South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

01 December 2021, Time: 1935

Notes submitted by Signora Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler.

Lady Bú Feiyan called the August meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich, greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Nikoslav read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers Reports

Seneschal, (Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich)

  • Castle Wars went well, we made money
  • There is nothing crazy that happened
  • We had a non-martial injury
  • We have one MidWinter bid to go over. I will post it and let Ximon go over it. I do need to talk to the Kingdom Seneschal if there’s anything different we need to do for an indoor event
    • Ximon
      • Isabella Parr is my numbers person so I’ll let her go over it
      • I would like to get opinions on capping attendance, as we want to limit contact between non-pod people
      • Printing was offered by Angharat
    • Isabella
      • There have been small adjustments. 
      • MidWinter is pretty barebones when it comes to budgeting
        • We aren’t going to do any food
        • We only need general supplies
        • We need money for AS, printing budget, site tokens, etc
      • We are charging $10 for the day, pre-reg only. COVID documentation will need to be shown, just like at Castle Wars
    • Midwinter bid has passed

Herald (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • Members of the populace were given out at CW
    • Ælfric Hort -Swan’s Grace
    • Pietro di Conti – Red Raven 
    • Ogata Tarō Hiroyuki – Swan’s Grace
    • Brendan de Hay – Baronial Award of Excellence
    • Piers Simmons – Baronial Award of Excellence
    • Ximón Martillo de Cordoba – Baronial Award of Excellence
    • Mewadi Margavati Bai – Baronial Award of Excellence
  • If anyone needs me to check on names or devices, please let me know
  • I still need a deputy

Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)

  • Castle Wars Event Report has been filed.
  • 16 fighters in Champion’s Tourny
    • King’s Champion (Winner) – Barthelemy of Illyria
    • Queen’s Champion (Based on Chivalry, Courtesy & Prowess) – Iain MacArthur
    • Melees had a couple of calibration issues, but overall went well 
  • Upcoming practice considerations:
    • 12/5/2021 – Practice
    • 12/12/2021 – Practice
    • 12/18/2021 (Sat) – Regional Practice at W GA University; no practice on Sunday
    • 12/26/2021 – Christmas Holiday – NO practice
    • 1/2/2022 – New Year’s Holiday – NO practice

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  • Castle Wars was a success for rapier as well
  • Practices have been happening, and there has been a rapier presence most weeks.  Thanks to Master Ximon & Master Wistric for covering my gaps.
  • We are nearing the point of being able to re-start Tuesday evening practices.  We’ve done one “dry run” with the lights, and I’ve got notes on how to tweak the lighting kit to make it more usable when I’m not there.  I feel like we might try to officially re-start Tuesday evenings at the start of the new year (1/4/22).
  • Speaking of practices, I may not be able to make Sunday this week, due to work issues.  If I can, I will, but I may need some coverage help.

Live Weapons (Mistress Mara Palmer)

  • We had archery at CW and it was good. 
    • We had about 20 people on the range
    • 9 people participated in the Baronial tourney
  • Also since we had to build stands for the event, we’re set for practices once we start them again

Reeve (La Onesta Signore Justina di Silvestri)

  • Castle Wars Total income, minus expenses is in the close estimate of $4,192.40. I have a few other considerations before the number is accurate, and on that topic can anyone who has any holdout receipts that I have not seen please talk to me by the end of the meeting because I have to finish this report for accurate numbers
  • 310 Adults, 55 non-member Adults, and 39 children
  • Also, preregistration only and SCArs is excellent for bookkeeping and is much easier for the staff and I personally am a fan and hope it continues to be something we put to use
  • I forgot to mention, PLEASE keep in mind when you do baronial purchases DO NOT add personal items on the same receipt. I cannot process receipts with personal expenses. 
  • Thanks to the awesome speakers and to Baroness Emelina for sharing the Theodosia colloquia that was hosted at castle wars on social media. I got a ton of interest for future salons and I would like to make it a reoccurring format for discussing a&s, so if you are interested in short ten minutes of sharing your SCA topics, please reach out and I would love to coordinate speakers for future events. Possibly for the next castle wars, I am working on teaming up with the Ca d’Oro Salon of Gulf wars fame to have our own Salone to host.

Quartermaster (Master Ximon Martillo de Cordoba & THL Isabetta de San Marco

  • Thanks to everyone that helped load out and unload for Castle Wars. It is greatly appreciated. It’s little things like that that really help. 
  • In January, Isabetta de San Marco will be taking over as quartermaster and I will be assisting as needed for any help on things. I want to thank her for taking this position over from me, and the baronial inventory is in great hands with her service

Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz)

  • We have a new person, Tiffany. I was, unfortunately, unable to meet her at CW, but Charlie did! She made a wrap-up video for YouTube that was shared with the Barony!

Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • Right now, I do not have anything planned for future demos
    • Do we want to do indoor or outdoor demos in the upcoming months?
      • Ximon expressed concern about doing any indoor demos due to cold and flu season
  • My sister came to CW and would like to volunteer to teach a Medieval Math class

Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle & HE Rhiannon verch Madyn)

  • A thank you to the teachers that taught at CW.  
  • A heads up to think about teaching at MW. 
  • A reminder about virtual Magna Faire next weekend (December 11)

Provost (Daegam Soong Myeong-Su)

  • No classes for December for the holidays. 
  • Thanks to all who have taught this year! 
  • Thanks to Lorenzo for organizing classes for CW this year. 
  • Looking for someone for a deputy if someone wants to help organize classes for the barony and our events!

