May 2024 Baronial Business Meeting

1 May 2024, Time: 7:30 PM EST

Notes submitted by Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong, South Downs Chronicler.

Magister Lorenzo called the May meeting to order. The Seneschal Lady Raven Helmsplitter, started recording the meeting and greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Lady Raven read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers’ Reports

Seneschal, (Lady Raven Helmsplitter

  • Schedule for this month:
    • 5/1 – Business Meeting (Zoom)
    • 5/8 – Project Night (Zoom)
    • 5/15 -DEIB Office Q&A (in-person)
    • 5/22 – Class: Sacred Geometry with Master Rhydderch (Zoom)
    • 5/29 – 5th Wednesday social/potluck (in-person)

Herald (Magister Lorenzo Petrucci)     

  • Not much activity for submissions
  • Awards:
    • Coronation:
      • Mairghread Wilson – Count Barony
      • Lorenzo Petrucci – Kestrel’s Talon
    • Fool’s War:
      • Dorian Araigneé – Award of Arms
    • Dreamstone:
      • Roís O’Shannon – Meridian Cross
      • Lorenzo Petrucci – Argent Rapier
      • Valdemar Varg- Award of Arms
      • Istvan Roka- Award of Arms

Knight Marshal (Lord Eiríkr Pálsson)

  • May 4th – No heavy practice
  • May 12th – Practice
  • May 19th – Practice
  • May 26th – No heavy practice
  • Drink water before you come to practice, the weather is getting hot.

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  1. Practices have been proceeding, weather and other events permitting.  Sundays starting around noon (concurrent with armored practice).  Schedule changes, cancellations, and any other relevant information is shared on the FaceBook group “Atlanta SCA Fighting,” and we’re trying to get better about including Discord.  Loaner gear is usually available, but it doesn’t hurt to check the “Atlanta SCA Fighting” group or message us in advance.  Sometimes when I’m not available, the “stunt marshal” might not be able to bring it.
  2. If you have any trouble at all finding practice announcements, feel free to reach out directly to me or Ld. Eirikr.  If you are using Discord, please @ us, otherwise your post will probably be lost in the chatter.
  3. Thanks to everyone for working together to keep practices happening.  I wouldn’t mind having a deputy step up who could take over from me in the not-too-distant future.  In the meantime, my continued thanks to our celebrity stunt marshal team, particularly Ldy. Ogata, Master Ximón, Master Nikoslav, et. al.
  4. Big shout-out to folks recently giving rapier a try.  Congratulations to a slew of new authorizees.
  5. If you helped out transport and load the castle walls to Fool’s War, thank you so much!

Live Weapons (Master Mathias Blackett)

  • Live Weapons is picking up popularity
  • Nathri from Bryn Madoc has been giving out target stands
  • There were thrown weapons at Crossroads, thank you Lord Ælfric for running that!
  • Practice this month, aiming for practice on May 18th
    • Nothing is scheduled yet, waiting for response from the equestrian practice

Exchequer (La Magnifica Justina di Silvestri

  • $4902.86 in the account
  • Lord Salim is working on Q1 Report and updating Q4 for the Kingdom
  • Paypal for RUM is being worked on
  • Maestra Isabetta has checks for storage to give in person
  • Waiting to change signatories on bank account
  • If you can, CC Lord Salim on emails and messages when sending emails for Exchequer activities

Quartermaster (Maestra Isabetta de San Marco

  • We have stuff
  • Still looking for a deputy

Chatelaine (Capt. Ogata Mitsuko)

  • Nothing to report

Demo Deputy (VACANT)

  • Nothing reported

Arts & Sciences (Lady Maryam)

  • Some things are picking up!
    • Thanks to Lord Ælfric for teaching class on Archery
    • Project night and class on Sacred Geometry coming up this month too
    • Not too late to enter something for Kingdom A&S, submit via form ahead of time
    • RUM is coming up, sign up to teach!
    • Keep making things and talking about them.

Provost (Lord Ælfric Hort)

  • We had 6 students in attendance at this past month’s class on basic concepts and language in Archery.  I think it went really well – if a little long for the format.
  • This month’s class will be on May 22 at 7pm.  It will be a virtual class night on Zoom and our teacher will be Master Rhydderch discussing Sacred Geometry. Come out to learn about the invention of geometry and its use in medieval construction and architecture, all without having to do any math.
  • I am currently looking for teachers for July, August, September, and October. I will not know if those will be in person or virtual until in-person nights are officially scheduled for the later half of the year, but if you specifically need one or the other, we can be flexible and shift months around if possible. If you have something you would like to teach or otherwise share with the Barony, please get in touch with either myself or Sumarliþi.

