Category Archives: Events


South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

05 January 2022, Time: 1930

Notes submitted by Signora Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler.

Lady Mairghread Wilson called the January meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich, greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Nikoslav read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers Reports

Seneschal, (Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich)

  • Posted call for Dep Sen Applications
  • Midwinter changed to digital, Autocrats in planning for how will go
    • Marshals will go over Sunday practice after Midwinter
    • Ximon brought up the potential of Baronial paid Zoom account.
  • Pro Zoom paid account is $149.90 /year/license. Up to 9 licenses
    • A single license would likely need to be attached to Sen Gmail for handover.
    • Before having a financial committee or barony vote on spending anything need to check with KSen about the procedure for Barony owning software.  Have contacted KSen and Kingdom Webmin.

Herald (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • Still in need of a deputy.

Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)

  • Positive COVID case at the last Regional practice.  The upcoming Regional practice proposed location is at the covered pavilion in Carrollton.  Requesting $300 for a marshal budget to cover the cost to reserve for Sunday following MWAS.
  • Upcoming practice considerations:
    • This time of year practice is weather permitting; be aware last-minute cancellations may happen.  Vaccination cards or negative COVID tests, and contact tracing info is still required.  Masks outdoors are no longer required, but please be respectful of others and maintain social distance.
  • 1/9/2022 – Practice
  • 1/16/2022 – Practice depends on Marshal coverage (Panhandle weekend)
  • 1/23/2022 – Practice
  • 1/30/2022 – Practice
  • 2/6/2022 – Regional Practice tentatively at the pavilion in Carrollton (back up is Liane Levetan)
  • 2/13/2022 – Practice
  • 2/20/2022 – Practice
  • 2/27/2022 – Practice depends on Marshal coverage (MCA weekend)
  • 3/6/2022 – Practice
  • 3/13/2022 – Practice depends on Marshal coverage (Gulf Wars)
  • 3/20/2022 – Practice depends on Marshal coverage (Gulf Wars)
  • 3/27/2022 – Practice

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  • The Barony held two practices in December.  Attendance was low, but there we were.
  • Thanks to TRMs and Mistress Sibella, a regional practice was held on 12/18 at the Oak Mountain Pavilion in Carrollton.  The practice was a success, and the venue has a great deal of potential.
  • Please note the updates from Kingdom about COVID policy.  
    • Masks are no longer required for outdoor events (including practices).  
    • In Georgia, we CAN and DO require proof of full vaccination or proof of negative Covid test for EVERY event. We also CAN and DO require masks indoors in accordance with Kingdom policy.
  • Post-MWAS Regional Practice
    • Admittedly, my survey didn’t get out as early as I had planned, so small sample size.  As of this meeting, one day’s responses indicated that >90% of those responding would attend a regional fighter practice if we held it in the retaining pond behind the Baronial storage unit.  Of the positive responses, only one suggested that they would not leave a donation to defray costs.
  • For reference, we’ve been discussing possible venues:
    • Oak Mountain Pavilion, Carrollton, GA (where the 12/18 regional practice was held).  $300 flat rate for the day.
    • Liane Levetan Park at Brook Run, Dunwoody, GA (where our regular weekly practices are held).
    • If we use the fields we normally use, there is no charge, but no control over things like parking, and rain would make it difficult
    • The covered pavilion and amphitheater must be rented together, driving up the cost ($500 for up to 4 hours, $1000 for >4 hours).
    • Raven and I looked at some City of Dunwoody Parks.  Park at Pernoshal Court is a pretty good-looking site, $300/day
  • I am looking for a deputy!

Live Weapons (Mistress Mara Palmer)

  • Looking at getting practice up and running soon-ish. Mathias is running point on that if you have questions. 
  • He’s looking at changing locations bc our hosts can’t currently vaccinate and we don’t want them to feel unwelcome at practice on their own property; also them not being vaccinated means a place to go to the restroom isn’t easy to access; new location would still be in that general area though since Owl’s Nest uses us as a practice a lot and east side seems superfluous with the Madoc & Sol Haven practices already on the east & northeast sides of town.
  • We’ll need more loaner arrows eventually. They’re getting kinda sparse, but still manageable for now.
  • Looking at handing over LW to Mathias; Conner wants to stay deputy; QCC? (Also I’ll make a note to tell people that if they aren’t comfortable talking to me about this since Mathias is my husband, they can talk to Nik & Sunneva/Wistric).

