needs to be organized, but will need to set some time aside to do so
  • Still looking for a deputy

Chatelaine (Lady Ogata Mitsuko)

  • No Gold Key at Coronation, but Gold Key should be at Fool’s War

Demo Deputy (VACANT)

  • Nothing reported

Arts & Sciences (Lady Maryam)

  • Not much to report this month
  • Project and dance nights have been going wonderfully well
  • Looking forward to ArtsyCrown and Red Tower for A&S things
  • Keep doing what you’re doing, you may get a shout-out to in the quarterly A&S report!

Provost (Lord Ælfric Hort)

  • April Class night will be April 24.  This will be in person at the Doraville Civic Center.  Our class will be Archery 101 with a focus on terminology and basic archery concepts taught by Lord Ælfric.  This will be a lecture and Q&A style class – I will have items on hand to look at and help illustrate the discussion, but due to location, there will be no live demo shooting.
  • I am still looking for classes and teachers for most of the rest of the year – July, August, and October.  Please reach out to me if you have something you would like to teach or if you have any suggestions for class topics that I might be able to request teachers to provide for us.
  • Lord Sumarlidi is now the deputy for Provost

Chronicler (Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong)

  • Nothing new to report.
  • Always looking to interview the populace for each issue, so please fill out this form to get included! Eventually I’d like to collect these into one PDF so we have a good collection of information about our members:
  • Please submit photos, art, articles, shout-outs, or anything that you’ve found interesting and want to share! I’ll always be collecting stuff for the newsletters going forward. You can submit either through this form: or email me at

Social Media Minister  (THLady Agnes Halydaye

There once was a group we call South Downs

They made right side smiles from flipped down frowns

They gather in the ether

’cause they can’t always be thur

It’s a sociable space with much renown!

  • (Nothing special to report)

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Officer (DEIB), (Lady Lily of South Downs)

  • Nothing currently planned
  • Want to figure out if people would want dance this month or a DEIB class this month
    • Will work with Magister Lorenzo to figure out how to plan for DEIB and dance classes

Webminister (Lord Eiríkr Pálsson)

  • Nothing significant to report.  
  • For future events and needed updates please email me those to the email or use the request update link on the webpage.
  • Acharya Margavati is now the deputy for Webminister

Minister of Children (VACANT)

  • Position is still open, if you are interested, please contact Lady Raven.

Their Excellencies, (Maestro Ximon Cordoba de Martillo & HE Rhiannon verch Madyn)

  • Ximon and Rhi
    • RT 50 planning
      • Putting together notes and will send them out based on the last meeting that we had for RT 50 planning
      • Working on ideas on how to honor the Red Ravens and token/fundraiser ideas
      • Going to put ideas together in a document to discuss and vote on
        • Feel free to send me emails or messages with ideas
      • If you’re coming to Coronation, please come by and hang out with us
        • THLady Alisandre will be providing a hospitality table, come eat some of her yummy food
        • Bringing the wing instead of the Baronial pavilion, so look for the green and white stripes
          • Lady Mairghread will be getting the walls out of the storage unit on Wednesday evening, please come help to move them out of the storage unit if you can
      • Fool’s War
        • If you’re coming to Fool’s War, please come help with the castle walls

