4 December 2024, Time: 7:31 PM EST
Notes submitted by Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong, South Downs Chronicler.
Magister Lorenzo called the December meeting to order. The Seneschal Lady Raven Helmsplitter, started recording the meeting and greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Lady Raven read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.
Officers’ Reports
Seneschal, (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
- Schedule for this month:
- 12/4 – Business Meeting (Zoom)
- No other meetings in person this month because of the holidays
- 12/4 – Business Meeting (Zoom)
- Events for 2025
- Midwinter A&S
- Red Tower
- Castle Wars
- Looking to use Bert Adams more often an event site in the future
- Potential RUM bid
Herald (Magister Lorenzo Petrucci)
- Working on getting the baronial awards registered
- If you see someone who you think needs an award, write them in!
- Thanks to Sumarlidi for heralding in court at Castle Wars!
Knight Marshal (Baroness Maighread Wilson)
- Potential Deputies: (no objections by Barony & will work on getting them Warranted)
- Ajax (Eirikr’s squire sibling) – does not have a vehicle and cannot store loaner gear
- Kicked back by DEMHC for lack of recent fighting experience. Will follow up with DEMHC on developing a Marshal Training Program for Heavy Combat.
- Update: Did Marshal training with Ajax at Red Tower (inspections, how to run an authorization, how to marshal the field, etc). Will continue to work with them on getting Warranted.
- Castle Wars: Trained two new HC Marshals, Craig MacDuff & Stuart Rymer
- Event report in progress – due today
- Changes will be coming to reporting structure per SEM/KEM in January 2025
- Upcoming practice considerations:
- 12/8/2024 – Practice w/Duke Bryce as stunt marshal
- 12/15/2024 – Practice as weather permits
- 12/22/2024 – Practice as weather permits
- 12/29/2024 – Practice as weather permits
Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)
- Practices have been happening. As always, thank you to our crew of Stunt Marshals, keeping practices going while I’m gallavanting around the country doing Mundane work stuff.
- Just to put this in the minutes; it has very little relevance to anyone who isn’t a marshal. Quick admin note: A new Meridies Marshal’s Rulebook (starting 1 December 2024) went into effect on 12/1. Whether anyone realized it or not, this book includes material that applies to ALL marshals, including rapier. So, my droogies, get a look at it. Among other things, there are changes to the authorization procedures, and some new reporting guidelines. Some things are now easier, some slightly stupider. Wait a couple of months, and those reporting guidelines will change again (so the KEM tells me). Hooray bureaucracy!
- Castle Wars included meleé games which helped the Captain-General of the Meridian Rapier Army choose her regional commanders. If I’m not mistaken, Captain Ogata Mitsuko was chosen as commander for the Middle Watch? Yes?
- Friday evening tournament at Castle Wars was dubbed “South Downs Sunday Rapier Practice Roadshow,” and was won by Ld. Valdemar Varg. The 3-way tie for second place was a fun twist, requiring more fights, and eventually a 3-way meleé. Many thanks to Mistress Wuennomon for keeping track of the lists.
Live Weapons (Master Mathias Blackett)
- Live Weapons practice had 8 people at practice last month
- Working with Mistress Peryn to figure out Dec. practice date
- Suggested Sat.Dec. 28th, waiting to hear back confirmation.
- Castle Wars had 41 people signed in on the range for both archery and thrown weapons
- Shoutout to Nathri and Katya from Bryn Madoc for their help with setup on the throwing weapons range
- Their Majesties held their weapons champion tourneys at Castle Wars
- 9 People registered royal rounds at CW
- Looking for a deputy, especially for helping running the range at events since newcomers do love coming to check out the range. Need help inspections, signing in people, calling the range, recording royal rounds, etc.
Exchequer (La Magnifica Justina di Silvestri)
- $13261.38 in the bank
- Storage cost has increased this month
- Annual Budget
- Pre-approvals for expected expenses for the upcoming year, these are not event expenses, but expenses related to the offices
- PDF is available for anyone who wants to review it, please contact Justina or Salim if you have any questions or want a copy of the budget
- If you are an officer and you have requests for budget updates for next year, please contact her or Salim
- Will need to buy some new archery butts, but will not need to add to the annual budget
- Motion to vote to approve budget for 2025
- Vote passed, budget approved for 2025
- This is the last business meeting for Justina as the Exchequer, Salim will be taking over after Justina.
Fundraising Deputy (THL Majda Anwar)
- Nothing reported
Quartermaster (Lady Genovefa and THL Samurra)
- Was not present for things getting checked back into the storage unit after CW
- Baronial pavilion is not back in because it was still damp, but it is accounted for
- Planning on doing an updated inventory and clean up in the next few weeks
- Need to connect with someone who has a key since we only have one and we need two since we have two quartermasters
Chatelaine (Baron Mark de Wytteney)
- Nothing reported
Demo Deputy (VACANT)
- Position is still open, if you are interested, please contact Lady Raven.
Arts & Sciences (Lady Maryam al-Jawhariyya)
- Not much to report for this month
Provost (Lord Ælfric Hort)
- I do not have much to report for this month. No Class Night for November or December due to Holiday scheduling. There were a bunch of great classes at Castle Wars, but I will let Sumarliði cover those in more detail.
