Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler.
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois) called the meeting to order. Master Wistric sez “Welcome! If you did not sign in, please sign in!”
Officer Reports
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois)
Events – Kingdom Arts & Sciences / Crown List (Artsy Crown)
Lord Mark de Wytteney – Argent Comet
Melusine La Pucelle D’aix La Fayette – Award of Arms
Svala – Award of Arms
There are 13 submissions in various stages of the submissions pipeline
Armored and Youth Marshal (Lady Mairghread)
We have lots of new people coming to practice!
We have one complete and one nearly complete loaner kit (thanks, Lord Mark!)
Lord Mark is working on loaner gear this weekend, may need to buy some helms to accommodate all the new people. Mairghread will research costs for cheap helms. Sir Morgan suggested contacting Sir Wulfstan to see if he could help put something together.
Mark suggested we host a potential project night (this month?) to build some armor from pickle barrels.
Nothing to report
Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer)
No report, other than the next practice will be held July 15, when we’ll hold our Baronial archery championship.
Practices. We are still having them (even without Brendan) Sunday afternoons, concurrent with armored. Tuesday evening practices at 7pm, at Liane Levetan / Brook Run Park in Dunwoody. We’re averaging 2-12 people. For updates regarding rapier practices, go to the Atlanta SCA Fighting Facebook group.
The warehouse we’ve used as an alternate site has not been available due to work schedules.
We have a potential new indoor site in Clarkston. Wistric is investigating.
Chatelaine (Lady Justina di Silvestri)
We had many newcomers at the 5th Wednesday potluck! yay!
The demo at the History Bee went really well, and we’ve been invited back for next year.
Gold Key has been completely itemized and organized, and Lady Roisin will help repair any items that need work (w00t!)
We had arts *and* sciences at artsy crown and it was good
Master Mathias taught last month’s class on commedia and we had a great turnout
Lady Justina will teach this month’s class, “Intro to Poisons and the Macabre”
There was a cheesecake throwdown at the potluck and everyone won!
Reminder: Caterina will be teaching a Paypal class for the Barony in July. THL Andreva encouraged everyone to consider taking the class, because the more people who are approved to handle the new Paypal registration/payment system, the easier it will be for those running troll at events.
Reminder: Sunneva has made a schedule for all of 2018 as a Google Docs spreadsheet so you (yes, you!) can sign up to teach a class at one of our monthly A&S nights. She is pleased to report we have classes scheduled through most of the rest of the year; there is also a list in development for alternate/back up classes, so even if there are no specific dates available, please sign up!
Reeve (THL Andreva Rigaldi)
Still digging through receipts, etc. due to Artsy Crown and quarterly report due at the same time
If you have receipts from Artsy Crown, please submit them ASAP if you want to get reimbursed
Even though reports aren’t yet finalized, things are looking good financially this quarter for the Barony
Payments for site fees, etc., are starting to come due for Red Tower
Webminister (Lord Pietro di Conti)
We have a website!
Several updates to Artsy Crown 2018 event page.
Posted “Which will you choose?” graphic on Castle Wars 2018 page, updated site to Al-Sihah Shrine.
Added profile page for Mistress Molli Rose Kekilpenny
Updated event listings (removed Summer Collegia and Panhandle Skirmishes)
Facebook changed API so that content from Facebook groups can no longer be displayed. Changed all facebook feeds to a link to the facebook page.
Updated Fighter Practice page to make WHEN practices are held more visible (in response to someone who showed up at the practice site who said he could not find the time the practice is scheduled)
Added June/July/August dates for Live Weapons and Archery practices.
Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
Nothing to report
Seneschal (Master Wistric Oftun)
Thanks to everyone for all the hard work over the past few weeks for events
We are planning a project night to Find All The Sites on Monday and perhaps Wednesday at next week’s meeting? This will be an ongoing project
Currently working on finalizing our bid for Red Tower – we will present the bid in two weeks to discuss and vote
Received a list of Baronial kitchen supplies of what we have and what we need, from THL Mariana; she will put together an estimate and we’ll see if we can fund the purchase of new supplies
This year, ConjurationCON is the same weekend as Castle Wars, so we will need to find an alternate con to participate in this fall
A high school teacher from Coweta County who attended the History Bee is interested in having us come do a demo at their school
Their Excellencies
There’s still a lot of events on the schedule!
Who’s going to Pennsic? Who’s planning on camping with Meridies? If you are planning on going and camping with Meridies, please get in touch with Her Excellency and get your registration in ASAP! Deadline is 16 June.
Giant’s Dance
Who’s going? We are putting together a South Downs team
Royal University of Meridies (RUM) / Fighters’ Collegium
Will be held in Murfreesboro in July – come on out!
Tournament of the Foxes
We have sponsored Baronial teams for rapier and archery; we would love to also have an all-South Downs armored combat team as well! Represent!
We will host the Baronial archery championship at the July live weapons practice
Artsy Crown Post-Mortem
THL Piers thanked everyone for their help with the event
Lyst had to be held indoors, due to bad weather leading up to the event which left the fighting field a bog
We need to go through inventory and create packing lists for each baronial supply box so we can keep track of what goes where
Kitchen issues at the shrine
Feastcrat needs to be aware that fridge is very very small.
The walk-in was broken, which caused a problem. Can we follow up with the site to see if that can be fixed?
Need to put mowing in the contract since the farmer doesn’t have control of the mowing schedule
Attendee count: 297 adult members, 37 adult non-members, 26 children. Based on these numbers, we made approximately $1548.47 (50% of which goes to the Kingdom); this wasn’t as much as we had hoped (numbers were depressed due to the storms) but more than we expected 🙂
Andreva thanked everyone who worked troll (Saturday troll ran through feast), especially Stella, Wistric, Juliane, and others. Artsy Crown was the first real stress test on the PayPal system, and it went well.
We own our own 2 sliders for PayPal
Andreva reminded us of the upcoming PayPal class + registration in July (A+S). This is important because Caterina has been doing registrations for all events in Meridies, which is a lot of work. Being able to take care of registrations ourselves will be helpful to everyone.
Castle Wars revel fundraiser went really well – a total of $300+ raised
Need one giant bottle of hand sanitizer, because the little bottles get knocked over easily inside the portapotties
The Period Heroes supplies disappeared Sunday night – please keep an eye out for it! Wilhemina has offered several cigar boxes to donate to the cause
Lucien says everything in the storage unit will be re-inventoried before the Fall event season so everything will be ready. Every box will also be labeled with contents, as well as a list inside the storage unit. Autocrats will get a copy to help determine what they need in advance. It was suggested that sheet protectors and/or laminators for lists will make it easier to check things off
Lots of comments about how nice the site book looked
Both feasts went really well
For future events, we need a timeline for when things need to be due – these timelines will naturally be different for each event and site. Plan in advance so things don’t get rushed.
Insurance, event site fee, PayPal, etc.
Require/strongly encourage autocrats to use the checklist
Potential autocrat class for a future class night?
