February Business Meeting Minutes

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

3 February 2016, 7:30pm

Decatur Recreation Center

Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler


Officer Reports

  • Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
    • Nothing to report
    • Would like to gauge interest in developing a baronial publication of some sort:
      • Newsletter? Could include things like reports (and recipes?) from the Supper Club, for example
      • Baronial Directory? as not everyone is on Facebook
      • Open to ideas, suggestions
  • Herald (Lord Bjorn Gullhar)
    • Nothing to report
  • Webminister (Master Wistric Oftun)
    • We still have a website!
    • Working on getting updates to Midwinter A+S up on the site
  • Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
    • We have practices!
    • We will be holding our traditional regional fighters’ practice on the Sunday following Midwinter A+S – come on out!
    • We will hold the tournament to determine the new Baronial Rapier champion at the Midwinter regional practice (14 February 2016)
  • Arts + Sciences (Lady Tryggva Ingvarsdóttir)
    • Midwinter Arts + Sciences is coming up SOON (see below)! There will be tons of classes offered.
    • Lady Tryggva will be stepping down as A+S Minister in March; the new A+S Minister is Lady Veronica de Lucca. Their Excellencies and the populace thanked Lady Tryggva for all her work as Minister.
  • Reeve (Lady Maire Dhocair Inghean Chiarain)
    • We have money – a little over $12,000 in the baronial coffers
    • Red Tower and Castle Wars both did well financially
    • We do still have some bills to take care of, but we’re in good shape
    • Domesday report is going out tonight (3 February 2016)
    • Lady Zeliha Bint Sayyid will be the new Reeve; she’ll start working with Lady Maire after Midwinter, and step up in the 4th quarter
  • Chatelaine (vacant)
    • But no more! Our new Chatelaine is Lady Stella di Silvestri! (And the populace rejoices!)
    • The local Dagohir group is interested in doing a demo with us at the library, date TBD
    • Need more loaner garb! If you are interested in helping sew or have anything to donate, please touch base with Lady Stella


SCA Business – South Downs Events in the Works

  • Midwinter Arts + Sciences (13 February 2016, Lady Mara Palmer reports)
    • We’re in good shape with the budget. The feastcrats suggested buying disposable feastgear for the lunch feast, so we won’t have to deal bring the baronial serving pieces (easier to clean up).
    • We need tablecloths to cover the tables in the lecture hall where Court will be held. Master Ximon offered to bring the several he has.
    • We have banners to cover the lecture hall whiteboards, but could use extra banners or tapestries to make sure the boards stay hidden.
    • Lady Stella requested that we bring our own toilet paper and paper towel supplies to the site, as maintenance will not be available to keep the bathrooms stocked with supplies.
    • Lunch feast is offered by pre-registration only. Tokens will be provided to keep track of who has purchased lunch. Registration for the event (if you want the lunch feast) ends Saturday, 6 February
    • The lecture hall (where Court will be held) only seats 150, which we’re not sure is enough to seat everyone for Court. There may be space to set up your own chairs, but space will need to be preserved for processionals and for Lady Mara’s vigil
    • We will have a regional practice on Sunday, 14 February (yes, that’s Valentine’s Day – make your plans now! 🙂 ). Her Excellency will be coordinating the practice and festivities.
    • We can’t get into the site until Saturday morning 7:30? 8:00?. Volunteers to help set up are needed, and if your Chronicler recalls correctly, Master Ximon had suggested that there might be donuts for those who volunteer to set up.
    • Lady Mara will be on vigil beginning at 9:00am, so Her Excellency will handle some of the onsite autocrat responsibilities once the vigil has begun.
  • RUM (Royal University of Meridies; 15-16 July 2016, Lady Veronica de Lucca and Lady Maire reporting)
    • Lady Veronica and Lady Maire will be co-autocratting, and will request approval of the Barony tonight to submit the finalized bid to Kingdom
      • There is no dorm space available, but there are many hotels nearby. We are trying to get a group rate at one (or more) hotel(s). Leslie has offered to help with this effort
      • Looking at offering a fundraiser lunch, possibly a crockpot buffet like what was done at Midwinter A+S 2015
      • The site does not allow pets (service animals are OK by law)
      • There will not be any equestrian activities, as there is no place to hold them
      • Discreet alcohol ONLY – no original containers, etc.
      • No onsite revel or dinner feast
        • There was discussion about the possibility of having a post-event revel in a meeting room of one of the hotels, especially if we can get a group rate there. Those investigating hotel options are adding this to their list of questions
        • It was pointed out that we would have the site until midnight, so we could do a revel there, but no dinner feast. We could provide snacks, however 🙂
      • RUM handles all the planning of the event, in terms of classes, administration, etc.; we handle site issues: setup, cleaning, lunch, etc.
      • Financial issues:
        • $2 fee per person goes to RUM
        • Remaining profits from event are split between the sponsoring Barony (us) and the Kingdom.
      • We should start thinking about teacher bags – what can we offer? who can make what things to be included? If you’re interested in contributing, please contact Lady Veronica or Lady Maire
      • Need staff:
        • Already have autocrats and reservationist
        • Need (partial list):
          • Marshals (armored and rapier)
          • Royal coordinator
          • Crash space coordinator
          • More positions will open up as planning continues. If you’re interested in volunteering for RUM staff and you don’t see a position listed that you’d like to help with, the autocrats will be more than happy to help you help them!
    • Motion offered to send bid to Kingdom, and motion passed unanimously! (and still more rejoicing from the populace!)


