Category Archives: Dragoncon

May Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

3 May 2017, 7:30pm

Atlanta Friends Meeting House

Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler.

Lord Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. Master Wistric, our new Seneschal (huzzah!), chaired the meeting.

Officer Reports

  • Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois)
    • Talmere’s Lusty Month of May will be hosting this year’s Meridian Heraldic and Scribal Symposium, so come on out! (13 May, Pickett’s Mill Battlefield Family Group Shelter
    • This year’s Knowne Worlde Heraldic and Scribal Symposium will be coming to fair Meridies! The shire of Nant-y-Derwyddon has the honor of hosting it, and will be held in Knoxville the weekend of 23-2 June, 2017. For more information, please visit the symposium website
  • Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
    • Still working on getting the newsletter up and running – hoping to publish soon! Please contact Raven if you’re interested in submitting content.
  • Armored Marshal (Lord Robert Throckmorton)
    • Seneschal Master Wistric reporting on behalf of Lord Robert
    • Reminder to all of new location (Liane Levetan / Brook Run Park, 4770 N Peachtree Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338)
    • Still looking for loaner gear donations!/li>
  • Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
    • New practice location! Liane Levetan / Brook Run Park in Dunwoody. Everyone is really happy with it (not the least because of the ice cream truck at the park on Sundays)
    • Reminder that Dreamstone (5-7 May) is being held at Indian Springs Park in Flovilla, not the usual spot (Camp Daniel Morgan, where Rob Zombie is filming a movie this weekend)
  • Chatelaine (Lady Stella di Silvestri)
    • We’ve had a few new people show up at meetings and events – they have been excited and have felt welcome – keep it up!
  • Webminister (Lord Pietro di Conti)
    • Now that Wistric has become our Seneschal, Lord Pietro has taken over as Baronial Webminister (huzzah!)
    • We still have a website! huzzah!
    • Working on an artisan database; info, handouts, etc. you’d like to contribute, please give to Pietro
  • Arts & Sciences (Lady Veronica da Lucca)
    • Lady Veronica taught a painting and shading class last month for the Barony
    • Working on a class to teach at an event? Give it a run through by teaching it at the monthly baronial A+S class! A+S mistress is always looking for volunteers to teach classes. This month. THL Marianna has offered to teach a cooking class at her house (Italian! gnocchi!); Mattias has offered to teach a commedia class.
  • Reeve (THL Maire)
    • Not present at meeting, but Their Excellencies confirmed that we have money! huzzah!
  • Their Excellencies
    • Knowne Worlde Heraldic and Scribal Symposium is coming!
      • 23-25 June 2017, in Knoxville, TN; hosted by Nant-y-Derwyddon. For more information, go to their: website
      • Come on out and support Meridies!
    • Dreamstone is coming! This weekend (5-7 May), at Indian Springs Park. Pirates! Adventure! Ports of call (well, maybe)! Come join the People’s Barony of Bryn Madoc at Dreamstone XXXVIII! For further information, visit the event page on Facebook or here
    • Lusty Month of May is coming as well! Hosted by the Shire of Talmere on Saturday, 13 May, at Pickett’s Mill Battlefield Family Group Shelter. For more information, please visit the event site
    • The weekend before the Knowne Worlde Heraldic and Scribal Symposium in Knoxville, the Knowne Worlde Dance Symposium will be held in Baltimore, MD (the lands of Fair Atlantia), 15-18 June, 2017. Interested? check out the website for more information.
    • Fundraiser lunches! We have negotiated an agreement with the Shire of Owls Nest – Owls Nest will host the fundraiser lunch at Red Tower, and we will host the fundraiser lunch at Crossroads. If you are interested in helping out with the fundraiser lunch at Crossroads, please contact Their Excellencies.
      • Stella asked what the average attendance at Crossroads is. Sir Iazzie replied that the event is usually fairly small, but with the new, more central event site, turnout may be stronger.

Upcoming Events

  • Red Tower (6-8 October 2017)
    • Fundraiser lunch – already discussed
    • Event will be held at Booker T. Washington Park in Chattanooga
    • If anyone wants to volunteer on staff, please contact Beteena; Mara will be marshaling armored fighting
    • Beteena wants to go on a walkthrough to make sure there’s adequate land for camping before we pay the extra to allow camping
    • Wistric is going to make arrangements for insurance
  • Castle Wars (16-19 November 2017)
    • Site needs to be changed b/c site is not available. Possible alternatives – McIntosh? Piers reviewed how pricing/profits might change
    • A Dates can’t really change because of new kingdom laws
    • Master Ximon mentioned pricing issues with McIntosh he ran into when he autocratted Castle Wars there – costs need to be clarified, because his numbers were different than what Piers had been told
    • If we go with McIntosh, there will be no feast because there is no kitchen on site
    • Iazzie asked if anyone’s looked into Gwinnett County Fairgrounds? Could be worthwhile – no idea of availability/pricing
    • We should reserve the Shriner site now for future event years so we don’t run into this problem again, especially since we have a contract? agreement? with the site. Wistric will look into it.
    • A+S theme is Disney! Not too early to start planning your A+S project!