Upcoming Events
Red Tower (5-7 October 2018)
News! FB group has been created for planning, just let Mark know if you want to join
Still working out some details on bid – expected # attendees, etc.
Mark has contract to review with Wistric for site – Hard Labor Creek @ Camp Rutledge
There are several references in the contract that say we can’t move the beds in the cabins, as well as charges if the site has to remove staples/nails/etc
Co-autocrat (Lady Veronica) has contacted the site about doing live weapons. There is an archery site already there, but there are strict rules about it. She will need to research further, but it looks promising
Still need some volunteers for most positions – check with Mark about specifics
Recommend getting another local group to do fundraiser lunch – takes pressure off of Baronial staff
Theme – the (Greek) Gods Among Us
Dionysian revel – have a group other than South Downs host?
Site tokens? we have M A N Y – they’ll be brought to the mtg next week
Castle Wars (15-18 November 2018)
Lady Juliane asked if everyone like the first meme for the event? Stay tuned for the next ones!
Baroness Sibella has offered to do embroidered site tokens
Revel theme – Now is the winter of our Disco Tent 😀
Still working on bid – wants to have bid ready by next business meeting
A list of volunteers is being developed – if you are interested in helping with the event, please contact Juliane
All the memes will be collected and published in the event booklet
We are considering holding a warlord tourney to choose captains – either Friday night of Castle Wars or beforehand (perhaps at Red Tower?)
How can we include a non-martial activity in with the martial aspects of the event – perhaps something like assassin? Juliane has chatted with Her Majesty and Countess Ysmay to represent the red and white roses
Other SCA Business
The July business meeting will not be held on its usual 1st Wednesday, since that is 4 July; it will be moved to the following Wednesday (11 July)
Next Saturday (9 June) is Legends, and they could really use the love; a really high caliber of fighter tends to show up, so it’s a great opportunity to fight experienced fighters you may not regularly get to fight. Legends will be held at the same site as Golden Lily
The Knowne Worlde Courtesans Guild
Justina announced that the Knowne World Courtesans Guild is starting a podcast and she will a field reporter! They are looking for interviews, stories, poetry and other cultural aspects of SCA life. The podcast will be a digital salon hosted by the courtesans of the Knowne World Courtesans Guild and featuring artisans of historical arts from across the world. Tune in for intelligent discussion of history, re-enacting the pre-1600s world, and news of the Society. If you are interested in talking about your art, please contact Justina and she will be happy to chat with you!
In local courtesan news, the Courtesans of Meridies are sponsoring an adult-themed scribal challenge at Meridies Fall Coronation 2018! They want to see your naughty scribal side…
Prize: Replica Roman brothel coins (spintriae) and more!
Rules: Teams allowed, tracing allowed, incomplete allowed, documentation encouraged but not required.
Due to the nature of the subject, ONLY AGES 18+ may enter this challenge.
Justina is also sponsoring a category in the Meridies Scribal Challenge for Fall Coronation!
Best use of Poisonous Pigment in a Scroll
Prize: Historic poisonous plant seeds for the garden
Teams allowed, tracing allowed, documentation encouraged. Please include a description of materials used. Have fun!!!
Ca d’Oro has teamed up with the Sable and Gules Theater at Gulf Wars 2019. Lady Þýri’s fashion show was incredibly inspiring, so they are going to host a fashion show Monday of Gulf and will process to the Ca d’Oro department for a salon to discuss what each of them are wearing. They are looking for models – show off your garb of all eras and inspire newcomers! If you are interested, please contact Justina, or Sable and Gules directly
Lord Konrad announced he is a regional rapier practice at his home in Jasper, tentative scheduled for 12 August. Stay tuned!
Non-SCA Business
Andreva’s choir has a concert coming up on 23 June, to benefit the American Red Cross. Please contact her for details and tickets
Lady Wilhemina brought a bunch of fabric for sale and/or delivery!
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 11 July 2018, at Little Tree Art Studios.
Notes submitted by stunt Chronicler, Lord Lucien d’Artois, on behalf of Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler. Thank you, Lucien! 🙂
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois) called the meeting to order.
Officer Reports
Armored and Youth Marshal (Lady Mairghread)
Had 3 authorizations at Newcomer’s Collegium, lots of new fighters showed up for the event.
Nothing to report
Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer)
We had 8 adults and 2 youths take part in last month’s practice.
Supplies are good.
Upcoming practices are scheduled for May 20 and June 3; July’s practice is still TBD.
Helped run heraldlic consultation table at Newcomers’ Collegium
Mentioned that there will be a heraldic consultation table at Artsy Crown
Chatelaine (Lady Justina di Silvestri)
Introduced three newcomers attending tonight’s meeting – Catherine, Adam, and Nikki. Welcome!
Inquired if anyone is planning to go to Black Axe – we need to get Gold Key back from the event
Working on a database of Gold Key – goal is to have it done by the end of the quarter.
Two demos coming up:
History Bee on 31 May; we don’t have event specifics yet, but 31 May is check in day
Amazing Castle at the Children’s Museum in Atlanta, 9 June; we need volunteers to staff several stations in the exhibit, including baker, tailer, puppet show, thrones (for the kids to sit in), perhaps a fighting demo as well?
THL Piers will make Facebook events for the upcoming demos – if you are interested in volunteering for any demos, check there first.
Arts & Sciences (Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)
Last month’s class, “Korean Sock Patterns,” was taught by Lady Stella
This month’s class on Commedia del Arte will be taught by Master Mathias.
Working on getting classes together for Artsy Crown
Mistress Sunneva announced she has a deputy – Lady Alisandre (yay!)
Reminder: Caterina will be teaching a Paypal class for the Barony in July. THL Andreva encouraged everyone to consider taking the class, because the more people who are approved to handle the new Paypal registration/payment system, the easier it will be for those running troll at events.
Reminder: Sunneva has made a schedule for all of 2018 as a Google Docs spreadsheet so you (yes, you! you know it’s one of your new year’s resolutions) can sign up to teach a class at one of our monthly A+S nights. She is pleased to report we have classes scheduled through August.
Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
Practices. We are still having them, Sunday afternoons, concurrent with armored. Tuesday evening practices at 7pm, temporarily moved to Blackburn Park due to the lighting situation at Liane Levetan. We’re averaging 2-12 people. For updates regarding rapier practices, go to the Atlanta SCA Fighting Facebook group.
Lord Brendan is looking for a deputy – please contact him if interested.
Reeve (THL Andreva Rigaldi)
Andreva is still looking for a deputy – if you’re interested, please contact her directly. If you can use Excel, you can do this job!
No official report yet – still waiting on the bank statement.
We received a donation to the Barony (yay!)
Artsy Crown is coming up! Volunteers are needed for troll – ideally, 4, but minimum of 2 per time slot. Troll will open an hour before A&S on Saturday and one hour before Crown on Sunday. Please consider volunteering for a slot, especially during crunch time, which will be Saturday mornings (before A&S gets underway) and Sunday morning, before Crown List begins.
