JUNE 2020 Baronial Business MEeting MInutes
3 June 2020, 7:30pm
Virtual meeting on Zoom
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Zombie Chronicler.
As our Herald, THL Lucien, was unable to attend tonight’s meeting, Lady Mairghread stepped in and called the meeting to order. THL Juliane, our Seneschal sez “Welcome!” and reminded everyone that the meeting was being recorded, per Kingdom law. She then read the Bullying and Harrassment statement from the SCA. She also offered that she (and Their Excellencies and the Baronial Officers) understands how everyone is under a lot of stress, and to please reach out if you need anything.
Our Social Media officer, THL Emelina, read out a disclaimer for everyone to be aware of and agree to, that our business meetings are being recorded and that by participating in this meeting, we have given our consent to have footage containing our faces and/or comments used by the Barony and the Kingdom as necessary.
Officer Reports
- Herald (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- Nothing to report
- Armored Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)
- We are still in a holding pattern regarding practices.
- Her quarterly report has been sent in. There were very slim numbers for the quarter, and she is expecting even slimmer numbers for the coming quarter, due to the adjusted schedule posted by the Crown.
- Discussed Baron Mark’s thoughts about what fighter practice might look like once we *do* get back, as he had posted on Facebook recently.
- Sir Iastreb commented that we will likely have to revisit where we hold Sunday practice, at the Meadery in Smyrna – it will be difficult to manage crowds and safety issues
- Juliane commented that the owners of the Meadery have not been really hip on wearing masks, for performance reasons, which conflicts with SCA safety rules.
- Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan deHay)
- Due to the current cancellation of practices and events, we are also in a holding pattern until things get going again
- In the meantime, stay tuned – we are working on getting some online rapier activity going soon – discussions, classes, etc. Will post about these events on the Atlanta SCA fighting Facebook group.
- Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer)
- Nothing to report
- Reeve (Mistress Alessandra Fioravanti)
- We have money!
- She reminded everyone that she is looking for a deputy – her job is not that difficult, and she is willing to show anyone who’s interested what the job is like. Please contact her if you would like more information.
- Quartermaster (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- We have stuff!
- Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz)
- So far, the only new person who’s actually come to a meeting and interacted and stuff is Jay, who we all know now is awesome. I’ve had a couple other nibbles but no bites yet.
- Nikon and Majda Anwar have talked about doing maybe a rolling mini-class for newcomers that just covers handy entry-level information – perhaps a 30 minute class once a week for 4 weeks that starts over every month, covers basic newcomer info like what all the titles mean, first event essentials list, getting started with a persona, things like that. Just very surface level, 101 stuff.
However, we haven’t really started working on it yet because *gestures at everything*.
- Minister of Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)
- We have art! (and some science as well)
- Alisandre has posted some virtual A&S opportunities in the Baronial Facebook group; and asked the populace to please let her know if they learn of any additional online opportunities (classes, events, etc) so she can share it with the Barony
- Check out the classes being offered at Virtual RUM (Royal Academy of Meridies) this July, and ongoing classes at the Honorable Clover on Facebook.
- Working cool projects? New projects? while everyone’s staying at home? Post your work on the Baronial Facebook page so we can all ooh and ahh and ask questions!
- Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
- We have words!
- Lady Aelia Bassina of Veii will step up at the July meeting! Yay!
- Aelia addressed the populace – as the incoming Chronicler, she would like to (re)start our newsletter and asked for suggestions:
- For the title – everyone still likes the old title, “The Read Tower,” so it was decided that would remain.
- With the development of our social media team, everything that has been posted on our Instagram page already has release forms, so that material will be available.
- She is interested in showing the progression of the newsletter through the ages.
- Keeper of the Baronial Memes (Minister of Social Media) (THL Emelina le Nourreys)
- We have been posting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
- We now have more than 250 follows on Instagram
- Emelina is encouraging the populace to share the the cool projects they’re working on at home – please take pictures of your project work and send them to her so they can share on our Instagram page
- Our smash-up video (a fighter’s version of the glow-up video idea) got over a million views! It was awesome, and Emelina and Isabelle thanked Ogata (Charlie) for editing the video.
- Ogata confirmed that his friends wrote the music for the video, and everyone asked to have our thanks passed along to them.
- There was a lot of discussion about what everyone’s favorite parts of the video were – there were many!
- HRM has asked us to write up more award recommendations.
- We have been posting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
- Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)
- Nothing to report
- Magistra Alessandra mentioned that her daughter, Katie, would like there to be more members of the Sparrow’s Wing (the Baronial children’s award) so she can hold order meetings. Currently, she is the only member and attendee, but more cupcakes are required.
- Alessandra suggested that a blog could be set up on the Baronial website where parents could brag about their kids’ art and projects.
- Their Excellencies South Downs (Master Wistric Oftun and Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)
- Sunneva wanted to discuss the new diversity statement posted by the Board of Directors. If you haven’t read it, please make sure you do.
- In-person events have been canceled up through 31 August 2020, but in the meantime, she loves seeing everyone virtually.
- Wistric thanked everyone who participated in the smash-up video – it was awesome!
- Also – taking part in activities such as the video, online classes, and other online activities is a good way to help keep our energy up as both a Barony and as individuals.
- He reiterated the importance of writing recommendations for people who have shown themselves deserving of recognition, and mentioned that TRH are planning to have a virtual Court sometime in the next couple of weeks and would love the opportunity to recognize people.
- There are a couple of months left where we are going to be limited to online activities, and there is a lot of space to fill on our virtual calendar. If you’re considering teaching a class sometime, practicing teaching via Zoom on the local level is a great way to work through your class before Virtual RUM.
- Their Excellencies thanked everyone for being amazing during these trying times.
- Recently, Emelina posted a “Draw the Faces of Their Excellencies” on Facebook; our cousins in the Midrealm saw this and put a challenge out to their Barony to one-up us!
- Seneschal (THL Juliane de Vivonne)
- She mentioned recent news from the Crown – Coronation will be held online on Saturday, 27 July, and will be set up just like the online courts
- Events are canceled through the end of August
- Red Tower – There are concerns about planning, given the current situation – will it happen? can it happen? in what format? These are still being worked through and the answers will likely change as the pandemic continues, so we’ll need to stay flexible.
- The Kingdom Exchequer notified us that our financial policy is not aligned with that of the Kingdom; Juliane and Alessandra are working through this to fix the discrepancies.
- Juliane asked and will continue to ask on Facebook for any topics the populace would like to add to the meeting agendas.
- She also thanked Their Excellencies for their imaginative approach to keeping interest and energy up in the Barony (the Draw the Faces game was great!)
SCA Business
- Red Tower (2-4 October 2020)
- Site: Hard Labor Creek State Park, Rutledge, GA
- Mistress Mariana confirmed that event planning is proceeding as normal until told otherwise. A request for event volunteers will be posted soon.
- Castle Wars (19-22 November 2020)
- Site: Camp Benjamin Hawkins, Byron, GA
- Juliane had mentioned that Isabetta is going to take the lead on Castle Wars autocratting because of Juliane’s conflicts of interest as seneschal. Juliane is holding off submitting the bid for the time being until she can see how the next couple of months are going to look like.
- Sunneva mentioned contingency planning will be key; and as Sunneva happened to have written a book on contingency planning, is more than happy to help brainstorm.
- Sunneva also asked about the timeframe for submitting the event bid – it is her understanding that if we don’t get a bid in soon, we’ll have to cancel?
- Juliane asked Alessandra about the Baronial budget – if we don’t have Castle Wars, how will the Barony stand financially? What will the impact be? Alessandra said we should still be in good shape as most of our other expenses (other than the storage unit at $860 per quarter and the Zoom fees at $14.99 per month) have also gone away.
- Midwinter Arts & Sciences (6 February 2021)
- Site: TBD
- We should start thinking about this event – we need an autocrat.
Other SCA Business
- Mairghread mentioned virtual RUM/Fighter’s Collegium (17 July 2020) is looking for teachers, not sure what format. If interested in teaching for Fighters Collegium, please contact her or Master Edward.
- Emelina mentioned that we now have a Baronial YouTube channel, and we can post class videos there.
- Justina mentioned that this coming weekend is Court, and she is looking forward to hosting another virtual revel afterwards. She’ll post to the Baronial Facebook group once she’s got everything set up.
- Sir Iastreb announced we have new people in the Barony – Anya from Thor’s Mountain has just moved to South Downs! She can’t make meetings yet because of classes but she is looking forward to getting involved soon. Master Ximon added that we should keep an eye out for new people and reach out to them so they feel welcome.
- Lily thanked Alessandra for showing her how to be a reeve.
Non-SCA Business
- None
Next business meeting: Wednesday, 1 July 2020. It will likely still be online via Zoom, but stay tuned!
With my backlog of minutes now done, I am now officially handing over the reins of the Office of the Chronicler to Lady Aelia. Thank you, everyone!
–Lady Raven
MAY 2020 Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
6 May 2020, 7:30pm
Virtual meeting on Zoom
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Zombie Chronicler.
