Notes submitted by Stunt Chronicler, Lord Brendan de Hay (mka Benjamin Hay), on behalf of Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler.
Upcoming Events
Castle Wars (17 – 19 November 2017) – Lord Piers reporting via speaker phone
Would like to shift $200 from main CW budget for party food (Unanimously approved) Check to be issued to Mistress Jadi.
Equestrian fees: A great deal of drama over the extra fees associated with horsing around. Her Excellency was asked if the Barony would consider covering the extra fees. Unanimous vote NOT to cover the fees from the Barony coffers. His Excellency asked that objectors be referred to him directly.
Due to the need to change venues mid-stream, the flyer to PopChiv was delayed (late by less than 1 day), and did not make the October issue. For future reference, however, autocrats are asked to prioritize the flyer and pricing structure announcements so no one will be surprised.
On an individual note, please get pre-registrations in so the Baronial camp can be allotted the space needed. Lady Stella is camp mistress.
A&S and Artisans’ row have merged. Contact Mistress Sunneva and/or Mistress Peryn with requests for teaching slots or merchant space.
Do we have tables? Led to discussion of how things will get to site. As usual, private trucks and trailers are the plan for now.
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 1 November 2017, at the Atlanta Friends Meeting House.
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler.
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois) called the meeting to order.
Officer Reports
Armored and Youth Marshal (Lady Mairghread)
Practices are going well, especially Sundays at Liane Levetan Park
Tuesdays have been hit and miss, Owl’s Nest fighters don’t come out consistently
Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
Practices. Nothing new. Sunday afternoons, concurrent with armored. Tuesday evening practices at 7pm, temporarily moved to Blackburn Park due to the lighting situation at Liane Levetan. We did hear back from the folks at Liane Levetan Park – they have put in a work order for the lights, so we’re hoping things will be fixed soon.
Brendan thanked everyone who has helped cover marshalling practices when he’s had work conflicts
There are lots of rapier activity planned for the fall event season – come out to events and get your stab on!
Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer – THL Mathias reporting)
Lady Stella, Master Lorenzo, and THL Mathias got their tassels
The October practice has to be moved to Sunday, 15 October (the Sunday of Coronation weekend)
Come on out to Red Tower! It will be fun for everyone, even new archers – loaner gear will be available if you’d like to try target archery
One of the shoots at Red Tower will be a stuffed animal shoot; Lady Justina suggested that she (or someone) could play teddy bear doctor to repair the shot stuffed animals,
so the kids won’t be upset at shooting stuffed animals
Mara has not gone over budget, and is almost done buying all the things
For more information about archery in Meridies, please check out their website
Chatelaine (Lady Stella di Silvestri – His Excellency reporting)
Lady Stella will be taking on 2 deputies:
Demo deputy is Lord Piers
Gold key is Lady Justina
Donations have been made to the Barony – a range of things that will be useful in general
Do you have suggestions for future demos? Stella is setting up a Google Doc that will make it easy to submit your idea and send it on to Piers and Stella
Speaking of demos, ConjurationCon will happen the weekend of 4 November – come on out! Touch base with Stella or Piers if you are planning to help out, so they can know who to expect.
Arts & Sciences (Lady Veronica da Lucca)
A+S quarterly report to kingdom is due soon – Lady Veronica passed around a sheet so everyone could list what they’ve worked on this past quarter
This month’s class is a surprise! (ETA: Lady Alisandre taught a class on making fencing shirts
Webminister (Lord Pietro di Conti)
Nothing to report
Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
Nothing to report
Seneschal (Master Wistric Oftun)
Mini-business meeting last week happened – $1,000 was approved for upcoming expenses for Castle Wars,
including propane tanks, torches, etc.