Lisa has offered to teach a mini-paypal class for the Barony before Artsy Crown, in order to get volunteers certified for troll.
Webminister (Lord Pietro di Conti)
We have a website!
Pages for Piers and Roisin; if you need an update done, please contact Pietro
Artsy Crown event page
Created stub pages for Red Tower and Castle Wars
Posted images from Stella’s Korean Sock Patterns class
If you have a photo you’d like to post on the Baronial website, please contact Pietro
Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
No report – stuck at work
Seneschal (Master Wistric Oftun)
We will take attendance at meetings and other activities, including fighter practices
This month has a 5th Wednesday, so we will be hosting our in-garb potluck. The populace is encouraged to wear their best garb and bring a dish to share.
Their Excellencies
We’ve had a lot of events, and lots of South Downers at Newcomers! Lots of SD in the fashion show. Happy to see people out and about!
Artsy Crown
South Downs will have a group encampment at the event; if you are interested in camping with up, please get in touch with Her Excellency – she will need your tent measurements (including guy lines) so sufficient space can be set aside.
We will have out banners up!
We still need volunteers for the event, including troll, portapotty duties, and site heralds. Please help so we can make the event run smoothly.
If you are planning on going and camping with Meridies, please get in touch with Her Excellency and get your registration in by 16 June.
Giant’s Dance
There will be a team competition at the event, featuring A&S, heralds, live weapons, armored, and rapier; Adela would like to put together a South Downs team at the event if possible.
The event will be held at a primitive site at a distillery; tours of the distillery will be offered!
Upcoming Events
Artsy Crown (26-29 May 2018)
Schedule is currently tentative; we’re waiting for info from Their Majesties – as soon as we get their final info, we’ll finalize the schedule and get them to approve it.
We do not yet have site tokens (we will need approximately 500, as that is the average attendance)
His Majesty wants archery and thrown weapons at the event, Wounded Warrior benefit tournament on Sunday after Crown.
Two weeks prior to the event, we will start killing ants on site and have asked to have the site mowed the week prior. 10 AM – 12 if you want to help with ant killing, 5 pm for everyone else.
There is a menu for the Saturday fundraiser lunch; funds will go towards the Castle Wars revel fund. Sunday’s fundraiser lunch will be hosted by Southern Consortium.
Feast planning is going along well! Period feast is Saturday, with a theme of the Crusades: removes will feature English/French, Iberian Peninsula, and Middle Eastern for last remove. Sunday will be a meat feast, potatoes and corn.
Tir Briste sold us some toilet paper, we are going to borrow some items from Sir Geoffrey in order to handle the pottycrat duties.
We have plenty of materials for coffee, hot chocolate, stir sticks, paper products, etc. Coffee filters are at the house. Illy will be handling coffee for her breakfast.
Red Tower (5-7 October 2018)
Reservationist is now Lord Lucien.
Lady Veronica will be the co-autocrat with Lord Mark. Things are in the works, getting some ideas together and just need to put it together.
Castle Wars (15-18 November 2018)
Want to start hyping Castle Wars now, vignettes/teasers in order to advertise the event. War of the Roses theme. Want to get people excited about the theme, going to start putting up staff soon.
Non-SCA Business
Andreva’s choir has a concert coming up on 18 and 20 May, to benefit the American Red Cross. Please contact her for details and tickets
Lord Lucien mentioned that Museum Replicas will hold their annual sale on 19 May (you know you wanna go!)
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 6 June 2018, at Little Tree Art Studios.
Armored practice attendance has improved now that the weather has improved.
There will be a youth armored fighting class at Newcomers’ Collegium (Owl’s Nest, 28 April).
Also teaching classes at Newcomers will be Lord Mark, as well as Master Mathias and Sir Iazzie, who will teach a class on alternate weapons
Chatelaine (Lady Justina di Silvestri)
There will be an SCA swap meet at next week’s meeting (11 April). Bring garb you no longer wear, craft items, feast gear, camp gear, fabric, etc. This is a great opportunity for newcomers and people who need SCA gear to be more comfortable at events, to try a new craft, and for more seasoned members to declutter their homes.
Demo in Woodstock (6 April, 6:00pm – 9:00pm)
Demo at the Children’s Museum (9 June) in support of the “Amazing Castle” exhibit
Lord Mark reported that people from last month’s demo at the Atlanta Masonic Temple loved the demo so much that they want to send us money.
Mark also mentioned that in Tir Briste, they hold “learn to sew” nights – shire members brought in sewing machines, and everyone learned how to make a simple T tunic that was then donated to Gold Key
Piers was contacted about holding a demo at KSU to help get them set up for their new student group
North GA Co-Prosperity Sphere – find us on Facebook! Join us! Help us coordinate shenanigans!
Gold Key: I am going to itemize and input info of the gold key into a google doc so that we can keep a running record of what we have. I hope in the upcoming months to have a shirt/chemise drive… if anyone has any ideas or tips getting more underclothes to gold key, I am very open to suggestions 🙂
Arts & Sciences (Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)
We have arts! We have sciences!
This month’s class, “Korean Sock Patterns,” will be taught by Lady Stella.
We will continue to work on baronial banners at the next meeting
Artsy Crown – stay tuned for forms to register to teach a class at Artsy Crown
Reminder: Caterina will be teaching a Paypal class for the Barony in July, as well as at Newcomer’s Collegium. THL Andreva encouraged everyone to consider taking the class, because the more people who are approved to handle the new Paypal registration/payment system, the easier it will be for those running troll at events.
Reminder: Sunneva has made a schedule for all of 2018 as a Google Docs spreadsheet so you (yes, you! you know it’s one of your new year’s resolutions) can sign up to teach a class at one of our monthly A+S nights. She is pleased to report we have classes scheduled through August.
Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
Practices. We are still having them, Sunday afternoons, concurrent with armored. Tuesday evening practices at 7pm, temporarily moved to Blackburn Park due to the lighting situation at Liane Levetan. We’re averaging 2-12 people. For updates regarding rapier practices, go to the Atlanta SCA Fighting Facebook group.
Thanks to Master Wistric for teaching the new fencers!
Lady Mairghread will be stepping up as Kingdom Youth Rapier Marshal deputy. She is soliciting all suggestions to help build that program.
Reeve (THL Andreva Rigaldi)
First Quarter report is in (yay!)
Andreva reported that we have money! Approximately $8,500 is in our bank account. The report is available if anyone wants details, just ask Andreva
Income this month was $1,700; outgoing expenses totaled approximately $3700
We had a typical first quarter; we’ll have more income with Artsy Crown
Andreva will run troll for Artsy Crown, as she has taken the Paypal class. She encourages everyone – especially if you are interested in volunteering at Troll – to take the class, so you can help with reservations and taking credit card payments onsite. At future events, the Head Troll will likely need to have taken the Paypal class before the event.