Chronicler (Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong)

  • Aiming to have the May issue of The Read Tower Newsletter released this Friday.
  • Always looking to interview the populace for each issue, so please fill out this form to get included! Eventually I’d like to collect these into one PDF so we have a good collection of information about our members:
  • Please submit photos, art, articles, shout-outs, or anything that you’ve found interesting and want to share! I’ll always be collecting stuff for the newsletters going forward. You can submit either through this form: or email me at

Social Media Minister  (THLady Agnes Halydaye

There once was a medievalist volunteer

Who set a tough precedent, oh dear!

Every month, a new poem

Each report, must now show some

Facts, figures, plus rhythm and cheer!

  • We’ve begun to get the word out about RUM; please keep an eye out for the Paypal registration, schedule, etc to become available. I’m pleased and thankful to report that Baroness Emelina will be the Social Media Officer deputy! Thank you! 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Officer (DEIB), (Lady Lily of South Downs)

  • Planning on having a DEIB class on May 15 this month
    • DEIB Officer Q&A and Suggestions from the Barony about DEIB classes in the future
      • Come and ask questions about the DEIB Office and bring suggestions on what kinds of classes you’d like to see in the future
      • If you can’t come to the meeting, please feel free to send questions and suggestions to my email beforehand so your questions can be answered:

Webminister (Lord Eiríkr Pálsson)

  • Some photos aren’t showing up on the website, will look into fixing it.
  • Have a flier for RUM, haven’t put it up yet. Will see if Acharya Margavati will want to put it up for the website.
  • For future events and needed updates please email me those to the email or use the request update link on the webpage.

Minister of Children (VACANT)

  • Position is still open, if you are interested, please contact Lady Raven.

Their Excellencies, (Maestro Ximon Cordoba de Martillo & HE Rhiannon verch Madyn)

  • Baroness Rhiannon
    • RT 50 planning
      • Rough graphic is up gate token, please take a look or submit other designs to get some more ideas in
      • Site is Little Tallapoosa
      • Thinking about giving young heralds a chance to get some practice and have a chance to herald in combatants at the tourneys at RT50
      • Major kudos to everyone who’s been active at events, in and off the field and supporting and helping the barony shine at events. Thank you for making this group the best group!
  • Baron Ximon
    • Progress:
      • Golden Lily – May 11 – Daytrip
      • Artsy Crown – Memorial Day Weekend – Arriving mid. afternoon on Sat
        • Will need to go to storage to pick up the baronial pavilion, will need help on Friday to help set up the pavilion and help tearing it down at the end of the event
      • June
        • Warden’s Challenge – hoping to go
          • If you’re into archery and thrown weapons, come out!
      • RUM
        • Fighter practice after RUM – will discuss with financial committee about funding for that and securing the pavilion
      • You guys rock! Please write in recommendations so we can get people recognized!

SCA Business

  • Royal University of Meridies
    • Lord Sumarlidi and Capt. Brendan
      • Flyer has been made, will send it to the Exchequer and Deputy Exchequer to get Paypal set up for the event
      • FB Event is set up, thanks to THL Agnes for handling that
      • Sign-up sheets for staff positions will be coming soon
  • Red Tower 50
    • Little Tallapoosa Park in Carrollton
      • Did confirm site policies regarding fire pits, archery, and equestrian. The same rules as MacIntosh. Raised fire pits are okay, we can have archery and equestrian as long as things are set up correctly.
      • If you have any questions, please email Their Excellencies or Lady Raven
      • Looking at hosting various salons at RT
  • Castle Wars
    • We currently have Camp Bert Adams reserved for Castle Wars in Covington GA
    • Please contact us if you are interested in running the event!
  • Bardic Event in Trimaris
    • Jacksonville, FL
      • May 4th 2024, hosted by Barony of Castlemere
      • Please contact Mathias if you have any questions
  • Dance and Gaming Event in Trimaris
    • June 15th 
    • Daytrip
    • St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1950 Silver St., Jacksonville FL
  • Artsy Crown
    • Baronial encampment in the works
  • Lady Maren has moved out of the area to Chicago, and she donated some things to the Barony. Baron Ximon will be bringing some of the items to the potluck at the end of the month so come by and feel free to peruse and grab some things.
  • Maestra Isabetta – Looking for a deputy for quartermaster for Gulf Wars. If you’re interested, please contact me. Will just need a copy of your resume.
    • Job: You would be the person that department heads could come to for checking-out inventory and check back in at the end of war.

Non-SCA Business

  • None reported

The business meeting was closed @ 8:22 PM EST

The next business meeting will be held on June 5th, 2024, 7:00 PM EST via Zoom Meeting.