As our Herald, THL Lucien, was unable to attend tonight’s meeting, Lady Mairghread stepped in and called the meeting to order. THL Juliane, our Seneschal sez “Welcome!” and discussed the new Zoom meeting format – in particular, she would like to have everyone make sure they keep themselves on mute until you have something to say. She also walked everyone through the Zoom meeting features, including the “raise hand” feature which marks that you wish to speak.
Our Social Media officer, THL Emelina, read out a disclaimer for everyone to be aware of and agree to, that our business meetings are being recorded and that by participating in this meeting, we have given our consent to have footage containing our faces and/or comments used by the Barony and the Kingdom as necessary.
Officer Reports
- Herald (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- Nothing to report
- Armored Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)
- We are still in a holding pattern regarding practices
- The armored marshals report is due on 15 May – it will be a slim report (as there have been few events or practices) but she will get it sent in and forward a copy to the Seneschal late next week.
- Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan deHay)
- Due to the current cancellation of practices and events, we are also in a holding pattern until things get going again
- In the meantime, stay tuned – we are working on getting some online rapier activity going soon – discussions, classes, etc. Will post about these events on the Atlanta SCA fighting Facebook group.
- Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer)
- Nothing to report
- Reeve (Mistress Alessandra Fioravanti)
- We have money, but we’re not spending any of it as there’s nothing to spend it on right now (except for the storage unit).
- Quartermaster (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- We have stuff!
- Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz)
- We were going to have a couple of newcomers join the meeting tonight, but they ended up not being able to. We hope they can join us for future meetings.
- Kingdom chatelaine has requested another Gold Key (loaner garb for new people to borrow at events) inventory; Nikon is planning to pick up some additional garb and will take care of inventory once that’s done.
- Minister of Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)
- Alisandre has posted some virtual A&S opportunities in the Baronial Facebook group; and asked the populace to please let her know if they learn of any additional online opportunities (classes, events, etc) so she can share it with the Barony
- She spoke with Their Excellencies and now would like to ask the populace if there would be any interest in a Porch Fairy exchange (like a Secret Santa in quarantine); everyone thought it would be a great idea!
- Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
- We have words!
- We have a new Chronicler in the works! Lady Aelia Bassina of Veii will step up sometime soon (probably July)
- Keeper of the Baronial Memes (Minister of Social Media) (THL Emelina le Nourreys)
- We have been posting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
- We now have more than 250 follows on Instagram
- Emelina is encouraging the populace to share the the cool projects they’re working on at home – please take pictures of your project work and send them to her so they can share on our Instagram page
- There is a Baronial glow-up video in the works – there will be more info once we have the Baronial YouTube channel set up
- Glow up videos are videos which start with one person doing some every day activity, then they have a scarf (or something similar) thrown at them from off-screen. Person 1 picks up the scarf, approaches the camera, holds the scarf up to the camera to blot out the scene, then when the scarf is pulled away, Person 1 is dressed up and doing something cool and finally tosses the scarf out of frame. This is then repeated over again with a new scene, and Person 2 catching the scarf, etc.
- In our video, we would have each person/group start out in modern clothes and relaxing, then be revealed in their SCA garb, and a setting or doing an SCA activity for a couple of moments.
- All submitted videos will be compiled into a single video which we will post on our YouTube channel.
- We have been posting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
- Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)
- Nothing to report
- Their Excellencies South Downs (Master Wistric Oftun and Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)
- Carver misses everyone!
- Sunneva wanted to discuss how appreciative they are of everyone in the Barony and everything we are doing to support each other. In addition to doing a porch fairy project as Alisandre had described, if you’d like to get a missive from her, she will gladly send you mail – just PM her your mailing address. If you know of someone who’s not online, please consider sending them mail or connecting with them somehow.
- Finally – if you know anyone who needs help, from communicating to food to whatever please contact Their Excellencies.
- Seneschal (THL Juliane de Vivonne)
- She mentioned recent news from the Crown – as Coronation had been canceled, TRM Boru and Fianna have been given permission to extend their reign until the end of May.
- Red Tower has a bid from Mariana and Farouq; finance committee has approved the bid, and we’ll vote on it in May
- Zoom meetings – how does everyone feel about meeting via Zoom? It is admittedly a strange format for the structure of our organization as there is a lot we do that is not really Zoom-compatible. What do we want to do with the off-nights?
- Margavati is willing to host a dance night via Zoom, but she’ll need to figure out how the logistics first
- Alessandra is willing to send people goldwork supplies and host a gold work class for project night (or A+S class night?)
- How many classes are Zoom-compatible?
- Aelia would like to know if a kids’ Zoom event could be set up? Her daughter misses everyone. Una thinks this would be a great idea! Justina wanted to know if this would be an adults’ welcome to support, etc.
- Alessandra mentioned that after a full day of working with the kids online, she would like to see something done that is low-parental activity – maybe something like a kids’ “happy hour”?
- It doesn’t need to be on Wednesdays – Allesandra mentioned that Gwinnett County doesn’t have classes on Fridays, so Thursday would allow them to stay up a little later.
- Charlie suggested that he’s been working on a project that is currently fighter-oriented but could have other applications – a choose your own duel/adventure game he’s been developing
- Justina mentioned that the online revel she hosted last week was successful, and that we could do similar events for the Barony. She found that conversational games gave everyone an opportunity to participate.
- Baronial Zoom games night!
- Improv theatre night?
- Wistric suggested that there are probably classes that have been taught in the past that would be transferable to a Zoom format
SCA Business
- Margavati is organizing a baronial Glow up video and would love to have as many people as possible participating. Deadline is Sunday for your video. Instructions are posted on the Baronial Facebook site. Justina mentioned that the Courtesans’ Guild is doing a “Pass the Veil” challenge along the same lines.
- Red Tower
- Mistress Mariana and Lord Faruq would be co-autocrats
- Site will be Hard Labor Creek State Park (our traditional Red Tower site)
- Theme will be Elizabethan, Sinners and Saints
- We can use martial budget to pay for things like tourney prizes, etc.
- Quest during the day to find the seven graces and sins
- Do we have a contingency if we are still under lockdown?
- It would likely then be canceled, but Mariana mentioned that the schools are planning to get back in September. Would the park allow for a return of the deposit if it came to that?
- The seneschal would be the one who handles the deposit and would be the one to negotiate the return if necessary.
- Andreva suggested that if we contact them early enough, they might be willing to roll over the deposit to the next year.
- Justina mentioned that even if the government calls for everything to open, that doesn’t mean that people will want to go to an event yet.
- Should we budget for additional cleaning/sanitizing materials? Alessandra points out that *if* we can get additional sanitizing stuff, as cleaning supplies are hard to find right now.
- We should proceed with Red Tower assuming it will happen, but be prepared that it might be canceled.
- Sidebar – financial committee needs to clarify what the current rules are regarding who gets in free at events?
- Voted and passed
- Alessandra is looking for a deputy! It’s not hard – you just have to know how to count (sort of)
- Margavati will host another Indian/South Asian online social in the next couple of weeks. Emelina offered to advertise it on the kingdom page
- Justina brought up our presence at DragonCon.
- She said that (assuming it happens) we have the opportunity to host a panel; however, she is not comfortable with attending herself this year, given the current state of the pandemic. Is this something we want to pursue this year? She needs to let the coordinator know asap and preserve the connection for next year.
- Juliane said she has passes for this year, but already knows she will not be going.
- Maybe virtual panels? It will be important to keep the door open for next year
- Given the number of people in our Barony who are already hesitant to attend DragonCon, it doesn’t look like we would even have the staff to cover in-person tables/panels: however, we could easily manage virtual panels.
Non-SCA Business
- Sir Iastreb’s robotics students put together a video for a competition – please view and vote for them! The winner goes to nationals.
- Finnbarr – Is there anything we can do as a Barony to help those who can’t get out or can’t find things when they go shopping? Wistric suggested that Finnbarr should post this in the baronial Facebook group. We definitely don’t want to see anyone going without or going hungry. Iazzie said that this sort of outreach is perfectly in keeping with the SCA’s goal of outreach, etc. so he is sure there would be no conflict.
- Aelia offered that she has a 100lb bag of bread flour – if you want some, just PM her.
- “New Jay” (as opposed to Captain Pietro) mentioned that stores are hiring extra security to guard some of the more sought-after items.
- Sawyer made a bunch of 3d printed disks if anyone wants them
Next business meeting: Wednesday, 3 June 2020. It will likely still be online via Zoom, but stay tuned!
April 2020 Baronial Business Meeting
1 April 2020, 7:30pm
Virtual meeting on Zoom
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Zombie Chronicler.
THL Juliane de Vivonne called the meeting to order and sez “Welcome!” As this is our first virtual meeting, she reminded everyone to keep background noise under control by everyone keeping themselves muted until the wished to speak. She also walked everyone through the Zoom meeting features, including the “raise hand” feature which marks that you wish to speak.
