Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler.
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois) called the meeting to order.
Officer Reports
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois)
Lady Stella’s device registered at Laurel
Lady Juliane’s badge rejected and resubmitted to Laurel
Mistress Margavati is next
Awards – Castle Wars
Peryn Rose Whitehorse – King’s Lancer
Pietro di Conti – Companion of the Argent Rapier
Piers Simmons – Falcon’s Faith
Mairghread Wilson – Falcon’s Faith
Justina di Silvestri – Phoenix’s Spark
Stella di Silvestri – Swan’s Grace
Armored and Youth Marshal (Lady Mairghread)
Practices are going well, especially Sundays at Liane Levetan Park. Recently,
turnout has been hit-or-miss because it’s now event season
Tuesdays have been hit and miss, Owl’s Nest fighters don’t come out consistently
We have two more youth fighters! yay!
Definitely getting a strong response with youth fighters
Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
Practices. We are still having them, Sunday afternoons, concurrent with armored. Tuesday evening practices at 7pm, temporarily moved to Blackburn Park due to the lighting situation at Liane Levetan. We’re averaging 2-12 people.
We are still waiting for updates from Liane Levetan Park about the lighting situation and work order
Thanks to all who’ve helped cover marshaling practices while Ben is working!
For updates regarding rapier practices, go to the Atlanta SCA Fighting Facebook group.
Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer – THL Mathias reporting)
Practices are still going strong! We’ve been averaging 10 shooters at practice
We now have both 10- and 20-yard target ranges
We have youth archery!
Our next practice is Sunday, 17 December – for more info, check out our website
Still waiting to hear about practice dates for 2018 –
our hosts are trying to coordinate their scout calendar. Stay tuned!
Chatelaine (Lady Stella di Silvestri – His Excellency reporting)
If you haven’t joined the South Downs Facebook group, do so! It’s the best place to keep up with what’s happening in the Barony
We’ve had some new people show up to the Barony 🙂
Be nice and welcome them!
Arts & Sciences (Mistress Sunneva de Cleia)
Welcome to Mistress Sunneva, our new A+S Officer!
There is now a Google Docs spreadsheet posted on the Baronial Facebook group where you can sign up to teach a class in 2018
Midwinter A+S is the next event on the Baronial calendar. Sunneva will post a signup sheet to teach at Midwinter on the Baronial Facebook group soon – stay tuned!
Reeve (THL Mathias Blackett)
We have money! Not sure exactly how much (so soon after Castle Wars), so no more spending until he figures it out
We had a small profit from Crown List – everything was budgeted and spent well, but expenses were higher because of the site, and attendance was less than usual for this type of event
After Kingdom took their split, and the rest of the profits were split among the three hosting groups, we made ~$166
Lady Juliane suggested that perhaps we don’t go outside of Georgia for our event sites
We also had a lower turnout than usual for Castle Wars (adults, 479??) but a lot of kids (brought total number up to 529). However, kids aren’t counted for event purposes, per Kingdom law. Usually we’re at 700.
Expenses were also higher – even though the SCA doesn’t charge for kids, kids are charged a park fee (which we ultimately cover).
For the next two years, Castle Wars will be held at the Al Sihah Shrine Temple in Macon, which will cost us less
Spending was also careful and well done. Expenses totaled $7124, and we made a profit of $2808. This is lower than in the past but we still came out ahead.
Webminister (Lord Pietro di Conti)
We have a website!
Have continued to update the populace pages
Updated several titles
Updated Castle Wars map and photos
Updated event calendar
Setup Midwinter A+S pre-registration page
Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
The Baronial Newsletter (“The Read Tower”) has been published! Yay! Thanks to all who contributed to the issue, and for everyone’s patience as I got this inaugural issue done
(Please note: this part is more detailed than the original officer report 🙂 ) Will begin working on the Winter issue after the holidays. I’m looking for the following content; I want to highlight what we, the populace of the Barony do, and what we find fun about the SCA:
Officers’ column: each Baronial officer has a column where they can describe what they do, what’s cool about what you do as that officer, and anything (events, practices, etc) you want to publicize. Roughly 500 words (a page or two?)