Andreva is still looking for a deputy – if you’re interested, please contact her directly. If you can use Excel, you can do this job!
Webminister (Lord Pietro di Conti)
We have a website!
Posted processional pics from Gulf Wars
Added 3rd Tuesday scribal night to A&S page, put links to class night and scribal night on sidebar menu of main page
Updated Lady Juliane’s and Lord Lucien’s devices
Updated awards for THL Bianca and Mistress Mara
Attempted to address feedback from Ian the Green for all webministers from the SCA Facebook group:
Made font size 16% bigger throughout web site, some other changes for readability (it was too small – is it big enough now? feedback requested)
Artsy Crown: Added PayPal registration, Land Map, more staff info to event web page
Added spring coronation, legends, RUM to “upcoming events”
Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
Nothing to report
Seneschal (Master Wistric Oftun)
Last meeting, we allocated $250 for banner poles and related supplies for baronial banners; total came out to $305
Motion to allocate funds passes (nearly unanimously)
Their Excellencies
There are approximately 5,000 events happening this month – They will be at all of them, and *we* should be at all of them 😉
Fools’ War
We will need help getting castle walls to and from site
Thanks to Sunneva and Ximon for all their work on the banner poles and the Baronial banners
Come camp with us at Fools War! We have lots of room, and we’ll have a spiff site! if you haven’t let Her Excellency know you want to camp, please contact her ASAP so she’ll make sure you’re accounted for
We either need a food coordinator for camp, or alternately, everyone can potluck
Newcomers’ Collegium
Great new site (Red Top Mountain State Park), it will be fun!
There will be great classes offered, and an SCA fashion show!
We should see how this site works for this event and if it might be suitable for some of our future events
They are still looking for someone to host a fundraiser lunch – are we interested? Or should another group do it?
The PayPal class will be offered at the event; if you are interested in helping with troll at an event, please take the class
Will be held at Dalwhinnie Fields in Alabama
Will be well-attended by members of our Barony
We will have the Baronial pavilion set up – we’ll need volunteers to help set it up
We may need to move court indoors because of potential rain this weekend – stay tuned!
Hosted by the Barony of Bryn Madoc, and will be held at Camp Daniel Morgan / Hard Labor Creek State Park, Rutledge GA
Event theme is “All the Knowne World’s a Stage,” featuring theatre, arts & sciences, bardic, and a scriptorium
Also, if you are planning to go to Pennsic, Adela is the landcrat for Meridian Royal Encampment, so please contact her if you’d like to camp with Meridies
Upcoming Events
Artsy Crown (26-29 May 2018)
Event has been published in Popular Chivalry, so we’re official! 🙂
PayPal has been set up, so we’re good to go with reservations
Still looking for volunteers for several positions, including heralds and troll
THL Mariana shared the proposed menu for the Saturday evening feast – you will want to attend feast, it will be memorable! Its theme is the Crusades, with different countries representing each remove (England, the Iberian Peninsula, and Moorish North Africa and Spain
Feast will be strictly limited to 100 seats, and reservations are already coming in – so no dawdling!
We need sponsors for fundraiser lunches (both Saturday and Sunday) – we want to give South Downs first dibs, but if no one is interested, we will expand the offer to other groups
Red Tower (5-7 October 2018)
No report today – autocrat has the plague
Castle Wars (15-18 November 2018)
We will have a feast again at Castle Wars – a hunter’s feast (featuring venison, boar, etc.); Lord Bram will assist with planning
SCA Business
Woodstock demo this Friday (6 April) – please contact Lady Justina for info about where to meet and set up
Non-SCA Business
Andreva’s choir has a concert coming up on 18 and 20 May, to benefit the American Red Cross. Please contact her for details and tickets
Lord Lucien mentioned that Museum Replicas will hold their annual sale on 19 May (you know you wanna go!)
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 2 May 2018, at Little Tree Art Studios.
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler.
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois) called the meeting to order.
Officer Reports
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois)
Events – Midwinter A+S
Lady Mairghread Wilson – Kestral’s Talon
Lady Emmelina le Norreys – Baronial A+S Champion
Lady Alisandre de la Chapelle – Swan’s Grace
THL Sibella Denton – Sable Keep
Lady Raven Helmsplitter – Falcon’s Faith
Lord Konrad Windhorn – Phoenix’ Spark
Lord Mark de Wytteney – Falcon’s Faith
Lady Melusine LaPucelle Dix LaFayette – Falcon’s Faith
Lord Lucien d’Artois – Red Raven
Lady Juliane de Vivonne – Red Raven
Lord Brendan de Hay – Chivalry Award
Lady Maire Dhocair inghean Chiarain – Order of the Bough
Lady Juliane de Vivonne – new badge
THL Mathias Blackett – new household name and badge
Mistress Mara Palmer – new household name and badge
Lady Ruqayah al-Zarqa – device change
Armored and Youth Marshal (Lady Mairghread)
Armored practice has resumed now that the weather is cooperating (fingers crossed!)
Lady Mairghread will not be at practice this coming week (Sunday, March 11 and Tuesday, March 13) because she will be at Gulf Wars – would like to have another marshal volunteer to lead practice
Lord Mark de Wytteney is our newest authorized armored fighter (yay!)
Will be teaching a youth armored fighting class at Owl’s Nest’s Newcomer’s Collegium on April 28. Mathias and Sir Iazzie will be also be teaching an alternative weapons class at Newcomer’s, and Mark also volunteered he is teaching a class.
Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer – THL Mathias reporting)
Mathias read from Mistress Mara’s report “We are really bad at picking dates!
I’m sorry!”
Practices. We are still having them, Sunday afternoons, concurrent with armored. Tuesday evening practices at 7pm, temporarily moved to Blackburn Park due to the lighting situation at Liane Levetan. We’re averaging 2-12 people. For updates regarding rapier practices, go to the Atlanta SCA Fighting Facebook group.
Thanked everyone who came out to this year’s Meridian College of Arms, hosted by the Shire of Arenal! Everyone who went had a great time, and the Barony fielded three fencers, and several event support staff.
Mairghread mentioned that the Kingdom Youth Rapier Marshal, Master Ysabel de Sancte Croix, is looking for a Youth deputy. Please contact Master Ysabel directly if interested.
Chatelaine (Master Wistric reporting for Lady Justina di Silvestri)
Demo at Anachrocon (2/17-18) went really well and had a fair number of people already interested in history showed further interest in SCA, with at least 2-4 people get more detailed information on the upcoming events of Fools War and Newcomers Collegium, and a few new people joined the fighter practice group. Everyone who showed up was fantastic and engaging to attendees- was a great experience.
Demo for the Knights Templar at the Atlanta Masonic Temple (2/24)- Lord Mark and Jarec did a brief demonstration and lecture on the history of the Templars and the kit and fighting style. The audience was engaged and came up to us with questions after. They have reached out to offer a donation to the barony as thanks.