THIS IS ALL A GREAT BIG EXPERIMENT – tonight’s meeting will be kept very simple – no votes or anything that requires a lot of interaction.
Officer Reports
- Herald (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- Nothing to report
- Armored Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)
- Two pieces of interest:
- All martial activities are on hold until at least 30 April 2020, then we’ll see how things are
- Master Edward is holding a pell decoration challenge – send him pictures of your pell by 10 April 2020
- Two pieces of interest:
- Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan deHay)
- Reiterated what Mairgrhead said
- Keep watching the Atlanta SCA fighting FB group for opportunities to study fighting and fighting-related topics while we’re not allowed to actually practice together
- Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer)
- Nothing to report
- Exchequer (Mistress Alessandra Fioravanti)
- We have money, but nothing to spend it on!
- We also have a puppy! (Mistress Alessandra and her family, not the Barony :-D)
- Quartermaster (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- We have stuff!
- Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz)
- Not at the meeting tonight, as he’s not feeling well
- He has a deputy now, Finbarr
- Minister of Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)
- Mistress Alessandra will be teaching a class over Zoom this month
- Keeper of the Baronial Memes (Minister of Social Media) (THL Emelina le Nourreys)
- We have been posting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
- 11 new follows on Instagram
- Two new Society posts shared from us: of Brendan doing footwork, and of HE Mark de Wytteney shopping in armor
- Send Emelina your pics to share with the Knowne World! Become famous!
- At Gulf Wars, we were going to have an A&S competition to determine Kingdom A&S champion; it is now being done over social media. They are also hosting an open A&S challenge for anyone in the kingdom – the submission will be 5 photos or a video. Check the Kingdom of Meridies website for further information.
- Emelina will be deputy to the kingdom social media and communications director
- We have been posting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
- Webminister (Captain Pietro di Conti)
- Set up initial web site for Artsy Crown.
- Added registration and PayPal info
- Link to Facebook event.
- Signed up for Zoom Pro, did some test runs then ran a barony meeting via Zoom.
- Set up a web page on the kingdom web site for Order of Defense at Master Ysabel’s request.
- Linked Sir Kytte’s page to her profile on the Greate Book of Fighters
- Set up initial web site for Artsy Crown.
- Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)
- Saw posts about how other groups are doing activities such as going to kids’ houses, etc. She believes this is a bad idea in the current public health crisis
- There have been no children’s activities over the past couple of weeks because events have been canceled – not to mention, she’s been working all day, and it’s a really bad idea.
- Their Excellencies South Downs (Master Wistric Oftun and Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)
- First of all, its so good to see everyone’s faces! and to talk to everyone!
- Sunneva has noticed in the past that some people are missing posts on the baronial Facebook page – if anyone has any ideas how to optimize the Facebook algorithm to make sure that those who need to see news get to see it.
- Juliane said that it might be that there’s so much going on in peoples’ feeds that maybe the posts get lost?
- Charlie said that based on the music industry, Facebook seems to prefer images over text?
- Also, A+S challenges – the local ones that Her Excellency has been working on with Emelina. They got this idea from a barony in Midrealm. Due to a mundane connection Sunneva found with someone from that barony, there is now an inter kingdom incident brewing between the two baronies.
- THis week’s challenge was to make a cardboard and tinfoil helm – this challenge has been extended
- Last week’s A+S class was Eri’s silkworm raising class – it was super fun! we are not restricted by time or place to do classes. Also, if you are interested in silkworms, she’d love to talk to you about silkworms.
- If you have ideas about continuing engagement online – particularly the Facebook page (especially with Emelina’s work as Minister) please reach out, as this is really how we are going to communicate for the near future.
- Finally – if you know anyone who needs help, from communicating to food to whatever please contact Their Excellencies.
- Finally finally – Wistric says that since technically we don’t have dance (or project) nights right now, please feel free to fill the Wednesdays with classes or whatever. We want to have an excuse to hang out every week.
- Juliane suggested maybe a themed hangout.
- Seneschal (THL Juliane de Vivonne)
- Artsy Crown – as of right now, we don’t know what’s going on. SCA has canceled everything up through 11 May, but we still need to go forward with plan just in case.
- Red Tower has a bid from Mariana and Farouq; finance committee has approved the bid, and we’ll vote on it in May
- Does project night seem to be working out down at the Makerspace? or would it be better to bring it back to our regular Doraville meeting space?
- Wistric mentioned that there are projects we are working on that requires the resources the Makerspace provides.
- Emelina asked if we even know where the new Makerspace is going to be?
- Juliane mentioned that there are other projects that don’t play well in the Makerspace (scribal, for example), but she is open to whatever the Barony decides.
- There is a cost issue ($50 for 2 extra hours per month), but she believes that we need to be there regularly to keep the space.
- Emelina suggested that until we know what the new space will be like, we won’t really be able to decide. It might be that the new site may have space for both small and larger projects.
- Gwyn mentioned that there is a significant value in maintaining access to the Makerspace, so we should make that a priority however we need to do that.
SCA Business
- Justina was going to do a Roman spa event at GW, and since that fell through she is considering hosting a Roman Home meeting/event via a Zoom meeting, inviting people to an online salon to discuss Roman-themed topics and dressed in Roman clothing, etc.
- Everyone liked her idea 🙂 She will go ahead and post info about her event once she’s got the info together.
- Juliane said that it would be fabulous if Justina offered period hairstyling demos on Zoom.
- Margavati announced that she is interested in doing an Indian/South Asian salon, similar to what Justina was describing with her Roman Home event.
- Mairghread reminded everyone that the Earl Marshal said that backyard practices are ON YOUR OWN – no connection to the SCA or liability, etc.
- Regarding face/plague masks: Gwyn is going to head up a PPE mask tutorial – there are tons of mask patterns that are downloadable online. She is working on developing an adjustable mask (drawstrings to the sides that aren’t elastic) that ties with ribbon or bias tape etc, She will be meeting about this on Friday to show how to make these masks.
- Lillie thanked Gwyn for helping her with her own mask project.
- There was discussion about mask details.
- Rhi said that if anyone needs a place to send masks to, send them to her or Ximon – Kaiser will gladly take them.
- Alessandra reminded everyone that not everyone can sew masks, so DBAD. She also has an extra sewing machine available for anyone who wants it.
- Agnes asked about whether handsewing masks are a thing or not – can they meet the requirements medical staff need?
- Ximon offered to pick up any masks that people want to donate.
- Lillie asked about where everyone gets their mask fabric. Juliane said it needs to be tight woven and washable. Gwyn added that it should be breathable. Rhi suggested ordering online from places like Fine Fabrics or quilting cotton from amazon, and eBay and etsy!
- Justina thought that perhaps her mom might have some quilting cotton available.
- Alessandra added that we are a group that care about history, we could be a part of creating history and keep journals about our experiences now. Sunneva said the librarian in her salutes the historian in Alessandra.
- In closing, Juliane said she could not be prouder of our Barony – the talent, the compassion, taking part in the zoom meetings, etc.this is why we are her chosen family.
Meeting ended at 8:30pm. No group dinner plans, as everyone was already at home.
Next business meeting: Wednesday, 6 May 2020. It will like still be online via Zoom, but stay tuned!
JULY 2020 Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
01 July 2020, Time: 1932
Notes submitted by Lady Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler.
THL Lucien d’Artois called the July meeting to order. Our Seneschal, THL Juliane de Vivonne, greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Juliane read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.
Officers Reports
Herald (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- We had 3 awards given out at court on 27 June.
- HE Emelina received her court Barony
- HE Mark received his Red Raven
- Lord Ogata Tarō Hiroyuki received his AoA
- Juliane’s badge was passed
- Sara’s name and device were passed.
Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)
- Fighter practice is on hold until at least 30 August.
- With the COVID-19 cases on the rise, but it is expected to be extended
- Mask experiments were done to wear with armor
- Cloth Masks
- Tends to slip down from nose to mouth while fighting
- Created a heat pocket (generated a lot of heat)
- Sports style mask
- Designed for sports
- Breathability was less
- Visibility was better than cloth
- Interfered with putting helmet on with it sliding down
- Please keep your safety in mind while wearing
- Cloth Masks
Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)
- Practice is on hold for now
- I have looked into masks for rapier practice
- I have a draft of guidelines for what we may be looking at for “Glorious day for when we can get back together”.
Live Weapons (Mistress Mara Palmer)
- Live weapons will have the easiest transition since we do not wear armor
- We would not be able to provide loaner gear due to transmission concerns
- Will need to have hand sanitation stations for practice
- Have been discussing masks for practices.
- Masks with vents on the sides do not protect for droplets
- A filter will still need needed
Reeve (Mistress Alessandra Giovanna Fioravanti)
- We have money!
- About to submit the quarterly report, open invitation for anyone to join in and watch how it goes.
- While we are good with money now, if things don’t improve, we will not have money in the bank for future events and expenses.
- If COVID continues, we will need ongoing fundraising
- Question: Can people donate to the Barony?