Guild reps: again, you have a space where you can let the populace know what you do, why you find it cool, and what your Guild has going on. And again, roughly 500 words would be great
Articles I’d like to have written, 500-750 words (ish); if you’d like to write an article, please let me know and we’ll chat:
Reveling at Castle Wars: one of the things that makes Castle Wars special, the camping and reveling; article and photos
Presentation (?) Herald at Crown: what it’s like to process with a combatant at Crown and announce them at the beginning of the tournament?
Rapier activity beyond the world of the SCA (SERFO/HEMA) (thanks, Brendan de Hay!)
Class handouts, recipes, etc. – please include images (I can scan if necessary), and a writeup introducing the material
Artwork and photos – again, I can scan artwork if necessary
Thank you all! I hope you enjoyed the issue
Seneschal (Master Wistric Oftun)
We need to develop an event site database; look for sites for different kinds and sizes of events
Updated Con database
We need to start looking for a new meeting site – good parking, decent meeting room. Perhaps a pub? Coffeehouse?
Their Excellencies
Christmas party at Their Excellencies! You all should come! 16 December. Please carpool if you can, as parking may be somewhat limited. Please check out the Baronial FB group or the event site for more details.
Dirty Santa ($20 limit)
Thanks to everyone for Castle Wars! Everyone helped through the weather, much appreciated
Please write more award recommendations – specific person, specific reasons. All awards! Kingdom *and* baronial!
Upcoming Events
Midwinter Arts + Sciences (2-4 February 2018)
We have a site! University of West Georgia (not Little Tallapoosa, Mathias!)
University of West Georgia changed their scheduling – classes don’t get scheduled there until the very end of the semester, so getting the site confirmed was tough. It might be a good idea to find another site
The Meridian Order of the Blade will sponsor a fundraiser lunch of a variety of chilis and stews. Will need crockpots.
Mistress Sunneva is in charge of classes -if you want to teach, talk to her
THL Andreva and Lord Farouk will do the royal luncheon.
Lord Piers will head up troll, with help from Lords Lucien and Pietro
Juliane is co-autocrat
Need merchantcrat
Katerina from Owls Nest has offered to do PayPal for pre-reg, but we have some fees that need to be taken care of from Castle Wars and Crown before we can get PayPal cleared
Library again? wasn’t utilized much last year, although the idea was cool.
There will not be a heraldic consultation at MWA+S unless someone volunteers, but there will be one at 40year
Cub Scout Demo (25 January 2018)
At the University Heights Methodist Church, at 7:00pm
We’ve been invited by special request of the Cubmaster (again!) 🙂 The Cubmaster is a big DragonCon and photography aficionado
Each den provides a speaker for one meeting each year, this den has a theme of knights in shining armor, etc., and they’ve loved having us over in past years
Artsy Crown (26-29 May 2018)
Sir Iazzie is submitting a bid
Would be held at the Al Sihah Shrine in Macon
Red Tower (5-7 October 2018)
Do we have a site?
Andreva is putting together a bid
SCA Business
Castle Wars Post-Mortem
It went really well – everyone helped so much
What could have gone better:
Made a mistake with rapier marshal, had tournaments instead of melee
Parking can be moved to the other side
Portapotties can be moved to better places
Troll – receipts need to be given to every single person; this is a rule that changes depending on kingdom seneschal
Merchants complained about where they were placed
Merchants should be closer to artisans row
Bigger bottles of hand sanitizers at portapotties that aren’t soap
If we have an event at Mackintosh again we need to keep in mind “Lake Mackintosh” from past years (rain) and how that may impact site layout
Shrine – keep on top of fire ants
Mairghread commented on calibration issues in the fighting, recommends that MiC brief fighters ahead of time on Meridian calibration standards.