Reeve (La Onesta Signore Justina di Silvestri)

  • Bank statement as of December 2021: $11,248.52
  • Our final CW numbers, for the records: 
    • Event Income: $7,728.00
    • Event Expenses: $4,395.79
    • Net Profit: $3,332.21
  • Would like to start the new year with a (not so new) baronial requisition/ reimbursement check process. This is very common in baronies and it will really help with record-keeping and getting your reimbursements to you sooner.
    • What this means is there will be 2 forms that as soon as I tweak the format a little will get those to our Webminister Zhelana so they can be uploaded to the website for easy download: requisition request and a check reimbursement request.
    • A Requisition request is the first step and will cover the description and budget of the baronial funding you need for whatever baronial supplies. This will be reviewed by the Financial Committee, and as always, if over $50.00 will go to the barony for a vote.
      • This will be the exchequers record for when you are ready to submit your receipts through step 2,  the reimbursement check request.
    • These are easy forms and will help record keeping and give me contact info and a trail to reference since it can be months between a vote and a receipt. If you have any questions about it please feel free to reach out and I’m always happy to help guide you through it. 
  • And I’ll say again- Please please please NEVER have personal purchases on a baronial purchase receipt. We cannot refund comingled purchases. 
  • The financial committee is going to meet later this month to go over a yearly budget and inventory review- will keep y’all updated on that next business meeting.
  • This brings us to  2 expenses that are CW/budget overages that the barony needs to vote on:
    • Field supplies purchased for martial activities overage totaling $177.47
    • Field Supplies purchased total: $327.47
    • The allocation for the martial budget in the bid, minus live weapons was $150 so it’s 177.47 to approve.
  • The supplies included in this were The bird netting and 1×2 strips were to make the field safe for combat archery. Rapier Martial Captain Brendan de Hay is the contact on those purchases and can give more details if needed
  • The second is for the overage of $66.71 for archery supplies. The allocation previously voted on was $200, so this will cover the remainder of the cost of those. Mistress Mara Palmer is the contact on these purchases and can give more details if needed.
  • I am also looking for a deputy.

Quartermaster (THL Isabetta de San Marco

  • We have stuff/
  • The three pavilions that were donated have been added to storage and the inventory.

Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz)

  • Sefa reached out to me in November. I’ve been putting her in contact with people with similar interests. 
  • In addition to Sefa being put in touch with people who have common interests, I’ve been meeting up recently with a couple whom I’ve known for a few years.
  • Their names are Viridia and Kayd and they’re really interested in fencing! We’ve been getting together to practice footwork and technique with sport sabers so far.
  • Also, they’ve shown some interest in historic Italian garb, so I pointed them towards Lorenzo’s blog.
  • I’m passing the torch to Ogata next month.

Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • I am looking at several possibilities for demos. Will happily take any suggestions.
  • Challenge issued to all Laurels in the Barony. Make a small something to showcase your persona, passion, or you whatever. I’d like to be able to fill our display tables with things we’ve made. 5 x 8 in or smaller preferred.

Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle & HE Rhiannon verch Madyn)

  • We’ll be starting “100 days of A&S” challenge in the next couple of days.  Watch the Baronial Page for the event to go up soon! We want to see what everyone is doing.  It doesn’t have to be fancy and heavily documented. Every day A&S courts!

Provost (Daegam Soong Myeong-Su)

  • Happy New Year! 
  • Looking for classes for the new year to fill out the monthly class schedule. All months are open except November and December for the holidays. Classes will continue to be virtual until further notice. This is a great way to test drive a class to a smaller audience! Contact Seong Myeong Su/Tami King if you’re interested. 
  • Also looking for classes for the upcoming Midwinter on Feb. 5th. The event is now virtual, so classes will be done on Zoom. A link should be posted to the sign-up form on the FB group but you can contact me directly if you’d like! As always, thanks for teaching!
  • Currently still looking for a deputy if you’re interested in organizing classes for the barony and our events.
  • I am looking for a deputy!

Chronicler (Signora Aelia Bassina)

  • Still looking for a deputy!

Social Media Minister (Lady Isabella Parr & Lady Agnes Halydaye

  • Nothing to report at this time.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (DEI), (Vidushi Mewadi Margavati Bai & Lily of South Downs)

  • This year we have some new stuff we can do.
  • I’ve talked to the Kingdom DEI officer and he’s very excited about what we’ve been doing
  • That being said, I’ve only had 6 people take the survey on DEI. Please take the survey. It’s been posted on the Baronial Facebook page.

Webminister (Lady Zhelana Vovkivna)

  • Updated Midwinter to virtual
  • Changed copyright to 2022

Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)

  • I spoke with the Kingdom MoC about virtual kid’s activities, and she says, “There is a prohibition against doing anything virtual with youth. It comes from the BOD & Society Seneschal.” In light of that (and unless there are any objections), I’ll plan on not doing any children’s activities at Midwinter.

Their Excellencies, (Master Wistric Oftun & Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)

  • Message us award recommendations, please.
  • Even though we won’t be in person, we would like to acknowledge people. The royals will be holding court so it will be in front of the kingdom.
  • I think more people in the Barony have caught COVID than during the entire pandemic. Please keep yourselves safe. We want to be able to see you in person.

SCA Business

  • Piers
    • I have spoken with Owls Nest and they may be interested in joining us for Artsy Crown.
  • MidWinter
    • Zimon
      • As everyone knows, we are going virtual for MidWinter.
      • It looks like we can get the pavilion for region practice.
        • We spoke about the pros and cons of where to have it a couple of days ago.
      • We could really use some moderators for some of our classes. It’s really easy. We are planning on having a training session for it to help take any scariness away from it.
      • We are going to have several competitions. We aren’t sure when these will be doing on. More will be posted as I know it.
        • Poet Lariet
        • Bardic Champion
      • We still need people to teach classes virtually.
      • We will have a virtual Kingdom A&S competition.
    • Justina
      • If you’ve already paid for MidWinter, please follow the reimbursement procedures for your refund.
    • Wistric
      • Any classes that need to be in person, there has been talk about having at the regional practice.