- Yes, but fundraising is better.
- Question: Can people donate to the Barony?
Quartermaster (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- We have stuff!
- The storage unit still needs to be paid for.
Question: How big is the storage shed?
Answer (Lucien): It is big, it is two units due to the number of things we need to store. 20×30, or something like that.
Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz), Finnvarr mac Branain reporting
- Nothing new, no one has approached Nikon or Finnvarr mac Branain.
Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)
- No report was made.
Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)
- We have A&S!
- It’s time to go to the spreadsheet so it can be reported to Kingdom
- Please have it returned by the 15th
- Class this month is Wistric – The 16th Century through the Lens of Princess Bride
- There are a lot of virtual classes taught by various classes
- RUM this year will be completely virtual
- Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium is the weekend after 4 July. It will be held in Australia
- Raven: Kingdom A&S online on 15 Aug. Trying to make it just a one-day event.
Chronicler (Lady Aelia Bassina)
- Work for the newsletter design has begun.
- First issue of the newsletter will be 1 October.
- I am accepting articles to be included in the newsletter.
- Articles topics can be anything, so long as it follows the conduct guidelines.
- Suggested topics can be anything from Event experiences, Opinion pieces, how-to’s, etc.
- Deadline for the articles will be 15 September to allow time to be included in the newsletter.
- Photos with the articles are encouraged but not required.
- I will be getting with HE Emelina to determine what waivers need to be signed and submitted.
Social Media Minister (HE Emelina le Nourreys)
- There’s a new social media policy, Juliane will be addressing.
- Followers: 90 on Instagram, 15 on Twitter, FB Group has 15 new people.
- There have been a lot of contentious things posted online, but the Barony page has been clear.
Webminister (Captain Pietro di Conti)
- Linked Wistric’s profile page to his new facebook page and to his training videos on YouTube.
- Updated spam filters to allow emails from Brendan’s email address.
- Updated Nikon’s page with a new device.
- Updated Charlie SCA name to Ogata Tarō Hiroyuki on profile page, linked profile page to his blog, added AoA.
- Added a new badge to Juliane’s page.
- Added court Barony to Emelina’s page.
- Added a new officer page for Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer (Margavati), set up dei AT atlantasca DOT com email.
- Updated Margavati’s page with link to officer page, updated title.
- Updated Baron & Baroness pages to refer solely to Sunneva.
- Added Aelia to chronicler email list.
- Added Ambrosius as an alternate name for Justina.
- Added pronouns for Margavati, Nikon, Justina, Ambrosius, Pietro. Note: I will only add pronouns for people who ask me to.
Question (Emelina) How would you like us to submit the request?
Answer (Pietro) Please use the form that is on the page.
- Will update Aelia’s title as Chronicler and Finn’s as deputy Chatelaine
Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer (DEI), (Vidushi Mewadi Margavati Bai)
- We’ve done a few things of the things we’ve planned to do
- One of the most exciting things has been we have instituted a once a week DEI discussion.
- The first one should be 15 July, Kalbardr is teaching a class on titles (Gender titles, regional titles, etc.)
- It will be a YouTube streaming discussion.
- After will be a Zoom Meeting
- The second one will be Lykania.
- This class has been done before for the Courtesans Guild for Castle Worlds
- It will include gender, sex, and sexual identities.
- The first one should be 15 July, Kalbardr is teaching a class on titles (Gender titles, regional titles, etc.)
- At some point we will be doing them on alternate nights.
- An August date has not been set.
- Kingdome DEI has a DEI class and has agreed to teach it to the Barony.
- Thanked everyone for their help with support
- We are creating a space on the baronial page for requested pronouns. They are optional but encouraged.
- The section can be found on the atlantasca DOT org page.
Her Excellency, Mistress Sunneva de Cleia
- When I stepped up over a year ago, I was 8 months pregnant. I thought that would be one of the hardest things to do. I didn’t have any allusions that it wouldn’t be difficult. I did not have a global pandemic on my card. This is all extremely new to me and everyone else. It was never my intention to lead this Barony alone. I want to reiterate that I am here, and I will carry out my tenure as Barony. Wistric is still here, but he will be in the background. People reaching out has been helpful. The last month I have been brought to tears by both kindness and injustices. We appreciate the support that has been shown to us. I am committed to remain steadfast and will be moving forward with the SCA core values. Please be good stewards for the Barony and the SCA. It has been helpful to determine your driving principles. Mine are always on the forefront of my mind. Let these principles be what guide you. Passions are high, higher than they have been since my time in the SCA. We often get into situations online where words get away from us. We need to find de-escalation tactics. Learn to ask questions, ask where they are coming from and why they feel that way. Even though we may not agree, I know what feeling hurt is like. I can empathize. Come to it from that point of view. You don’t need to agree. Nothing will be resolved in a day. Respecting other people is important. Separate the action from the person. Practice radical acceptance of other people’s feelings.
- Before all this started, I had created job descriptions for the officers in the Barony, this was for the newcomers to see what we do and if they were interested. I will be doing this again. We need to start thinking about The Heart of South Downs and The Cavalry award. Please start thinking of people you would like to nominate.
Question: (Margavati) Before the pandemic, after the last Heart of South Downs and Cavalry award, we had discussed how to incorporate non-binary people into those award structures.
Answer: (Sunneva) If you are interested in being part of a discussion group, please message me and we can all talk about it. I want your opinion. This is not something I will decide unilaterally.
- Please continue to be amazing!
- Keep Chuck in your thoughts. He is having surgery tomorrow (2 July 2020).
Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)
- We have children and they are wonderful!
- I have been thinking of what we would like to have classes after the pandemic. I would like to include them in the DEI integrations.
- The children are very accepting and wonderful.
- I don’t know how we would have classes to address those topics
Margavati: Message me and we can talk about it. There is a kingdom chat and I can bring that up. I think it’s a great idea.
Mara: we have a list of items and we can forward those to you.
Seneschal, (THL Juliane de Vivonne)
- I want to create a new staff member. Many years ago, I was provost of South Downs. My job was solely focused on classes. I focused on classes, sending things to RUM. Because we are doing so many things online. I think that would be something that would be great. I have talked to Alisandre and HE Sunneva. If you are interested, please email me or text me to let me know you are interested. I would like to have someone by the next meeting.
- There is a new policy for the kingdom. We have not had any problems on the Barony’s page, but I would like to institute the same policy. That is if someone is coming on and is inappropriate. The first would be a warning, second would be a 7-day silencing, the next would be 30-day. Screen shots would be sent to me and Mistress Anorra. This may add a bit of work for the Social Media office. If they become too overwhelmed, we will have the deputy assist,
- This was something that I talked to the autocrats for Red Tower and HE Sunneva, but we wanted to wait for everything to calm down. We have decided to cancel Red Tower. This is because MGT has been canceled the week before and confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been on the rise. I would rather cancel this event than put anyone in danger. I will make an announcement on the Kingdom and Barony FB pages.
- I have wanted to put in a bid for Castle Wars. I am not sure how we can do this. Mara is here as a member of the CDC. I don’t know how we can make this event world with the social distancing
- Mara: I don’t have anything prepared, but I am open for questions. Disclaimer: I am not here officially from the CDC. If the CDC lowers the restrictions, treat merchants like mundane shops, treat camps as private residences. Treat things as you would in the mundane life. Treat anything from the governor as a political statement and an official CDC says as a health statement. The SCA is going to keep to what the CDC recommends. It is a variable situation. Unfortunately, we can’t plan for November.
- Juliana: A recent governor’s post stated the state of emergency until 11 August. SCA is restricted until 30 Aug. Mistress Annora has recommended to start with small events. We don’t want to start with events, and probably start with business meetings, fighter practice, etc.
- Mara: If you want to look at optimistic projections, November may be possible. I do not believe that optimistic and think November is still in the “grey” area.
- Alessandra: WE just found out that our schools (Gwinnett County) will be opening in August. Their plan is looking good. But I don’t have hope that it won’t get bad. There are guidelines, but I think more people will go to school instead of staying home.
- Lykania: Even if things stay on track, we start opening in what, September? I’m thinking that November is probably not going to be good. Also, November is Flu season. There’s no telling where we will be at that time.
- Mara: Even if people start doing 50 person things, we need to wait a month for information. That would make it October. I don’t see us being able to do things in November. Even if we can open back up to a couple hundred people, would that be enough for Castle wars?
- Majda: What would happen if we weren’t able to have Castel Wars? What’s the worst-case scenario?
- Mara: That’s a question for the Reve.
- Alessandra: If we don’t have Castle Wars or Red Tower, we will need to have a fundraiser because those are our big events. The only expense we have is the storage.
- Juliane: We should make a group to discuss.
- Justina: How much is the storage?
- Alessandra: The Storage is $267 a month. We are paid up through next quarter. It would be good if we could raise $600.
Many suggestions for fundraisers were discussed. Auctions, donations, yard sales, personal instructions from heavy fighters, subscription boxes, etc.