Make sure your rapier and armored marshals get along
we need to figure out how to deal with the castle walls. Ximon suggests a 25ft Uhaul truck to carry all the things.
What went well (yay!):
The revel space was a great idea, even beyond the weather issues – where can the revel take place at the shrine?
Yay Stella for running camp! And keeping everyone caffeinated!
Camp kitchen rocked!
Ximon mentioned how much he likes Mackintosh
Thanks to Wistric for making sure all the things got done; he pointed out that Lucien is the man for everything he took care of
heater and pavilion for troll was awesome
Non-SCA Business
Margavati brought a bunch of stuff she’s clearing out from her house
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 3 January 2017, at the Atlanta Friends Meeting House.
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler.
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois) called the meeting to order.
Several new people came to the meeting, so we all introduced ourselves, and shared our office (if applicable) and interests we each have.
Officer Reports
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois)
Anneliese Wolf’s name and device were registered at Laurel.
Awards – Red Tower:
THL Mathias Blackett – Red Raven
Duke John of Ean Airgead, Lord Pietro di Conti, Mistress Mara Palmer – Kestrel’s Talon
Lord Brendan de Hay – Falcon’s Faith
Lady Emelina le Norreys – Swan’s Grace
Mistress Sunneva de Cleia and Master Wistric Oftun – Phoenix’s Spark
Beatrice – Sparrow’s Wing
Marianna Cristina Tirado de Aragon – Heart of South Downs
Lord Lucien d’Artois – South Downs Chivalry Award
Armored and Youth Marshal (Lady Mairghread)
Practices are going well, especially Sundays at Liane Levetan Park. Recently,
turnout has been hit-or-miss because it’s now event season
Tuesdays have been hit and miss, Owl’s Nest fighters don’t come out consistently
No practice this weekend (5 November) because of ConjurationCon and regional practice in Tir Briste, so go there instead!
We have one more youth fighter (Eric) yay!
Lady Mairghread will be MiC of Friday night activities at Castle Wars. We are hoping to have (again) Knight Bowling and Friday Night Theme Music for fights (but we need another DJ
Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer – THL Mathias reporting)
We’ve been averaging 10 shooters at practice
We now have both 10- and 20-yard target ranges
We have youth archery!
Our next practice is this coming Sunday (5 November) – for more info, check out our website
Mistress Mara has a link to arrow sources – check with her for more info
The populace inquired how many tassels does the baronial populace now have? The answer: a LOT!
Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
Practices. We are still having them, Sunday afternoons, concurrent with armored. Tuesday evening practices at 7pm, temporarily moved to Blackburn Park due to the lighting situation at Liane Levetan. We’re averaging 2-12 people.
We did hear back from Liane Levetan Park about the lighting situation – they’ve put in a work order
There are lots of rapier activity planned for the fall event season – come out to events and get your stab on!
For updates regarding rapier practices, go to the Atlanta SCA Fighting Facebook group.
No practice this weekend (5 November), due to ConjurationCon and the Tir Briste regional practice – come join us there!
Ximon mentioned that we should work in some more demos – if you have any leads on demo opportunities, please let Brendan know
Upcoming – SERFO (HEMA fencing tournament in Atlanta)! and Castle Wars!
Chatelaine (Lady Stella di Silvestri – His Excellency reporting)
If you haven’t joined the South Downs Facebook group, do so! It’s the best place to keep up with what’s happening in the Barony
Speaking of demos, ConjurationCon will happen the weekend of 4 November – come on out! We’re coordinating efforts with Bryn Madoc – come on out, it’s a lot of fun! Touch base with Stella or Piers if you are planning to help out, so they can know who to expect.
Arts & Sciences (Lady Veronica da Lucca)
Lady Alisandre taught October’s class on making fencing shirts – it was an excellent class
Volunteers are needed for future activity/class nights! If you are interested, please contact Lady Veronica until the end of the month, or Mistress Sunneva beginning in December, as she will be taking over as the Baronial Arts + Sciences officer (yay!)