SCA Business

  • Fool’s War
      • Sumarlidi
        • If you’re camping with South Downs, please sign up to bring food for camp so we can make sure that we have enough food for camp
          • Check out the sign up sheet on the FB encampment page or the discord
      • Baron Ximon
        • He will be taking a protege in camp at Fool’s War
  • Trimarian Dance Event
      • Halfdan Eldinghogg
        • June 15th, daytrip event in Jacksonville, FL
        • Event will be hosted by the most northern barony of Castlemere
        • Will be willing to split funds with SD, just asking for SD to send teachers for the event
        • Primary focus on the event will be the ball at the end of the day, but there will be courtly gaming classes and performance things through the day
  • Royal University of Meridies
      • Sumarlidi
        • Staff sheets should be going out for sign-ups on Sunday afternoon, please keep a lookout for that
          • Will have more information on staffing needs after this weekend
          • Remember that we need to get the ad together for Pop Chiv by May 1st to hit the deadline
  • Red Tower 50
      • We’re still working on finding a site for the event
        • Looking at Little Tallapoosa Park in Carrollton, still have a few questions that we need to hear back from
          • Need to find out about equestrian and archery, open fires, etc
        • Also looking at Camp Lumpkin, boy scout camp in La Grange
          • Some regulations with Serv-safe certifications to be able to run the kitchen
          • Still need to go down to take a tour of the site
        • Possible hour-long Commedia show in honor for Red Tower 50
          • Would like players from SD in the show, please let Master Mathias know if you’re interested in participating
  • Castle Wars
      • We currently have Camp Bert Adams reserved for Castle Wars in Covington GA in case the future event steward wants to use it
  • Bardic Madness Deepsouth
      • May 4th 2024, hosted by Barony of Castlemere in Jacksonville, FL
      • Star Wars themed event
      • Free event with fundraiser lunch
      • Will share flyer to the barony page
  • Kingdom Webminister
    • We currently don’t have a Kingdom webminister, please contact Majster Nikoslav to apply

Non-SCA Business

  • Patrick Wade suddenly passed away in December and there will be a Memorial Service on Thursday April 11, 2 PM at United Methodist Church, 85 W Church Street Jasper, GA. 30143.

The business meeting was closed @ 8:30 PM EST

The next business meeting will be held on May 1st, 2024, 7:00 PM EST via Zoom Meeting.

July 2023 The Read Tower Newsletter is out!

Click here to read it:
07 July 2023 The Read Tower Newsletter

Submit your content to to get included in the newsletter, and don’t forget to fill out the Kingdom content release forms so we can use your content.

Kingdom Chronicler page with release forms at the bottom:

Populace Interview Form:

Photography/Art Submissions:

Looking forward to sharing your content and memories!

Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong, OL
Chronicler, Barony of South Downs

April 2022 Baronial Business Meeting

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

06 April 2022, Time: 1930

Notes submitted by Signora Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler.

Master Mathias Blackett called the April meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich, greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Nikoslav read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers Reports

Seneschal, (Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich)

  • Raven announced as Deputy Seneschal
  • Call for Red Tower Bids, 5 months out from the event. Last call for bids before per policy Baronials will make a bid. In 4 months their bid will be accepted if we don’t get a different one.
  • Discuss and vote on RUM Bid
    • Unknown if RUM would be handling teachers’ gifts or for South Downs. Typically handled by RUM deans.

Herald (Lady Bú Feiyan)     

  • Please check our website to make sure that all of your Awards are reflected. 
  • Still looking for a deputy

Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)

  • Mask & contact tracing has been dropped for now.  Vax checks are still required for GA, however.  Please be flexible as COVID rates may change and procedures may be put back into place.   Please be respectful of others’ choices if they choose to wear a mask or social distance.
  • Deputy KM now has loaner gear and will take over the office around 15 May 2022 with the new heavy reporting cycle.  My warrant is good until July, and I will be available to assist with transitioning if needed.
  • Upcoming practice considerations: This time of year practice is weather permitting; be aware last-minute cancellations may happen.   
    • 4/3/2022 – NO Practice (Coronation)
    • 4/10/2022 – NO Practice (Fool’s War)
    • 4/17/2022 – NO Practice (Easter)
    • 4/24/2022 – NO Practice (Lemonade Days at the Park) or look at an alternate location (Blackburn)? 
    • 5/1/2022 – Practice
    • 5/8/2022 – Depends on interest level (Mother’s Day)
    • 5/15/2022 – Practice
    • 5/22/2022 – Practice
    • 5/29/2022 – NO Practice (Artsty-Crown)

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  • Practices have been sporadic of late, primarily due to event activity (Hooray for the return of in-person events!)
  • My work schedule will make my ability to attend scheduled practices uncertain for the next few months.  Any warranted rapier marshals who are able to help as celebrity guest rapier marshals for our practice, please contact me.  We will need your help.
  • Also, no warrant is required, but it would be much appreciated if someone could coordinate our loaner rapier gear over the next few months as well.
  • The search for a deputy/replacement for my position continues.