- We need volunteers to teach classes for January and February class nights. We should know relatively soon whether those will be in person or online. Also I will be putting out the call for teachers for Midwinter A&S as soon as I have touched base with the Event Stewards and gotten a plan for that put together – be on the look out.
- CW – Sumarliði
- 5 classes at Castle Wars
- People enjoyed the classes
- Paperwork should have been provided to RUM chancellor to put into the RUM database, shout out to Dorian for helping wrangle the paperwork
- Sumarliði will be taking over as Provost in Feb. after Midwinter
- 5 classes at Castle Wars
Chronicler (Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong)
- Looking for a deputy!
- Will get yearly report in to Kingdom soon.
- Always looking to interview the populace for each issue, so please fill out this form to get included! Eventually I’d like to collect these into one PDF so we have a good collection of information about our members: https://forms.gle/MNxww3KUQJo2VsEG9
- Please submit photos, art, articles, shout-outs, or anything that you’ve found interesting and want to share! I’ll always be collecting stuff for the newsletters going forward. You can submit either through this form: https://forms.gle/8SyEF9D7c8rMCnZP6 or email me at chron.southdowns@meridies.org.
Social Media Minister (Baroness Emelina le Norreys)
- Nothing to report.
- Will need to meet up with THL Agnes to complete the office change
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Officer (DEIB), (Lady Lily of South Downs)
- Disappointed that I missed Castle Wars this year!
- Not much to report for this month, no meetings for Nov/Dec due to holidays and Castle Wars
- Will be picking up again in Jan.
Webminister (Acharya Mewadi Margavati Bai)
- Working on website update/refresh
- When you put in a bid, please give me the information before you start the flyer so the information can go up on the website.
- Think about what information a newcomer would need to know on the website so we can better inform people about our events. (ie, what kind of foods will be there, general things they might need, etc)
- Have access to event email groups that we can use to get information out
- Please send info or any changes that you need on the website to web.southdowns@meridies.org.
Minister of Children (VACANT)
- Position is still open, if you are interested, please contact Lady Raven.
Their Excellencies, (Maestro Ximon Cordoba de Martillo & HE Rhiannon verch Madyn)
- Baron Ximon
- Thank you to all that helped with Castle Wars, giant shout out to Genovefa!
- Baroness Rhiannon
- Thank you to everyone who helped out for Castle Wars, only thing that came up was to put out more information about the pods at Bert Adams if we use this site again
SCA Business
- Castle Wars Post-mortem
- Salim
- Took notes on what to do differently, things that well and what didn’t
- Working with autocrat for Fools War to help them run the event better in the future
- Things to work on:
- Communication via FB or websites to make sure that information gets put out there
- Merchants, department heads, just getting general info out there
- Troll location was good this year, just maybe more space
- Portapotties would be good for this site
- Pods were a success, but hopefully we will be able to get more information out about the pods for people for future events
- Making sure we have a designated set-up and break down crew to make sure things get run smoothly
- Communication via FB or websites to make sure that information gets put out there
- Going to write a standard operating procedure for Castle Wars and using that site in order to make things smoother in the future.
- Raven will be the liaison for that site going forward, so please make sure that you contact her if you want to use that site.
- Please send Salim receipts in order to get reimbursed for any event expenses
- Sumarliði
- Should make sure that we tell people that the cots in the pods will need extra padding for comfort
- Salim
- Brendan
- Encourage people to get your whole group together to discuss where to put activities since the site is sprawling
- Justina
- Should onesie party becoming official party at Castle Wars that we hold every year, volunteering to host it for 2025
- Midwinter A&S – Feb. 1st 2025
- Master Mathias – autocrat presenting a bid
- Proposed theme – Performing Arts focused
- Hoping for lots of opportunities for people to entertain and be entertained
- Hoping that the event will be focused on this particular theme
- Site – McDonough – Church
- Event is not free, we should make sure that it’s clean before Sunday service
- Site has kitchen so we could do fundraiser lunch or food at this site
- Site does have elevator access
- Motion made to vote to approve proposed budget
- Vote passes, bid is approved
- Information will be passed along to Margavati to get information made for the flyer in order to get the information on the website.
- Will send the flyer to the Kingdom calendar deputy as well
- Proposed theme – Performing Arts focused
- Master Mathias – autocrat presenting a bid
- Red Tower Quiet Space post-mortem
- Thanks to everyone who helped keep the space quiet and heat-safe!
- Thanks for Justina and Brendan for their help
- Would like to set better expectations for events going forward about popups/ saving space or room for it
- Will make signage for the space going forward to make sure that people know that the space and bottles of water/etc are available for people to use and take as needed.
- If you are interested in helping with DEIB classes or resources, please don’t hesitate to contact Lady Lily to contribute or help out!
- Thanks to everyone who helped keep the space quiet and heat-safe!
- Justina will seek clarification on teacher gift expenses for event bid budgets going forward
Non-SCA Business
- None reported
The business meeting was closed @ 9:54 PM EST
The next business meeting will be held on January 8th, 2025, 7:00 PM EST via Zoom Meeting.