Gold Key: I am going to itemize and input info of the gold key into a google doc so that we can keep a running record of what we have. I hope in the upcoming months to have a shirt/chemise drive… if anyone has any ideas or tips getting more underclothes to gold key, I am very open to suggestions 🙂
April SCA swap/giveaway/yard sale: April 11 is a project night, and it looked like my post in the South Downs Facebook group was well received, so let’s have an SCA swap meet! Bring garb you no longer wear, craft items, feast gear, camp gear, fabric, etc. This is a great opportunity for newcomers and people who need SCA gear to be more comfortable at events, to try a new craft, and for more seasoned members to declutter their homes.
Arts & Sciences (Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)
Our February A+S class topic was Building a Collapsible Banner Pole, taught by Master Ximon Martillo de Cordoba. Everyone enjoyed the class (and the double entendres).
Ximon thanked Mark and Meulsine in particular for their assistance.
This month’s class, “How to Run a List Field,” will be taught by Juliane.
Reminder: Caterina will be teaching a Paypal class for the Barony in July,
as well as at Newcomer’s Collegium. THL Andreva encouraged everyone to consider taking the class, because the more people who are approved to handle the new Paypal registration/payment system, the easier it will be for those running troll at events.
Artsy Crown – Mistress Sunneva will touch base with Lord Piers to get A+S class registration going
Sunneva and Emmelina will be spearheading a baronial (encampment) beautification effort, starting soon – stay tuned!
Sunneva has made a schedule for all of 2018 as a Google Docs spreadsheet so you (yes, you! you know it’s one of your new year’s resolutions) can sign up to teach a class at one of our monthly A+S nights. She is pleased to report we have classes scheduled through August.
Reeve (THL Andreva Rigaldi)
Andreva reported that we have money! $9,234.73 is in our new bank account.
The old Bank of America account will be closed shortly.
She reported that we had 220 people at Midwinter A+S, including 13 children and 28 paid non-members (including the cast of the local production of Spamalot).
Profit from the event totaled $983.37 (yay!)
Andreva will run troll for Artsy Crown, as she has taken the Paypal class. She encourages everyone – especially if you are interested in volunteering at Troll – to take the class, so you can help with reservations and taking credit card payments onsite. At future events, the Head Troll will likely need to have taken the Paypal class before the event.
Lisa – who has been running Paypal for our events – is looking for a Paypal deputy. Please contact her directly if interested.
Andreva is also looking for a deputy – if you’re interested, please contact her directly. If you can use Excel, you can do this job!
Webminister (Lord Pietro di Conti)
We have a website!
Meeting site address to 2838 Franklin
Justina as Chatelaine
Emmelina as Baronial Arts Champion
Sunneva as A&S Minister
Ximon’s device
Red Raven list to include Mistress Margavati, Ximon, Lord Sebastianos, and Mistress Serafina. Still need to confirm some award dates, though likely sometime 2009-2013. Lorenzo already was listed
Linked to “demo suggestion” form on Chatelaine page
Posted A&S class list
Events: Artsy Crown (new page), Festival of Vices and Virtues, Newcomers, Golden Lily, Fools War, Dreamstone
Sent webminister writeup to Chronicler for newsletter
Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
Still need articles for the Winter 2018 issue of The Read Tower, due Saturday, March 10, before the clock springs forward for Daylight Savings Time; goal of the newsletter is to inform, particularly newcomers, about what we do, why we enjoy what we do in the SCA, and why a newcomer would want to take part. Examples:
Officers’ column: each Baronial officer has a column where they can describe what they do, what’s cool about what you do as that officer, and anything (events, practices, etc) you want to publicize. Roughly 500 words (a page or so?). Officer columns due March 7 before midnight.
Guild reps: again, you have a space where you can let the populace know what you do, why you find it cool, and what your Guild has going on. And again, roughly 500 words would be great
Articles I’d like to have written, 500-750 words (ish); if you’d like to write an article, please let me know and we’ll chat:
Reveling at Castle Wars: one of the things that makes Castle Wars special, the camping and reveling; article and photos STILL NEED
Presentation (?) Herald at Crown: what it’s like to process with a combatant at Crown and announce them at the beginning of the tournament? STILL NEED
Rapier activity beyond the world of the SCA (SERFO/HEMA) (thanks, Brendan de Hay!)
A+S Competitions at Midwinter A+S (Thanks, Sunneva!)
Class handouts, recipes, etc. – please include images (I can scan if necessary), and a writeup introducing the material (ongoing)
Artwork and photos – again, I can scan artwork if necessary (thanks, Andreva, for the 40 Year photos!)
Would love an article for the *next* issue on something about Gulf Wars (suggestion: the Al-Mahala salon, or Ca’ d’Oro). And please submit pictures! Thanks!
Seneschal (Master Wistric Oftun)
No report…
But wait! We have a new person at the meeting! Wistric asked everyone to introduce themselves, so we did 🙂
The shire of Tir Briste has set up a fire ant management plan in coordination with the management at Al-Sihah Shrine (where Fool’s War, Artsy Crown, and other large events will be held), and has given us permission to come out to the shrine several times before events to destroy ants. Tir Briste (and the Fools War autocrat) will need help, so when the treatment dates are announced, please consider helping if you can, especially since we will need to do the same in advance of our own event, Artsy Crown
Mark had talked to people in Tir Briste about who handles the mowing and if there are better options; the site is large and high grass contributes to problems with the ants and other critters.
Their Excellencies
Gulf Wars
Who’s going?
If you’re planning on going to Gulf Wars and plan to be on site by Tuesday morning of War Week, please let Her Excellency know – she would love to have members of the Barony take part in the procession and carry the Baronial banner, looking fab and badass 🙂
If you plan on camping with the Barony for Fool’s War, please make sure Her Excellency know you are doing so – we need to make sure we have enough in our group for the space allotment we’re looking for.
If you have any additional comments about Midwinter A+S, please let Lady Alisandre know.
Upcoming Events
Artsy Crown (26-29 May 2018)
There will be two fundraiser lunches, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. If interested, please let Lord Piers know – he’s giving South Downs first dibs.
Other than that, everything is moving along well.
We are 85% set on PayPal for this event.
Do we have any PayPal readers? How many will we need? Does anyone have any?
Does the barony wish to invest in a couple of readers? We don’t know yet if Kingdom has decided to move forward with this PayPal experiment (although being able to pay online and take credit cards at the door is really helpful)
There were a couple of PayPal issues that have been cleared up – specifically, we had problems with tracking reservations for multiple feasts (Artsy Crown has two, one on Saturday and one on Sunday evening
Lady Emmelina offered to coordinate a fundraiser art sale at Artsy Crown, with proceeds going to the Castle Wars revel (yay!); need to figure out logistics/space between classes, lunch, etc., but everyone loved the idea
Lucien will serve as quartermaster for the event, since Ximon can’t attend
Piers will make arrangements for the trailer to be towed from the Base to and from the event site.