Live Weapons (Master Mathias Blackett)

  • The next practice will be held on Sunday, April 24th.
  • Ælfric is having his marshal tournament this weekend at Fool’s War, so we should be up to 4 warranted LW marshals in the barony after that.
  • For those interested, I will be looking for a new MIT once Ælfric is a full-fledged marshal.

Reeve (La Magnifica Justina di Silvestri)

  • We have $9,093.86 in the bank
  • March expenses were the storage space- still looking for a new storage site as the rate will go up in 2 months and thrown weapons supplies.  Arrows, axes, and knives from the Live Weapons budget totaled $191.48. The remaining approved budget for Live Weapons is $108.52
  • Q1 2022 is due at the end of this month. I will be following up with folks on any outstanding business as I am moving all digital records to the kingdom Exchequer Drive.
  • I am looking for a deputy! If you find office management and spreadsheets fun, this is a really satisfying office to hold and an important one to the Barony! If you have any questions please let me know.
  • A reminder, there is a new process for reimbursement. If you have NEW barony purchases to request, please fill out a Purchase Request Form. If you have receipts for already approved purchases (such as budgeted expenses and approved bid event expenses- NO personal purchases may be on a receipt!), please fill out a Check Request Form. I am happy to help with these forms if needed. These forms are very helpful with record keeping and financial transparency.  

Quartermaster (THL Isabetta de San Marco

  • We have stuff still, it hasn’t been touched.
  • I will also start looking at storage units. I will look around Atlanta. If you have any near you, please let me know.

Chatelaine (Lord Ogata Tarō Hiroyuki)

  • The number of chatelaine things happening has ramped up /significantly/.
  • If you all remember Lisa Rogers from Coronation, it was her first event. I was fencing for most of the day, but I caught up with her during the Rose Ball and afterward on the ride home and I’m pleased to report that she enjoyed herself!
  • Yesterday I got confirmation that we have two newcomers attending Fools War this weekend. So everybody I’d like to introduce you to Lola and Johann.
  • Lola and I are getting to the site together on Friday. Johann will be arriving on Friday as well, probably later.
  • My plan is to do some site touring with these two before fencing starts up on Friday, then help get camps set up before Friday Night Fights. If you’re unfamiliar, Friday Night Fights is basically the WWE of combat sports in the SCA.
  • Interestingly, we received an email from another prospective newcomer Devin Roark. They’re very interested in attending some of our upcoming meetings and in-person events. Right now our contact has been limited to an email thread, but I’ve suggested they get set up with a Facebook account to keep up with the Barony and Kingdom pages as well as news on events.
  • Additionally, I’ve got a little update on the Gold Key. Since the last meeting, Nikon has generously laundered and packed up everything he had been storing at his house and moved it to Majda and Justina’s house. This is not Gold Key’s final resting place, just a temporary location while we settle on a date to get it cataloged and stored more appropriately.
  • Nikon was able to get everything laundered and packed up, it’s currently residing at Majda and Justina’s house.
  • I’m heading over there tomorrow to get things for Lola and Johann. Majda and I are also settling on a day to get everything cataloged and photographed.

Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • I am working on setting up demos. 
  • Currently, in the process of making a list of all of the places we would like to have demos. Please feel free to contact me if you have suggestions. 
  • Also, let me know if you’d like to be part of the demo team.

Arts & Sciences (HE Rhiannon verch Madyn)

  • Please enter your A&S activities into our tracker. A link will be posted on Barony’s FB page.

Provost (Daegam Soong Myeong-Su)

  • Class this month will be Old English Pronunciation Basics by Lord Ælfric Hort.
  • I’d like to say thank you to Magnifica Justina di Silvestri for hosting the Theodosia Colloquia last month because it has helped fill our class schedule out to August!
  • We’ve got lots of interesting classes coming up. If you’ve got a class that you want to teach, please let me know! We’ve got a few slots still available and would be happy to have you teach!

