South Downs Baronial Business Meeting
6 November 2019, 7:30pm
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler.
THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. Our Seneschal, THL Mark de Wytteney, sez “Welcome! If you did not sign in, please sign in!”
Officers Reports
- Herald (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- Submissions
- Robert Throckmorton. Reblazon of device. Sable, on a plate a Latin cross formy azure, a bordure parted bordurewise indented argent and azure. Registered on Aug 2019 LOAR
- Awards
- Red Tower
- Una Ulfrdottir – Award of Arms
- Lady Una Ulfrdottir – Cygnet’s Nest
- Tryggvi Tryggsson – Award of Arms
- Alessandro di Lorenzo – Cygnet’s Nest
- Lady Alisandre Isabeau de la Chapelle – Velvet Owl
- Lord Mark de Wytteney – Velvet Owl
- Lord Mark de Wytteney – Court Barony
- Melusine La Pucelle La Fayette – Argent Comet
- Lady Mairghread Ragnhild Wilson – Red Raven
- THL Juliane de Vivonne – Scarlet Star
- THL Rhonwyn Alyna nic an Chrosain – Court Barony
- Waelwulf – Award of Arms
- Master Ximon Martillo de Córdoba – Meridian Majesty
- THL Rhiannon verch Madyn – Meridian Majesty
- Baron Seric of Marston – Grant of Arms
- Captain Brendan de Hay – Grant of Arms
- Lady Stella di Silvestri – Grant of Arms
- Captain Pietro di Conti – Grant of Arms
- Lord Quintus Valarius Gracchus – Grant of Arms
- Lady Justina di Silvestri – Grant of Arms
- Red Tower
- Submissions
- Knight Marshal (Lady Mairghread Wilson)
- Sunday practice has moved to the Viking Alchemist Meadery site (3080 Jonquil Dr., Smyrna, GA 30080) starting 13 October 2019. Everyone is very happy with the site!
- Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)
- Hi! Welcome! and thank you!
- Sunday practices are now taking place at the Meadery; Tuesday evening practices will remain will continue at Brook Run Park (no change)
- A continuing thank you to all who have been helping out with practices
- Come to Castle Wars! There are some awesome scenarios in teh works, including those with audience participation!
- Chatelaine (THL Justina di Silvestri)
- Will be bringing Gold Key (loaner garb) to Castle Wars; if you know you will have need of loaner garb, please let Justina know so she can make sure she has garb in the sizes needed.
- She is preparing her quarterly report – if you have anything you’d like to contribute to Gold Key, please let her know.
- Demo Deputy (Lady Bú Feiyan)
- We have the maker space arranged for monthly project nights (yay!). The address is 675 Metropolitan Parkway SW, Atlanta. If you are interested in working at the space for project night, please contact Bu for further details.
- ConjurationCON (15-17 November 2019)
- We will have tables in two separate areas, so we will need volunteers to help staff the tables
- We have space for dance practice/demo, if anyone can lead this
- We have a set schedule for the fighting demos (two periods on Saturday), as well as an open field on Friday afternoon.
- This event will run on a typical Con schedule (nearly 24hrs/day), so there’s lots of time and opportunity to volunteer and take part in the Con
- This is a great Con for the SCA – lots of crossover in interests; we have had several new members come from past ConjurationCONs
- Bú is working on getting a hotel room onsite for crash/downtime space. If you would be interested in accessing the hotel room, please let Bú know.
- Arts & Sciences (THL Alisandre de la Chapelle)
- We have A&S in the Barony, and it is good! Yay!
- October’s A&S class on bookbinding, taught by Mistress Margavati, was a big hit! Check out our Facebook group for pictures of the class.
- Due to the upcoming holidays, there will not be a class offered either in November or December. We will regroup in January with Marks medieval gaming class.
- Speaking of A&S classes in the new year… are you interested in teaching a Baronial Arts & Sciences class in 2020? Submit your class idea on this form, or contact Alisandre directly.
- Reeve (THL Andreva Rigaldi)
- We have money! yay!
- We received the PayPal check from Red Tower.
- The quarterly report was submitted today.
- We are currently in a little bit of a hole due to the increased costs of our meeting site and storage site, but we are in good shape overall.
- Mistress Alessandra and Andreva are working on getting re-warranted so they can take over/continue (respectively) the Reeve office.
- Webminister (Captain Pietro di Conti)
- We have a website!
- Updated Sunday fighter practice location to Viking Alchemist Meadery
- Added November and December dates for live weapons practice
- Changed deputy armored marshal from Lord Jarec Markov to Lord Jürgen der Vielfrass
- Lady Zhelana agreed to serve as point person on creating the Midwinter A&S event page. An initial page has been created as a placeholder, which will be updated as content becomes available.
- Updated Baronial Champions with latest info:
- Master Davio de la Rouge – Baronial Rapier Champion
- Baron Robert Throckmorton – Baronial Armored Champion
- THL Stella di Silvestri – Baronial Arts Champion
- TBD – Baronial Archery Champion (need SCA name, only have modern name)
- Updated Castle Wars event page with latest info:
- Castle Wars flyer, linked to Castle Wars Facebook event page
- Schedule
- Fighting scenarios
- Feast menu
- Live weapons schedule
- Map
- New profile pages for:
- Alessandro di Lorenzo
- Sir Kytte Meliora Stevenson
- Lord Tryggvi Tryggsson
- Lady Una Ulfrdottir
- Lady Waelwulf
- New profile photo for:
- Lady Mairghread Wilson
- Updated awards for:
- Lady Agnes Halydaye
- THL Alisandre Isabeau de la Chapelle
- Lord Jarec Markov
- THL Juliane de Vivonne
- Lady Mairghread Wilson
- THL Mark de Wytteney
- Lady Melusine la Pucelle la Fayette
- Lord Nikon Dawidowicz
- Captain Pietro di Conti
- Baroness Rhiannon verch Madyn
- Baroness Rhonwyn Alyna nic an Chrosain
- Master Ximon Martillo de Córdoba
- Quartermaster (THL Lucien d’Artois)
- We have stuff! Yay!