SCA Business – Upcoming Events

  • Gulf Wars (12-20 March, 2016)
    • South Downs has been asked specifically to volunteer with waterbearing on the Wednesday of War Week. This is a great opportunity to help the Kingdom, and help the Barony; not only can you earn volunteer points for waterbearing, but the Barony can earn money – the more volunteers, the more money! Make your Reeve happy! Go to Volunteer Point, say that you’ll volunteer, and make sure to list The Barony of South Downs as your local group.
    • Does Al-Mahala need anything for Gulf Wars? Everyone was concerned about the damage/vandalism done to their storage space. Turned out it wasn’t their storage space, and their things are OK.
  • Knowne World Dance Symposium (June 2017? Master Wistric reporting)
    • Master Wistric is developing a bid to have the Barony host the 2017 Knowne World Dance Symposium
    • Possible site: GA State. Not sure which campus, but discounts are available to employees, and there are several members of the Barony who work at GA State.


Other SCA Business

  • South Downs Supper Club (25 February 2016)
    • This month’s theme: Scandinavia
    • Hosted by Lady Maren (Decatur area)
    • Watch for the event announcement and other updates on Facebook
  • Request for spare armor (armored fighting)
    • Lord Bram is looking for spare armor to purchase, from the Barony or from individuals:
      • His current armor is now too big for him
      • (He may also be looking for any available youth armor?)
      • It was suggested that he contact the Reeve, the Knight Marshal, and/or the Financial Committee to determine what can be sold and at what price.
  • Glaedenfeld Baronial Investiture
    • Background: Glaedenfeld was once a barony, and a few years ago its status was changed to a shire. It is now about to become a barony again.
    • Unsure if the investiture will take place at Dreamstone or Iris Faire?
    • Does the Barony wish to contribute to a largesse gift to the new Baron and Baroness Glaedenfeld? Please get in touch with Master Lorenzo or Mistress Adela if you are interested.


Non-SCA Business

  • None.


Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 2 March 2016.


January Business Meeting Minutes

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

6 January 2016, 7:30pm
Decatur Recreation Center
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler


Officer Reports

  • Chronicler (Raven Helmsplitter)
    • Nothing to report
  • Arts + Sciences (Tryggva Ingvarrsdottir)
    • Midwinter Arts + Sciences is coming up!
    • Mara will be teaching calligraphy for January’s Baronial A+S class
    • Do *you* want to teach a class or have an idea for a class you’d love to take? Please contact Lady Tryggva
  • Herald (Mattias Blackett)
    • Submissions:
      • Pietro di Conti resubmitted his device, and it passed kingdom
  • Reeve (Lady Maire Dhocair Inghean Chiarain)
    • We have money! (Populace rejoices) She is working on getting the end of year paperwork together.
  • Armored Marshal (Jean-Michel d’Aix en Provence; Ximon Martillo de Cordoba reporting)
    • Gathering loaner gear and will put it in the baronial storage locker.
  • Rapier Marshal (Brendan de Hay)
    • We are having consistent practices, Tuesday evenings and Sunday afternoons at Blackburn Park. We have enough marshals that even when the GRM can’t make it, there’s always someone to run the practice.
    • We are gathering the rapier loaner gear in one place, and now have more than we did before (because we know where it all is now.
  • Webminister (Wistric Oftun)
    • We have a website. Please contact Wistric if there’s anything you’d like to see included on the website.