Chronicler (Baronessa Aelia Bassina)

  • Still in need of a deputy. If you know anyone who may be interested, please direct them to me.

Social Media Minister (Lady Isabella Parr & Lady Agnes Halydaye

  • Nothing to report. We have social media.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (DEI), (Vidushi Mewadi Margavati Bai & Lily of South Downs)

  • DEI class this month is DEI and the SCA (Applying Corporate DEI to the SCA), taught by Omokehindegbegbon Ayoka of the Opo, called Kehinde

Webminister (Lady Zhelana Vovkivna)

  • Corrected spelling of chatelaine deputy email
  • Added all awards from MCA
  • Changed Isabetta’s title
  • Changed LW officer
  • Linked to updated forms on reeve page

Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)

  • Nothing new to report.

Their Excellencies, (Master Wistric Oftun & Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)

  • We are sorry we can’t join you all tonight.
  • Congratulations to all who were recognized at Gulf Wars and Coronation – this barony and her members continue to shine. Another great achievement was Mariana’s feast at Coronation, which is being praised far and wide. 
  • We’ll see you at Fools War, where we will have the Baronial day shade set up. 
  • Thank you all, as always.

SCA Business

  • Mairghread
    • It has been brought to my attention that I am trying to sabotage Isabetta’s event bid. I would like to set the record straight, I think she is doing an amazing job at autocrating.
  • Ogata
    • If anyone needs Gold Key, please tell me before 2pm tomorrow (04/07/2022). If you don’t, I can’t promise it will be at Fool’s War. 
  • Justina
    • Thank you to everyone that helped with my elevation.

The business meeting was closed @ 2003.

The next business meeting will be held on 04 May 2022, 1930, Zoom Meeting.

March 2022 Baronial Business Meeting

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

02 March 2022, Time: 1930

Notes submitted by Signora Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler.

Master Mathias Blackett called the March meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich, greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Nikoslav read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers Reports

Seneschal, (Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich)

  • Reminder for call for Red Tower Bids
  • Reminder for call for RUM bids
  • No other announcements or updates

Herald (Lady Bú Feiyan)     

  • Nothing to report

Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)

  • CDC dropped mask requirement for fully vaxxed.  However, we will continue with mask mandate at practice until further guidance from Kingdom Seneschal is received.
  • Deputy KM now has loaner gear and will take over the office around July-ish.
  • Upcoming practice considerations:
    • This time of year practice is weather permitting; be aware last-minute cancellations may happen.  Vaccination cards or negative COVID tests, and contact tracing info is still required.  Please be respectful of others and maintain social distance.
      • 03/06/2022 – Practice
      • 03/13/2022 – Practice depends on Marshal coverage (Gulf Wars)
      • 03/20/2022 – Practice depends on Marshal coverage (Gulf Wars)
      • 03/27/2022 – Practice

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  • February saw only a couple of rapier practices with sparse attendance, but there we were.
  • Loaner gear will now be available for Sunday practices, but please try to request it in advance.  Come on out and join us!
  • Tuesday evening practices are still TBD, as work is doing “work” things to my life.
  • Where else were we?  Some of us went to a Rapier and Saber Pedagogy retreat, learning to be better teachers.  Some of us went to Meridian Challenge of Arms, (see the pictures taken by HE Emelina).
  • Where else are we going?  Gulf Wars is coming.
  • From the desk of the Kingdom Rapier Marshal. Also, they are not allowing authorizations at Gulf Wars.

Gulf Wars is coming up very soon. Please check that your authorization card is up to date.  If your card is expired you will need to do a reauthorization. 

If a new card is needed before Gulf Wars, please opt to send your reauthorization paperwork to the email listed on the auth form. This will guarantee there is not a mail delay. 