- Sunneva: Technically, for Castle Wars, because we haven’t had a bid at least 5 months prior, we need to have approval from the populace to cancel the event.
- Juliane: We can have a vote right now.
- Motion was made and seconded.
- Motion for canceling Castle Wars, approved.
- Lykania: I did not believe in a virtual event until this last event, coronation. There were so many things that pulled people in. Can we do an online event?
- Andreva: We won’t need to have a bid because no Barony funds would be used.
- Alessandra: if we did an online fundraiser, that would be the time.
- Raven: By that time, we would have already had many events done online.
- Piers: Can we call it online Red Tower instead of Castle wars? That way it can still be a continuous event
- Juliane: it’s been 46/47 years. I don’t think we could stop that. We will talk offline.
Recent Events
- 27 June 2020 – Coronation of Timothy II And Ysmay II
Upcoming Events
- 18 July 2020 – Virtual Royal University of Meridies and Fighters Collegium
SCA Business
- Justina: This is the perfect time to talk about online stuff. Pennsic is happen online. Courtesans will be hosting a track of classes and are interested in teachers that are interested in Medieval sexuality. There are several people here that have volunteered to teach. We have a courtesan FB group that discusses class topics. Online stuff is happening. Thank you all so much for supporting this aspect of SCA persona research.
- Iazzie: I wanted to bring something up. Eventually, we will be able to fight again. Right now, we are practicing in a parking lot. The inside area is no longer available. The stance on masks is problematic. I think we will need to look somewhere else. The hard parking lot is painful. Somewhere with grass would be preferred. Where we are is not beneficial.
- Juliana: I think when we started going there, it was a big open place.
- Mara: The inside has been completed and there’s no longer a big open area.
- Iazzie: I would like to create a motion to find another place for practice
- Motion passed
- Justina: In response to Iazzie, as a non-fighter, I enjoyed going to the fighter locations. I enjoyed going because there was a place for me to sit indoors. I completely understand your reasons for wanting to go somewhere else. But, for those of us that would like to sit, and chat was nice. I would like to recommend finding a place for those of us to use.
- Mara: I like having people that come and chill at practice. Where archery is held at doesn’t really have a lot of area for people not there for practice. We need to think of a safe place for social distancing. This all depends on the 6 ft vs. 3 ft rule.
- Emilia: This past weekend we had our first digital court. Even though Red Tower was canceled. I wanted to know if we should be submitting people for Baronial awards.
- Answer: Yes
Question (Andreva): Is there something that could be made to show the Baronial awards.
Answer: Yes
- Alessandra: With all the events being canceled the SCA merchants have lost a lot of income. In the SCA merchant relief, there are subscription boxes. Please look over there. I’m fine but other merchants are having a hard time. If you can, please look at it. A lot of people with cool stuff.
- Iazzie: I want to really impress upon you about the DEI officer. It is always preferable to handle any conflict inside a group. Please refer to the DEI officer first so we can have it “in house”. Once it goes up to the Kingdom. Once it reaches there will not be a good solution. If it goes to the BOD, it’s a “nuclear” option. If you have something you can work out with Margi, please work with her before you go outside the Barony. Even if you go out of the Barony, please come to me. Please be very sure that what you are sending up the pipe is what needs to be sent.
- Margavati: just today, another thing came up on FB. Between me, Sunneva, and Nikon, we were able to work it out. I would much rather that be the result of conflict. I feel like adults and super cool people should be able to handle things. I would like to help de-escalate. You can always come to me if you don’t know if it’s something that escalates to Iazzie.
- Juliane: I came across something the other day about Boogaloo. It wasn’t someone from Meridies. I was horrified. I went to Locke.
- Margavati: Even if we say that it’s not within our purview, it’s useful for us to have a record of it. If it does need to be escalated, we will have that information. Please do not be a watchdog.
- Lykania: as a member of a group that has been attacked, it has been detrimental for you to engage in a negative manner. It’s better to change the dialog. When something blows up, when people show their support by changing things, it helps.
- Finbarr: I wanted to add on to what Lykania said. When something happens, like what we have seen happen, when you post outrage about what you have seen, it says to use is that you are a safe person for us to go to. When I joined about a year ago, when this was happening then, I don’t know what my reaction would have been. But the one thing that made me say “no, I’m going to stay.” was that for one person being a jerk online, i saw 20 people from the Barony/kingdom standing up. If you think that we don’t see it, we do see it.
- Juliane: We are past 9 PM. It was my understanding that the only reason we went to this time is because of the time limit that we paid for.
- Mara: If you have any concerns or public gatherings, please reach out to me in PMs. If I don’t get back to you within 24 hours, please ping me again. I have no problems answering questions. If you have questions, please ask me. I don’t keep up with the government restrictions. I am very familiar with the state and CDC guidelines.
- Margavati: This is why I wanted to do Q&A chats. It might not always be on Wednesdays, but we will have a dedicated time where you can talk about DEI things. Thank you everyone for being open and chatting.
- Justina: Isabella and I are now doing the unofficial revels. If you want to see when we do revels, please like our page. It’s “Meridies Virtual Revel- Unofficial“. We do Zoom meetings like this. Moving forward, we will not be putting the link in the message on FB due to trolls. Also, if someone that is going to be joining the meeting, please have a name that I can recognize as SCA.
- Margavati: just today, another thing came up on FB. Between me, Sunneva, and Nikon, we were able to work it out. I would much rather that be the result of conflict. I feel like adults and super cool people should be able to handle things. I would like to help de-escalate. You can always come to me if you don’t know if it’s something that escalates to Iazzie.
Business meeting was closed at 2123.
Next business meeting will be held 5 August 2020 @ 1900 via Zoom.
March 2020 Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
South Downs Baronial Business Meeting
4 March 2020, 7:30pm
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler.
THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. Our new Seneschal, THL Juliane de Vivonne, sez “Welcome! If you did not sign in, please sign in!”
Before the officers began giving their reports, THL Piers asked to speak before the populace. He offered an apology for how he handled the coronation bid he submitted.
Officers Reports
- Herald (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- Nothing to report
- Lucien is also the kingdom submissions deputy; if you want to submit something, please let him take a look at it before you submit it officially. It will save you time and money to do so, and he’s more than happy to help. Just contact him via Facebook or text him directly.
- Sir Iazzie offered a PSA: a lot of people like to do their heraldic consultations at Gulf Wars, but it’s always better to work locally and wrap things up (if needed) at Gulf Wars. It usually adds time to processing your submission if you don’t work locally first – the heralds at Gulf Wars get slammed with consultations
- Mistress Alessandra mentioned that another reason to not have your consultations done at Gulf Wars is that alcohol might be involved there, and you might end up with strange results 😀
- Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson), Lord Jürgen reporting
- Mairghread will be out of town for a couple of weeks for training for her new business, so Lord Jürgen will cover Tuesday evening practices in her absence
- Practices are going well – Sunday practice continues at the incipient Viking Alchemist Meadery site (3080 Jonquil Dr., Smyrna, GA 30080). Everyone is very happy with the site! We have gone back to holding joint practices on Tuesday evenings with the rapier fighters at Brook Run Park, 4770 N Peachtree Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338, near the Veterans’ Memorial.
- Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)
- Levetan Park may be getting too dark for Tuesday evening practices. So far, so good, but suggestions for alternate locations are welcome.
- Thanks, as always, to our collection of rapier marshals who make it possible for practice to happen without me. Efforts to get a couple more people warranted are under way.
- Live Weapons (Mistress Mara Palmer), THL Juliane reporting
- People have been shooting stuff! Yay!
- We have equipment! Yay!
- There have been some issues with the Royal Rankings – we are working through them, just be patient
- Upcoming practices are, as always, posted on the South Downs/Owl’s Nest Live Weapons Practice group, so come check us out!
- Reeve (Mistress Alessandra Fioravanti)
- We have money! yay!
- She finished the report for Midwinter – we made a profit of $1,272 from the event. Yay!
- Quartermaster (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- We have stuff! Yay!
- He is planning to do another inventory before the spring event season gets too far underway, but it will likely be after Gulf Wars
- Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz)
- Tom has accepted the deputy chatelaine position. Yay!
- Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)
- Our next demo will be on 9 May at the Alpharetta Library; they are looking in particular for people to demonstrate calligraphy and embroidery inside the Library and fighters outside. The indoor demos will be very hands-on.
- Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)
- We have A&S in the Barony, and it is good! Yay!
- It’s time for the quarterly report – post what you’ve done the past three months on the baronial A+S spreadsheet so we can document it.
- This month’s A&S class will be about silkworms taught by Erin Neko Hennessy (what is your SCA name?)
- April’s A&S class will be on weaving with gold thread, taught by Mistress Alessandra
- Speaking of A&S classes in the new year… are you interested in teaching a Baronial Arts & Sciences class in 2020? Submit your class idea on this form, or contact Alisandre directly.