Reeve (THL Lady Maire Dhocair Inghean Chiarain)
Distributed several checks, per the previous week’s meeting
Maire reminded everyone working on upcoming events that it is preferred to submit your expense receipts as much all together as possible, so that fewer checks are written
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois)
Five baronial badge submissions have advanced to Society
Court Report
Tourney of the Foxes:
Veronica da Lucca – Order of the Velvet Owl
Meridian Grand Tournament (MGT)
Master Wistric Oftun received the Stallion’s Blood
Their Excellencies
Red Tower is coming up! Come out! Have fun!
Help out!
Justina will be teaching a class with Their Excellencies on how to be a courtier – this will be a great class for newcomers!
Castle Wars is coming up! If you haven’t written an award recommendation for someone in time for Red Tower and are thinking of doing so, do it now so it can be considered in time for Castle Wars. Their Excellencies love giving out awards!
Upcoming Events
Red Tower (30 September – 2 October 2017)
Everything is going well – Lady Julianna was nervous, but she met with Her Excellency and they put together lists of things that need to be done
We need people for set up (Friday @ 3:00pm), and tear down (Saturday night and Sunday morning); several volunteers offered
Still need a volunteer as pottycrat – easier than most events, since there’s a bathhouse and cabins,just the 3 portapotties on the field. Stella volunteered.
Need help with site heralding – Don Scott?
Mattias will herald the rapier tournament – Wistric wants to find out what’s being planned
Do we have popup tents available for the list mistresses?
Mattias was had ideas about hall decorations – will try to drape it in curtains to make it look like a Roman hall, then will put the South Downs banners
Can we set up a lounge long enough for His Highness Tim to lounge on?
Lucien has sign up sheet for troll – Friday 5-Midnight, Sat 7am – 1pm. Weather permitting, troll will be at main pavilion near field instead of main hall – need to put on the Red Tower FB page
Mairghread asked if we have enough ropes/stakes/etc to mark off fighting fields. If not, a good option would be flour to mark off the edges of the fields
Juliana needs a check to get things taken care of on site; she also needs cash advance check for cash for troll.
Question about portapotties – would it be possible to have hand sanitizer supplied in each of them?
Fall Crown List (10-12 November 2017)
Co-hosting with the shire of Depedale and the Barony of Bryn Madoc
Will take place at Little Talapoosa park, with Bryn Madoc and Depedale
Mattias doesn’t have much new to report
There was a small discussion about non-feast meals
Planning will get into high gear after Red Tower
Castle Wars (17 – 19 November 2017)
There was a problem with site tokens that were ordered – they turned out to be way too small. Piers is sending them back, and will get refund eventually.
He has already found an alternative token (with help from Wistric and Iazzie). This is within the existing budget, so no vote needed
Midwinter Arts + Sciences (2-4 February 2018)
Alisandre still waiting to hear from Sibella to confirm site availability (University of West Georgia)
SCA Business
As part of what was recently donated to the Barony, we now have a wrought iron cooking tripod and 2 portable holes, and an iron rose the was donated. Could we use it as a prize at (Midwinter A+S?) cooking competition? We could also use feast gear that was donated for volunteer raffles at upcoming events
Ximon thanked Lorenzo and Adela on behalf of the Meridian Order of the Blad for loaning them water coolers, and Veronica for providing a scroll last minute
Lorenzo told a story about having a runic scroll translated at MGT
Non-SCA Business
Nothing new to report
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 1 November 2017, at the Atlanta Friends Meeting House.
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler.
Stunt Herald (Master Wistric Oftun) called the meeting to order.
Officer Reports
Armored and Youth Marshal (Lady Mairghread)
We may have a new armored fighter from Trimaris
Practices are continuing Tuesday evenings with Owls Nest at Swift Cantrell Park, Sunday afternoons at Liane Levetan Park in Dunwoody.
Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
Practices. Sunday afternoons, concurrent with armored. Tuesday evenings around 7pm. We are seeking new practice sites. Levetan Park has disabled the field lighting at our practice site, and it’s getting dark earlier. Short-term, maybe we return to Blackburn for Tuesdays? Please contact Brendan if you have a suggestion.