If you have previously sent in an authorization form and have not received a card. please send a copy of your original paperwork to and

Master Nikoslav

Deputy Earl Marshal – Rapier

Live Weapons (Master Mathias Blackett)

  • Practices have started back up again. 
    • The next practice is set for this Sunday, March 6th so we can get one last practice in before Gulf Wars.
  • Loaner arrows are still en route, but the supplier is located in Ukraine. I will give them until April to update the tracking information before I contact them, international incidents permitting.
  • Royal rounds will commence this Sunday (March 6th), and hopefully, we will be able to have Ælfric run his marshal tourney at either Fool’s War or April’s Baronial practice.

Reeve (La Onesta Signore Justina di Silvestri)

  • Bank statement as the end of Feb 2022: $9,811.86
  • Last month we established our annual budget for the rest of 2022, you can find copies of that in the FB group files as well as the purchase request form if you have new baronial purchase requests, and the check request form if you have a receipt for an approved purchase. If you have any questions or need guidance navigating these forms, I’m always happy to help you out.
  • I want to be fully transparent about where this budgeted money is, so here are our expenses so far: 

  • We got an email from Public storage that the cost is going up from $349/mo to $466/mo.
    • This would be an additional $117/ mo and will cost us an additional $936 for the rest of the year
    • And bumps the cost of storage from $4,188 to $5,592/yr provided it doesn’t go up again. This is an additional $1,404 per year.
    • So we may want to consider our options. I called the storage office and the manager said they only do month to month but she applied the credit to our account for 3 months so the rate won’t increase yet and that gives us a little more time.
  • Lastly, I am looking for a deputy- if you like spreadsheets and organizing office things, this job is a lot of fun! Let me know if you have any questions, or if you are interested.

Quartermaster (THL Isabetta de San Marco

  • We have stuff.
  • Nothing was used at MCA.
  • Nothing new to report.
  • I will start pricing other storage options outside the perimeter. Hopefully, we can find something less expensive than what we are currently paying. 

Chatelaine (Lord Ogata Tarō Hiroyuki)

  •  Chatelaine things are happening.
  • I haven’t been available to see my friends, Viridia and Kayd, for classical saber practice. For lack of that, I’ve kept myself busy in other ways.
  • Nikon just got his floor installed, and we’ll be coordinating soon to get Gold Key cataloged so we know what we have and what state it’s in.
  • Also, as something Gold Key adjacent…
    • I’ve been putting some work into an idea that Margavati floated a while back, in which we develop guides for super simple extra-European garb.
    • The crux of the project is to “Make a really easy to follow set of guides for newcomers (and anybody, really) on how to make accessible garb, and give people options for cultures and time periods beyond a basic t-tunic”.
    • Credit goes to Margavati for that specific description.
    • Sometime tomorrow I’ll be releasing a guide on “Rolling Your Own Fabric Bolts for Rectangular Construction.” I chose to start there because having a bolt full of narrow lengths of fabric was a great way for me to expedite Japanese garb.

Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • Nothing to report.

Arts & Sciences (HE Rhiannon verch Madyn)

  • Our 1st quarter report went in. Let’s keep our tracking sheet going! As you enter your info in our A&S sheet please make sure you are entering your work on the Q2 tab.
  • 100 Days of Art/Sci challenge is up and running. Please drop in and add your voice to the challenge. Call out challenges to other folks to get them involved.
  • Gulf Wars! Lots of classes! I’d really like to encourage those who are attending to take a class or two and to consider taking one outside your normal interests. Be brave and try something new!
  • It’s not too soon to plan your entry for the Kingdom Arts & Sciences competition this May. For those who entered previously and received feedback from the judges please consider following the advice and re-enter your piece a final time. Judges love to see when their advice has been followed and it has improved an entry.

Provost (Daegam Soong Myeong-Su)

  • Class for this month will be a Theodosia Colloquia helped by La Onestra Signora Justina di Silvestri, which is a roundtable presentation where people do a short talk on a topic that they’re interested in or just learned about! It’s a very fun show-and-tell format that is sure to have some fun topics.
  • Classes are open for the rest of the year, so if you have a class that you’d like to teach for the Barony, please reach out to me or Lord Ælfric and we’ll get you on the schedule.
  • For the rest of the year, we need classes! If you’re interested, please let me know.