The business meeting was closed @ 2033.

The next business meeting will be held on 02 February 2022, 1930, Zoom Meeting.

July 2021 Baronial Business Meeting

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

07 July 2021, Time: 1932

Notes submitted by Signora Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler.

Lady Bú Feiyan called the May meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich , greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Nikoslav read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers Reports

Seneschal, (Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich)

  • Red Tower
    • Pre-reg only. However, things are changing each week so we may have pay at the door.
    • Bid passed

Herald (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • The 2021 Virtual Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium coming up July 9-11, 2021

Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)

  • Official Heavy Fighting Practice will reopen 18 July from 12-3 pm at Liane Levetan Park
  • Reopening guidelines for Phase 1:
    • All Kingdom Guidelines will be adhered to include masks worn for non-vaccinated folks
    • Heavy & Rapier are able to practice on the same day/time, but at opposite ends of the greenspace to limit exposure and count our numbers separately toward the 20 allowable.
    • Heavy will be using a pre-registration sign up through Sign Up Genius to help facilitate the limited attendance (to be sent out after the meeting).  
      • Both fighters and spectators need to sign up in advance.  
      • Pre-reg collects info needed for Kingdom Rosters (mundane name, contact info, blue card info/waiver on site) which have to be submitted w/in 7 days of activity
      • “Walk-ins” will be allowed until capacity is reached.   
        • Walk-ins must fill out their info on a paper roster.  
        • If not signed up in advance you run the risk of being asked to leave.  
    • You must have all your own kit.  Loaner gear will not be available for heavy fighting until a later Phase of reopening.
    • We plan to conduct armor/weapon inspections at fighter practices for a several weeks to make sure everyone’s kits are in order 
    • You will be responsible for your own hydration

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  • Per postings on the various relevant Facebook groups:  With our entry to Phase 1 of re-opening, I plan to start rapier practices this coming Sunday, 7/11, at noon, at Liane Levetan/Brook Run Park I Dunwoody.
  • Per current regulations, policies, and very prudent precautions, we are limited to 20 participants, and we must keep an attendance roster in case there is a need for contact tracing. Therefore, pre-registration is required.  Sign up is via a Google form, link is in my previous fb posts.
  • Feel free to contact me with questions, fb Messenger or email (
  • Royal University of Meridies is coming up, 7/16-18.  Please join us online.  If my day is shaping up as expected, I’m in a RUM organizational meeting as this report is being delivered, and I promise to post anything relevant as soon as I can.

Live Weapons (Mistress Mara Palmer)

  • Unlike rapier and heavy, live weapons is combined with Owl’s Nest.
  • Per HM, Live Weapons can’t resume until Phase 2.
    • It’s a moot point until we have new target stands. 
    • 3 target stands will be about $100

Reeve (La Onesta Signore Justina di Silvestri)

  • Quarterly bill for storage unit is paid.

Quartermaster (Master Ximon Martillo de Cordoba

  • I have decided to delay inventory until early August and will contact people that I feel need to be at that inventory

Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz & Cellach ingen Oengusa)

  • Prince Wulfstan is looking to make recruiting videos (starting with twenty-somethings, I think) if anyone wants to get involved
  • Spoke about recruitment with Wistric last week.

Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • I have not heard back from any of my contacts.
  • If anyone has any ideas where we can do demos, please send them to me.
    • Especially in a place with a minority presence.

Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)

  • There will be a sew-a-long for a rectangular tunic/shift using the seamstrue custom pattern generator starting in a week or two details will be on the FB group as they unfold
  • I’d also like to plan a FineFabrics field trip for this weekend.  What are the parameters we need to follow? Max 20, must have a roster of who was there but we don’t have to pre reg?

Provost (Daegam Soong Myeong-Su)

  • Class this month will be Constructive Criticism and A&S Feedback with Acharya Mewadi Margavati Bai. 
  • I’m always looking for alternative classes for the barony, so please feel free to reach out to me if you have a class or workshop that you’d like to teach and we can schedule something. Doesn’t have to always be on class nights if anyone wants to host a workshop on the weekend or a longer class.

Chronicler (Signora Aelia Bassina)

  • I will be working on the next Newsletter and should have it out soon.
  • Still looking for a deputy. Please let me know if anyone is interested.
  • Thank you to everyone who sent me their reports. It is very much appreciated!

Social Media Minister (Lady Isabella Parr

  • We have social media ( aka nothing to report)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (DEI), (Vidushi Mewadi Margavati Bai & Lily of South Downs)

  • We’re having a DEI class this month, but Lily and I are still working out the details. We will announce the topic ASAP!

Webminister (Lady Zhelana Vovkivna & HE Piers Simmons)

  • Updated all of the plugins on the site
  • Added the covid-19 reopening plan with new guidance from his majesty.
  • Posted kingdom Senschal’s message about COVID reopening. 
  • Added the board of directors announcement concerning reopening 
  • Created a baronal progress page and added the events their excellencies plan to go to.

Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)

  • Nothing to report

Their Excellencies, (Master Wistric Oftun & Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)

  • We miss you guys!

SCA Business

  • Lady Mairghread Wilson
    • Bu had talked about doing signs. I’m not sure what signs she was talking about. 
      • Laser etched on wood, something permanent.
    • Did we get a bid for Castle Wars?
      • Yes, it will be passed to the financial committee.
      • Pre-reg only.
      • Ximon: We are planning on having it at McIntosh. We’re going to keep the same time format. A couple of things we are going to try to do, we have an idea for a scenario for a war. 

The business meeting was closed @ 2107.

The next business meeting will be held on 04 August 2021, 1930, Zoom Meeting.

AUGUST 2020 Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

05 August 2020, 1931

Notes submitted by Lady Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler.

THL Lucien d’Artois called the August meeting to order. Our Seneschal, THL Juliane de Vivonne, greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Juliane read the SCA Anti-Bullying statement and stated the meeting is being recorded.

Officers Reports

Herald (THL Lucien d’Artois)

  • We only had one award recipient this month, that would be Piers(Queen’s Rapier Champion).
  • We’ve had one name registrations.

Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)

  • Our Earl Marshal had put a notice on the kingdom page stating that there’s no in person events until the end of January 2021.
  • He also addressed unofficial fighter practice. Please be aware the SCA does not cover that so it would be on your own insurance.
  • Masks: just be prepared for when we come back together that we may have a mask mandate. It would be recommended to start practicing with a mask on.
  • New armored combat rules have been posted. No determinations have been made and probably will not be made for a while.

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  • Nothing new to add.
  • Echo what the Knight marshal said.
  • There is a virtual fighter practice Facebook group. Virtual academy of the rapier is another Facebook group that is available.

Live Weapons (Mistress Mara Palmer)

  • No report.

Reeve (Mistress Alessandra Giovanna Fioravanti)

  • We have money, we spent it on the storage unit.
    • We spend about 287 a month on the storage unit, paid through October.
    • If Midwinter doesn’t happen, we may need to think about alternatives. If it doesn’t, we run into the situation where we don’t have money for events.
    • We are not at panic level yet.
    • Red Tower is completely paid for.
    • I need a deputy!

Lady Mairghread suggested that we have a budget to see where all the money needs to be spent.

Quartermaster (THL Lucien d’Artois)

  • Fortunately, we have stuff!
  • Nothing else to add

Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz)

  • There hasn’t been any movement as far as new members. I haven’t heard from anyone that someone approached them.

Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • No report

Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)

  • We have A&S!
    • There is an A&S exchange that was suggested.
    • Kingdom A&S coming up this month.
    • We have a couple of classes coming up this month.
    • Think about ideas for largess, it will be a competition with a prize.

Chronicler (Lady Aelia Bassina)

  • First issue of the newsletter will be 1 October.
    • I am still looking for articles to be included. 

Social Media Minister (HE Emelina le Nourreys)

  • Our numbers are up.

Webminister (Captain Pietro di Conti) – (Includes work done by both Zhelana and Pietro)

  • Added pronouns for Piers, Mairghread, Alisandre, Aelia, Wistric, Iastreb, Lorenzo, Zhelana, Raven.  Note: we will only add pronouns for people who ask.
  • Updated the picture for Sunneva on the Baroness page and her personal page.
  • Updated Aelia to be official chronicler, gave her access to the chronicler login.  Set up a temp login for Raven to post old minutes.
  • Added device, title, link to blog to Aelia’s page
  • New pages created for Danielle de Lyon, Anna Felice Tavestoche, Michael Stagge, Sara Wandrownyczka
  • Added classes taught to Zhelana’s page
  • Updated Google form to add pronouns to the question list, and to forward email notifications to Zhelana
  • Established succession plans for the Webminister office to hand over the office to Zhelana (the current Deputy) at Midwinter A&S 2021.  Had several discussions on the succession plan with Baroness and Seneschal.
  • Prepared Westminster job description.
  • Added Mark to the order of the Red Raven.
  • Added Finnbarr as deputy chatelaine.
  • Updated device on Mairghread’s page
  • Added Queen’s Rapier Champion to Piers’ page.

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer (DEI), (Vidushi Mewadi Margavati Bai)

  • Class went really well last month. There were a bunch of conversations that happened after. WE are looking forward to the next class. I am trying to give people opportunities to talk as much as I can.
    • The Society DEI officer will be doing a Q&A, I will try to promote it in more places than just the barony. 
    • If you hear of things happening, please let me know.
    • Thank you to everyone that’s been so open and understanding.

Her Excellency, Mistress Sunneva de Cleia

  • Tonight would be midnight madness at Pennsic. Just like with what happened at Gulf Wars, there are merchants that are out there and posted. If you have coin, they have wares.
  • Earlier this week was SCA Social Media Appreciation Day. I want to give thanks for both Emelina and Isabella. Thank you to everyone that has been keeping the SCA virtual. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.
  • Award recommendations. Please send them. I would love to recognize people. There is an award recommendation page on our site. Sending in the recommendations really helps me and the scribes.
  • Discussion Point:
    • The Heart of South Downs and the Chivalry Awards. A couple of people have reached out to me regarding this. There will be a committee. If you would like to be on that committee, please let me or Wistric. All opinions are valid.
    • I like mailing stuff. If you need a care package or a friendly note, please PM me your address.
  • Remember to lean on your SCA family if you need to. Also, if you need to step back, it’s okay. We will see you when you get back. Keep the people impacted by this virus in your thoughts.

Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)

  • No report.

Seneschal, (THL Juliane de Vivonne)

  • We’ve lost two people recently. They passed very suddenly.
  • In the last two days, we have heard of 3 people that have tested positive for COVID, one being our King. Please wear masks and be safe.
  • I had announced at the last meeting that we were reinstating the Provost position. It’s basically organizing classes, making sure registration is sent to RUM. Lord Kal has been wonderful in doing that for us. I would love it if someone would reach out to me in their interest. It’s a great position for someone new to the Barony.
  • The BOD has canceled events until the 31st of January. That is for anything in person. If you do anything outside the SCA, you cannot post it on any official SCA page.
  • For Midwinter, it is close to when they allow in-person again. However, I do not believe that Midwinter will be allowed to happen. It wouldn’t fit with the rollout plan for the Kingdom/Society.
  • The Law Committee. They are accepting new members. It will be a rotating people. They are accepting nominations and self-nominations. One from each peerage and two from the populace. If that’s something that interests you or if you know someone that would do a really good job (get their permission first), please let them know. They have been meeting Tuesday nights. 
    • Iazzie stated that most Kingdom positions are for 2 years.

Recent Events

Upcoming Events

  • 10 August 2020 – LGBTQ+ 101 with Lykania and Cellach
  • 12 August 2020 – Project Night
  • 15 August 2020 – Virtual Meridies Kingdom A&S
  • 19 August 2020 – Intro to DEI with Society DEI Officer Q&A to follow
  • 22 August 2020 – Foxes 2020: Plague-Con
  • 26 August 2020 – Class Night – Maedeup: Korean Knots with Myeong Su

SCA Business

  • Margavati: I taught a class over the weekend for Pennsic for the Courtesans. It was neat because each kingdom has a day. It’s a great way to learn stuff. Justina hosted Meridies for the whole day. They are going all war week. Kal has been provosting. Yay, Barony of South Downs! We rock!
  • Jay: Do we have any more info on Castle Wars?
    • Juliane: Sunneva and I need to get together to sort things out. We will get that rolled out sometime soon.
  • Margavati: My husband had a big bucket of bone black. He has more. If you need bone black for pigment, please let him know.
  • Margavati: Countess Gwen is doing a project. It’s a grave finds recreation thing. It’s a glow up focus on grave finds. I only know what I need to know. If you’re interested, she’s doing that. Information is on the Kingdom page.

Business meeting was closed at 2021.

Next business meeting will be held 02 September 2020, 1900, Zoom Meeting.

JUNE 2020 Baronial Business MEeting MInutes

3 June 2020, 7:30pm
Virtual meeting on Zoom

Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Zombie Chronicler.

As our Herald, THL Lucien, was unable to attend tonight’s meeting, Lady Mairghread stepped in and called the meeting to order. THL Juliane, our Seneschal sez “Welcome!” and reminded everyone that the meeting was being recorded, per Kingdom law. She then read the Bullying and Harrassment statement from the SCA. She also offered that she (and Their Excellencies and the Baronial Officers) understands how everyone is under a lot of stress, and to please reach out if you need anything.

Our Social Media officer, THL Emelina, read out a disclaimer for everyone to be aware of and agree to, that our business meetings are being recorded and that by participating in this meeting, we have given our consent to have footage containing our faces and/or comments used by the Barony and the Kingdom as necessary.