SCA Business – Upcoming Events

  • Midwinter Arts + Sciences (13 February 2016)
    • There will be classes! There will be a cool, awesome elevation of our own Lady Mara Palmer! There will be a Super 6 tourney!
    • See below for more detailed information
  • Bryn Madoc Twelfth Night (9 January 2016)
    • Event starts at 11:00am
    • There will be dancing! Music! Indoor (INDOOR!) fighting! Feasting! Shenanigans!
  • Meridian Challenge of Arms (27 February 2016)
    • Inaugural kingdom-level rapier-only event
    • Will be held at the University of West Georgia
    • Details still coming in. Please see the Facebook event page for the latest updates!


SCA Business – South Downs Events in the Works

  • Midwinter Arts + Sciences (13 February 2016)
    • Still working on a menu
    • Still working on finalizing class schedule
    • Classes, etc., will be held in seven classrooms on the bottom floor, 3 classes on the 2nd floor
    • Lots of parking!
    • Lunch and general hangout area will be located on the 3rd floor.
      • Please note that lunch is by pre-registration only, you cannot purchase lunch at the door. There are, however, many restaurants nearby where you can get lunch.
    • Court area
      • There are two large white boards in the room, but they will be covered with cool banners.
    • We need volunteers in all areas. Lady Mara has the team list, please contact her to see what’s needed.
  • RUM (Royal University of Meridies, 15-16 July 2016)
    • Lady Veronica is putting together a bid for South Downs to host the event.
    • Event would be held at the University of West Georgia.
    • Potential costs:
      • General site fees similar to Midwinter A+S
      • $500 for the ballroom (court? feast? revel? ball?)
    • No dorms onsite, but hotels are nearby and plentiful
    • No space for equestrian activities
    • Possibility to have a discreet fundraiser during the event (lunch?)


Other SCA Business

  • South Downs Supper Club
    • February theme is Scandinavian, and will be hosted by Lady Maren. Please contact her or stay tuned for the event announcement on Facebook.
  • Project night
    • Jadi and Andreva host on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays, at their home.
    • Plenty of space for all sorts of projects! Contact Jadi or Andreva for more details.
  • Gulf Wars
    • We need volunteers!
      • Throughout War, but particularly Sunday and Monday at troll (Gulf Wars opens on Saturday)
      • Volunteering can help raise money for the Barony (and who doesn’t want that?)

Non-SCA Business

  • Hapsburg exhibit at the High Museum, closes 10 January
  • Islamic art exhibit, “Ink, Silk, and Gold,” at the Frist Museum (Nashville)
  • The Atlanta Model Figure show and exhibit, sponsored by the Atlanta Military Figure Society, at the Atlanta Marriott Century Center (I-85 at Clairmont Rd., 19 February)


Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 3 February 2016.


December Baronial Business Minutes

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

2 December 2015, 7:30pm

Decatur Recreation Center

Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler


Lord Bjorn Gullharr called the meeting to order.

Officer Reports

  • Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
    • Nothing to report
  • A+S (Lady Tryggva Ingvarrsdóttir)
    • The classes that were offered at Castle Wars were awesome!
    • Please contact Tryggva if you’re interested in teaching a class at a future event
      • Mid-winter A+S
      • Kingdom A+S @ Artsy Crown
      • Regional events
    • There is no class lined up for December; however, there will be a 5th Wednesday in-garb social and potluck (New Year’s Edition) on 30 December
  • Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
    • Lots of rapier at Castle Wars
      • 45 fencers
      • Master Wistric was elevated to the Order of Defence
        • He fought +40 fencers for his prize fight, was killed cleanly by only one person
    • Practices are happening regularly on Sunday afternoons and Tuesday evenings, thanks to all the other fencers who step up to cover when Brendan has a work conflict
    • Magna Faire – the Chivalry is sponsoring a Sword + Buckler tournament for the rapier fighters, all are encouraged to take part
    • We have a lead on an indoor practice site for the winter, at the Horizons School in Atlanta
      • They are open to negotiations on price “make us an offer”
      • Would the Barony be open to providing funds for the site, depending on how negotiations go?
  • Knight Marshal (Master Ximon Martillo de Córdoba)
    • We have a new knight marshal, Captain Jean-Michel d’Aix en Provence
    • Due to Jean-Michel’s weekly work schedule, it is likely that Ximon will continue to submit reports at the business meeting
  • Reeve (Lady Maire Dhocair Inghean Chiarain)
    • Not much to report
    • Castle Wars financial report – looks like we made $4,400 on the event (and the populace rejoiced)
  • Herald (Lord Bjorn Gullharr)
    • Stefan says hello!
    • Names and devices
      • Pietro di Conti – Name passed; device returned and re-resubmitted
    • Court reports
      • Castle Wars – Baronial Court
        • Alisandre Ysabeua de la Chapelle – Tower Or
        • Serafina Alamanni – Tower Argent
        • Isobel Nugent – Tower Or
        • Brendan de Hay – Tower Gules
        • Raven Helmsplitter – Tower Gules
      • Castle Wars – Royal Court
        • Veronica da Lucca – Meridian Cross
        • Sefa Mjoksiglandi – Meridian Cross
        • Mara Palmer – Grant of Arms
        • Mathias Blackett – Grant of Arms
        • Emelina le Norreys – Meridian Cross
        • Wistric Oftun – Order of Defense
  • Chatelaine (vacant)
    • No longer vacant! Stella di Silvestri will be the new chatelaine
  • Their Excellencies
    • Halllooooo!!!