Chronicler (Signora Aelia Bassina)

  • Still looking for a deputy!

Social Media Minister (Lady Isabella Parr & Lady Agnes Halydaye

  • Approved 3 new members to our FB group.
  • 16 new followers on IG. 
  • Castle war was very well received on social media Thank you to everyone who took photos for me!  Some of the kingdom’s photos were even reposted by Society! So good job everyone!!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (DEI), (Vidushi Mewadi Margavati Bai & Lily of South Downs)

  • There isn’t a whole lot to report
  • Hopefully, we will have something to talk about next month
  • I don’t think there will be a class this month due to it being so close to the holiday period. We are going to push the class to January

Webminister (Lady Zhelana Vovkivna)

  • I have updated all of the plugins and updated WordPress. I also created an account for the Kingdom Eastern Regional Webminister.
  • Added all awards from Castle Wars.
    • Ælfric Hort -Swan’s Grace
    • Pietro di Conti – Red Raven 
    • Ogata Tarō Hiroyuki – Swan’s Grace
    • Brendan de Hay – Baronial Award of Excellence, Meridian Majesty
    • Piers Simmons – Baronial Award of Excellence
    • Ximón Martillo de Cordoba – Baronial Award of Excellence
    • Mewadi Margavati Bai – Baronial Award of Excellence
    • Mairghread Wilson – Argent Comet
    • Ælfric Hort – Weapons Master
    • Isabetta de San Marco – Pelican Writ
  • A page has been set up for all the positions looking for deputies. Please send me that information as soon as possible
  • I am looking for a deputy

Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)

  • We had 12 children attend children’s activities at Castle Wars. 
  • Thank you to Bloody Ridge for letting us use their communal tent since there was nowhere set aside for us to set up. 
    • We mostly had teenagers attend, and I’m glad they had somewhere to go. 
    • They did, however, appear to run off a number of younger SCAdians.
    •  Myndee and I would really like to make splitting up the kids a priority. The teens and pre-teens really need a place to go, but grouping all of the ages together really isn’t working.

Their Excellencies, (Master Wistric Oftun & Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)

  • First, thank you for Castle Wars. You guys are the best.
  • I can’t wait to see you all at MidWinter.
  • We need award recommendations.
    • If you don’t want to do the form, please reach out to us.
  • We did have a new award! It’s the Baronial Award of Excellence. It’s something you can award over and over. The regalia is going to be up to the sitting baronage. It’s for outstanding service to the barony.
  • We are looking forward to having in-person meetings in the new year. 
    • We are looking at implementing some of the items from virtual SCA to in-person meetings.

SCA Business

  • Ximon & Isabelle for MidWinter
    • We are looking for teachers, it’s on February 5th (weekend before Superbowl weekend)
    • I don’t know if there’s interest in doing a fighter practice after. Mairghread did mention that a large regional fighter practice that happens after MidWinter
    • We are going to have logistics issues with how many people are going to be in classes and how people are going to move between them. We are going to review that on our physical walkthrough
    • Justina will not have a vigil at MidWinter
    • Troll will be at the gym area, as of right now
    • We don’t know what’s going to happen with the new variant. We’re going to move forward as though it’s going to happen
    • Total props to Isabella for being the numbers person
    • If you have any questions, the best way to contact Ximon, please reach out to him via FB messenger
    • Questions
      • Lily – I wanted to ask if you had any thoughts on quiet spaces? If you could just keep that in mind when you do your walkthrough
        • Ximon – we can do a room. We may not be able to do one on every floor, but we will have a room

The business meeting was closed @ 2033.

The next business meeting will be held on 05 January 2022, 1930, Zoom Meeting.


South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

03 November 2021, Time: 1932

Notes submitted by Signora Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler.

Lady Bú Feiyan called the August meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich , greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Nikoslav read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers Reports

Seneschal, (Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich)

  • We need bids for Midwinter.
  • We have talked about resuming in-person meetings in 2022. That will depend on the availability of the Doraville location and our money.
  • We do need deputies for some of our officers. 
  • Castle Wars is pre-reg only
    • For set up and take down, many hands make light work.

Herald (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • Look for a deputy. 
  • We need shouty people for Castle Wars.

Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)

  • Proof of vaccination (2nd shot – no later than 2 wks prior) or Negative Covid test w/in 72 hrs (Dated no earlier than noon on Thursday the week of).  This applies to fighters as well as spectators.  Please sign up in the Sign Up Genius to make reporting contact tracing rosters to the Kingdom each week easier on your marshals.
  • Event is defined in Corpora as any official SCA activity (Event, Demo, Practice, Mtg, etc)
  • Masks are still required for now.
  • Upcoming practice considerations:
    • 11/7/2021 – Conjuration – Possible demo? – rumored that 1/2 the rooms normally used for vendor space are under construction
    • 11/14/2021 – Crown Lyst – No practice unless other Marshal coverage
    • 11/21/2021 – Castle Wars – NO practice
    • 11/28/2021 – Thxgiving – Practice if desired

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  • Practices have been happening, and there has been a rapier presence most weeks.
  • The Rapier Marshal in Training (RMiT) program has re-started.  If you are interested in becoming a Rapier Marshal, contact the Kingdom Rapier Marshal (KRM).  There is a class, and you must assist in the marshaling of several events and/or practices to be warranted as a “Marshal At Large.”  A Marshal at Large can act as Rapier Marshal in Charge of events, demos, practices, etc.
  • This is near and dear to my heart because I can’t always be available for every practice or event.  The more warranted rapier marshals we have available, the more flexible we can be.  Also, I could use a deputy with an eye for replacing me in this position at some future date.
  • A reminder of current KRM policy…. It is requested that each of us take a “re-authorization” real soon.  It can be as simple as taking a few passes with an experienced fencer from outside our regular circle and follow up with fresh paperwork.  This will help move forward the goal of creating a digital authorization card.
  • I will be unavailable for this Sunday’s practice.  Is there a warranted rapier marshal who can cover for me?
  • The city of Dunwoody has added power outlets on the edge of our practice field.  I’m working on a lighting package that will allow us to restore Tuesday evening practices.  My hope is for a test run on Tuesday, 11/23.
  • My focus now is on Castle Wars:  Open for Business
    • If possible, any authorizations or refresher authorizations should be done before the event or on Friday, because Saturday will be packed
    • Anyone currently enrolled in the Rapier Marshal in Training program can get some of their warranting requirements fulfilled at this event, contact me
    • Saturday schedule starts at 0800 in an attempt to start Their Majesties’ Champions tournaments on time.
    • The afternoon rapier activities will be pretty intensive, but there will be space for pickups, training, and further authorizations, PENDING THE AVAILABILITY OF MARSHALS

Live Weapons (Mistress Mara Palmer)

  • Practice is still on hold for right now
  • I need target stands for Castle Wars. We are building three more right now. It’s costing $130. Things aren’t cheap right now. $200 should be enough to get live weapons back up and running with everything we need. 

Reeve (Mistress Alessandra Giovanna Fioravanti & La Onesta Signore Justina di Silvestri)

  • We are in the process of switching over signatures for the bank
  • We do have money. As of the end of the month, we have $7,745.76
  • Just remember that if you make any purchases that need to be reimbursed, please make them separate from your personal purchases.

Quartermaster (Master Ximon Martillo de Cordoba

  • We have stuff!
  • I would like for Isabetta to take over for me and I will be her deputy.
  • It was decided to get a tube for the baronial pavilion. Wistric has it and will check to ensure that it is big enough.
  • On Saturday, Lady Agnes has asked to view things for the Royal Luncheon. If anyone else needs access, please let me know. 
  • We need a few things:
    • Index Cards
    • In the Baronial Feast gear, we are missing blue goblets
    • We need new parking signs
    • When Isabetta takes over, there will be a new way to sign things in and out.

Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz)

  • Nothing new to report

Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • Nothing to report

Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)

  • Nothing to report

Provost (Daegam Soong Myeong-Su)

  • Class this month is Site Heraldry with Baron Kalbardr

Chronicler (Signora Aelia Bassina)

  • Still looking for a deputy. Please let me know if anyone is interested.

Social Media Minister (Lady Isabella Parr

  • Made castle wars facebook event. 
  • We held a steady 3% Facebook page growth and had 6 new people join the FB group. 
  • Nothing to report about Instagram or Twitter accounts 
  • Also, I got a deputy! Lady Agnes Halydaye

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (DEI), (Vidushi Mewadi Margavati Bai & Lily of South Downs)

  • The class this month will be on Extra-European Scribal Arts.
  • It is a panel of artisans discussing their various fields of focus, hosted by Lady Lily, South Downs DEI deputy. It will be during the third Wednesday meeting, at 7:00 pm on November 17th. Zoom details will be posted the day of the event on the South Downs Facebook page.
  • The survey for feedback on DEI has been extended for an extra month! I will be closing it the evening of the November DEI meeting. So if you haven’t done so, please fill it out. The form can be found here:

Webminister (Lady Zhelana Vovkivna & HE Piers Simmons)

  • Various Castle Wars updates
  • Updated all of the plugins

Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)

  • Nothing report

Their Excellencies, (Master Wistric Oftun & Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)

  • As usual, I love you guys. You are the best barony.
  • Wistric and I went to Gatalop and it was really nice to see people and see people wearing masks and being safe. 
  • We need award recommendations
    • Message me, message Wistric and we can take care of it. This goes for Kingdom awards as well!