Red Tower (5-7 October 2018)
Will be held at Hard Labor Creek in Rutledge, GA
We have an autocrat! Lord Mark de Wytteney!
We have a theme – Gods Among Us (Greek!)! Every activity will have a Greek god or goddess sponsor
Some ideas were developed at dinner after 40 Year
Youth activities idea – have people volunteer greek gods in disguise, and the kids can spend the day trying to figure out who is a god
Castle Wars (15-18 November 2018)
Will be held at Al-Sihah Shrine in Macon, GA
We have an autocrat! Lady Juliane!
Theme: War of the Roses
She is busy putting together the bid, and needs staff in every department
Mairghread volunteered as MiC (or to help find one if she can’t make it)
Feast? Beast? Should talk to Sir Lochlann
Mark volunteered as Landcrat
Andreva will help with reservations
Ximon offered general assistance
Raven offered to do the flyer and site booklet
SCA Business
Emmelina still has the baronial court backdrop – it needs to get to GW, and is at her apartment in Smyrna. Arrangements were made
Andreva will be hoteling at Artsy Crown, and is looking for someone to share expenses
A discussion began about recognizing Caterina for all the work she has done for our Barony, even though she is not a member of South Downs
Andreva reminded everyone that *we* are hosting Artsy Crown – start writing recommendation letters to the Crown for worthy people!
Bekah thanked everyone in advance for all who will be helping at Newcomers.
She is looking for someone to do a protocol and precedence class – possibly Mathias?
She would also like to offer a fun hands-on class if possible. Wistric suggested that perhaps he could do an introduction to finger loop braiding class
A discussion about possible event sites started. The Masonic Temple on Peachtree was suggested as a possibly suitable Midwinter A+S-type site; also, the site where this past weekend’s con (in Gwinnett?) took place – perhaps they’d be interested in our doing a demo next year?
Non-SCA Business
Margavati’s Indian dance group will have a recital at the Georgia World Congress Center on March 25; tickets are available.
Sawyer has some extra moldable plastic if anyone wants it
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 4 April 2018, at Little Tree Art Studios.
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler.
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois) called the meeting to order.
Officer Reports
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois)
Lucien announced that the heralds will have a consultation table set up at 40 Year, so come by with your questions.
Five baronial badges were registered at Laurel
Mathias Blackett – household name and badge
Juliane de Vivone – badge resubmitted
Ruqayah al-Zarqa – device change
Duke John was asked about the history of the Kestrel – he said it was inspired by an award offered by the Shire of Sol Haven, which recognizes those who contribute to the local group but aren’t actually a member of the group
Armored and Youth Marshal (Lady Mairghread)
We’ve had a great turnout at practices, so much so that the new fighters have had to swap out loaner gear between them (yay!)
Several of the new fighters are ready to be authorized.
One fighter (Brady) is technically a member of Owl’s Nest, but he’s been training with Mairghread; still needs a gorget. Lord Mark has offered to build one for him this weekend
She has two fighters who want to authorize by Pennsic
One of the youth fighters asked if she (Mairgrhead) could run youth combat at Newcomers’ Collegium, but she hasn’t yet received her paperwork from Kingdom
Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer – THL Mathias reporting)
Last practice got rained out
Our next series of practice have been posted to our FB group
Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
Practices. We are still having them, Sunday afternoons, concurrent with armored. Tuesday evening practices at 7pm, temporarily moved to Blackburn Park due to the lighting situation at Liane Levetan. We’re averaging 2-12 people.
We are still waiting for updates from Liane Levetan Park about the lighting situation and work order
Thanks to all who’ve helped cover marshaling practices while Ben is working!
For updates regarding rapier practices, go to the Atlanta SCA Fighting Facebook group.
Chatelaine (Lady Stella di Silvestri)
After two years in the office, Lady Stella announced that she is stepping down as Chatelaine and that Lady Justina will be stepping up as our new Chatelaine. Thank you for all your hard work, Lady Stella!
Arts & Sciences (Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)
We had a great turnout at Midwinter A+S; 14 classes were offered.
Sunneva has made a schedule for all of 2018 as a Google Docs spreadsheet so you (yes, you! you know it’s one of your new year’s resolutions) can sign up to teach a class at one of our monthly A+S nights. She is pleased to report we have classes scheduled through July.
This month’s class on building a breakdown banner pole will be taught by Master Ximon. He points out that this is not a historically accurate banner pole, but it does pass the “10-ft rule”
Sunneva is looking for a deputy, and asked if you contacted her previously about this, to please reach out to her again.
Reeve (THL Andreva Rigaldi)
Andreva reported that we have (some)money! Approximately $10,000
We have a new account at Regions Bank, and are currently waiting on the new checks to arrive and to finish closing out the old Bank of America account. Because of this,
she needs to have all receipts in by March 1
She reported that we had 220 people at Midwinter A+S, including 13 children and 28 paid non-members (including the cast of the local production of Spamalot)
Andreva is also looking for a deputy – if you’re interested, please contact her directly
Webminister (Lord Pietro di Conti)
We have a website!
Class schedule
Live weapons practice schedule
Web pages for new baronial awards
Posted photos from 40-Year, cub scout demo, and Midwinter A+S
Class notes
Is adding members’ devices to their webpages
Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
Still need articles for the Winter 2018 issue of The Read Tower; goal of the newsletter is to inform, particularly newcomers, about what we do, why we enjoy what we do in the SCA, and why a newcomer would want to take part. Examples:
Officers’ column: each Baronial officer has a column where they can describe what they do, what’s cool about what you do as that officer, and anything (events, practices, etc) you want to publicize. Roughly 500 words (a page or so?)
Guild reps: again, you have a space where you can let the populace know what you do, why you find it cool, and what your Guild has going on. And again, roughly 500 words would be great
Articles I’d like to have written, 500-750 words (ish); if you’d like to write an article, please let me know and we’ll chat:
Reveling at Castle Wars: one of the things that makes Castle Wars special, the camping and reveling; article and photos STILL NEED
Presentation (?) Herald at Crown: what it’s like to process with a combatant at Crown and announce them at the beginning of the tournament? STILL NEED
Rapier activity beyond the world of the SCA (SERFO/HEMA) (thanks, Brendan de Hay!)
A+S Competitions at Midwinter A+S (Thanks, Sunneva!)
Class handouts, recipes, etc. – please include images (I can scan if necessary), and a writeup introducing the material (ongoing)
Artwork and photos – again, I can scan artwork if necessary (thanks, Andreva, for the 40 Year photos!)
Seneschal (Master Wistric Oftun)
Anachrocon – if you have Viking garb, wear it! If you don’t, wear what you like.
There was a problem with setting up classes, so we’ll just have fighting otuside and an inside table for recruiting. Wistric will update the Anachrocon schedule on the FB group page
Their Excellencies
Gulf Wars
Who’s going?