Chronicler (Signora Aelia Bassina)

  • I have had an inquiry as to being the Deputy Chronicler. However, I need to wait for approval from the Kingdom Schenishal and Kingdom Chronicler.
  • Nothing else to report.

Social Media Minister (Lady Isabella Parr & Lady Agnes Halydaye

  • We have social media accounts! 
  • We’ve had a slight uptick in spam posts so deleted those hopefully no one even noticed
  • Also went thru our member list in our group and deleted any obvious spam accounts. Even with the cull the FB Group still managed to grow by 2 this month. Insta grew by 6 and Twitter stayed the same. 
  • Worked with Owl’s Nest this month- they’re having a social for newcomers /fighters practice this weekend. Gonna share it on our socials tonight or tomorrow because it’s super close to us and if you know any newbies that are too shy for the event, this is a great way to dip their toes in!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (DEI), (Vidushi Mewadi Margavati Bai & Lily of South Downs)

  • Mental health check-in for DEI this month!

Webminister (Lady Zhelana Vovkivna)

  • Updated A&S Minister
  • All awards from MWAS
  • All awards from MCA
  • Corrected spelling of chatelaine deputy email
  • I am looking for a deputy!

Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)

  • Nothing new to report.

Their Excellencies, (Master Wistric Oftun & Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)

  • We want to thank everyone who made it to Midwinter, everyone who made it happen, and everyone who took classes. Also, thank you all for behaving!
  • We have a lot of officers who need deputies. Please take this opportunity to step up. The officer positions are designed to be doable. 
  • In general, continue to be awesome!

SCA Business

  • Margavati – if you are a young person and are looking for experience in both the SCA and real life, the Seneschal is a great place to start. 
  • Iazzie – with the recent change with the CDC and the drop in numbers, is there a plan to go back to an in-person meeting?
    • Nikoslav – from the last meeting, we are going to be looking at the previous place we were using and looking at other options. We were thinking of maybe being able to meet in person again in June/July (Summer). There are a number of places that have their own rules in regards to gathering. We also need to look at the cost of the location. This could be complicated with the increase in the cost of the storage area.
  • Kal – I just want to promote the Meridian Social at Gulf War. We may or may not have light-up Viking hats. 
  • Agnes – Is there a chance that in-person won’t resume?
    • Nikoslav – there may be options for zoom to continue for things like classes. It may be cheaper.
    • Wistric – My take on it is we will have an option for virtual even for the in-person meetings.

The business meeting was closed @ 2010.

The next business meeting will be held on 06 April 2022, 1930, Zoom Meeting.


South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

02 February 2022, Time: 1930

Notes submitted by Signora Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler.

Lady Agnes Halydaye called the February meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich, greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Nikoslav read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers Reports

Seneschal, (Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich)

  • Applications for Baronial Seneschal still open
  • WIll be making a post to announce taking bids for Red Tower on Sep 18th.
  • Will be making a post to announce taking bids for Royal University of Meridies as KLE bid for the year. 
  • Process of looking for an in person location for meetings is beginning. Aiming for potential physical meetings to begin in the summer

Herald (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • Please send word any heraldry-related research or projects you may be working on. Our quarterly report is due soon.
  • Still in need of a deputy

Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)

  • Regional practice this Sunday at the covered pavilion in Carrollton. Requesting $300 for an annual marshal budget to cover the cost to reserve for Sunday following MWAS going forward.
  • Inventory & hand-off of heavy loaner gear to Deputy KM to take place later this month.
  • Upcoming practice considerations:
    • This time of year practice is weather permitting; be aware last-minute cancellations may happen.  Vaccination cards or negative COVID tests, and contact tracing info is still required.  Masks are again required unless actively eating, drinking, or fighting.  Please be respectful of others and maintain social distance.
  • 2/6/2022 – Regional Practice tentatively at pavilion in Carrollton (back up is Liane Levetan)
  • 2/13/2022 – Practice
  • 2/20/2022 – Practice depends on Marshal coverage (Panhandle weekend)
  • 2/27/2022 – Practice depends on Marshal coverage (MCA weekend)
  • 3/6/2022 – Practice
  • 3/13/2022 – Practice depends on Marshal coverage (Gulf Wars)
  • 3/20/2022 – Practice depends on Marshal coverage (Gulf Wars)
  • 3/27/2022 – Practice