SCA Business

  • Castle Wars
    • THURSDAY 11/18
      • 3:00 pm EDT- Site opens to event participants for set up of camps and help needed for any other event things. There are no scheduled activities.
      • PLEASE NOTE:
      • **TROLL CLOSES at 11:00 pm EDT, no one is allowed access into the site after this time.**
    • FRIDAY 11/19
      • 12:00 noon EDT- TROLL / Covid check-in opens
      • 12:00 noon EDT- Main field open for pickups and any needed authorizations will start
      • OPEN TIME – If Castle Walls are on site, we will have a setup party
      • 5:00 pm EDT to 11:00 pm EDT – Fighter’s open mixer. (maybe a possible team torchlight tourney?) This is a chance for
      • fighters to get warmed up for championship tournaments on Saturday and for everyone be social. (Please mask up and practice social distancing when not fighting)
      • PLEASE NOTE:
      • **TROLL CLOSES at 11:00 pm EDT, no one is allowed access into site after this time. **
    • SATURDAY 11/20
    • **Please listen for announcements for Arts and Sciences classes and other activities.**
    • 8:30 am- 9:30 AM EDT – “Coffee with the Crown” (bring your coffee, your chair and chat with their Majesties )
    • 12:00 NOON EDT- Lunch break and COURT OPENS
    • 30 MINS AFTER COURT – Melee scenarios will begin.
    • Non-Martial activities WILL COMMENCE! Please have fun and celebrate responsibly!
    • Marshal in Charge (Reporting Marshal):  Ldy Mairghread Wilson (Charmone Newell)
    • Add’l Marshals:  Sir William Colquitt (William Jackson) & Sir Vasilii Dragomere (Wes Babb)
      • Lyst Mistress:  Ailleghean (Rachel Strange)
      • Fri:
        • Field & castle set up, inspections & authorizations, pick-up fights
  • Sat:
    • 0800-0900 Armor Inspections 
    • 0900-1200 Champion Tourneys
    • 1200 Court/Lunch
    • 30 mins after court until sundown (5 pm-ish) – Melee Scenarios
      • Field (non-rez)
      • Bridge (non-rez)
      • Castle (limited rez)
  • Both Archery & Thrown will only be open on Saturday, 11/20.
    • *I will be arriving by 8 am. If the range is set up sooner than 9 am, then we will start sooner than 9 am.
    • Nathri Mac Conaill is running Thrown.
      • 9-11 am: Queen’s Yeoman
      • 10-11 am: Youth Live Weapons Champion
      • Post-Court: South Downs Baronial Champion, Open Range
    • THROWN
      • 9-11 am: King’s Huntsman
      • Post-Court: Open Range
      • More details TBA once I have them.
  • Sunday, we have to be off-site by noon. When things start wrapping up on Saturday if you could help break things down that would be great.
  • Midwinter
    • If you’re potentially interested in putting in a bid, please let me or Nik know.
    • If you think that an indoor event isn’t a good idea, we can talk about looking at outdoor space.
    • If you need help with the bid form, let us know.

The business meeting was closed @ 2051.

The next business meeting will be held on 01 December 2021, 1930, Zoom Meeting.

October 2021 Baronial Business Meeting

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

06 October 2021, Time: 1932


Notes submitted by Signora Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler.


Lady Bú Feiyan called the August meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich , greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Nikoslav read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers Reports

Seneschal, (Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich)

  • The BOD has issued a Vaccine/Negative testing statement starting on October 8th.
  • The home test will not be accepted.
  • There will need to be at least one person at troll that will check vaccination/testing status as their sole job at troll.
  • Click here for the announcement.
  • Approval was received to get a new tub to hold the baronial pavilion.

Herald (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • Looking for a deputy.
  • Need voice heralds for Castle Wars.

Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)

  • Beginning this Sunday 10/10/2021, Proof of vaccination (2nd shot – no later than 2 wks prior) or Negative Covid test within 72 hrs (Dated no earlier than noon on Thursday the week of).  
  • This applies to fighters as well as spectators of any age.
  • Event is defined in Corpora as any official SCA activity (Event, Demo, Practice, Mtg, etc)
  • Masks are still required for now.
  • Upcoming practice considerations:
    • 10/31/2021 – Coronation – No practice unless other Marshal coverage (also Holiday)
    • 11/7/2021 – Conjuration – Possible demo?
    • 11/14/2021 – Crown Lyst – No practice unless other Marshal coverage
    • 11/21/2021 – Castle Wars – NO practice
    • 11/28/2021 – Thanksgiving – Practice

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  • Practices have been happening, Sunday afternoons at Liane Levetan Park in Dunwoody, concurrent with Armored fighter practice. 
  • Numbers are low, but understandably so in the current weather and public health environment.
  • Castle Wars planning is in progress. 
    • Queen’s Champion Tournament in the morning, melee activity in the afternoon. 
    • More info to come.

Live Weapons (Mistress Mara Palmer)

  • Nothing to report.

Reeve (Mistress Alessandra Giovanna Fioravanti & La Onesta Signore Justina di Silvestri)

  • Nothing to report

Quartermaster (Master Ximon Martillo de Cordoba

  • Nothing to report.. we have stuff

Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz)

  • We had a new person join us last week, Jasmine!

Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • Nothing to report

Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)

  • We’re planning a mostly virtual A&S comp for CW on the theme of “commerce & trade” since the theme of CW is Open for Business.  Make something that would have been sold/traded be it local market Faire or down the Silk Road and tell who would have made it and who would have bought it.  
  • Prizes TBD.  
  • If anyone wants to offer a prize for a specific subcategory (ie woven item?  Item that traveled the Silk Road? Things like that) please talk to Rhi and I

Provost (Daegam Soong Myeong-Su)

  • Class this month is Site Heraldry with Baron Kalbardr

Chronicler (Signora Aelia Bassina)

  • Still looking for a deputy. Please let me know if anyone is interested.