Recent past rapier stuff:
Elements of Adela’s Gilded Companie journeyed north, leading the Meridian Rapier Expeditionary Force—Pennsic Theater.
Adela’s Gilded Companie fielded three squads at Tourney of the Foxes. One of those squads, led by Master Wistric, won the 5-person melee tourney.
Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer – THL Mathias reporting)
Stella got her tassel in court at Foxes
Royal rounds held again at practice
For more information about archery in Meridies, please check out their website
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois)
2 personal badges for Lucien d’Artois advanced to Society level.
1 name submission for Konrad Windhorn advanced to Society level.
5 baronial badges submitted, items pended awaiting petition, which was subsequently provided, items to be added on a second ILOI at Kingdom
Court Report
Tourney of the Foxes:
Veronica da Lucca – Order of the Velvet Owl
Chatelaine (Lady Stella di Silvestri – His Excellency reporting)
There was a parade at DragonCon – great turnout from several kingdoms
Rapier fighters fought in parade
One heavy fighter from Calontir took part
Had chariot and two pullers (needed 4)
Duke John thanked those who helped, and reiterated that we need to have 4 people (at least) to pull
Arts & Sciences (Lady Veronica da Lucca)
The August A+S class night, “Beyond Running Stitch: Hand Sewing Techniques,” was taught by Mistress Allesandra.
This month’s class, on “Dante’s Inferno,” will be taught by Sir Iazzie.
Webminister (Lord Pietro di Conti)
Event pages have been updated
Live Weapons page has been added
Added Order of the Velvet Owl to Lady Veronica’s profile
Updated site with pictures from DragonCon
Their Excellencies
South Downs will host the fundraiser lunch at Crossroads;
volunteers needed! Funds will go towards the Castle Wars discretionary fund
Her Excellency thanked everyone who represented her on the field at Foxes
Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
Nothing to report
Seneschal (Master Wistric Oftun)
DragonCon was this pas weekend – it rocked!
Per Lady Stella – if you are on the DragonCon Facebook group, please let us know what recommendations you may have for improvements for next year’s DragonCon
Upcoming Events
Red Tower (30 September – 2 October 2017)
We have only 17 registrations so far
A pre-registration form and a Google doc for a signup list are in the works
Concerns were voiced about signage for the site, since it is relatively new – where should the signs go? Do we have enough signs?
Lorenzo has signs/banners from castle wars a couple of years ago that may be useful for the event site.
Charmone said that she has a prize that is being donated by dal raven(?) forge; needs to confirm with Tristram
Pietro has box of binders and clipboards that can be used for Red Tower
Juliana wants to create a laminated cheat sheet for all volunteer roles
Will there be a South Downs encampment? There are cabins and tenting available, but no specific baronial campsite.
Mariana discussed the menu for feast; menu will be posted both on the Facebook event site and baronial website Red Tower page
Need to make sure that there are volunteers to help clean up Sunday so we can all leave at a reasonable time
Also need volunteers to serve feast and clean up kitchen after feast
Fall Crown List (10-12 November 2017)
Co-hosting with the shire of Depedale and the Barony of Bryn Madoc
Will take place at Little Tallapoosa Park in Carrollton
As soon as we have the schedule approved by the Crown,
it will be posted
Castle Wars (17 – 19 November 2017)
Need more volunteers – please see the signup sheet to see what is still needed
Piers may be facing shoulder surgery soon, may be limited mobility
South Downs encampment – Alisandre will set up group for encampment, and will need volunteers to take meal / clean up duty
Their Highnesses will camp with House Excelsior; the South Downs encampment site has been established as well; 10 people = camp
Landcrat – Maire?