SCA Business

  • Event Reports
    • Castle Wars – Ximon reports on behalf of Isobel
      • Total onsite attendance – 610
      • Wistric’s elevation was impressive, and his garb for the ceremony was  a m a z i n g
      • Nothing but compliments on the event
      • A+S, merchanting went smoothly
      • Volunteers were well-appreciated
        • Sebastiannos and Brendan were congratulated on the work they did for martial activities
        • Morgan Griffin for finding the ridge pole for the baronial pavilion
      • Post-mortem
        • Need to adjust portajohn cleaning schedule
          • Also – more portajohns, revisit locations
        • Car fee will go up to $5/day/car, only will affect daytrippers
        • The large field we use is $100 in addition to the park site rental
        • Problems with mundanes accessing the event site through bordering neighborhood access to the back side of the park
          • No paperwork or waivers were collected
          • Perhaps we could rope off the vulnerable areas? add signage?
          • Should we set up a security patrol for next year?
        • Should we build a baronial shower house?
        • Should we establish a royal campsite? Past two crowns have requested the same campsite.
          • We could just set aside the specific site for future events there, but there was concern that since the Crown has first choice of site at any event, we should leave options available to them
          • Other option would be to see how next event/year goes. If they choose the same site again, we could just set that site aside as the “royal encampment,” as three consecutive years with the Crown choosing the same site could suggest the site is indeed “established.”
        • Genevieve will need to have someone take over as landcrat for next year – she will be happy to train the new person, but she won’t be able to do the job next year.
      • It’s not too soon to submit bids for next year’s Castle Wars (just sayin’)
  • Other SCA Business
    • Potential new space for meetings – Methodist church in Dunwoody
      • Do we want to have meetings at the same place every week, or should we move around?
        • General opinion was that a consistent meeting place is important to encourage new members, by making it easier to find us (recruiting)
        • The church as a large community space in addition to meeting rooms – could be useful for fighter practice
      • Do we want to keep meetings on Wednesdays, or is there flexibility on this point?
        • Meeting site may require a change in what day of the week we meet (Wednesdays seem to be busy days for churches holding their own meetings and services)
        • Fridays, Mondays, and Thursdays seem to be problematic because they interfere with event packing, attending, and unpacking.
        • Tuesdays are an option, but then we’ll need to change the rapier practices to Wednesdays
      • We need to negotiate a price – Mathias is working on that this week
    • Viking Krampus (20 December)
      • Atlanta Kali has invited us to join in their viking event. Martial cross-pollination! shenanigans! mead!
      • Viking Krampus – link to event details (Facebook)
    • Magna Faire (4–6 December)
      • This weekend at the WoW campground in Blountsville, AL (Barony of Iron Mountain)
      • Baronial Investiture
      • His Excellency Iron Mountain (Captain François le Souris) will be elevated to the Order of Defense
      • Stella Nova (novice A+S competition) – do consider submitting an entry. Ximon mentioned that Rhi will be entering an item of garb, others also mentioned they are working on entries.
      • His Excellency South Downs has arranged for a series of fur muffs to be built for the new Barons Iron Mountain, Their Majesties, and Their Highnesses.
    • Twelfth Night (9 January 2016)
      • We will be joining Bryn Madoc at their Twelfth Night event
        • Potluck feast
        • Baronial championship tourneys
    • Midwinter A+S (13–14 February 2016)
      • Event Staff
        • Autocrat – Mara Palmer
        • Reservations – Maire Dhocair inghean Chiarain
        • A+S Faire and Class Coordinator – Tryggva Ingvarsdottir
        • Lunch Feastcrat – Wilhelmina de la Coste
        • Royal Liaison – Mathias Blackett
        • Smoker – Borgar (Sunday)
        • Still need volunteers for the Royal Luncheon (Saturday) and the cookout coordinator (Sunday)
      • Location
        • University of West Georgia, Carrollton (13 February)
          • Site includes a lecture hall for court, 7 classrooms, 4 faire rooms, 1 meeting room, and 2 Royal rooms.
        • Blackburn Park, Atlanta (14 February)
          • Regional fighter practice
      • Event does conflict with Black Gryphon/Meridian Heraldic & Scribal Symposium, in Thor’s Mountain
      • Midwinter Arts & Sciences event page
    • Red Tower (30 September – 2 October 2016)
      • Looking at Camp Rutledge at Hard Labor Creek State Park; second choice is Tallapoosa (where it was held last year)
    • South Downs Supper Club
      • This month is hosted by Wistric and Sunneva
      • Theme is Christmas/holiday desserts
      • Please contact Wistric or Sunneva for more info, or go to the South Downs Supper Club Facebook group page – must RSVP to confirm there is still space
      • Medieval Cookery recipes for inspiration
    • 2016 Event Bids
      • RUM (Royal University of Meridies)
        • Veronica may be submitting a bid
      • 2017 Artsy Crown
        • Iazzie is interested in putting together a bid to hold it at Mc Intosh Reserve Park (where we had Castle Wars)

Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 6 January 2016 – happy holidays!


November Business Meeting Minutes

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting

6 November 2015

Decatur Recreation Center

Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler


Lord Bjorn Gullharr called the meeting to order.

Officer Reports

  • Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
    • Is interested in developing publications for the Barony – perhaps a Baronial directory? Newsletter? Asked populace for feedback and preferences.
      • Directory – had been done a few years ago, would need to collect current information
      • Newsletter – could do quarterly, include information about A+S, Supper Club, columns by baronial members, etc.
  • Herald (Lord Bjorn Gullharr)
    • Names and devices
      • Emeline – device
      • Mistress Margavati – device returned for problem with lotus image
      • Pietro di Conti – device returned
  • Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
    • Practices are being held weekly (Sunday afternoons and Tuesday evenings) at Blackburn park.
  • Webminister (Lord Wistric Oftun)
    • We have a website!
  • A+S (Lady Tryggva Ingvarrsdóttir)
    • Justina is teaching this month’s A+S class, on Greek/Viking hairstyling (just in time for Castle Wars!)
      • Class is NEXT WEEK (13 November), at Their Excellencies’ home in Marietta (because the parking garage will be closed)
    • Dance classes continuing
  • Reeve (Lady Maire Dhocair Inghean Chiarain)
    • Quarterly report is done
    • We have funds! (the populace rejoiced)
    • Castle Wars financial report will be finalized after the event has finished
  • Their Excellencies
    • We are considering a new meeting site
      • YMCA across from Blackburn Park
      • Janice may have a site option, her church in Dunwoody
  • Knight Marshal
    • Nothing to report

SCA Business

  • Event Reports
    • Castle Wars (19–22 November 2015)
      • Coming soon!
      • Pre-registration closes Saturday, 9 November
      • Volunteers
        • Autocrat has the volunteer sign up sheet – please sign up!
          • Needs to speak with Tryggva and Zahira
          • Margavati and Tryggva request volunteers for troll, especially late nights. Volunteering at troll earns double points!
          • Information Point is also a nice and quiet place to volunteer
        • Sir Iazzie and Master Ximon need help transporting the castle walls to and from site
      • Crown has requested five order meetings to be worked into the event schedule
      • Their Excellencies encourage submitting online recommendations for those who are considering submitting recommendations, as Their Majesties will be at Castle Wars
      • Mistress Jadi  said that donations are needed for the Castle Wars volunteer auction. Popular options:
        • Gift certificates, including for donations of time and or skills (Lady Mara gave an example “I will make you one custom scroll”)
        • Pearls
        • Feast gear
        • Rattan
        • Anything pretty/shiny/useful at an event
      • Check out event notice on Facebook for more details
    • Viking Krampus (20 December 2015)
      • Atlanta Kali Group on Facebook
      • we’ve been invited to hold a demo there during the event – as the event is a Sunday afternoon, perhaps we can hold our regular Sunday practice at their event?
    • Midwinter A+S (12–14 February 2016)
      • Her Excellency and Lady Mara presented a proposal to hold the event at the University of West Georgia
        • Proposal was approved by unanimous consent
        • Hope to find someone with completed paperwork to head up a children’s activities track
    • Potential events
      • We need to take a look at the kingdom-level event schedule for 2016 to see what events we may be interested in submitting bids
  • Upcoming Meetings
    • This month’s A+S class is NEXT WEEK (13 November), at Their Excellencies’ home in Marietta (because the parking garage will be closed)
    • There will be no meeting the Wednesday before Thanksgiving

Non-SCA Business

Next baronial business meeting will be held Wednesday, 2 December 2015. Happy Thanksgiving!