If you’re planning on going to Gulf Wars and plan to be on site by Tuesday morning of War Week, please let Her Excellency know – she would love to have members of the Barony take part in the procession and carry the Baronial banner, looking fab and badass 🙂
Event Report
Midwinter Arts + Sciences (2-4 February 2018)
Lady Alisandre sent in an event report as she was not able to attend the meeting
We need to find an alternate site instead of UWG – the way the University handles reservations makes it difficult to confirm the site until just a couple of weeks before the event. Suggestions from the populace:
Red Top Mountain (where Owls Nest will host Newcomers’ Collegium)
Sir Iazzie suggested Gwinnett County Fairgroungs – we could use one hall as a sleeping hall,
and one divided up for classes. Lots of parking.
Cobb County Fairgrounds
Everyone agreed that Midwinter A+S was a great and successful event!
Lord Pietro was tasked with passing along cheers to Alisandre
Upcoming Events
Artsy Crown (26-29 May 2018)
Our bid has been submitted; we haven’t heard anything back yet but Iazzie feels confident that we will get the bid
Sir Lochlann will do the fighters’ feast Sunday night
Need someone to take care of Sunday breakfast – Lady Illy volunteered
Need someone to take care of Monday morning GTFO breakfast
Help with Royal lunches (Lady Justina will be the royal liaison, but will need help)
Still need to determine who will do the fundraiser lunch
Iazzie has reached out to the autocrat for Fools’ War (also held at the Shrine) – they will be treating the site for fire ants, so it should be in pretty good shape before our event
Lady Emmelina offered to coordinate a fundraiser art sale at Artsy Crown, with proceeds going to the Castle Wars revel (yay!); need to figure out logistics/space between classes,
lunch, etc., but everyone loved the idea
Red Tower (5-7 October 2018)
Will be held a Hard Labor Creek in Rutledge, GA
We have an autocrat! Lord Mark de Wytteney!
We have a theme – Bacchanalia! Please send Mark any ideas you may have for the event
Some ideas were developed at dinner after 40 Year
Iazzie mentioned that he knows a couple of people who are interested in doing feast
SCA Business
Lady Justina got great feedback for Period Heroes at Midwinter (yay!) Contributions are always welcome! Period Heroes will make an appearance at Ca’ d’ Oro at Gulf Wars
Wistric mentioned the state of the storage unit; seems there’s a lot of materials for unfinished (unstarted?) projects
There’s a fair amount of leftover fleece from the Red Tower sheep – Illy suggested that it could be used for cows for Bryn Madoc (Danelaw?)
An entire bin of moving blankets which will be turned into storage bags for the thrones
Baronial regalia? A linen unfinished cloak or cassock with baronial arms – it may well be a cover or shade for the thrones for court (fits into a frame). The frame has been lost over the years, so it could become a project for something else. Wistric will bring the fabric to the next meeting.
A full bolt of canvas that was originally going to be a painted wall; perhaps it could become two smaller walls (easier to handle
Several unfinished banners that Baroness Rhiannon had worked on once upon a time; Ximon would like several volunteers to help with it
Several bolts of cotton duck (white, green, black) – perhaps can be used for loaner gear? Mark volunteered to help with this
Additional silk for banners – we definitely need more banners as a Barony! Also a frame and paint; could become a group project night, teaching how to make a painted silk banner
Lady Juliane would love to encourage South Downs to be more spiffy in 2018
Ximon suggested that we break down the banner project into easier manageable sessions: develop design, assess silk pieces, etc.
Mairghread mentioned that Thor’s Mountain baronial candidates are now down to 4 (one had had his membership lapse); the remaining had a Q+A event that was recorded and posted. The new Baron and/or Baroness will step up at May Faire. Her Excellency Thor’s Mountain has been ill, and the Vicar has stepped up recently to handle administrative issues.
Juliane mentioned that His Excellency is interested in restoring the Red Raven as a polling order; is there a gap in the OP that needs to be added/corrected?
Ximon thanked everyone who contributed to the MoB fundraiser lunch at Midwinter A+S
Non-SCA Business
Andreva’s chorale has a concert coming up, featuring folk songs in a lot of different languages. Concert is in May 18 and 20
Mairghread will be on active duty orders for the next couple of months, and it may impact her attendance at Gulf Wars. Sunday practice availability will also be spotty for the next couple of months, due to needed house repair
dilly dilly!
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 7 March 2018, at our new site, Little Tree Art Studios.
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler.
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois) called the meeting to order.
Midwinter Arts + Sciences (2-4 February 2018)
Do we know how many have pre-registered yet?
We only have 15 classes submitted so far
We still need volunteers:
One person to supervise vigil and Order meetings, to be a runner for meeting attendees as needed
Two people have volunteered, two teens who helped at the last event with cleanup
Someone to put up road signage (Sir Iazzie volunteered)
Lady Alisandre will need some things from the Baronial storage unit – she will compile a list of things for Master Wistric to get from the storage unit, and this will be a good test for the new request sheet
The schedule being developed for the Order meetings, vigil, Meet & Greet, etc., is really complex
Andreva may be able to serve as voice herald to announce class changes and meetings, but if she cant, she will find someone who can (perhaps Lord Knut?)
The annual Sari Safari will take place on Sunday after Midwinter
Do we want to do a Regional Fighter practice as done in past years?
Should we hold our Baronial Championship tourneys at this practice?
How elaborate do we want the practice to be? Cookout, etc.? A reminder that that Sunday is also Super Bowl Sunday, so it’s possible we might not have as strong a turnout as we would otherwise
The populace decided that we should just have a regular practice, but extend the invitation through the Midwinter event
We won’t be able to get onsite to set up on Friday evening, so we will need as many people as possible onsite Saturday morning at 7:00am to help get everything set up
The fundraising lunch will either be held in a classroom or at the end of the 2nd floor hallway (as last year)
Site tokens have been ordered but have not yet arrived. Plan B (in the event we don’t get the tokens on time) will be to use leftover tokens from Red Tower, which are already strung (yay!)
Baronial Storage Unit
Wistric announced that a lot of progress has been made on organizing the Baronial storage unit – he’s posted several pics on the FB group to document the work done and those who’ve come out to help. We will need approximately 12 storage tubs to continue organizing All The Things – having identical tubs will make it easier and more consistent to manage everything. The populace approved $150 to purchase more tubs.
Cub Scout Demo
Lisa reminded the populace about the Cub Scout Demo for her son’s pack next Thursday, and encouraged everyone to come out and take part – it’s a lot of fun, and they loved having us come out the last time. The demo starts at 7:00pm. For more info, check out the event that will be set up on the baronial FB group.
Anachrocon (February 16-18, 2018)
We’ve been asked to take part in the in the con by holding a demo (fighting, maybe live weapons?)- maybe also teach classes? The deadline to get into the con booklet has passed, but we can still take part. Master Ximon and THL Andreva both said they’d go.
Other Business
Castle Wars 2017
Does anyone know who ended up with the waivers from Castle Wars? The deputy needs to have them. Whoever has them, please get them to Wistric.