- There was a good turnout at the A&S/group visit to Fine Fabrics. Everyone first met up at the food court at the Global Mall for delicious Indian food, then we headed over to Fine Fabrics for a guided tour (for those like your Chronicler who gets easily overwhelmed there).
- It is also gift basket season! Their Excellencies will need largesse for event season gifts. They’ll give Alisandre a list of largesse they already have – if you are considering making something for this effort, please contact Alisandre first so she can coordinate if necessary
- Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
- Nothing new to report
- Keeper of the Baronial Memes (Social Media Minister) (THL Emelina le Nourreys)
- We have social media! Yay!
- Yay! We have 20 new followers on Instagram!
- Emelina has set up the Instagram account to automatically crosspost to Facebook
- Social media posts from MCA got picked up by Society
- Webminister (Captain Pietro di Conti)
- We have a website! yay!
- Cleaned up website menus, removing obsolete links
- Replaced the 2019 A&S baronial class schedule with a link to THL Alisandre’s 2020 A&S spreadsheet
- Updated baronial meetings page with the new Freeside Atlanta project night location
- Added profile for Erikr and added him as a deputy on the Knight Marshal page
- Added Lady Aelia as deputy on the Chronicler page
- Submitted quarterly report to the kingdom webminster
- Their Excellencies, Master Wistric and Mistress Sunneva
- Thanked everyone who worked on Midwinter A&S last month
- Reminded everyone who is planning to go to Gulf Wars that if you are considering volunteering, make sure you get your volunteer hours logged and (if so), consider applying those hours to South Downs.
- Seneschal (THL Juliane de Vivonne)
- Red Tower will actually start in September; not sure how this will impact the PopChiv event requirements
- We have unofficially had our Artsy Crown bid approved; the event flyer is being published in PopChiv
- Kingdom was notified that Coronation’s feastcrat is looking for middle and high school aged children to serve feast, and there will be a teen hafla afterwards.
- Juliane described a plan for the next five years – she was going to take it easy and not autocrat any events in 2019, but would look at autocratting Castle Wars in 2020 before she stepped up as seneschal as she isn’t comfortable with the idea of autocratting while serving as seneschal.
- However, she had already been making plans to autocrat this year’s Castle Wars and has asked THL Isabetta to co-autocrat Castle Wars with her so she can recuse herself from any financial issues for the event
- Iazzie had concerns since this would remove a layer of responsibility for the barony that would be problematic.
- THL Andreva pointed out that the legal paperwork related to submitting a bid requires three signatures: the seneschal, the reeve, and the autocrat.
- His Excellency asked if the kingdom seneschal had any thoughts about the situation.
Recent and Upcoming Events
- Meridian Challenge of Arms (MCA), 28 February – 1 March 2020, Dalwhinnie Fields
- 96 people attended
- We had fencers come in as far away as Glenn Abhann (10 hours drive!)
- This was the first time that MCA was held as a weekend event
- Lex was really excited to host the event there
- Everyone had a great time, and not having a hard departure deadline on Sunday was really helpful
- Chickens!
- There was a brick oven onsite, and fundraiser lunch was made-to-order woodfired pizzas – so great!
- Funny moment – the Barony of Iron Mountain was assumed by the heralds to host the event (MCA, like Meridian Grand Tournament, are hosted by the kingdom, not by any local group). Shenanigans ensued.
- THL Isabetta was tasked to make the site full of pageantry, and had everyone bring their banners. This created a beautiful scene with the banners fluttering in the breeze around the lyst field.
- House Excelsior made several kingdom pennons to add to the pageantry. It rocked!
- Artsy Crown (22-25 May 2020, Camp Benjamin Hawkins, Byron GA)
- Countess Gwynhwyfar offered a donation of a linen tunic from Linen Garb as a raffle for everyone who volunteers at troll. Thank you!
- There will be a signup sheet for setup and teardown
- There is a potential handfasting to be scheduled Friday night of Artsy Crown – this, however, will not be part of the official schedule, they’re just letting people know it will happen.
SCA Business
- Lady Isabella has been asked to spearhead our baronial beautification project; she would love some help to make general signs for parking, etc., at an upcoming project night.
- Freeside Atlanta is moving to another location and is looking for large cardboard packing boxes and help packing
- We now have bardic meetings in our barony! For more info, please contact Master Mathias
Non-SCA Business
- Andreva has a spring concert the weekend of 19 April at Northside Church; the theme is motets (a 16th century music form). If interested, please contact her for ticket info
- THL Justina brought a bunch of fabric and other stuff, free to a good home. Anything not taken after the meeting will be donated to Goodwill.
- THL Stella said we are a go for the DragonCon parade! Yay!
Business meeting is closed.
Next business meeting will be held Wednesday, 1 April 2020, at the Doraville Civic Center.
February 2020 Mini-Business Meeting Minutes
19 February 2020, 7:30pm
Notes submitted by Lady Aelia Bassina of Veii, South Downs Deputy Chronicler.
THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. “Welcome! If you did not sign in, please sign in!”
Tonight’s meeting covers two specific issues for discussion and one for voting: the bid for this year’s Artsy Crown and the post-mortem from Midwinter Arts & Sciences.
Spring Crown List and Kingdom Arts & Sciences (Artsy Crown) 2020 Bid (22-25 May, 2020)
There had been previous discussion about submitting a bid for RUM as our required kingdom-level event bid; however, it has come to our attention that no one had submitted a bid for Artsy Crown, so we’ve put together a bid in the hopes of preserving the event. Copies of the bid were passed out to any of the populace who wanted them.
- Co-Autocrats: Lady Raven Helmsplitter and THL Lucien d’Artois
- Site: Camp Benjamin Hawkins, Byron GA. This is the same site where Castle Wars and Coronation were held. We realize it is not an ideal site for Artsy Crown due to the lack of air-conditioned classroom space, but everything has already been booked for Memorial Day weekend. We will look at having A&S classes in the pavilions and bring fans to help keep things cool(ish).
- Cost to attend: $20 adult weekend and $15 adult daytrip, including a $5 discount for members ($30 members, $20 non-members
- There will be two feasts, one Saturday and a fighters’ feast on Sunday; each feast will be $8.
- Minimal marshal costs; the only martial activities will be Crown List on Sunday, and the Kingdom Earl Marshal will be coordinating that.
- Some details are still being put together, as a bid needs to be entered as soon as we can.
- PayPal will be set up as soon as we get the go-ahead
- Other staff:
- Field Steward: Captain Brendan de Hay, with THL Piers Simmons serving as deputy
- Event booklet and flyer: Lady Agnes Halydaye
- Memes and Social Media: THL Emelina and Lady Isabella
- Marshal in charge: Master Edward Yarborough (as Kingdom Earl Marshal)
- Event Website: Captain Pietro di Conti
- Youth Activities: Lady Una Ulfrdottir
- Mentor: THL Juliane de Vivonne
- We will need many volunteers to help make this happen; once we get the bid approved by Crown, we will need to hit the ground running.
- There will be 3 days of breakfast, travelers’ fare on Friday night, and 2 fundraiser lunches
- Questions from the populace:
- Will there be childrens’ activities? Yes
- Do we feel the amount set aside for travelers’ fare ($75) is enough? Baron Mark mentioned he spent more than $100 when he provided travelers’ fare. It was agreed that the amount would be increased.
- Seeing as we have been using the site for a year or so now, would it be possible to do a survey to see if the attendees like or don’t like the site, and what they do or don’t like about it? Comments from the populace included that most of the complaints are about things we cannot control, such as the site not being level, etc.
- Lady Agnes expressed interest in working troll, but she wanted assurances that she wouldn’t actually have to handle money. Yes – there’s a lot to do at troll that doesn’t include directly handling money (putting together tokens and site booklets, answering questions, helping attendees fill out paperwork, etc.). With Artsy Crown being 4 days, we will definitely need lots of volunteers at troll to cover all the shifts.
- The discussion ended, and a motion to vote was made and seconded. The bid was approved. Since it is a long weekend (Friday through Monday of Memorial Day weekend), the suggestion was made to increase the weekend adult fee to $25. A vote to increase the adult weekend fee was made and passed; the bid will be revised to reflect this.
Midwinter Arts & Sciences and Regional Fighter Practice post-mortem
Lady Raven thanked everyone who came out to Midwinter. Everyone had a lot of fun and a good time. Not everything went perfectly, but it was a new site and overall things went well.
- A couple of things happened:
- The site loved us. The parish coordinator said we were the easiest outside group she’d ever worked with, and we now have Exalted Status with the parish. They would love to have us back!
- When we host an event, it is so important for people to step and volunteer; we had a few instances of volunteers being locked into their jobs for the entire event. With enough volunteers, everyone can help *and* enjoy the event.
- More signage is needed for the indoor areas because it was very confusing. Perhaps a signpost outside the elevators to help direct people inside?
- There was a lack of trashcans. Perhaps as a Barony, we could invest in some pop-up trashcans to supplement what a site has available
- Could we have a white board or tack board where event changes (room changes, class cancellations, etc) could be posted in a central location? We do have a sandwich whiteboard in our storage unit that can be brought out for this purpose.