October Business Meeting Minutes

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting
7 October 2015

Decatur Recreation Center

Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler


Lord Bjorn Gullharr called the meeting to order.

Officer Reports

  • Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
    • Nothing to report
    • Would like to consider developing a quarterly newsletter or update the baronial directory
  • A+S Minister (Lord Mathias, reporting for Lady Tryggva)
    • October project night will be 14 October. There will be people working on tokens for Castle Wars (likely leather stamping) – the populace is more than welcome to help out! Zoe will also be previewing the equestrian class for Castle Wars
    • November A+S class (11 November) Lady Justina will teach period hairstyling techniques
    • We are still looking for help with troll and volunteers to teach classes at Castle Wars. Maire has paperwork for volunteering
  • Reeve (Lady Maire Dhocair Inghean Chiarain)
    • Nothing to report (for now)
  • Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
    • Practices have been going well, despite the frequent absence of the GRM due to work responsibilities.
    • Captains Davio and Wistric presented a rapier demo at Streets Alive
    • Raven mentioned the next regional rapier practice, to be held Sunday, 18 October, here at Blackburn Park. All are welcome to come out!
  • Webminister (Captain Wistric)
    • Yes, there’s a website!
    • An additional page has been added with information about nearby groups
    • If there’s something you’d like to see included in the website, let Wistric know – always open to ideas
  • Herald (Lord Bjorn)
    • Names and devices
      • Jay Luo – name and device submitted to Cypher
      • Mara Palmer – device resubmission and badge submission advanced to Laurel
      • Margot de Saint Denis device returned from Laurel because the lotus blossom was drawn incorrectly.
    • Events and courts
      • Red Tower
        • Iastreb Desislavich – Red Raven
        • Marianna Cristina Tirado – Red Raven
        • Bram Halfdannarson – Tower Or
        • Sunneva de Cleia – Tower Argent
        • Bjorn Gullharr – Tower Or
        • Stella de Silvestri – Hearth of South Downs
        • Bram Halfdannarson – Lady’s Chivalry Award
        • Iastreb Desislavich – Lady’s Chivalry Award

SCA Business

  • Event reports
    • Red Tower (18–20 September 2015)
      • Went well
      • 232 people attended
      • Fighting went well – 36 fighters in Red Tower tourney
      • Rapier rocked
      • Feast rocked (thanks, Iastreb and Marianna!)
      • Made $1,100 on top of expenses
      • Thanks to the event stewards, chefs, and all the volunteers who helped make Red Tower a success! Great to see the barony offer such hospitality.
    • Coronation (9–11 October 2015)
      • In case something should happen to Their Majesties,
        • Does the barony want to put together a last-minute coronation gift? Contributions should not have the Meridian arms if you wish for Their Highnesses to keep the gift after their reign is done.
        • Gift suggestions include period toys and postage stamps (Her Highness is fond of writing thank-you notes)
        • Please bring contributions to His Excellency at Coronation.
  • Castle Wars (19–22 November 2015, Master Ximon reporting on behalf of the autocrat)
    • In general, things are coming together – all the big issues are sorted out, now it’s just addressing the details.
    • Meetings were held with volunteers and to coordinate land distribution and reservations.
    • In addition to the land we had last year, we also have the land the Boy Scouts had reserved (but didn’t use) last year.
    • Tryggva is coordinating classes, and mentioned that this is a great opportunity to work on developing a class you may want to teach at Gulf Wars or Magna Faire, and the outdoor location is excellent for teaching classes that may be too messy for an indoor space, or that takes longer than the standard 1 hour timeslot.
    • Volunteers needed:
      • (2) Pottycrat
      • Donations for the volunteer raffle are being sought (the more you volunteer, the more tickets you get for the raffle).
        • Ximon is donating a buckler and warhammer
      • Iazzie still needs help getting the castle walls from his house to the site – they are in a trailer, but the walls are heavier than his truck can easily tow.
    • If you’re interested in a South Downs encampment, check with Their Excellencies who will coordinate it (if there’s interest)
  • Twelfth Night (9 January 2016)
    • With the issues trying to find a site, it has been decided that we’ll all road trip to Bryn Madoc and take part in their Twelfth Night. They will be offering a full day of classes, fighting, hanging out, dancing, and general shenanigans.
  • Midwinter A+S (12-14 February 2016)
    • Looking at finalizing a site (Unitarian Universalist Church of Atlanta)
    • 13 February (Valentine’s Day weekend)
    • Potential alternate site – University of West Georgia
    • Lady Mara Palmer – potential autocrat
    • Ideas for event? E-Mail Lord Mathias
  • Demos
    • ATL Streets Alive!
      • Went well. Not much foot traffic in the location we were given, but the concept worked well, those who did see us loved us, and the event coordinators want us back next year.
    • Potential Streets Alive in Clarkston in November
      • Wistric has offered to coordinate our presence there.
    • Maker Faire
      • Awesome and amazing despite the wind and rain.
      • Girl Scout troop which visited our booth had a great time writing with the quills.
      • 43 people signed up!