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  • There were some practices before and after the 2-week hiatus.  Sparsely attended, but there we were.
  • Please note the updates from Kingdom about COVID policy.  
    • Masks are no longer required for outdoor events (including practices).  
    • In Georgia, we CAN and DO require proof of full vaccination or proof of negative Covid test for EVERY event. We also CAN and DO require masks indoors in accordance with Kingdom policy.
  • Just to get this in the minutes…. I could really use a deputy, who would actually take over the office at some point.  Interested in becoming a rapier marshal, and/or signing on as my deputy/replacement, please contact me or M. Nikoslav.
  • Thanks to Ld. Marco from Arenal who has agreed to be our Celebrity Guest Rapier Marshal for the regional practice, as I will be unavailable (family obligations).
  • I will also be unavailable on 2/20.  If there is a warranted rapier marshal available for that day, I’d be obliged.
  • All rapier and rapier-adjacent folks are encouraged to attend the greatest rapier event in the Knowne World, Meridian Challenge of Arms, on the weekend of 2/25-27.  Early sign up for the tournaments was posted a few minutes ago.
  • Februrary 27, I’ll be returning from MCA, so I probably won’t be available to operate that Sunday’s practice.

Live Weapons (Master Mathias Blackett)

  • Master Mathias Blackett (mka Ben Coffee) is taking over as Live Weapons marshal.
  • Lord Conner O’Dell (mka Shawn Mullen) remains in the deputy position.
  • Archery practices will start back this month at a new location in Austell, Feb 13th. The location belongs to the sister of Roìs O’Shannon (mka Tierza Coffee). The address will be sent to those interested.
  • I intend to include Thrown Weapons (axes, knives, and spears) at these new practices and will need to purchase some loaner gear.
  • Masks are no longer required while archers are on the line.

Reeve (La Onesta Signore Justina di Silvestri)

  • Q4 2021 Doomsday report was completed
  • Bank statement as of Dec 2021: $11,248.52
    • Minus pending checks: $10, 928.52
  • The Financial Committee met 1/31/22 to discuss the Annual Budget. Also discussed are the in-process financial policy update/reformat and baronial inventory. This is something we will do annually moving forward, per kingdom financial policy.
  • In Q4 2022, we will meet again to discuss the 2023 budget and have another approval vote by the barony at the December 2022 business meeting.
    • Projected Storage $349/mo x 12= $4188/yr
    • Meeting space: If we were to have ½ year of in-person meetings later this year, at our previous meeting rate,  $50/meeting at previous meeting space x 25 weeks= $1250 (half-year). This is added as something to consider and have a dedicated fund just in case.
    • Knight Martial:$300 – this was already approved via vote last month for the regional practice pavilion 
    • Rapier Martial-  $100, projected while the budget for repairs is estimated. 
    • Live Weapons Martial- $300 Estimated, notes: Thrown Weapons loaner gear. Axes: $25 for 3 at Harbor Freight; Knives: $40  plus tax, S&H (~$12) from Cold Steel for 3 Mini Flight Sport throwing knives; Spears: $60 for 3; New loaner arrows: $110 for 3 dozen arrows, plus shipping and handling.
      • Note this does not include event expenses for targets, so when it comes time to bid for CW and RT, we need to keep in mind the cost of target essentials. Wood for 2 new target stands (For RT & CW): $64 each. Conner has a target we can use for practice until it needs replacing. Caution tape: $10 Orange marking spray: $15- in event bid estimate $200~ supplies
    • Exchequer- requesting a one-time supplies/budget request of $350 for 2022 (will not be a recurrent budget) NEED: $Check refill. The cost is $112.35 for 252. This should include delivery. 
      • New Checkbook Binder:  $25+;  7 x 3-Ring binders to keep physical receipts and misc paperwork per year. 2” heavy-duty est $8/ea $60;  Sheet Protectors $10;  Stamps $25.  
    • So to look at the numbers, we would have  $6,488 dedicated funds out of $10, 928.52, leaving $4,440.52 in the “general” fund.
  • Projected Income:
    • Midwinter- $150, note this went virtual so we will have no expenses, I received a check for the sca-rs reservations placed and I need to write refund checks to those who requested refunds, so this number TBD until I do the report this weekend.  
    • Red Tower 2500 & Castle 4000, are low estimations for event profits.
  • Starting this year, I’m keeping records of Checks and Purchase requests via forms, so if you have any fund requisitions, keep an eye out for the new forms available soon or reach out to me.  
  • And as your monthly reminder…No personal purchases on any baronial purchase receipts!