Officer Reports

  • Armored Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)
    • We are still in a holding pattern regarding practices.
    • Her quarterly report has been sent in. There were very slim numbers for the quarter, and she is expecting even slimmer numbers for the coming quarter, due to the adjusted schedule posted by the Crown.
    • Discussed Baron Mark’s thoughts about what fighter practice might look like once we *do* get back, as he had posted on Facebook recently.
      • Sir Iastreb commented that we will likely have to revisit where we hold Sunday practice, at the Meadery in Smyrna – it will be difficult to manage crowds and safety issues
      • Juliane commented that the owners of the Meadery have not been really hip on wearing masks, for performance reasons, which conflicts with SCA safety rules.
  • Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan deHay)
    • Due to the current cancellation of practices and events, we are also in a holding pattern until things get going again
    • In the meantime, stay tuned – we are working on getting some online rapier activity going soon – discussions, classes, etc. Will post about these events on the Atlanta SCA fighting Facebook group.
  • Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer)
    • Nothing to report
  • Reeve (Mistress Alessandra Fioravanti)
    • We have money!
    • She reminded everyone that she is looking for a deputy – her job is not that difficult, and she is willing to show anyone who’s interested what the job is like. Please contact her if you would like more information.
  • Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz)
    • So far, the only new person who’s actually come to a meeting and interacted and stuff is Jay, who we all know now is awesome. I’ve had a couple other nibbles but no bites yet.
    • Nikon and Majda Anwar have talked about doing maybe a rolling mini-class for newcomers that just covers handy entry-level information – perhaps a 30 minute class once a week for 4 weeks that starts over every month, covers basic newcomer info like what all the titles mean, first event essentials list, getting started with a persona, things like that. Just very surface level, 101 stuff.
      However, we haven’t really started working on it yet because *gestures at everything*.
  • Minister of Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)
    • We have art! (and some science as well)
    • Alisandre has posted some virtual A&S opportunities in the Baronial Facebook group; and asked the populace to please let her know if they learn of any additional online opportunities (classes, events, etc) so she can share it with the Barony
    • Check out the classes being offered at Virtual RUM (Royal Academy of Meridies) this July, and ongoing classes at the Honorable Clover on Facebook.
    • Working cool projects? New projects? while everyone’s staying at home? Post your work on the Baronial Facebook page so we can all ooh and ahh and ask questions!
  • Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
    • We have words!
    • Lady Aelia Bassina of Veii will step up at the July meeting! Yay!
    • Aelia addressed the populace – as the incoming Chronicler, she would like to (re)start our newsletter and asked for suggestions:
      • For the title – everyone still likes the old title, “The Read Tower,” so it was decided that would remain.
      • With the development of our social media team, everything that has been posted on our Instagram page already has release forms, so that material will be available.
      • She is interested in showing the progression of the newsletter through the ages.
  • Keeper of the Baronial Memes (Minister of Social Media) (THL Emelina le Nourreys)
    • We have been posting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
      • We now have more than 250 follows on Instagram
      • Emelina is encouraging the populace to share the the cool projects they’re working on at home – please take pictures of your project work and send them to her so they can share on our Instagram page
    • Our smash-up video (a fighter’s version of the glow-up video idea) got over a million views! It was awesome, and Emelina and Isabelle thanked Ogata (Charlie) for editing the video.
    • Ogata confirmed that his friends wrote the music for the video, and everyone asked to have our thanks passed along to them.
    • There was a lot of discussion about what everyone’s favorite parts of the video were – there were many!
    • HRM has asked us to write up more award recommendations.
  • Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)
    • Nothing to report
    • Magistra Alessandra mentioned that her daughter, Katie, would like there to be more members of the Sparrow’s Wing (the Baronial children’s award) so she can hold order meetings. Currently, she is the only member and attendee, but more cupcakes are required.
    • Alessandra suggested that a blog could be set up on the Baronial website where parents could brag about their kids’ art and projects.
  • Their Excellencies South Downs (Master Wistric Oftun and Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)
    • Sunneva wanted to discuss the new diversity statement posted by the Board of Directors. If you haven’t read it, please make sure you do.
    • In-person events have been canceled up through 31 August 2020, but in the meantime, she loves seeing everyone virtually.
    • Wistric thanked everyone who participated in the smash-up video – it was awesome!
    • Also – taking part in activities such as the video, online classes, and other online activities is a good way to help keep our energy up as both a Barony and as individuals.
    • He reiterated the importance of writing recommendations for people who have shown themselves deserving of recognition, and mentioned that TRH are planning to have a virtual Court sometime in the next couple of weeks and would love the opportunity to recognize people.
    • There are a couple of months left where we are going to be limited to online activities, and there is a lot of space to fill on our virtual calendar. If you’re considering teaching a class sometime, practicing teaching via Zoom on the local level is a great way to work through your class before Virtual RUM.
    • Their Excellencies thanked everyone for being amazing during these trying times.
    • Recently, Emelina posted a “Draw the Faces of Their Excellencies” on Facebook; our cousins in the Midrealm saw this and put a challenge out to their Barony to one-up us!
  • Seneschal (THL Juliane de Vivonne)
    • She mentioned recent news from the Crown – Coronation will be held online on Saturday, 27 July, and will be set up just like the online courts
    • Events are canceled through the end of August
    • Red Tower – There are concerns about planning, given the current situation – will it happen? can it happen? in what format? These are still being worked through and the answers will likely change as the pandemic continues, so we’ll need to stay flexible.
    • The Kingdom Exchequer notified us that our financial policy is not aligned with that of the Kingdom; Juliane and Alessandra are working through this to fix the discrepancies.
    • Juliane asked and will continue to ask on Facebook for any topics the populace would like to add to the meeting agendas.
    • She also thanked Their Excellencies for their imaginative approach to keeping interest and energy up in the Barony (the Draw the Faces game was great!)

SCA Business

  • Red Tower (2-4 October 2020)
    • Site: Hard Labor Creek State Park, Rutledge, GA
    • Mistress Mariana confirmed that event planning is proceeding as normal until told otherwise. A request for event volunteers will be posted soon.
  • Castle Wars (19-22 November 2020)
    • Site: Camp Benjamin Hawkins, Byron, GA
    • Juliane had mentioned that Isabetta is going to take the lead on Castle Wars autocratting because of Juliane’s conflicts of interest as seneschal. Juliane is holding off submitting the bid for the time being until she can see how the next couple of months are going to look like.
    • Sunneva mentioned contingency planning will be key; and as Sunneva happened to have written a book on contingency planning, is more than happy to help brainstorm.
    • Sunneva also asked about the timeframe for submitting the event bid – it is her understanding that if we don’t get a bid in soon, we’ll have to cancel?
    • Juliane asked Alessandra about the Baronial budget – if we don’t have Castle Wars, how will the Barony stand financially? What will the impact be? Alessandra said we should still be in good shape as most of our other expenses (other than the storage unit at $860 per quarter and the Zoom fees at $14.99 per month) have also gone away.
  • Midwinter Arts & Sciences (6 February 2021)
    • Site: TBD
    • We should start thinking about this event – we need an autocrat.

