Category Archives: Events

January Business Meeting Minutes

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

6 January 2016, 7:30pm
Decatur Recreation Center
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler


Officer Reports

  • Chronicler (Raven Helmsplitter)
    • Nothing to report
  • Arts + Sciences (Tryggva Ingvarrsdottir)
    • Midwinter Arts + Sciences is coming up!
    • Mara will be teaching calligraphy for January’s Baronial A+S class
    • Do *you* want to teach a class or have an idea for a class you’d love to take? Please contact Lady Tryggva
  • Herald (Mattias Blackett)
    • Submissions:
      • Pietro di Conti resubmitted his device, and it passed kingdom
  • Reeve (Lady Maire Dhocair Inghean Chiarain)
    • We have money! (Populace rejoices) She is working on getting the end of year paperwork together.
  • Armored Marshal (Jean-Michel d’Aix en Provence; Ximon Martillo de Cordoba reporting)
    • Gathering loaner gear and will put it in the baronial storage locker.
  • Rapier Marshal (Brendan de Hay)
    • We are having consistent practices, Tuesday evenings and Sunday afternoons at Blackburn Park. We have enough marshals that even when the GRM can’t make it, there’s always someone to run the practice.
    • We are gathering the rapier loaner gear in one place, and now have more than we did before (because we know where it all is now.
  • Webminister (Wistric Oftun)
    • We have a website. Please contact Wistric if there’s anything you’d like to see included on the website.


SCA Business – Upcoming Events

  • Midwinter Arts + Sciences (13 February 2016)
    • There will be classes! There will be a cool, awesome elevation of our own Lady Mara Palmer! There will be a Super 6 tourney!
    • See below for more detailed information
  • Bryn Madoc Twelfth Night (9 January 2016)
    • Event starts at 11:00am
    • There will be dancing! Music! Indoor (INDOOR!) fighting! Feasting! Shenanigans!
  • Meridian Challenge of Arms (27 February 2016)
    • Inaugural kingdom-level rapier-only event
    • Will be held at the University of West Georgia
    • Details still coming in. Please see the Facebook event page for the latest updates!


SCA Business – South Downs Events in the Works

  • Midwinter Arts + Sciences (13 February 2016)
    • Still working on a menu
    • Still working on finalizing class schedule
    • Classes, etc., will be held in seven classrooms on the bottom floor, 3 classes on the 2nd floor
    • Lots of parking!
    • Lunch and general hangout area will be located on the 3rd floor.
      • Please note that lunch is by pre-registration only, you cannot purchase lunch at the door. There are, however, many restaurants nearby where you can get lunch.
    • Court area
      • There are two large white boards in the room, but they will be covered with cool banners.
    • We need volunteers in all areas. Lady Mara has the team list, please contact her to see what’s needed.
  • RUM (Royal University of Meridies, 15-16 July 2016)
    • Lady Veronica is putting together a bid for South Downs to host the event.
    • Event would be held at the University of West Georgia.
    • Potential costs:
      • General site fees similar to Midwinter A+S
      • $500 for the ballroom (court? feast? revel? ball?)
    • No dorms onsite, but hotels are nearby and plentiful
    • No space for equestrian activities
    • Possibility to have a discreet fundraiser during the event (lunch?)


Other SCA Business

  • South Downs Supper Club
    • February theme is Scandinavian, and will be hosted by Lady Maren. Please contact her or stay tuned for the event announcement on Facebook.
  • Project night
    • Jadi and Andreva host on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays, at their home.
    • Plenty of space for all sorts of projects! Contact Jadi or Andreva for more details.
  • Gulf Wars
    • We need volunteers!
      • Throughout War, but particularly Sunday and Monday at troll (Gulf Wars opens on Saturday)
      • Volunteering can help raise money for the Barony (and who doesn’t want that?)

Non-SCA Business

  • Hapsburg exhibit at the High Museum, closes 10 January
  • Islamic art exhibit, “Ink, Silk, and Gold,” at the Frist Museum (Nashville)
  • The Atlanta Model Figure show and exhibit, sponsored by the Atlanta Military Figure Society, at the Atlanta Marriott Century Center (I-85 at Clairmont Rd., 19 February)


Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 3 February 2016.