Midwinter Arts + Sciences (2-4 February 2018)
Alisandre says well know in a couple of weeks before we can confirm site at University of West Georgia
Artsy Crown (25-27 May, 2018)
Iazzie heard promising things from previous autocrat
Approximately 85% done with budget
SCA Business
Would love to find a different meeting site – recommendations and ideas are needed! Please check with Their Excellencies if you have any suggestions
Iazzie is working on getting castle walls replaced and expanded
Ximon had offered a six-pack of beverage of choice for anyone who helped pull the chariot at DragonCon; he made good on his payment at the meeting
Non-SCA Business
There will be a viking festival in Roswell the same weekend as Red Tower
The Fernbank museum is hosting a gladiator exhibit this month
All the business issues having been addressed, the lords and ladies of the populace adjourned to vote on candidates for the Heart of South Downs and Chivalry awards for business meeting. Once the voting was held, the meeting was closed.
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 4 October 2017, at the Atlanta Friends Meeting House.
Greetings from Lord Lucien d’Artois, Head Troll for Red Tower. It’s not too late to sign up to help out with troll! Please feel free to sign up for a one-hour shift. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler.
Lord Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order.
Officer Reports
Herald (Lord Lucien d’Artois)
Annaliese Wolf – name/device at Laurel (3nd month – post-commentary)
Stella di Silvestri – device at Laurel (2nd month of commentary)
Juliane de Vivonne – badge at Laurel (1st month in commentary)
Porcia Secunda – name at Laurel (1st month in commentary)
Lucien d’Artois – badge x2 at Kingdom
Konrad Windhorn – name at Kingdom
Court Report
Mara Palmer – Broken Bow
Stella di Silvestri – Guiding Hand
Arabian Nights:
Mathias Blackett – Kingdom Bard
Armored and Youth Marshal (Lady Mairghread)
6-8 armored fighters at Sunday practices
Joint fighters practice with Owls Nest continues to go well
We have one new youth fighter (yay!)
Mairghread has requested $200 for additional loaner gear
Live Weapons Marshal (Mistress Mara Palmer – THL Mathias reporting)
July practice hosted ~22 archers
Royal round was held at practice
Update on acquiring loaner and baronial gear: we’ve only had to buy 3 bows
We have two new marshals in training
If interested in shooting archery at foxes, please contact Mistress Mara; if you are taking part in other tournaments during the event, please be aware there’s a lot of waiting around between archery rounds
For more information about archery in Meridies, please check out their website
Chatelaine (Lady Stella di Silvestri – His Excellency reporting)
Everyone is encouraged to sign up for DragonCon and take part in the parade!
Stella made up some baronial business cards for distribution at demos, etc., which should arrive Monday
We’ve had several new people come to events and practices recently
Stella is still looking for a deputy chatelaine, in charge of demos – if interested, please contact her
Reeve (THL Maire)
We have some money! yay!
We are spending a lot of money so we have to be careful, especially with the event season and our several events coming up this fall
Everything is paid up till the end of the year. With the site location changing for Castle Wars, we need to be extra careful with funds until we know more about how the change will impact the budget
Mara mentioned that she’s still running way below budget with archery needs.
Arts & Sciences (Lady Veronica da Lucca)
The July A+S class night was on making viking aprons, and taught by Lady Juliana
This month’s class, on how to event steward, will be presented by Mistress Jadi. She plans to set up the class as a roundtable featuring participants who have extensive experience in event stewarding from both inside and outside the barony, who can provide a variety of viewpoints and experiences on event stewarding. Ximon volunteered. This is would normally be held on the 4th Wednesday, but there are schedule conflicts, so please stay tuned.
This month will be our 5th Wednesday in-garb potluck – everyone is welcome!
Webminister (Lord Pietro di Conti)
Updated the Knight Marshal page
We need to add a Live Weapons Marshal page, now that we have a live weapons program
New profiles for Aidan MacKay, Konrad, Mairghread, and Piers have been added
His Excellency added the new baronial awards page to the website
Red Tower event page was updated
Castle Wars event page updated – the Castle Wars page includes a downloadable pre-registration form; it was agreed that the Red Tower page should also have a pre-reg form
Fighter practice page/schedule has been updated and expanded
Seneschal (Master Wistric Oftun)
We have a barony (huzzah!)