Social Media Minister (Lady Isabella Parr

  • Nothing to report

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (DEI), (Vidushi Mewadi Margavati Bai & Lily of South Downs)

  • Lady Lily will be leading a discussion on extra-European scribal

Webminister (Lady Zhelana Vovkivna & HE Piers Simmons)

  • Canceled Red Tower
  • Changed fighter practice location
  • Added vaccination/testing policy to fighter practice page

Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)

  • Nothing report

Their Excellencies, (Master Wistric Oftun & Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)

  • 9 Lives Tourney is being hosted by our cousins to the west at the regional fighter practice this weekend; participate if you can; donate if you can (link shared on Baronial Facebook group)
  • Please send award recommendations for Castle Wars – Baronial Court will be at noon with the Royal Court. 
  • We have a new head retainer, Annelisa Wolf (mka Rebecca Scott). If you’re interested in retaining (either participating or learning more about it), reach out to her or her deputy, Justina. 
  • Baronial Pavilion Tub
    • Two options ($40 45gal. w/ wheels. $70 70gal. w/ wheels). 
    • Red one (45 gal.) should work but requested Barony allocate for the higher price ($70 plus tax) in case it’s needed.

SCA Business

  • Ximon
    • Castle Wars is coming!
    • McIntosh Reserve is in Georgia and near Carrolton. We went out there and the site looks good.
    • We are getting a flyer together and create the Facebook page/Website
    • We are going to need to do:
      • Looking for volunteers
      • People to help set up/take down the castle
      • No feast, no fundraiser
      • Help loading the trailer
    • There will be a South Downs encampment
    • No ground fires!
    • The signal is not very good out at the site, so it may not be able to be live-streamed. We will be looking into recording court and uploading it after the event.
    • There is no schedule yet.
    • More information will be available for the November Business Meeting.
  • Ximon
    • Next Wednesday is project night.
  • Ælfric
    • Will we have live weapons for Castle Wars?
      • Nikoslav: We will speak with Mara regarding that.
  • Emelina
    • Now that we have this vaccination check in place, are we going to have meetings in person again?
      • Wistric: We will need to see if we can get the old meeting spot. We would like to hear from people regarding this, informally. We may need to wait until after we get our Castle Wars money.
      • Nikoslav: I’m going to email the kingdom Seneschal and see if there has been any decision on indoor gatherings.
    • Since we already have outside fighter practice, can we do the meetings then as well?
      • Wistric: We can look into that.
  • Wistric
    • Midwinter is coming up. If you would be interested in autocratic that, please let us know.

The business meeting was closed @ 2032.

The next business meeting will be held on 03 November 2021, 1930, Zoom Meeting.

September 2021 Baronial Business Meeting

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

01 September 2021, Time: 1930

Notes submitted by Signora Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler.

Lady Bú Feiyan called the August meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich , greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Nikoslav read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers Reports

Seneschal, (Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich)

  • Nothing big new.
  • All the stuff for Castle Wars has started.
  • Concerning Red Tower, with the new COVID numbers in mind, I will be making an announcement regarding Red Tower. I will have a final announcement on that by Friday. If you have any input, please let me know.
  • There is a survey that was put out by the Kingdom Seneschal regarding being for or against vaccines for events.

Herald (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • We are looking for people to help at Red Tower and Castle Wars with field and site Heraldry. 
  • Congrats to Ælfric on his Meridian Cross.

Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)

  • Heavy practices started off strong initially; 12-14 fighters.  After the mask mandate was put back in place our numbers have dropped off considerably.
  • Upcoming practice considerations:
    • 9/5/2021 – Dragon Con – poll yes/no to have practice
    • 9/19/2021 – Red Tower – NO PRACTICE ON SUNDAY
    • 10/3/2021 – Gulf Wars – No practice unless Gulf gets canceled or other Marshal coverage
    • 10/10/2021 – Gulf Wars – No practice unless Gulf gets canceled or other Marshal coverage
    • 10/31/2021 – Coronation – No practice unless other Marshal coverage
  • Heavy combat schedule for Red Tower:
    • 0900-1000   Armor Inspection
    • 1000-1200   Red Tower Tourney (Format – Double Elim)
    • 1200-1300   Lunch
    • 1300-1430   Baroness Prize Tourney (Format – TBD)
    • 1500-1630   9-Lives Charity Tourney (Format – William Marshal)
  • Youth Combat:
    • Div I & II have been suspended until further notice due to skyrocketing COVID rates & lack of vaccination availability in these age divisions.  
    • Div III (14-17 yr olds) can resume fighting but will wear a mask the entire time, on and off the field, along with any adults who are authorized to spar with youth

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  • Practices have been happening, Sunday afternoons at Liane Levetan Park in Dunwoody, concurrent with Armored fighter practice.  Numbers are low, but understandably so in the current weather and public health environment.
  • Personally, I’m just finishing up a work project that has completely absorbed my time for the last couple of months, and Raven and I are in the process of moving our residence (still in South Downs).  Please bear with me as I re-emerge, but I am still planning on marshaling at Red Tower.  Look for some rapier-related publicity this week.
  • The Nine Lives Tourney, this year to be held at Red Tower does include a rapier list.  Buy some lives, save some cats!