Other SCA Business

  • Sir Iastreb is stepping down as the Kingdom Law Clerk to become the Northern Region Ombudsman and is looking for applications to succeed him. If interested, e-mail him or Duke Thomas.
  • Duke John thanked everyone who helped coordinate or take part in his 40th anniversary celebration which took place at Red Tower

Non-SCA Business

  • Maire is active with the local LARP community, and announced a big event they are hosting, 5–7 February, at Indian Springs campbround. She’s expecting more than 100 people attending, and would love for us to take part (teaching classes? Holding an SCA-style fighting demo?)
  • Several new people came to the meeting, having found out about us at either Streets Alive or Maker Faire. Officers and peers introduced themselves and described what they did, then answered questions.

September Meeting Minutes

South Downs Baronial Business Meeting
2 September 2015

Decatur Recreation Center

Notes submitted by Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler

Lord Mathias Blackett, Seneschal, called the meeting to order.

Officer reports

  • Herald (Lord Bjorn Gullharr)
    • Awards given at Foxes
      • Lord Brendan de Hay, Argent Rapier
      • Lord Wistric Oftun, Meridian Order of the Blade
      • Lady Mara Palmer, Order of the Velvet Owl
    • Names/devices
      • Lady Raven Helmsplitter, device passed kingdom
  • Group Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
    • Practices are going well – we have had from 2-8 people regularly attending Tuesday evenings and/or Sunday afternoons at Blackburn Park, even though Brendan has been out of town a lot lately
    • Had a great showing at Foxes
      • Fielded two rapier melee teams for Her Excellency (who provided lovely blue and black sashes for her fighters to wear)
      • Rapier team captained by Lady Raven and included Lord Wistric, Lord Matheu, Baron Borgar, and Lady Toki, took second place in the tourney (4-1, only loss in the final)
      • A total of approx. 15 fencers represented the barony (will confirm numbers)
  • Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
    • Reminded everyone we have a website
    • Mentioned a couple of potential projects the chronicler can develop, if there’s interest:
      • Baronial directory
      • Baronial newsletter
  • Chatelaine (Lady Majda, acting deputy)
    • Office is open; if interested, please contact the seneschal
  • A&S Minister (Lady Tryggva Ingvarsdóttir)
    • Not present, report was presented by the populace (project-oriented)
    • There’s been lots of cooking/planning for upcoming events/feasts – Red Tower, Castle Wars…
      • South Downs Supper Club! Monthly get-together, featuring a menu focused on a particular period theme. Please join the Facebook group if interested (or if you’re not on Facebook, contact His Excellency)
    • September’s A&S class – How to submit an event bid/how to autocrat, taught by Celestine
    • Lady Majda is starting a dance class at her house; first class (European) is 14 September, and will alternate between European and Middle Eastern.
  • Knight Marshal (Lord Bram Halfdannarson)
    • Bram is leaving South Downs and Meridies in October; his last marshaling event will be Red Tower. We are looking for a new Knight Marshal
  • Reeve (Lady Maire Dhocair Inghean Chiarain)
    • We have money in our account (Much rejoicing from the populace)
    • Not counting the next two events (Red Tower and Castle Wars), we have $3,800. We are looking for ways to save more money
    • Fundraiser lunches at events? Coffee cart? Dessert table?
    • Red Tower sheep will be auctioned off at the end of the event

Other Baronial Business – events, etc.