Event Bids

  • Fall Crown (10-12 November 2017)
    • THL Mathias is working with Depedale and Bryn Madoc on a joint bid, likely at Little Tallapoosa Park
    • Budget should be ready Monday
  • Artsy Crown 2018 (25-27 May 2018)
    • Iazzie will submit a bid with him as autocrat, and Lady Toki Ima as co-autocrat
      • Marianna will do Saturday night feast
      • Lochlann will do Sunday feast (bbq)
      • Duchess Sabine will do a breakfast
      • Matilda will do another breakfast
      • Adela/Mara offered to distribute danishes
  • Midwinter Arts + Sciences (2-4 February 2018)
    • Lady Alisandre is working on a bid

Other Events

  • DragonCon
    • Stella signed us up for parade – 40 wristbands
    • Ximon will start working on it, and has started putting the word out
    • Per last month’s meeting – we won’t do a table at DragonCon; too much effort
  • Atlanta Maker Faire (22 October 2017)
    • Is there interest? Sunneva is willing to volunteer
    • Event conflicts with Silver Hammer
    • New site this year – Georgia Freight Depot
    • Website for Atlanta Maker Faire
  • The Modern Maker weekend seminar (2-4, 9-11 June 2017)
    • Matthew Gnagy will be teaching two consecutive weekends on pattern making and a doublet workshop
    • For more information, please visit his (and drool at the project files!)

Non-SCA Business

  • Sunneva brought a soap making kit and some fabric – free to a good home!
  • Museum Replicas sale is coming up – 20 May! Sale starts at 8am, but there will be a line, so get there early!
    • “under duct tape, nobody knows it’s oak”
  • QOTD: Happy SCA birthday! Anno LII – How do you say that in Latin? LEEEEEEE!

All the business issues having been addressed, the business meeting was closed.

Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 7 June 2017, at the Atlanta Friends Meeting House.


More Dragoncon info

From Stella:

All right, it’s Dragon*Con week! Finally got most of the info we’ll need!

We’re placed in the Historical section (51) of the parade and will be staging there.

I’ll be down Thursday night and will pick up the wristbands when I get my badge. I’ll be at the fan table Friday so swing by to pick up your wristband. It’ll be first come first serve, so please pick it up early. I’ll also bring them to the shuttle stop, and boarding one of the last shuttles over.


STAGING LOCATION: North Avenue Presbyterian Church at the intersection of
Peachtree Street NE and North Avenue. The address is 607 Peachtree Street NE.

Please arrive from 9-9:30 am and be in place by 9:45 am. The parade will be televised so look your best

There will be a shuttle running from the Marriott from 7-9:30 to the staging area. Any shuttle after 9:30 will be late.


The CW Atlanta and DCTV are broadcasting us live! Be yourself, do what you’ve always done that makes the parade so incredible. THE CW CAMERA POSITION AND ‘BROADCAST BOOTH’ IS NOT A PERFORMANCE STOP. Please keep moving.

Attached is the shuttle map and our spot in staging. They’re going to send another email for vehicles, or chariot in our case.



Dragoncon Parade FAQ

Thanks to Majda for gathering this info!


Our Parade Check In Table will be in the Sheraton, lower level across from the Georgia Hall or near by it. Thursday, 10AM-10PM and Friday 9:30AM-8’ish PM. On Friday, if table traffic is heavy in the evening, we’ll probably extend until 9PM. GROUP LEADS will pick up wristbands for their entire group. (If you are a member of a registered group, we will not have your name in the database so remember to coordinate with your lead to get your wristband.) [Ed. note: Stella has said she will pick these up.]

Registered INDIVIDUALS should pick up their own wristbands.

You can send a designated representative to pick up the wristbands and we’d appreciate a heads up if that’s the case.

Please let me know ASAP if you will not be onsite to pick up on Thursday or Friday and do not have someone who can pick up in your stead. Send me an email to dc_parade(at)dragoncon(dot)org. Do not reply on this thread if you will not be onsite Thursday or Friday.


Staging will take place from 7:30AM-9:45AM, Saturday morning in the North Avenue Presbyterian Church parking lot/garage located at 607 Peachtree Street.

Participants will be staged in line up order in the parking lot/garage. Vehicles, with a few exceptions, will be staged on Peachtree Street in the block between Linden Avenue and North Avenue. Those few exceptions will be staged in the parking lot/garage with the appropriate group/section.

You will be getting a map that lays out the ‘approximate’ location of your parade section in the parking lot/garage. Vehicle owners/drivers will be sent an email with more specific instructions about when to arrive and where you;ll be staged, etc.

There are two entry points into the parking lot/garage – one on Peachtree and one on Courtland. BADGES AND WRISTBANDS ARE REQUIRED TO GET INTO STAGING. VEHICLES WILL GET A DASHBOARD SIGN THAT MUST BE DISPLAYED WHEN YOU ARRIVE.

Parade team members and volunteers will be there to assist you getting in place and ready to roll.