- While we were there, someone from another group came up and suggested having a handout for people who aren’t there for the event to explain what we do so there is no misunderstanding. We shared the space with a women’s bible study group in the morning and a Nicotine Anonymous meeting in another part of the building in the afternoon.
- The classes were well attended, and because some of the classrooms were small, class attendees spilled out into the hallway. Class size management might be needed for next time.
- Questions from the populace:
- If we do this again, can we use signage instead of having a person direct parking? There was signage but because it was a new site, we wanted to have someone there to help direct people. More signage is definitely needed, and it would also reduce the number of volunteers needed on parking staff.
- Lady Raven asked if we would like to have an event there again? Yes!
- THL Emelina mentioned that the area for the scriptorium was awesome – it was quiet and perfect.
- Mistress Alessandra reported we had 272 people attend, 21 of those were children
- Lady Agnes said that Lady Raven did an awesome job!
Business meeting is closed.
Next business meeting will be held Wednesday, 4 March 2020, at the Doraville Civic Center.
February 2020 Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
South Downs Baronial Business Meeting
5 February 2020, 7:30pm
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler.
THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. Our new Seneschal, THL Juliane de Vivonne, sez “Welcome! If you did not sign in, please sign in!”
Juliane announced we had special guests to the Barony attending our meeting tonight: The Honorable Lady Saruca bint Lazari from the East Kingdom, one of the Society’s Ombudsmen, and Her Exuberance, Baroness Anna, of late from the Kingdom of Lochac and newly arrived to our fair Barony. The populace greeted them warmly.
Officers Reports
- Herald (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- Nothing of note happened at Midwinter A&S (lol)
- Submissions
- No new submissions, no change in status for submissions in progress.
- Awards
- Midwinter Arts & Sciences, 1 February 2020
- His Excellency, Master Wistric Oftun – Pelican
- Lady Aelia Bassina – Meridian Cross
- THL Juliane de Vivonne – Meridian Cross
- Lady Mairghread Wilson – Cygnet’s Nest
- Mistress Marianna Cristina Tirado de Aragon – Court Barony
- Sir Iastreb Desislavich – Court Barony
- THL Justina di Silvestri – Red Raven
- THL Stella di Silvestri – Red Raven
- Midwinter Arts & Sciences, 1 February 2020
- Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)
- Lady Mairghread thanked everyone who came out to the regional fighter practice last Sunday (2 February); we had more than 40 armored fighters come out, and the weather was (uncharacteristically) awesome
- Mairghread will be out of town for a couple of weeks for training for her new business, so Lord Jürgen will cover Tuesday evening practices in her absence
- Mairghread would like to add Lord Eirikr Pálsson as her deputy marshal – as there were no objections, she will move forward with getting him set up.
- Practices are going well – Sunday practice continues at the incipient Viking Alchemist Meadery site (3080 Jonquil Dr., Smyrna, GA 30080). Everyone is very happy with the site! We have gone back to holding joint practices on Tuesday evenings with the rapier fighters at Brook Run Park, 4770 N Peachtree Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338, near the Veterans’ Memorial.
- Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)
- Captain Brendan echoed what Mairghread said about the regional practice – we had 10 fencers attend practice
- We have new fighters (yay!), including one crossing over from armored fighting Brendan reminded the populace that *anyone* can cross over, and fight both forms – one day armored, one day rapier (for example)
- Mairghread mentioned that we will have a youth rapier fighter who will try to authorize on Sunday
- Master Ximon thanked the barony for supplying the food for the cookout at the regional practice – everyone ate well
- Ximon also thanked everyone who signed His Excellency Wistric’s birthday card at the practice, who was also very well surprised at the birthday cake.
- Levetan Park may be getting too dark for Tuesday evening practices. So far, so good, but suggestions for alternate locations are welcome.
- Thanks, as always, to our collection of rapier marshals who make it possible for practice to happen without me. Efforts to get a couple more people warranted are under way.
- Live Weapons (Mistress Mara Palmer), THL Juliane reporting
- Master Mathias and Conor have been covering practices for Mara in her absence.
- We have equipment! Yay!
- Upcoming practices are, as always, posted on the South Downs/Owl’s Nest Live Weapons Practice group, so come check us out!
- Reeve (Mistress Alessandra Fioravanti)
- Could not attend tonight, but we (probably) have money! yay!
- Quartermaster (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- We have stuff! Yay!
- He is planning to do another inventory before the spring event season gets too far underway, but it will likely be after Gulf Wars
- Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz)
- Lord Nikon was welcomed as our new Chatelaine, and THL Justina was thanked for all her hard work as the outgoing Chatelaine
- Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)
- Our next demo will be on 9 May at the Alpharetta Library; they are looking in particular for people to demonstrate calligraphy and embroidery inside the Library and fighters outside. The indoor demos will be very hands-on.
- It was pointed out that this is the same weekend as the Meridian heralds’ retreat, so some of our regular demo participants will not be able to make this demo
- The barony has many leftover embroidery hoops from Red Tower that we can use for the demo, and Sir Iazzie has some blank practice scrolls he can donate
- THL Saruca mentioned that her barony does an “armor petting zoo” at their demos, allowing visitors to handle some of the armor the fighters use, and that it’s very popular
- THL Justina and THL Emelina suggested setting up some photo ops at the demo, that we can then post on our Instagram site
- Next Wednesday (12 February) will be project night at the maker space (the old location); Bú will be making a photo backdrop for demos.
- Our next demo will be on 9 May at the Alpharetta Library; they are looking in particular for people to demonstrate calligraphy and embroidery inside the Library and fighters outside. The indoor demos will be very hands-on.
- Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)
- We have A&S in the Barony, and it is good! Yay!
- Alisandre thanked everyone who came out to take a class or teach a class at Midwinter A&S! If you didn’t teach, consider teaching at a future event!
- It’s time for the quarterly report – post what you’ve done the past three months on the baronial A+S spreadsheet so we can document it.
- This month’s A&S class will be “How to Submit an Event Bid,” taught by Juliane
- March’s A&S class will be on weaving with gold thread, taught by Mistress Alessandra
- Speaking of A&S classes in the new year… are you interested in teaching a Baronial Arts & Sciences class in 2020? Submit your class idea on this form, or contact Alisandre directly.
- Alisandre is looking at starting up A&S weekend sessions; the first/next one is a trip to Fine Fabrics, just before MCA later this month.
- It is also gift basket season! Their Excellencies will need largesse for event season gifts. They’ll give Alisandre a list of largesse they already have – if you are considering making something for this effort, please contact Alisandre first so she can coordinate if necessary
- Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
- We have a deputy! Yay! Lady Aelia Bassina of Veii has graciously volunteered.
- Keeper of the Baronial Memes (Social Media Minister) (THL Emelina le Nourreys)
- We have social media! Yay!
- Yay! We have more than 200 followers on Instagram!
- Emelina thanked Lady Isabella in particular for helping cover while she was focused on scrolls for Midwinter
- Webminister (Captain Pietro di Conti)
- We have a website! yay!
- Changed copyright to Year 2020
- Communicated with Kingdom Webminister about kingdom web policy issues – they want all web sites to have a meridies.org domain, but this might be hard for us. I emailed Kingdom Webminister on 25 January 2020 asking if having meridies.org redirect to the existing web site would be acceptable. I hadn’t received any reply as of 5 February so I sent another email to follow up. If they won’t allow this, we need to either migrate content to their site (a large effort) or figure out how to change our domain name to use theirs. We would also need to reprint promotional materials.
- Updated Seneschal’s email and web page to go to THL Juliane
- Updated Reeve’s email and web page to go to Mistress Alessandra
- Updated Chatelaine’s emails and web pages to go to Lord Nikon and Lady Bú
- Updated Minister of Children’s email and web page to go to Lady Una
- Added Lady Isabella to social media email
- Added Midwinter A&S kingdom-level awards for His Excellency Master Wistric, Lady Aelia, THL Juliane, Lady Mairghread, Mistress Marianna, Sir Iastreb
- Added January and Midwinter A&S barony-level awards for THL Wenyeva, THL Juliane, Lady Aelia, Lady Isabella, THL Justina, and THL Stella
- Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)
- Discussed children’s activities at Midwinter – the kids had a lot of fun!
- Seneschal (THL Juliane de Vivonne)
- The populace welcomed Juliane as our new Seneschal, adn thanked THL Mark for all his hard work as the outgoing Seneschal
- Juliane pointed out that the kingdom calendar has Castle Wars 2020 listed incorrectly – it should be 4 days (Thursday, 19 November – Sunday, 22 November)
- RUM (the Royal University of Meridies): as a Barony, we are required to submit a bid for a Kingdom-level event; there is interest in autocratting, but we need a site! If you have any ideas, please text Juliane directly. In the meantime, she’ll find out when the bid is due – they’re not calling for it yet, so we ahve some time.
