Dramatis Personae

The People of South Downs!

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MistressAdela Scrijver van BruggeCalligraphy, Illumination
LordÆlfric HortProvost, Welsh/Saxon/English, Indigenous North American, Archery, Crafting, Food and Drink, Hobbies and Pastimes, Heraldry and Scribal, History and Culture, Performing Arts, Bardic, Leather Crafting, Archery, Forestry
BaronessaAelia Bassina of VeiiScribal, Leatherworking, Brewing, Cooking
LadyAgnes HalydayeSocial Media Officer
SirAidan Mackay 
MistressAlessandra Giovanna FioravantiLate Italian costuming, Weaving
 LordAlvery Parnell13th Century English and Qin Dynasty China, service, metalworking, sewing
The Honorable LadyAlisandre Isabeau de la Chapelle16th c Ottoman, Costuming, Cordialing, Cooking
The Honorable LadyAndreva RigaldiMusic, embroidery
BaronessAnna Felice TavestocheHeraldry, Fencing
LadyAnneliese Wulf 
BaronessArnora Karlsdottir

Cross-Stitch, Norse

The Honorable LadyBianca the Inquisitive 
The Honorable LordBjörn GullhárrHeraldry, Photography
The Honorable LordBram HalfdannarsonHeavy fighting, rapier fighting
CaptainBrendan de HayRapier Marshal, Rapier fighting, Mead brewing
LadyBú Feiyan
LordCamulocaros BodogenicnosHeavy fighting, Brewing
MasterCathal mac Edan na faeled 
LadyCellach ingen Oengusa 
MistressChristianna MacGrain 
LadyDametta of Arundel 
 Danielle De Lyon
MasterDavid TwynhamRapier fencing, Historic combat arts
MasterDavio de la RougeBaronial Rapier Champion, Rapier fencing
LordDorian AraignéeCostuming, crafting, food & drink, history & culture, hospitality & largesse, tablet weaving, fiber arts
BaronessEmelina le NorreysKingdom Arts Champion, 12th-16th c England, calligraphy, illumination, wood burning, wood carving, jewelry making
BarônosEirikr PalssonKnight Marshal, Eastern Regional Webminister, Heavy fighting, Leatherworking, Greek armor and culture
 Eyba LarsdottirRapier fencing
LordFaruq abdur RashidLeatherworking
LordFinn O’Flaherty 
 Finnbarr MacBranainDeputy Chatelaine
MistressGabriella Francesca Qlejja de Warre 
LordGuido of Axbridge 
CountessGwenhyfar MwynnByzantine, Coptic Egypt, Persian, 
Archery and thrown weapons, Costuming, Crafting, History and Culture
BaronHajji Turahan Karamani al-Arsalan 
SirIastreb DesislavichHeavy fighting
LordIgnatius Modicus 
LadyIsabella Parr 
MaestraIsabetta de San MarcoQuartermaster
LordIvarr Ulfasson 
LordJacob Mór 
MistressJadi Fatima al-Ishfahani al-SamarkandiyyaMiddle eastern costuming, Middle eastern dance
LordJarec MarkovHeavy fighting
 John Kirikov 
DukeJohn of Ean Airgead, called the Mad CeltHeavy fighting
LordJurgen der VielfrassDeputy Marshal, Heavy fighting
La Onesta SignoreJustina di SilvestriReeve, 15th & 16th c Italian, courtesans, cosmetics, historic hygiene, personal lives, home economics, hair dressing, poisons, and the macabre of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
NobleKasha Lengyel16th century Hungary, Russia and Poland, Costuming, scribal, cooking, fiber arts
LordKonrad Windhorn16th-century Landsknecht, Archery, Armored Combat, Rapier fighting
SirKytte Meliora Stevenson 
MistressLaurettia atte Blacksterre 
LadyLily of South DownsDiversity Equity and Inclusion Officer of South Downs
MasterLorenzo Petrucci Herald, 15th-16th c Italian, archery, armored combat, dance, costuming, crafting
The Honorable LadyLykaina of Stone Hill KeepNorse, Norman, Crusader 1st – 3rd, Armored Combat, Lampwork, jewlery making, and sewing
BaronessMadelena da FirenzeEnglish 15th-16th Century, Archery, Costuming, Crafting, History, Service
LordMagnus Andersson 
The Honorable LadyMaire Dhocair inghean Chiarain 
BaronessMairghread WilsonDeputy Marshal, Youth Marshal, Heavy fighting, Rapier fighting, Youth fighting, Live weapons, Cooking, Stitching, Painting
LadyMajda Anwar 
SirMandin Leon 
MistressMara PalmerLive Weapons Marshal, Archery Champion, Calligraphy, Archery
LadyMaren AndersdatterBook binding
MistressMarianna Cristina Tirado de AragonPeriod Feasts
BaronMark de Wytteney