Live Weapons (Mistress Mara Palmer)

  • Nothing to report.

Reeve (Mistress Alessandra Giovanna Fioravanti & La Onesta Signore Justina di Silvestri)

  • Insurance for castle wars has been paid

Quartermaster (Master Ximon Martillo de Cordoba

  • Isabetta, Bu, and I went to storage several weeks ago and. Went through and culled out the food and supplies that were out of date. Isabetta graciously has worked to update and reorganize the inventory list and both she and I went to storage last week and performed counts and reorganized the shelves that all of the items were stored at and items are now all grouped by function of use. We do have a few more items that we need to account for, but it’s organized well enough. 
  • We did find that most of the gold key clothing was in cardboard boxes and most were not covered. I would like to ask the barony to review the cost of 6 totes to be purchased.  They are $11.98 each. We also need to purchase a new rolling tote for the Baron pavilion. I’ll get the cost of that later.(thought I had that…?) I know this still has to be approved by the financial committee but the Barony should be aware.

Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz)

  • We don’t have much. 
  • The quarterly report is due by the 10th but I’ll have that in plenty of time.

Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • I am putting a hold on indoor demos until the COVID situation improves. 
  • I would like to have an outdoor demo at the Westside Pop-up in October. (I will need permission from Barony as it will cost $25)

Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)

  • The quarterly Report has been submitted. 
  • Not much else to report.

Provost (Daegam Soong Myeong-Su)

  • Class this month will be taught with Baroness Emelina with a title TBD
  • We have an opening in October should anyone want to teach next month

Chronicler (Signora Aelia Bassina)

  • Still looking for a deputy. Please let me know if anyone is interested.

Social Media Minister (Lady Isabella Parr

  • Created the Red Tower event. Related pre-reg is required and you now can find the URL link either in the about section or by hitting the tickets button on the event page. 
  • We’ve gotten a spam post within the group. The post was swiftly dealt with by our lovely Baroness so Thank you! 😊 After looking into the poster, It was clearly a fake profile that I kicked from the group. Hopefully, that solves everything. If you notice a spam post please feel free to report it and/ or send me a Facebook message. It really doesn’t matter the hour you message me- I keep odd hours 🙂
  • Also, I’m seeking a deputy

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (DEI), (Vidushi Mewadi Margavati Bai & Lily of South Downs)

  • This month we will be having a class because it was highly requested, Bystander Intervention on our usual DEI night. It’s a great class at conflict management. 

Webminister (Lady Zhelana Vovkivna & HE Piers Simmons)

  • Updated Plugins
  • Deleted unused themes 
  • Announced Red Tower pre-reg
  • Updates to Red Tower site

Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)

  • Nothing report

Their Excellencies, (Master Wistric Oftun & Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)

  • Thank you to everybody who participated in the poll about vaccine policy. Results have been posted to the Baronial Facebook group on the post with the link to the poll. Results have also been sent to the SCA president, Seneschal, and BOD.
  • A very similar poll is up on the kingdom Facebook group and Baronial FB group. Please participate in that one as well so that the Kingdom Seneschal can accurately report the views of the entire kingdom to the BOD.
  • Her Majesty recently shared a letter that she sent to the BOD encouraging them to reconsider the policy, and I know some of you have also written to them on the matter recently. Pressure is increasing.
  • If you feel strongly about the SCA’s vaccination policy, however you feel, please write to the and
  • However, the next scheduled BOD call isn’t until the same day as Red Tower. So Red Tower, if it goes forward, will be held under the current kingdom rules (see Nik). We understand folks are worried about the risk of transmission under the current rules, and we share your concerns. 
  • We urge everybody to do what is best for the health of yourself and everybody around you, including vaccination, masking, maintaining social distance, hand sanitizer, and, if need be, staying home.

SCA Business

  • Red Tower – Iazzie
    • We’re renting a pavilion and using the space in front of it. The area that we have is small. 
    • The site will open at 8 am. That’s the time the area opens so we can’t open earlier than that. Though, if people arrive early, the gates are normally open.
    • Everything will be pre-reg. You will need to get the parking pass on your own. We do not want to have a til there.
    • There are several areas that could be used for Childrens’ activities and a quiet place if needed.
    • The area where classes would be is very big. There are close restrooms as well as electric outlets.
    • This isn’t a state-run park so annual passes won’t work. This is a county park and you will need to pick up your pass on the way in.
  • Castle Wars – Ximon
    • We are actively looking for people to help out for staff.
    • I have talked to the marshals. We are planning right now but will need a goodly amount of marshals.
    • The plan right now is Their Majesties will hold court after lunch, not after fighting.
    • We are still in the early stages and I want to thank Alisandre for handing out the check so we were able to get insurance.
    • In case we can’t have the event in person, we have started talking about online things. 
    • We are looking at maybe doing a raffle or a silent auction to help play for our storage.


The business meeting was closed @ 2008.

The next business meeting will be held on 06 October 2021, 1930, Zoom Meeting.