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 7 February 2018, at our new site, Little Tree Art Studios.
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler.
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois) called the meeting to order.
Officer Reports
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois)
Lucien announced that the heralds will have a consultation table set up at 40 Year, so come by with your questions.
Porcia Secunda’s name registered at Laurel
Juliane de Vivonne badge returned for conflict, paperwork all ready completed for resubmission
Armored and Youth Marshal (Lady Mairghread)
Practices have been hit-or-miss because it’s now event season (and also, it’s been COLD)
This Sunday (7 January) there will a crossover practice at Liane Levetan Park – everyone come on out and see how the other side fights!
Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
Practices. We are still having them, Sunday afternoons, concurrent with armored. Tuesday evening practices at 7pm, temporarily moved to Blackburn Park due to the lighting situation at Liane Levetan. We’re averaging 2-12 people.
We are still waiting for updates from Liane Levetan Park about the lighting situation and work order
Thanks to all who’ve helped cover marshaling practices while Ben is working!
Come on out this Sunday (7 January) for crossover practice!
For updates regarding rapier practices, go to the Atlanta SCA Fighting Facebook group.
Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer – THL Mathias reporting)
Practices are still going strong! We’ve been averaging 8-10 shooters at practice
Our next series of practice have been posed to our FB group
Chatelaine (Lady Stella di Silvestri – His Excellency reporting)
Nothing to report
Arts & Sciences (Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)
Midwinter A+S is the next event on the Baronial calendar. Sunneva has posted a signup sheet on the Baronial Facebook group for anyone who would like to teach at Midwinter.
Sunneva has made a schedule for all of 2018 as a Google Docs spreadsheet so you (yes, you! you know it’s one of your new year’s resolutions) can sign up to teach a class at one of our monthly A+S nights.
This month’s class on writing and folding letters in the style of 16th century Italy, will be taught by His Excellency himself, Master Lorenzo.
Reeve (THL Andreva Rigaldi)
We have a new reeve! THL Mathias is stepping down, and introduced THL Andreva as our new reeve. Welcome, Andreva, and thanks, Mathias, for all your work.
Andreva reported that she has no idea if we have any money,
although she is sure we do. Tune in next month to find out 🙂
Andreva just got her warrant yesterday, so she’s still getting up to speed
Andreva will be at 40 Year, but will likely be busy taking classes
Webminister (Lord Pietro di Conti)
We have a website!
We have a MWA+S website!
Class notes have been updated
Updated several titles
Updated several pages for members of the populace
Updated event calendar
Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
Still need articles for the Winter 2018 issue of The Read Tower; goal of the newsletter is to inform, particularly newcomers, about what we do, why we enjoy what we do in the SCA, and why a newcomer would want to take part. Examples:
Officers’ column: each Baronial officer has a column where they can describe what they do, what’s cool about what you do as that officer, and anything (events, practices, etc) you want to publicize. Roughly 500 words (a page or so?)
Guild reps: again, you have a space where you can let the populace know what you do, why you find it cool, and what your Guild has going on. And again, roughly 500 words would be great
Articles I’d like to have written, 500-750 words (ish); if you’d like to write an article, please let me know and we’ll chat:
Reveling at Castle Wars: one of the things that makes Castle Wars special, the camping and reveling; article and photos STILL NEED
Presentation (?) Herald at Crown: what it’s like to process with a combatant at Crown and announce them at the beginning of the tournament? STILL NEED
Rapier activity beyond the world of the SCA (SERFO/HEMA) (thanks, Brendan de Hay!)
A+S Competitions at Midwinter A+S (Thanks, Sunneva!)
Class handouts, recipes, etc. – please include images (I can scan if necessary), and a writeup introducing the material (ongoing)
Artwork and photos – again, I can scan artwork if necessary (thanks, Andreva, for the 40 Year photos!)
Seneschal (Master Wistric Oftun)
We will have a brief business meeting later this month to discuss and vote on Sir Iazzie’s Artsy Crown bid
Beginning with next week’s meeting, we have a new site! Little Tree Art Studios, 2834 Franklin St, Avondale Estates, GA 30002
This Saturday (6 January) Wistric and crew will be inventorying the baronial storage unit. All are welcome to come help – please contact Wistric if interested
Next Wednesday’s meeting (10 January) is project night, and we will also teach a class on how to work a troll table so that you, too, can take a shift at our next event (Mid-Winter A&S) and help keep our guests moving smoothly and quickly through the line.
Their Excellencies
Meridian 40 Year
Who’s going?
The Barony is hosting an A+S competition at 40 Year- very novice friendly! There will be prizes!
We have been informed that in the arena where the grand procession, court, and the armored and rapier fighting will take place, The Barony will have a box reserved where the thrones can be set up, etc. We need decorations! Help us spiff up the baronial seating area!
The third meeting of this month, Master Vincent formerly of SD, now of the West, will be in town and would love to host a dance practice at the baronial practice
This month features a FIFTH Wednesday! You know what that means… IN-GARB POTLUCK!
Please write more award recommendations – specific person, specific reasons. All awards! Kingdom *and* baronial!
Upcoming Events
Midwinter Arts + Sciences (2-4 February 2018)
Lady Alisandre walked the site at University of West Georgia last week, and is confident that we can fit everything in the schedule into the space
Site tokens have been ordered; as they are being shipped from China, she has also come up with a Plan B just in case they don’t arrive in time
We still need volunteers:
Help running the A+S competitions (Sunneva volunteered)
Lady Alisandre was asked if we will have PayPal reservations for Midwinter. Now that we have a Reeve, we can get this going
Artsy Crown (26-29 May 2018)
Sir Iazzie is submitting a bid
Would be held at the Al Sihah Shrine in Macon
Bid is just about ready, just need to figure out site fees
In addition to feasts on Saturday (feastcrat – THL Mariana) and Sunday (Sir Lochlann), planning on traveler’s fare Friday night, and breakfast Saturday and Sunday – need volunteers!
Inquiry from the populace – what does kingdom law say about the scenario of the fire ants winning Crown List?
Red Tower (5-7 October 2018)
Will be held a Hard Labor Creek in Rutledge, GA
Andreva was going to autocrat, but now that she is Reeve, won’t be able to do so.
Will find a replacement autocrat.
SCA Business
Demo at Anachrocon (16-18 February 2018)
Viking theme, but not exclusively Viking
Need volunteers to teach classes and participate in demos! Wistric will set up and Anachrocon FB event page
Good, small event with excellent opportunities for recruiting
The Shire of Sol Haven would like help from us with teaching A+S classes for their shire; their meetings are the fourth Thursdays of the month. If you’re interested, please contact Mistress Bronwyn for more information.
If you are planning to go to 40 Year and want to camp indoors, please contact Baroness Rhiannon – she is trying to coordinate a South Downs camp
Non-SCA Business
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 7 February 2018, at our new site, Little Tree Art Studios.