14th-15th Century England, armored combat, armoring, calligraphy, bardic, rapier combat

LadyMaryam al-JawhariyyaArts & Sciences Minister, Al-Andalus (Islamic Spain), early period MENAT/SWANA region, Mughal India
MasterMathias BlackettHeraldry, Singing, Heavy fighting
AcharyaMargavati Bai MewadiWebminister 15th-16th c Rajasthan (north India), Non-European history, culture and costuming; Bookbinding (specifically Eastern paper-based forms, such as Islamic and Chinese structures); Indian culture, costume and dance; research
MistressMolli Rose KekilpennyLate Period English, Fiber Arts
SirMorgan IronheartHeavy fighting, Rapier fencing
LadyMorganna Bellachose 
LadyMyndee of South Downs16th Century France & Italy, Archery, Rapier, Research Courtesans, Costuming, Woodworking, Glasswork, Scribal, Oils
LordNikon Dawidowicz 
MasterNikoslav MikolaevichKingdom Seneschal, Rapier fencing, Sami bread
LadyOgata Mitsuko

Deputy Chatelaine

Japanese swordsmanship, 1500’s Scotland, Rapier Combat, Leatherworking, Bookbinding
MistressPeryn Rose WhitehorseCostuming, Horseback riding, Hounds
BaronPiers Simmons

Rapier fencing, Heavy fighting, archery

CaptainPietro di ContiEmbroidery, History
MistressPorcia SecundaCostuming, Embroidery
The Honorable LordQuintus Valerius GracchusHeavy fighting
LadyRacheal McFinney 
The Honorable LordRandalín in kyrra 
 Rannulf of Arrow’s KeepNorman 9&10th century, Archery, Armored Combat, Equestrian, Rapier, Capturing Events in Photography
LadyRaven HelmsplitterRapier fencing
LadyRebekah Zsido 
BaronessRhiannon verch MadynBaroness of South Downs, 8th-11th c British/Welsh & Byzantine, Costuming, Embroidery, Herbology
BaronessRhonwyn alyna nic an Chrosain 
BaronRobert ThrockmortonBaronial Armored Champion, Heavy fighting
LadyRoisin McAlisterDeputy Chatelaine (Gold Key), 14th-16th century Ireland/Scotland, Embroidery, Costuming
LadyRuqayah al-ZarqaMoorish Spain, Tudor England, Ottoman Empire, Viking (Denmark), Calligraphy, Illumination, Costuming, Millinery
LadySable of South Downs 
 Sara Wandrownyczka 
LadySefa MjøksiglandiIllumination
 Serafina Alamanni15th c Italian, Tablet Weaving, Wire Weaving, Costuming
LadySiobhan O’Dunvegan 
LordSalim Al’HallilDeputy Exchequer, Ottoman Empire – 1500’s, smelting, cooking, and woodworking


(Title is after name for this persona)

Seong Myeong SuChronicler, Baronial Arts Champion, Korean Culture, Italian Culture, Metal Casting, Weaving, Sewing, Embroidery, Jewelry, Cordmaking
The Honorable LordStephen of Forth Castle 
LordSumarliði10th century Norse; Armored Combat, Games & Pastimes, Performing Arts, Service
MistressSunneva de Cleia12th century England and France, 16th century England, Archery, Costuming, Calligraphy and Illumination
LadySvala Thorfinnsdottir 
LadyTryggva Ingvarsdóttir 
LordTryggvi Tryggsson 
LordUlric of Wolfhaven 
LadyUna UlfrdottirMinister of Children
LadyVeronica da LuccaCalligraphy, sketching, painting, gilding, sewing
LadyWaelwulfRapier fencing
The Honorable LadyWenyeva atte grene14th C English, Onomastics (names), Heraldry, Culinary history, Language, Just about everything
ViscountWilliam ColquittNorman England, 1066 – 1119, Armored Combat, Costuming, History & Culture, Performing Arts
MasterWistric OftunRapier fencing, Finger loop braiding
SirWulfric Peverel 
MasterXimon Martillo de CordobaBaron of South Downs, 1560-1600 Spain, Rapier fencing, Service, Repurposing modern items for SCA use
LadyYsabella Lucia Tirado de Aragon 
LadyZeliha bint Sayyid 
LadyZhelana VovkivnaKyivan Rus, Khazars, Jewish diaspora, Archery/Thrown Weapons, Armored Combat, Rapier fighting, recorder music, kumihimo, costuming, pysanky, European dance
LadyZoe TagarinaCostuming


Medieval Recreation in Atlanta, GA