1) Walking from the host hotel area – staging is approximately 8 blocks NORTH on Peachtree from the Hyatt Regency’s front door. It’s about 9 blocks NORTH on Courtland from the Marriott/Hilton.

2) MARTA – the North Avenue Station is a block from staging. Exit the station and walk one block on North Ave to Peachtree. There we are.

3) Parade Participant Shuttle – runs from 7AM-9:30AM with one pick up at the Marriott (Courtland side) and one drop off at staging. Other DC shuttles can get you to staging on Saturday morning but there may be other stops on the way so plan your timing accordingly. DO NOT TAKE ANY SHUTTLE THAT LEAVES THE MARRIOTT AFTER THE SCHEDULED 9:30AM PICK UP. DO NOT. YOU WILL NOT GET TO STAGING ON TIME.

4) Driving – use your GPS but note that we do not supply parking (you’re on your own) and your car will not be conveniently located to the end of the route.

5) Uber, Lyft, taxi and the like. Call them and they will get you there.


1. You MUST be a member of Dragon Con to participate in the parade. Convention badges must be worn and visible on parade morning along with parade participant wristbands.

2. Advertising and/or promotion of any type of commercial entities is strictly prohibited in the parade unless approved by Dragon Con Senior Management prior to the parade. A sponsorship agreement must be in place. This prohibition extends to any “street teams” that might be working the parade spectators.

Banners and flags are welcomed in the parade as long as they do not contain advertising or promotional information such as commercial company logos, web sites, addresses, phone numbers, etc. This includes information regarding other fan conventions as well.

Fan organizations/groups, clubs, DC programming tracks, etc. are exempted from this and encouraged to carry to their banners.

3. The Dragon Con Parade is a politics-free zone and not the appropriate venue for political actions or activities that impact our everyday lives outside of Dragon Con.

4. Non-working or prop weapons (as part of your costume) are OK. Any weapon carried at Dragon Con, including in the parade, must be approved and peace bonded by Dragon Con Security. Please take care of this BEFORE Parade morning to avoid potential confiscation of questionable items. The Atlanta PD and Dragon Con Security escort the parade and may make swift response to any action they deem inappropriate or threatening to the public. Think about how you brandish your weapon.

5. No flash pots, explosive devices, fireworks, loaded devices of any kind, or use of open flames. Absolutely not allowed, period.

6. Photography and videography by participants is always welcome as long as the progress of the parade is not hindered while you take your shots. Use of DRONES for filming the parade is PROHIBITED for your and the spectators safety.

6. Small throws/tosses (candy, beads, coins for instance) are permitted as long as do not cause street litter and are placed directly into the hands of the recipients. No random tossing, flinging or otherwise launching into the crowd.

7. Fliers/flyer, coupons and/or leaflets, business cards, etc. distribution is NOT permitted under any circumstances. This prohibition extends to any “street teams” that might be working the parade spectators.

8. We are rated PG/PG-13. Remember the parade is held on city streets – public safety and decency laws will apply. Watching the parade is open to the public, small children and other impressionable beings will be along the route. Additionally street/everyday clothing, unless it’s identifiable with a character, isn’t appropriate for the parade. We are a costumed event. Please choose your costume wisely.

9. Children 13 years of age and under participating in the parade must be accompanied by an adult.

10. At this time, live animals are prohibited from the parade with the exception of service animals and selected Dragon Con sponsors.

11. Use common sense and show courtesy for all involved with the parade.

12. Show up on time and be patient during staging/line-up. Be ready to move into place when your parade section is called on deck.

13. Prepare yourself for the weather (bring water, don’t forget sunscreen, etc.).

14. If you have a question about whether or not something will be allowed – ask beforehand!! Contact us at dc_parade at

15. Have fun! Have fun! Have Fun!

We reserve the right to remove any person(s), vehicle(s), or prop(s) (including banners, flags or signs, and weapons) from the parade that is considered offensive, potentially dangerous or otherwise inappropriate, or that do not comply with the above stated guidelines for the event , at any time and without prior warning.


Can we all start the “No rain, no rain” chanting now?

If it’s sunny – we march! If it’s overcast – we march (and we like this kind of weather, trust!)! If clouds are looming with the possibility of rain – we march! If there was rain but it stopped before 10AM – we march! If it’s drizzling or there’s light intermittent rain – we march! If it’s outright raining – we march (…but the “we” might be just the parade team and DC Security walking the route under umbrellas and waving at any spectators still there…)! If it’s continuous nasty storming or there is any weather happening that threatens lives or property – we stay at home.

There is no alternate date or time (a.k.a. rain date) for the parade. We go forward Saturday morning at 10AM or we don’t go at all.


..OR those who are not buying full weekend memberships OR those who will not arrive at con until late-late Friday or Saturday morning. What do you do about being in the parade?

If you cannot get your badge before you come to staging (Registration opens at 8AM, in the Sheraton, on Saturday morning and I hope you at least give it a very good try to pick it up), you can bring your postcard and ID to staging.

If you did not purchase your membership in advance, contact me ASAP. Prefer an email dc_parade(at)dragoncon(dot)org.