  • DragonCon, September 3- 7, 2015
    • Master Ximon is coordinating the parade – if you are interested in participating in the parade (and have registered for DragonCon), please contact him
      • Need a few people to help pull the chariot (teams of 2)
      • Wristbands for the parade will be at the fan table
      • Weather is expected to be dicey (60% chance of rain)
      • Marching with the historical section
      • Keep an eye out for the location of the fan table (it will be open 12-8 on Friday)
  • Red Tower, September 18–20, 2015
    • Everything is finalized
    • Need volunteers for all departments
      • 2-3 people to go to storage unit and pull supplies (talk to Amaris)
      • Friday and Sunday afternoon set-up and strike volunteers
    • The feast will rock! Sir Iazzie and Marianna reviewed the menu
(note from Chronicler, post-event: it was even better than anticipated. So. Good.)
    • MARS (Bryn Madoc UGA group) is hosting a fundraiser lunch
    • Lord Matthias is hosting the Friday night skaldic-themed bardic circle
  • Castle Wars, November 19–22, 2015
    • Sebastiannos will be event Knight Marshal
    • Volunteers needed
      • Need a “chancellor of the privys”
      • Lady Wilhemina is making tokens for the event; would love some assistance
      • We are in need of a crafter/woodworker to make signs (Master Rithric was mentioned)
      • Need a Youth Activities coordinator. If interested and you do not yet have had a background check done, please contact Baroness Genevieve la Barquarresse (Kingdom Youth Minister) to get that going
      • Iazzie has requested assistance with hauling the trailer that holds the walls, netting, etc. The weight of the trailer severely strained his van’s transmission. Please contact him if you can help with the trailer
      • Need volunteers, especially an assistant landcrat (our landcrat may not be able to make the event)
    • Budget has been revised to account for funds for youth activities and a revel
    • Donations for volunteer raffle prizes are requested
  • Midwinter Arts + Sciences, February 12-14, 2016
    • Matthias has been working on potential sites; still looking
    • Interested in helping find a site? Site requirements include:
      • Ballpark budget for site rental is $1000-$1200
      • Large hall (holding 150-250 people
      • Several classrooms for tracks of classes (minimum 3)
      • Kitchen for feast
      • Prefer wet/discreetly wet site
      • Parking
      • Availability 9am – 9pm is ideal
  • Baronial Twelfth Night, Date TBD (near 6 January 2016)
    • No updates
  • Knowne Worlde Dance Symposium, Date TBD (2017)
    • Wistric is looking to submit at bid for this event, currently scouting out sites with ballroom and classroom space (likely hotels similar to events like ConjurationCon)
    • Drakenmere is also considering submitting a bid for a future rapier symposium
  • Kingdom law updates
    • As announced at Foxes, an experimental fee change will be implemented in 2016 (following text copied from the missive posted on the kingdom website)

This change is two fold. First, it will suspend the “Three adult member price” cap beginning on January 1st, 2016. Secondly, it will require that all children 17 and under be admitted free into Meridian events beginning January 1st, 2016, with some caveats.

If a child intends to eat event provided food (i.e. feast) , the group may charge them the ‘on-board’ fee. If an event site’s cost is on a ‘per head basis,’ that cost may be passed on to the child/family. If a child uses bed space which is limited in nature (i.e. space in a cabin which is expected to sell out), that cost may be passed along to the child/family.

This is a trial run, which will last through the entirety of 2016. At the end of the year, this policy will be reevaluated and either removed, renewed, or made permanent. If there are significant issues, the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal could act to remove or alter the policy during the trial period.

Other/Non-SCA Business

  • Atlanta Streets Alive!, 27 September, 2015
  • Maker Faire ATL 2015, 3-4 October, 2015
    • Mistress Sunneva confirmed that the barony has a 10’x10’ booth at the Maker Faire. Contact her if you have questions or would like to help with the demo (A+S people, especially)
    • Sunneva will have a signup sheet for demos; we will be focusing on A&S demos that can easily fit in the 10×10 booth.
    • Maker faire is a event that showcases all sorts of handmade goods, skills, etc.
    • Good opportunity for outreach/demo activities
    • Maker Faire website, for more info: http://makerfaireatl.com/
  • Voting
    • The ladies and the gentlemen of the barony met separately to vote for the Heart of South Downs and the Chivalry award

After the voting was completed, the meeting ended and everyone went to dinner. Next meeting Wednesday, 7 October, 2015.


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