This month’s class night is scheduled for the night before Thanksgiving – it was suggested that we reschedule until the following Wednesday, in conjunction with the fifth Wednesday potluck
Reeve (THL Lady Maire Dhocair Inghean Chiarain)
We have money! and checks! (no) thanks to Bank of America. We may be changing banks – Bank of America has been difficult to work with. Researching options now.
Reservationist for Castle Wars reports almost 100 pre-registered, very low number at this point
Sir Iazzie suggested that in addition to “spamming” the kingdom with advertisements, announce that reservations can be taken at Crown List
Webminister (Lord Pietro di Conti)
Artisan’s Row page (Castle Wars)
Officer’s Page (Master Ximon as Quartermaster)
Awards pages
Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
The Baronial Newsletter (“The Read Tower”) is in progress – really! Hope to have it released in the next couple of weeks (before Christmas)
Seneschal (Master Wistric Oftun)
Lady Juliane de Vivonne is the new deputy for site researching
We need to look for sites for different types of events, small to Knowne World level events
Their Excellencies
We will see you all the next few weekends at ConjurationCon, Crown List, and Castle Wars!
Upcoming Events
ConjurationCon (3-5 November 2017)
Most of the info has already been conveyed – come on out!
Fall Crown List (10-12 November 2017)
At Little Tallapoosa Park, co-hosting with the shire of Depedale and the Barony of Bryn Madoc
Mattias has nothing new to report
The newly-(re)formed Moneyers Guild will meet at Crown List; the Moneyers Guild is about making coins
Pottycrat is still needed – Mairghread volunteered to do it on Saturday when she’s there (daytripping)
Mathias is serving as acting seneschal at Crown list, as Wistric will not be able to make it
Barony may need to bring tables and dayshades – need to arrange trip to storage unit to get them; maybe coordinate carrying stuff from Crown List to Castle Wars, as they are on two consecutive weekends
Castle Wars (17 – 19 November 2017)
Need to determine who can serve as reeve on site, as Mathias won’t be there. Maybe Maire?
Needs help to attach tokens to things (strings? ribbon?). It was determined that this can be taken care of at next week’s meeting, since it’s project night 🙂
Wednesday before Castle Wars, we will meet to help load the trailer. Ximon has offered to pull a trailer with his truck, as he will be attending the entire weekend.
Need to approve funds to rent trailer, approved unanimously (~$200)
Lorenzo has a trailer that can be used for overflow if necessary
Juliane did her Iazzie impersonation to remind everyone that “THE BARON AND BARONESS SHOULD NOT HAVE TO SET UP AND TEAR DOWN THEIR OWN STUFF. MUFFIN.”
Discussed alcohol policy – no open containers, no visibly pouring into cups etc.
Castle walls – Iazzie has repaired them and built a gate system for them. They still need to be painted grey this weekend at THL Kynwric’s house. more work to be done after Castle Wars on them (sealing/varnish). Expect to need $400 on repairs, with $ available to make 10 more walls.
Midwinter Arts + Sciences (2-4 February 2018)
Alisandre still waiting to hear from Sibella to confirm site availability (University of West Georgia)
The Meridian Order of the Blade will sponsor a fundraiser lunch of a variety of chilis and stews
Cub Scout Demo (25 January 2018)
At the University Heights Methodist Church, at 7:00pm
We’ve been invited by special request of the Cubmaster (again!) 🙂 The Cubmaster is a big DragonCon and photography aficionado
Each den provides a speaker for one meeting each year, this den has a theme of knights in shining armor, etc., and they’ve loved having us over in past years
SCA Business
Lady Alisandre will be making candied orange peel this weekend at her home, and has invited anyone who wants to learn to make it to come over and learn/help.
Iazzie is working on doing some short Cervantes and Shakespeare plays for future A+S opportunities. Perhaps resurrect the actors’ guild (of sorts)?
Non-SCA Business
Nothing new to report
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 6 December 2017, at the Atlanta Friends Meeting House.