Other SCA Business

  • Mairghread mentioned virtual RUM/Fighter’s Collegium (17 July 2020) is looking for teachers, not sure what format. If interested in teaching for Fighters Collegium, please contact her or Master Edward.
  • Emelina mentioned that we now have a Baronial YouTube channel, and we can post class videos there.
  • Justina mentioned that this coming weekend is Court, and she is looking forward to hosting another virtual revel afterwards. She’ll post to the Baronial Facebook group once she’s got everything set up.
  • Sir Iastreb announced we have new people in the Barony – Anya from Thor’s Mountain has just moved to South Downs! She can’t make meetings yet because of classes but she is looking forward to getting involved soon. Master Ximon added that we should keep an eye out for new people and reach out to them so they feel welcome.
  • Lily thanked Alessandra for showing her how to be a reeve.

Non-SCA Business

  • None

Next business meeting: Wednesday, 1 July 2020. It will likely still be online via Zoom, but stay tuned!

With my backlog of minutes now done, I am now officially handing over the reins of the Office of the Chronicler to Lady Aelia. Thank you, everyone!
–Lady Raven

MAY 2020 Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

6 May 2020, 7:30pm
Virtual meeting on Zoom

Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Zombie Chronicler.

As our Herald, THL Lucien, was unable to attend tonight’s meeting, Lady Mairghread stepped in and called the meeting to order. THL Juliane, our Seneschal sez “Welcome!” and discussed the new Zoom meeting format – in particular, she would like to have everyone make sure they keep themselves on mute until you have something to say. She also walked everyone through the Zoom meeting features, including the “raise hand” feature which marks that you wish to speak.

Our Social Media officer, THL Emelina, read out a disclaimer for everyone to be aware of and agree to, that our business meetings are being recorded and that by participating in this meeting, we have given our consent to have footage containing our faces and/or comments used by the Barony and the Kingdom as necessary.

Officer Reports

  • Armored Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)
    • We are still in a holding pattern regarding practices
    • The armored marshals report is due on 15 May – it will be a slim report (as there have been few events or practices) but she will get it sent in and forward a copy to the Seneschal late next week.
  • Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan deHay)
    • Due to the current cancellation of practices and events, we are also in a holding pattern until things get going again
    • In the meantime, stay tuned – we are working on getting some online rapier activity going soon – discussions, classes, etc. Will post about these events on the Atlanta SCA fighting Facebook group.
  • Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer)
    • Nothing to report
  • Reeve (Mistress Alessandra Fioravanti)
    • We have money, but we’re not spending any of it as there’s nothing to spend it on right now (except for the storage unit).
  • Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz)
    • We were going to have a couple of newcomers join the meeting tonight, but they ended up not being able to. We hope they can join us for future meetings.
    • Kingdom chatelaine has requested another Gold Key (loaner garb for new people to borrow at events) inventory; Nikon is planning to pick up some additional garb and will take care of inventory once that’s done.
  • Minister of Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)
    • Alisandre has posted some virtual A&S opportunities in the Baronial Facebook group; and asked the populace to please let her know if they learn of any additional online opportunities (classes, events, etc) so she can share it with the Barony
    • She spoke with Their Excellencies and now would like to ask the populace if there would be any interest in a Porch Fairy exchange (like a Secret Santa in quarantine); everyone thought it would be a great idea!
  • Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
    • We have words!
    • We have a new Chronicler in the works! Lady Aelia Bassina of Veii will step up sometime soon (probably July)
  • Keeper of the Baronial Memes (Minister of Social Media) (THL Emelina le Nourreys)
    • We have been posting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
      • We now have more than 250 follows on Instagram
      • Emelina is encouraging the populace to share the the cool projects they’re working on at home – please take pictures of your project work and send them to her so they can share on our Instagram page
    • There is a Baronial glow-up video in the works – there will be more info once we have the Baronial YouTube channel set up
      • Glow up videos are videos which start with one person doing some every day activity, then they have a scarf (or something similar) thrown at them from off-screen. Person 1 picks up the scarf, approaches the camera, holds the scarf up to the camera to blot out the scene, then when the scarf is pulled away, Person 1 is dressed up and doing something cool and finally tosses the scarf out of frame. This is then repeated over again with a new scene, and Person 2 catching the scarf, etc.
      • In our video, we would have each person/group start out in modern clothes and relaxing, then be revealed in their SCA garb, and a setting or doing an SCA activity for a couple of moments.
      • All submitted videos will be compiled into a single video which we will post on our YouTube channel.
  • Their Excellencies South Downs (Master Wistric Oftun and Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)
    • Carver misses everyone!
    • Sunneva wanted to discuss how appreciative they are of everyone in the Barony and everything we are doing to support each other. In addition to doing a porch fairy project as Alisandre had described, if you’d like to get a missive from her, she will gladly send you mail – just PM her your mailing address. If you know of someone who’s not online, please consider sending them mail or connecting with them somehow.
    • Finally – if you know anyone who needs help, from communicating to food to whatever please contact Their Excellencies.
  • Seneschal (THL Juliane de Vivonne)
    • She mentioned recent news from the Crown – as Coronation had been canceled, TRM Boru and Fianna have been given permission to extend their reign until the end of May.
    • Red Tower has a bid from Mariana and Farouq; finance committee has approved the bid, and we’ll vote on it in May
    • Zoom meetings – how does everyone feel about meeting via Zoom? It is admittedly a strange format for the structure of our organization as there is a lot we do that is not really Zoom-compatible. What do we want to do with the off-nights?
      • Margavati is willing to host a dance night via Zoom, but she’ll need to figure out how the logistics first
      • Alessandra is willing to send people goldwork supplies and host a gold work class for project night (or A+S class night?)
      • How many classes are Zoom-compatible?
      • Aelia would like to know if a kids’ Zoom event could be set up? Her daughter misses everyone. Una thinks this would be a great idea! Justina wanted to know if this would be an adults’ welcome to support, etc.
        • Alessandra mentioned that after a full day of working with the kids online, she would like to see something done that is low-parental activity – maybe something like a kids’ “happy hour”?
        • It doesn’t need to be on Wednesdays – Allesandra mentioned that Gwinnett County doesn’t have classes on Fridays, so Thursday would allow them to stay up a little later.
      • Charlie suggested that he’s been working on a project that is currently fighter-oriented but could have other applications – a choose your own duel/adventure game he’s been developing
      • Justina mentioned that the online revel she hosted last week was successful, and that we could do similar events for the Barony. She found that conversational games gave everyone an opportunity to participate.
      • Baronial Zoom games night!
      • Improv theatre night?
      • Wistric suggested that there are probably classes that have been taught in the past that would be transferable to a Zoom format