Dragon Con Parade Info

We will be marching in the Dragon Con parade again this year, but there are a few new bits of information to be aware of:

  1. The parade organizers are Keeping a close count on numbers this year and you will need to have a parade wristband (in addition to your DC membership as usual) to participate. If you would like to march in the parade, contact Ximon and make sure we still have room left.
  2. There is a new route and staging area this year:
    Staging Area Directions
    Staging Area Map
    Parade and Shuttle Route
    Parade Guidelines
  3. Staging will be from 8:00 – 9:45 on Saturday.

A Letter From The Baron and Baroness

Unto all who read these words do Lorenzo and Adela, Baron and Baroness of South Downs, send greetings and good wishes.

A few weeks ago, we were honored to be invested into our new position and take on the responsibilities it entails. Red Tower was, as always, a wonderful event and showcased the many talents of the Barony’s populace. The hard work of both our long time members and our newest additions in making the event run smoothly were greatly appreciated.

We are eager to see what the future holds for both ourselves and the Barony, and what new traditions grow from the changes that are even now shaping that future. For example, recent weeks events have brought about a shift in venue for Castle Wars. While this obviously has resulted in a certain amount of upheaval in the usual plans of those attending (and hosting) the event, it also will provide opportunities to make new memories in new surroundings. We look forward to seeing all of our friends from the Barony and beyond in November, to cross swords in battle and raise glasses in celebration.

Baron’s Prize Tourney at Red Tower

Here is the word of Master Lorenzo, whose investiture will take place at Red Tower:

Red Tower XLII Baron’s Prize Tourney: The Duelists’ Challenge

This year’s Baron’s Prize List is a chance for rapier fighters to showcase their virtues by issuing challenges to their fellow combatants. All combatants will be ranked in reverse order of precedence and each in turn shall issue a challenge. Number of combatants, weapon style, and victory conditions are at the discretion of the challenger. If time permits, more than one round of challenges may be issued. The winner will be judged on the following criteria:

Courage: Is the challenge a true test of the combatant’s ability against worthy foes? Beware: Courage without Prudence leads to folly!

Prowess: Skill at arms is the heart of any duel, but do not forget Compassion in your pursuit of Prowess.

Noblesse: Artful words, elegant attire, and refined bearing reflect the quality of one’s character, when properly tempered with Humility.

Baroness’s Prize Tourney at Red Tower

Here is the word of the Mistress Adela, whose investiture will take place at Red Tower:

Red Tower XLII Baroness’ Prize Tourney: Luck of the Draw

While skill is invaluable to any warrior, often luck plays as large a role in determining victory. Each combatant will draw a card with a number on it, and will then fight the person who drew the same number. If there are an odd number of combatants, one person will be granted a bye for the round. Combats will occur in order of the numbers chosen. Weapon styles will be selected by each combatant from a separate deck of cards (unusual weapons will be provided for those who do not have their own). The winners of the first round of fights will choose again from a reduced set of numbers, and so on. The details of the final combat will be determined based on the number of participants.

Fifth Wednesday

July is one of four months of the year that has five Wednesdays.  This Wednesday the Barony Arts and Sciences team will be working on designing a banner for use at both events and gatherings.  We would love your help with this effort.  Also, several members of the populace will be available to help you with draping fabric if you need assistance as you sew your grab. 

Arts and Sciences Class – Inkle Looms 101



Have you ever wanted to make your own trim, but not sure how to get started?  You are in luck . . . .  At our monthly class night on Wednesday, July 23, THL Beldthora Serpentsdottir will be teaching a beginner’s class on how to set up and use an inkle loom to create beautiful trim.  This class is scheduled fro 7:00 until 9:00 as time is needed for both learning to set up the loom and to weave.


Tools and supplies you will need:

  • Cotton crochet thread in two or more colors in one of the following sizes:  3, 5, 10, or 20 (The higher the number, the thinner the thread.)
  • Inkle loom, if you have one