- Keeper of the Baronial Memes (Social Media Minister) (THL Emelina le Nourreys)
- We have social media! Yay!
- Yay! We have more followers on Instagram!
- Gearing up for Castle Wars!
- Minister of Children (Lady Melusine of South Downs, THL Mark de Wytteney reporting)
- We have kids! Yay!
- Nothing to report
- Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter, Captain Brendan de Hay reporting)
- Nothing to report
- Their Excellencies, Master Wistric and Mistress Sunneva
- We are really excited for Castle Wars!
- We are still in need of courtiers – if you are interested, please contact Juliane
- We are out of Red Raven medallions. Her Excellency has contacted the manufacturer and has an invoice ($20 each); this was voted on and approved.
- Award recommendations – send them in, please! We have events (yay!) and we love to give out awards. Hit them up or fill out the award form on the seneschal page. They keep all the recommendations they receive
- Seneschal (THL Mark de Wytteney)
- Reminded everyone to please sign in if they hadn’t done so already.
- Red Tower (4-6 October 2019), THL Justina di Silvestri and Lady Isabella Parr reporting
- Red Tower report is done; we made a profit of approx. $1071.92 (yay!)
- What are we going to do with all these balls (marbles)?
- Midwinter Arts & Sciences (1 February 2020), Lady Raven Helmsplitter and Master Ximon Martillo de Córdoba reporting
- Submitted bid to Financial Committee; planning to present bid to populace at the next meeting
- In the meantime, will take the time to get more info from the church site
- Castle Wars (21-24 November 2019), THL Isabetta de San Marco and Baroness Angharat merch Morchant reporting
- The Order of the Bear is the only polling order who has requested to schedule a meeting
- The feast menu is available! It is AMAZING
- Please let Isabetta or Angharat know as soon as possible if you need anything from the storage unit
- Need volunteers to help with Troll, especially in the evenings and Saturday morning
- Will it be possible to get a backdrop or drapes for the children’s activities pavilion?
- Will we need propane for heaters? It is possible that the site will provide it – Juliane will check
- We might be able to use the maker space to help get things done for Castle Wars
- There was a discussion about how many tables we will need for Castle Wars – for feast hall, lyst field, etc.
- Her Grace mentioned who thankful she is that we are able to have the memorial night archery shoot at Castle Wars; apparently, night shoots were illegal in Meridies not that long ago.
- Ximon gave THL Stella mad props for all her work organizing the baronial encampment – yay! If you want to take part in the encampment, please contact Stella directly, and join the Facebook encampment group for the latest information.
- Meal plan – we’re not doing an official meal plan, but we are organizing potluck meals throughout the weekend (for example, volunteers will cover the main dish at dinner, and the side dishes will be potluck from those camping with the Barony). What about lunches and breakfast? Site is offering breakfast on Saturday, included in the site fee.
- Justina asked about Drunk History on Friday night – with a onesies competition, with prizes!
- Her Excellency will be taking Lady Anneliese as an apprentice at the encampment Friday night, with a German dessert and hot chocolate bar reception
- Master Lorenzo will also be taking Lady Agnes as an apprentice on Saturday night after Feast
- Even if you don’t want to help out with cooking or bringing anything for the encampment meals, there’s still a lot that can be done to help out
- For castle wars, come volunteer for troll! it’s right next to our encampment!
- Get your reservations in!
Other SCA Business
- Kingdom-level Events (KLEs)
- We need to think about what KLEs we want to bid on in 2020, as every group is required to bid on at least one KLE. RUM/Fighters Collegium? We need to look at sites.
- Melusine took Xander to the Atlanta Food Bank to volunteer and talked to them about the SCA. They suggested that we could do a baronial volunteer event to volunteer at the food bank. Volunteer schedule is set on a 90 day basis. Juliane suggested that we volunteer at a time when they really need the help (January?
- Brian at the Meadery will need help with work-related projects in the upcoming weeks. Please contact him if you can help. Mark described the site in detail, and mentioned the possibility of the next-door warehouse opening a brewery as well. Everything is dependent on licensing and permits
- Justina mentioned Jour d’Amour in January. The Courtesans Guild is being provided with a heated cabin and a lot of time to provide classes along the event theme (courtly love).
- Justina asked if anyone would be interested in taking part in an SCA yard sale at a meeting.
- Juliane is willing to organize a yard sale at Fools War as a merchant’s tent.
Non-SCA Business
- Margavati had a whole bunch of Christmas decorations she gave away to any who wanted them.
- SERFO! Master David Twynham is running this annual HEMA fencing event at Kennesaw State University’s Marietta campus. We are expecting more than 100 fencers from all over the country to attend for a full weekend of tournaments. A lot of SCA rapier fighters take part and do well in the tournaments, so register to take part, or just come by and watch a lot of great swordfighting!
- THL Andreva’s chamber vocal group will present a concert of period music. Please contact her for more info and/or tickets.
- Margavati is getting rid of her full-size futon, free to a good home.
Business meeting is closed.
Next business meeting will be held Wednesday, 4 December 2019, at the Doraville Civic Center.