SCA Business

  • Margavati is organizing a baronial Glow up video and would love to have as many people as possible participating. Deadline is Sunday for your video. Instructions are posted on the Baronial Facebook site. Justina mentioned that the Courtesans’ Guild is doing a “Pass the Veil” challenge along the same lines.
  • Red Tower
    • Mistress Mariana and Lord Faruq would be co-autocrats
    • Site will be Hard Labor Creek State Park (our traditional Red Tower site)
    • Theme will be Elizabethan, Sinners and Saints
    • We can use martial budget to pay for things like tourney prizes, etc.
    • Quest during the day to find the seven graces and sins
    • Do we have a contingency if we are still under lockdown?
      • It would likely then be canceled, but Mariana mentioned that the schools are planning to get back in September. Would the park allow for a return of the deposit if it came to that?
      • The seneschal would be the one who handles the deposit and would be the one to negotiate the return if necessary.
      • Andreva suggested that if we contact them early enough, they might be willing to roll over the deposit to the next year.
      • Justina mentioned that even if the government calls for everything to open, that doesn’t mean that people will want to go to an event yet.
      • Should we budget for additional cleaning/sanitizing materials? Alessandra points out that *if* we can get additional sanitizing stuff, as cleaning supplies are hard to find right now.
      • We should proceed with Red Tower assuming it will happen, but be prepared that it might be canceled.
    • Sidebar – financial committee needs to clarify what the current rules are regarding who gets in free at events?
      • Voted and passed
  • Alessandra is looking for a deputy! It’s not hard – you just have to know how to count (sort of)
  • Margavati will host another Indian/South Asian online social in the next couple of weeks. Emelina offered to advertise it on the kingdom page
  • Justina brought up our presence at DragonCon.
    • She said that (assuming it happens) we have the opportunity to host a panel; however, she is not comfortable with attending herself this year, given the current state of the pandemic. Is this something we want to pursue this year? She needs to let the coordinator know asap and preserve the connection for next year.
    • Juliane said she has passes for this year, but already knows she will not be going.
    • Maybe virtual panels? It will be important to keep the door open for next year
    • Given the number of people in our Barony who are already hesitant to attend DragonCon, it doesn’t look like we would even have the staff to cover in-person tables/panels: however, we could easily manage virtual panels.

Non-SCA Business

  • Sir Iastreb’s robotics students put together a video for a competition – please view and vote for them! The winner goes to nationals.
  • Finnbarr – Is there anything we can do as a Barony to help those who can’t get out or can’t find things when they go shopping? Wistric suggested that Finnbarr should post this in the baronial Facebook group. We definitely don’t want to see anyone going without or going hungry. Iazzie said that this sort of outreach is perfectly in keeping with the SCA’s goal of outreach, etc. so he is sure there would be no conflict.
  • Aelia offered that she has a 100lb bag of bread flour – if you want some, just PM her.
  • “New Jay” (as opposed to Captain Pietro) mentioned that stores are hiring extra security to guard some of the more sought-after items.
  • Sawyer made a bunch of 3d printed disks if anyone wants them

Next business meeting: Wednesday, 3 June 2020. It will likely still be online via Zoom, but stay tuned!