Do we want to sponsor something at Meridian 40 Year? We should discuss and let Countess Thorkatla know.
Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
Nothing to report
Their Excellencies
Their Excellencies have received several recommendations for the new baronial awards! The populace is encouraged to write more!
They also encourage the populace to write more recommendations for deserving gentles for all sorts of awards for upcoming events! Check the OP if you aren’t sure if someone has a particular award
Their Majesties are already putting the list together for Castle Wars
Her Excellency would love to sponsor several teams for the tournaments at Foxes – rapier, armored, and archery (team names: Adela’s Special Snowflakes? unless there’s only one team in a particular tournament, then they’ll become The Snowflakes?).
Her Excellency will be working on new tokens this weekend – everyone is invited to help (silk banner painting practice!)
There should be several rapier and armored teams – yay!
Upcoming Events
Red Tower (30 September – 2 October 2017)
Lady Emmelina created a lovely flyer for the event – look for it in the upcoming kingdom newsletter
A pre-registration form and a Google doc for a signup list are in the works
Site visit planned for tomorrow (3 August)
Volunteers needed:
Head troll
Royal liaison
2 list mistresses
(updates)Rapier covered per wistric
Serafina will do armored list
Hall steward (Mathias volunteers)
Children’s activities?
Travelers’ fare
Cleanup Royal site Sunday
Owl’s Nest is taking care fundraiser lunch; we will do fundraiser lunch @ Crossroads
Feast – THL Mariana is working on recipes, menu will be pinned down this weekend
Castle Wars (17 – 19 November 2017)
Flyer should be ready this weekend for submission to PopChiv
Most staff taking care of, just needs landcrat and heralds
Site map has been sent to Their Majesties so we can determine where they want their camp to be
Need donations for volunteer raffle
Lucien needs volunteers for troll
Maire said we need heaters and lights for troll
Fall Crown List (10-12 November 2017)
Co-hosting with the shire of Depedale and the Barony of Bryn Madoc
Will take place at Little Tallapoosa Park in Carrollton
Portapotties reserved
Event flyer about to go out
Everything is going smoothly
We (South Downs) will be the ones handling insurance
Maire mentioned that insurance for a group is taken care of for the first event of the year that group does
SCA Business
Mathias said there had been mention of 5th Wednesday in-garb potluck including some SCA dancing or bardic performances. He would be interested in getting some people together to do some commedia?
Ximon needs to talk with the reeve to get the check to cover the loaner rapier armor we bought from Tina (and the youth combat helm)
Sir Iazzie: The castle walls need repair/replacement (“rapier uses the walls, armored abuses the walls”).
Wants to talk to Sebastionnos about repairing/building a new wall and see how much it would cost.
We also need a gate of our own; with a second gate and repaired walls, we could do 2 castles for fighting scenarios.
Repairs very important, but we really do need *additional* wall pieces.
Hopefully we can store the walls and gates at the Shrine – currently they’re at His Highness’.
Can we get together with Tir Briste to help out with walls?
Fundraising idea – donate X$ to wall, maybe get your device on a wall? 🙂
His Excellency is going to test out new rope and stake wall for meridies royal encampment at pennsic
Lucien reminded everyone about the 2nd mini business meeting, possibly starting in August to help keep track of upcoming events (thru Midwinter A+S), to take place 3rd Wednesday of each month
After tonight’s meeting, we will meet for Baronial Chivarly / Heart of South Downs awards
Non-SCA Business
Lady Juliana suggests parking ideas for DragonCon. Parking Panda allows you to buy reserved parking spaces for much cheaper than public parking.
Other parking ideas;
Parking at the Cathedral for $20/day
Buy a monthly pass at the International Center parking garage for $120; pass is good for a full month, so if you need to park downtown at other times during September, it can be a good deal.
All the business issues having been addressed, the business meeting was closed.
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 6 September 2017, at the Atlanta Friends Meeting House.