August 2021 Baronial Business Meeting

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

04 August 2021, Time: 1931

Notes submitted by Signora Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler.

Lady Bú Feiyan called the August meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich , greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Nikoslav read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers Reports

Seneschal, (Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich)

  • The board is removing a good portion of the restrictions as of August 1st.
  • The kingdom restrictions should be out in the next few days. This is what we will be doing for the foreseeable future.
  • We have one Castle Wars bid. The financial committee has approved it. I will post a link to the bid.
    • Motion approved.

Herald (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • My quarterly report will be sent this week. 
  • If anyone has done any heraldry things or taught classes, I would love to include these.
  • If you have any classes you would like to see taught, please let me know.

Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)

  • Official Heavy Fighting Practices are up & running 12-3 pm at Liane Levetan Park
  • We will continue operating under Phase 1 guidelines until further notice from Kingdom
  • Reopening guidelines for Phase 1:
    • All Kingdom Guidelines will be adhered to include masks worn for non-vaccinated folks
    • Heavy & Rapier are able to practice on the same day/time, but at opposite ends of the greenspace to limit exposure and count our numbers separately toward the 20 allowable.
    • If we have under 20 combined, will we practice together (numbers include all spectators as well)
    • Heavy & Rapier have been combined onto a pre-registration sign up through Sign Up Genius to help facilitate the limited attendance (link posted to South Downs & Atlanta SCA Fighting Facebook pages as well as the Baronial website for those not on Facebook).  
      • Both fighters and spectators need to sign up in advance.  
      • Pre-reg collects info needed for Kingdom Rosters (mundane name, contact info, blue card info/waiver on site) which have to be submitted w/in 7 days of activity
      • “Walk-ins” will be allowed until capacity is reached.   
        • Walk-ins must fill out their info on a paper roster.  
        • If not signed up in advance you run the risk of being asked to leave.  
        • It is much easier to sign up in advance rather than have to do all that while you are trying to put on armor.
        • If you do not have a blue card, cannot remember your blue card info, or your membership is expired; you will be signing a waiver
    • You must have all your own kit.  Loaner gear will not be available for heavy fighting until a later Phase of reopening.
    • We will provide a water cooler; however, you must provide your own cup/drinking vessel
  • Red Tower
  • Double elimination (single bout; finals best two out of 3) Red Tower Tournament
  • Possibly Baronial prize fights? (Format TBD by their Excellencies)
  • Possibly Diamond Tourney (Single or double elimination depending on time/participants)?

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  • See above.

Live Weapons (Mistress Mara Palmer)

  • Nothing to report.

Reeve (Mistress Alessandra Giovanna Fioravanti & La Onesta Signore Justina di Silvestri)

  • The Red tower site deposit has been returned and deposited.

Quartermaster (Master Ximon Martillo de Cordoba

  • This upcoming Saturday is Meridies homecoming hangout.. starting at 7:30. I’ll be holding a room for fighters. Come join if you are interested.
  • We are doing Baronial inventory/straightening up this Saturday. Starting at 8:30 if anyone is interested in toting barges and lifting bales as well as straightening items in boxes.

Chatelaine (Lord Nikon Dawidowicz & Cellach ingen Oengusa)

  • Not a lot of new people expressing interest.
    • Mairghread: There has been a new guy at practice.

Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)

  • Our demo on Aug 1st was a success. Westside Pop-up Market seems like a good place to have a stall every few months. 
  • Next demo is Aug 7th on the Eastside. 
  • Please see the Facebook event for details.

Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)

  • We have Arts and we have Sciences. 
  • If anyone did any Arts and/or Sciences please put them in our A&S tracking sheet. It would be lovely to have a big list to pass on to the Kingdom.

Provost (Daegam Soong Myeong-Su)

  • Class this month is Daoist Internal Alchemy with Bu Feiyan! As always, if anyone is interested in teaching a class for the Barony, they are welcome to host a separate workshop or class on another night if that works best for them. Just message me and we can get you on the schedule!

Chronicler (Signora Aelia Bassina)

  • Still looking for a deputy. Please let me know if anyone is interested.
  • Thank you to everyone who sent me their reports. It is very much appreciated!

Social Media Minister (Lady Isabella Parr

  • Made the Red Tower event page. 
  • We got new followers on Instagram, Twitter, and our baronial Facebook page.
    • Engagement on our page is up by 17% for the month. 
  • We have gained a few new members to our baronial group as well.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (DEI), (Vidushi Mewadi Margavati Bai & Lily of South Downs)

  • We had a class on deaf accessibility last month, that was great (but the recording hasn’t been posted yet). 
  • This month we’ll be doing a DEI update session, so I can share all the stuff that’s new since we started this office in 2020.