    BaronyPurchaseRequestform12-9-21 Barony Check Request_1-6-22 SD2022AnnualBudget_02-02-2022-1-1

Quartermaster (THL Isabetta de San Marco

  • We have stuff.

Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz)

  • Lord Nikon officially passed the Chatelaine to Lord Ogata. 

Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • On hold due to my health. Hopefully, we will be able to have one in spring.

Arts & Sciences (HE Rhiannon verch Madyn)

  • I want to encourage everyone to list their current A&S activities on the Baronial spreadsheet. The report is due later this month and I would love to have South Downs shine. Activities would include prepping for a class you’re teaching at Midwinter. If there’s an issue accessing the spreadsheet let me know.
  • The 100 days challenge will be up and running in the next week or so. Life got ahead of Alisandre and myself but I’m putting it all together now.

Provost (Daegam Soong Myeong-Su)

  • The class this month will be Organizing and Using Your Research with THNoble Rebecca Whieldon Pyke via Zoom. Many thanks to them for offering to teach this month!  They will be teaching this as well as their Starting with Research class at Midwinter this weekend as well.
  • Speaking of Midwinter, we’ve got a full schedule of classes planned, so come out and learn something new this weekend! Many thanks to those who are volunteering their time for our event!
  • Still looking for classes for the monthly Baronial class nights, so please reach out to me if you’d be interested! No class scheduled for March yet but it could be your class!
  • Lastly, I’m pleased to announce that Lord Ælfric Hort is now Deputy Provost! Please give him all the wonderful South Downs support you’ve given me! He’ll be on track to take over the position around the next Midwinter.

Chronicler (Signora Aelia Bassina)

  • Still looking for a deputy!

Social Media Minister (Lady Isabella Parr & Lady Agnes Halydaye

  • Nothing to report for Social media. We’re having midwinter virtually- links to the zoom will be posted in the midwinter event.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (DEI), (Vidushi Mewadi Margavati Bai & Lily of South Downs)

  • We had a really great conversation last month about what we are going to do for DEI moving forward. Lily and I, but she has mentioned that she would like to try again for the Extra European class. We are going to do that class in February.
  • I figured out how to add auto-generated subtitles to premiere pro! Please reach out to me and I can help you with adding subtitles to videos.
  • As always, if you have any questions or need advice about anything, please let us know.

Webminister (Lady Zhelana Vovkivna)

  • Nothing to report

Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)

  • Nothing to report.

Their Excellencies, (Master Wistric Oftun & Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)

  • We are looking forward to the event and classes, along with court. If you were summoned, please attend if at all possible.

SCA Business

  • Ximon
    • Midwinter is on track. We have classes and regional practice.
    • I want to give a big thank you to Ceong Myeong Su, she is a champ and super organized. 
    • I want to thank everyone that wanted to be a teacher.
    • Thank you to Mathias for the bard competition.
    • Mairghgread: Are you needing Zoom mods?
      • Yes!
    • We do need more zoom mods for open socials.
    • Margavati will be running a salon
    • Court is scheduled to start at 6pm, or at their whim. 
    • Homecoming will happen after court.
  • Ogata
    • I just wanted to check in with the new people to make sure they are having a good time!

The business meeting was closed @ 2023.

The next business meeting will be held on 02 March 2022, 1930, Zoom Meeting.