- She is looking for a deputy for finding sites
SCA Business
- Midwinter post-mortem will take place later this month, due to several key absences at tonight’s meeting
- Next week is project night, and Emelina will start publicizing. Please feel free to share her FB posts to help get the word out (so she doesn’t feel like she’s spamming everyone)
- MCA (Meridian Challenge of Arms) – if you are planning to attend, please pre-register! Registration deadline is 14 February There are feast spots left! There will also be a bonfire and Master Geoffrey’s tavern, The Cock and Feather, will be there. It will be epic!
- The kingdom newsletter, Popular Chivalry (PopChiv), needs to have some info updated. Juliane has reached out to its editor, Lord Einarr knytir – he said that he needs to receive the request by email and will take care of it once he’s recovered from the flu.
- Alisandre shared a post about pronoun pins; she’s putting together a group order that she’ll pick up at Gulf Wars, if anyone is interested in adding to her order. Please post requests on the Barony FB page so she can keep track of orders.
- Sir Iazzie is the current ombudsman for our region, and is looking for a successor. Please contact him directly if interested.
Non-SCA Business
- Juliane mentioned the deadline for signing up the Barony for the DragonCon parade is coming up (15 February), and we need someone to volunteer to coordinate our presence at the parade. Ximon volunteered. Stella has made Meridian and South Downs ribbons for your badges if you march in the parade.
- Saruca wanted to take a selfie with everyone before the meeting ended.
- Iazzie recognized Brendan for being on top of things at Midwinter, and Juliane seconded.
Business meeting is closed.
Next business meeting will be held Wednesday, 4 March 2020, at the Doraville Civic Center.
MAy Business Meeting
January 2020 Baronial Business Meeting
South Downs Baronial Business Meeting
8 January 2020, 7:30pm
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler.
THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. Our Seneschal, THL Mark de Wytteney, sez “Welcome! If you did not sign in, please sign in!”
Officers Reports
- Herald (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- Submissions
- THL Juliane de Vivonne – new badge
- Sara Wandrownyczka – new name and device
- Mistress Mara Palmer – badge registered on October 2019 LOAR
- Awards
- Submissions
- Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)
- We had an injury report that needed to be submitted.
- Lord Jürgen is away on military training, so Lady Mairghread is looking for backup marshals for practices.
- Practices are going well – Sunday practice continues at the incipient Viking Alchemist Meadery site (3080 Jonquil Dr., Smyrna, GA 30080) starting 13 October 2019. Everyone is very happy with the site! As of this past Tuesday (6 January 2020), we went back to holding joint practices on Tuesday evenings with the rapier fighters at Brook Run Park, 4770 N Peachtree Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338, near the Veterans’ Memorial.
- Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)
- Practices at the Meadery are awesome. Huge thanks to those making this happen.
- Levetan Park may be getting too dark for Tuesday evening practices. So far, so good, but suggestions for alternate locations are welcome.
- Thanks, as always, to our collection of rapier marshals who make it possible for practice to happen without me. Efforts to get a couple more people warranted are under way.
- Live Weapons (Mistress Mara Palmer)
- Master Mathias and Conor have been covering practices for Mara in her absence.
- We have equipment! Yay!
- Upcoming practices are, as always, posted on the South Downs/Owl’s Nest Live Weapons Practice group, so come check us out!
- Chatelaine (THL Justina di Silvestri)
- She seconded the comments of others so far that the Sunday practices at the Meadery are AWESOME! It’s also a great place to bring newcomers.
- Collegium Vulcani, hosted by the shire of Des Forges in December, was also awesome! This year’s event featured classes particularly useful to newcomers to the SCA.
- If you have anything you’d like to contribute to Gold Key, please get to Justina by the end of January so she can finalize inventory before Lord Nikon steps up as Chatelaine in February.
- She reminded the populace that we all are chatelaines, in practice.
- Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)
- We have a possibility of several library demos in the next couple of months, and they’d like to pay us for it. The payments would be set up as donations to the Barony, so we would not violate any rules regarding non-profits or the Society.
- Potential dates are 8 February or 7 March, so attendance would need to work around Knight’s Gambit and Gulf Wars (respectively). They’re also interested in having us come out in April (4 or 11 April) to demo fighting and crafting.
- Second Wednesday project nights continue at Freecyle. They are moving to a new location in March or April, and it would be great if we could come out to help with their move since they’ve been really good to us.
- Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)
- We have A&S in the Barony, and it is good! Yay!
- It’s time for the quarterly report – post what you’ve done the past three months on the baronial A+S spreadsheet so we can document it.
- Baron Mark will be teaching this month’s class on period dice games. He is putting together swag bags of dice and antique coins in a bag for purchase by those taking the class – he will determine the final costs for this and will let everyone know in advance of the class.
- We are still looking for teachers for Midwinter Arts & Sciences, to be held in Decatur on 1 February. If you’re interested in teaching, please sign up on the baronial page. Alisandre was asked if time slots could be requested – this is not really possible, due to all the moving pieces involved in the scheduling puzzle.
- Speaking of A&S classes in the new year… are you interested in teaching a Baronial Arts & Sciences class in 2020? Submit your class idea on this form, or contact Alisandre directly.
- Reeve (THL Andreva Rigaldi)
- We have money! yay!
- End of year report is done, pending Seneschal’s signature.
- Balance: $12,113.13
- Outstanding checks: $11,XXX
- We are up $1,401.19 from last year, which is really good given that our expenses have increased ($100 for first two meetings, $25 for each meeting after that per month)
- This is Andreva’s last business meeting as Reeve – she’ll hand off the position to Mistress Alessandra in February.
- Quartermaster (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- We have stuff! Yay!
- Webminister (Captain Pietro di Conti)
- We have a website! yay!
- Many, many Castle Wars web page updates
- Submitted quarterly report to the Kingdom Webminister
- Lady Zhelana did several updates to add content to Midwinter A&S event page.
- Removed temperature restrictions from Fighter Practice page; added “warranted marshal required”.
- Disk cleanup: reduced number of backups retained from 4 to 3 for sake of disk space.
- Posted the dates of Jan-May live weapons practices.
- Keeper of the Baronial Memes (Social Media Minister) (THL Emelina le Nourreys)
- We have social media! Yay!
- Working on memes and signage for Midwinter A&S.
- Yay! We have almost 200 followers on Instagram!
- Minister of Children (Lady Melusine of South Downs, THL Mark de Wytteney reporting)
- Lady Melusine (Myndee) is stepping down, and Lady Una will serve as our Minister of Children – her background check has been done, and everything is good to go!
- Everyone thanked Myndee for all the work she’s done to really establish children’s activities both in the barony and in the Kingdom.
- Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
- Looking for a deputy to whom she can eventually hand over the office’s responsibilities.
- Their Excellencies, Master Wistric and Mistress Sunneva
- Thank you all for coming out for the baronial holiday party! We had a great turnout, everyone had a great time, and it went on until the wee hours of the morning.
- We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season.
- Once again, we are looking for retainers for Midwinter A&S – it’s fun and easy! If interested, please contact Juliane.
- Their Excellencies then called over Andreva, who opened the Court of Their Excellencies South Downs.
- THL Wenyeva atte grene was called into court and awarded The Phoenix Spark for having “become (an) integral member of the Barony after moving from another Kingdom or returning to the Society from a long hiatus.” And there was much rejoicing from the populace.
- With Their business being done, the court of Their Excellencies was closed.
- Seneschal (THL Mark de Wytteney)
- This is also Mark’s last business meeting as seneschal, and Juliane will be taking over. Mark was thanked for all the work he’s done as seneschal.
- If you haven’t already done so, please sign in!
Upcoming Events
- Midwinter Arts & Sciences (1 February 2020), Lady Raven Helmsplitter and Master Ximon Martillo de Córdoba reporting
- Event to be held at Holy Trinity Parish Episcopal Church in downtown Decatur – new site, 3 blocks to Decatur MARTA station, 5 blocks to Avondale MARTA station, so it’s intown and easily accessible.
- Everything is moving apace – the insurance application has been submitted and we should have the documents back in plenty of time for the event.
- The Meridian Order of the Blade will offer a fundraiser lunch of chili and stews.
- Event staffing has been completed.
- Andreva asked about what we have in inventory for power cords and adapters for PayPal, and if we needed to purchase more – financial committee approved, will be added to troll box.
- We will go to the site in a week or two (depending on parish coordinator’s schedule) to do a final walkthrough and drop off deposit and insurance paperwork.
- Jour d’Amour (24-26 January 2020)
- THL Justina announced that the Courtesans of Meridies will be hosting a symposium and salon at the event.
Non-SCA Business
- Mistress Margavati brought a bunch of books to the meeting, free to a good home (or homes).
- Mistress Mara announced that she will be hosting a baby shower for Gwyneth (Morgan) at Midwinter A&S – if interested in attending, please stay tuned fro details (or contact Mara directly).
Business meeting is closed.
Next business meeting will be held Wednesday, 8 February 2020, at the Doraville Civic Center.