Baronial Polling

At the October business meeting Their Excellencies announced they will be stepping down.

This triggers the process for a polling for new baronage. We will be conducting this process over the next couple of months.

To be eligible to vote on the polling, you must be either:

A paid member living in the zip codes of South Downs (this link will take you to the Kingdom Atlas page where you can search for your zipcode to determine whether or not it is part of South Downs:


A Non-Resident Member, which is a paid member living outside the zip codes with a record of activity within South Downs (defined as attending eight baronial activities in the last year, with six of those in the last six months). Non-resident Members must submit their request to receive a polling to the office of the seneschal (preferably by e-mailing seneschal AT at or before the October 17th business meeting (NB: If you are finding out about this from the website, the deadline for you is October 24th – please notify the seneschal when you submit your request).

At the business meeting on October 17th (At the Cathedral of St. Philip in Atlanta), we will take nominations for candidates.

To be eligible to be nominated you must be either a paid member living in the zip codes of South Downs, or a non-resident member as defined above. Further, you must have been an active participant within the barony for the last 3 years.

The list of candidates, and the non-member residents, will then be provided to the kingdom seneschal’s office, which will assemble the polling packets for mailing.

At the November 7th meeting we will hold a Q&A session for the candidates. You should also begin to receive your pollings in the mail around this time. At that point we’ll know the rest of the timeline for the polling process (when your completed ballots should be mailed back, when we can expect an announcement from Their Majesties).

The new baronage will be invested at Midwinter Arts and Sciences festival.

The Seneschallate

Relevant policy documents:
Baronial Succession Policy

Corpora, Kingdom Law, and Kingdom Seneschal’s Handbook on the Kingdom Seneschal website

Society Seneschal’s Handbook