Looking for content for The Read Tower Newsletter

Hey South Downs! As the new South Downs Chronicler, I’m accepting content for our newsletter, The Read Tower from YOU!

Here are some forms that you can use to submit a little page about yourself so that the populace can get to know you and a form if you want to submit photos, artwork, or anything that you want to share with the barony in the newsletter!

Included in each form are the release forms from the Kingdom for photographers, models, and photos/artwork. Make sure that you fill those out so that we have permission to use your content. You can fill it out per piece or do a blanket release so you can do it once.

Populace Interview Form: https://forms.gle/MNxww3KUQJo2VsEG9

Photography/Art Submissions: https://forms.gle/8SyEF9D7c8rMCnZP6

I’m also accepting any articles from anyone! If you wanna write about a cool project that you’re working on, or how an event or experience was for you, or write up an article about your personal SCA rabbit holes and include resources to recipes, patterns, and photos! These articles can be longer, think magazine articles length, and you can submit those to me directly with a Google Doc instead of the form.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong – chron.southdowns@meridies.org