Webminister (Lady Zhelana Vovkivna & HE Piers Simmons)

  • Created the Red Tower Website
  • Created the Castle Wars Website just waiting for content.
  • Created the MidWinter Website just waiting for content.
  • Added the board of directors announcement concerning reopening On July 3rd
  • Added the south downs fighter practice post from our knight marshal. 
  • Added message from the Kingdom Seneschal about September 1st
  • Added the Bod post about the August 1st suspension of in-person.
  • Updated all of our plugins. 
  • Updated Website to wordpress 5.8

Minister of Children (Lady Una Ulfrdottir)

  • Nothing to report

Their Excellencies, (Master Wistric Oftun & Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)

  • We are super excited to have Red Tower coming. Super Excited to hang out in a field with our friends.
  • We get to have a court, so if you know of anyone that deserves recognition, please let us know. We could use them for Castle Wars as well. 
  • The baronal day shade is in a bin that is falling apart. It’s going to cost $50 + tax. Because of the cost, it’s not something for the financial committee.
  • Midwinter is 6 months out. Please get bids in for that. Make art for it.
  • Can’t wait to see you all!

SCA Business

  • Lily: With the variant and there is new CDC guidance, does that change the policy for events coming up, specifically mask requirements?
    • Nikoslav: A lot of that will be addressed in the kingdom guidance coming out soon.
  • Piers: As everyone knows, I am the deputy Webminister. The Webminister will be coming back, but she has asked for time. If you need anything, please reach out to her and she will let me know.
    • Nikoslav: Thank you for the work you’ve done so far.

The business meeting was closed @ 2031.

The next business meeting will be held on 01 September 2021, 1930, Zoom Meeting.

The SCA Board of Directors further lifts the suspension of in-person activity in North America, effective August 1, 2021, provided adherence to the items in this resolution;

1.         All attendees in North America must follow all national, province, territory, state, and local health guidelines at SCA events. In addition, at all North American SCA events:

a. Kingdoms may continue to require the use of masks at their events as they deem necessary;
b. As research has shown that minimal transmission occurs from food, the serving of feasts, inns, day boards, and buffet-style food is now allowed at the Kingdom’s discretion;
c. Large coolers to dispense water into individual personal containers are now permitted;
d. To facilitate contact tracing, all who attend any SCA-sponsored event in North America (including local meetings, fighter practices, etc.) must be signed in on a roster prior to entering the event; and
e. The following language is required to appear on all event notices, flyers, online announcements, and advertisements, as well as being posted in multiple locations (including gate) at any and all SCA-sponsored functions going forward:
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

2.         Any Kingdoms that propose any deviation from the above restrictions must request a variance from the Society Seneschal in order to hold the proposed event. The Society Seneschal shall have the authority to grant or deny these requests. These requests will be reviewed by the Board using the same review method used for variances to Corpora; and,

3.         Enforcement of this resolution will be coordinated by the Society Seneschal and President of SCA Inc.

Questions or comments should be sent directly to and, or your Board Ombudsman.

No matter what safety precautions we put in place, there is no substitute for each individual being educated about the risk to themselves and their loved ones and making responsible choices to protect themselves and others from this virus.

Link to document PDF:

From the Kingdom Seneschal.

Greetings unto the populace and assembled guests of Meridies. As Their Majesties discussed in Court, there has been much talk about how best to reopen the Kingdom. We know that there is no one solution that will please everyone. There are those among us who would have the Kingdom remain closed, while there are others who would have there be no restrictions at all. Neither of these is feasible. Bearing that in mind, after consultation between Their Majesties, Their Highnesses, and myself, we have reached the following decision.
Beginning September 1, 2021, Meridies will follow the SCA Board of Directors resolution dated May 25, 2021. This announcement takes the place of the Meridian phased reopening plan.
The following requirements apply:
1. All federal, state, provincial, and local health rules and restrictions must be followed. If a local government does not allow gatherings above a certain size, or requires masks, those restrictions must be followed, up to and including further governmental shutdowns.1. Advance registration and payment is STRONGLY encouraged.
2. The following language MUST be posted prominently in multiple places at EVERY practice, meeting, social, and event, and in event notices, flyers, online announcements, and advertisements:
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
3. A roster must be maintained for EVERY gathering, martial practice, A&S night, meeting, and event. There is a link on the Kingdom webpage to a fillable form, or you may print the form provided and submit to the roster deputy.
4. Advance registration and payment is STRONGLY encouraged.
5. The SCA, including officers and event staff, may not provide shared drinking containers or any food served in buffet, dayboard, or family style. Box lunches that are pre-prepared are acceptable, as are “Gatorade” style water coolers out of which individuals may fill their own individual cups. If an individual or household chooses to offer food to people, they MUST make it clear that they are doing so on their own, not as part of the event.
6. There will be no size caps on events or gatherings, and camping is allowed.
We are a Society whose core foundations are built on the ideals of courtesy, honor, and chivalry. I ask, no, I EXPECT everyone to honor those ideals. Consent is of vital importance as we navigate these waters. Chivalrous, courteous, honorable individuals do whatever is necessary to make those around them feel safer and more comfortable, whether it is wearing masks, asking for hugs, or maintaining a safe distance when asked.
I remain, as always, in Service to Meridies
Zayn al-Munajjima, called Mittens

South Downs Fighter Practice

For your convenience South Downs has combined the heavy and rapier sign up onto one platform. Here is the link to sign up for either. If our combined numbers stay under 20 we will combine our practices. If not, we will break out and split the field to practice at opposite ends of the greenspace to maintain Kingdom distance requirements. Sign up includes fighters as well as all spectators.

Medieval Recreation in Atlanta, GA