Whether we met you at our fan table or you saw us in the parade, thank you for your interest! Next: come to one of our meetings or fighter practices, or you can also find us on Facebook. We can’t wait to see you again!
From His Excellency, Lorenzo, Baron of South Downs:
Red Tower is fast approaching! If there is someone in the Barony who you think should be recognized for their prowess, skill, or labors, you can use our handy award recommendation form to let us know.
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler.
Lord Bjorn called the meeting to order.
Officer Reports
Seneschal (THL Mathias Blackett)
Mathias pointed out that this (the playroom) seems to work out better than he expected. We will be here both tonight and next Wednesday (10 August)
Chatelaine (Lady Stella di Silvestri)
Lady Stella thanked everyone who took the survey – if you’d like to take it, it’s not too late – please contact Stella.
Will be discussing updates to plans for DragonCon later in the meeting
Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
Nothing to report
Webminister (Master Wistric Oftun)
The Red Tower event website will be up shortly
Herald (Lord Bjorn Gullharr)
Court Report – RUM
Lady Allessandra Fiorvanti – Order of the Laurel
THL Maire Dhocair Inghean Chairain – Meridian Cross
Lord Pietro di Conti – Meridian Cross
Lady Alisandre Ysabeau de la Chapelle – Meridian Cross
THL Mathias Blackett – Order of the Bough
Lady Stella di Silvestri – Tower Or
Lady Raven Helmsplitter – Tower Or
Lady Zeliha bint Sayyid – Tower Or
Clarification – you do not have to be a paid member to submit a name or device; non-members just pay an extra $5 per submission
All submission fees will increase to $10 per submission as of August 31, 2016; non-members will still pay extra $5 for their name/device submissions
Arts & Sciences (Lady Veronica da Lucca)
Great classes in July, featuring Talhoffer’s Judicial combat class, taught by Wistric and Sunneva
This month, Sunneva and Margavati will be teaching a class during the 4th Wednesday meeting (24 August) on artistic criticism, especially in the SCA:
Ways to receive criticism and what to do with feedback
Mock judging session to see how things work
If you have questions about judging forms you’ve received in the past, please bring them and they’ll review them.
Armored Marshal (Lord Robert Throckmorton)
We’ve had great turnouts over the past month, reaching approximately 10 armored fighters the past couple of practices
Loaner gear needs are being reviewed with Their Excellencies.
Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
We still have practices Sunday afternoons (alongside armored fighter practice) and Tuesday evenings at Blackburn Park
Getting ready for Foxes! Looks like South Downs Rapier will have 3+ teams fighting for Her Excellency (hooray!)
Reeve (THL Maire Dhocair Inghean Chairain)
We have a little money ($12,000)
A team from the Barony went through the storage unit, inventoried everything and made a list of things we will need to replace/add. A detailed list of items needed and pricing/costs will be ready to present to the populace by the September business meeting.
Their Excellencies
Tournament of the Foxes is coming up, hosted by our cousins in Vulpine Reach (Chattanooga)! Her Excellency will be sponsoring teams for rapier, armored,and archery! Please let her know if you wish to take part
Populace badge – presented 2 options for badge:
1 – On a tower gules, a compass star argent (potential conflict with a barony in Northshield (Manitoba, Canada)
2 – fret azure, muscled sable
Tower gules (Option #1) won by a wide margin. His Excellency will now open negotiations with the Northshield group. Duke John feels strongly that we should just go ahead with the tower badge.
Upcoming Events
DragonCon (1-5 September 2016)
Margavati has an idea to do a flash mob during the parade
Duke John – still needs volunteers to help pull chariot, at least 4 people
Ximon – commented about Wistric’s posts seeking volunteers, but he would like to get people together to plan out the parade beforehand
Red Tower (30 September – 2 October 2016)
Rebecca and Mattias are co-autocratting Red Tower
The event will be held at Little Talapoosa Park
Staffing needs:
The site herald is not able to make Red Tower so we need a site herald now. Please contact Mathias if you’re interested – or can this be outsourced to someone from another local group?
Need someone to do site booklets – Veronica volunteered since she is compiling the class schedule,and Maire has volunteered to provide paper (leftover from RUM)
Fundraiser lunch – no one has stepped up to do fundraiser lunch so far (benefiting baronial revel alcohol supply at castle wars), but Mathias will reach out to other groups to see if there’s interest. Someone offered the 15 bottles of wine they have in their car *right now* – could be mulled. Remainder of discussion will be offline
Feastcrat – making recipes from Bartolomeo Scappi (16th century chef and writer); curious about Bartolomeo Scappi? You can find more info about him at http://www.cooksinfo.com/bartolomeo-scappi
Classes @ Red Tower – 6 classes scheduled so far, room for 16. If you’re interested in teaching a class, please contact Veronica
Castle Wars
Most of staff is taken care of
Still need someone organize revel
Still need someone to organize kids’ activities
Media rollout will happen after pennsic
Midwinter A&S
Sir Timothy contacted Mathias about the possibility of holding a large melee practice at Midwinter
Iazzie and others feel strongly that we ought to protect the A&S focus of Midwinter clear – we should keep fighting activities on Sunday at the regional practice
Can our site at Blackburn handle a large melee armored and rapier practice?
The site we had in mind – Booker T. Washington Park, near Chattanooga – won’t work because the park is closed through the winter. Currently considering University of West Georgia as a potential site. We need to talk to Heather to see if this is possible
Other SCA Business
Sunneva is starting an eastside scribal night on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, at Chez Townes. First session will be 16 August. Contact Sunneva for more info
Calligraphy & Illumination evenings at Mistress Alessandra on the evenings of Bryn Madoc’s fighter practice in Dacula (would this then be the “even further eastside scribal night”?)
Baronial scribal night at Their Excellencies will take place tomorrow night (4 August); please contact them for details/directions
Non-SCA Business
Duke John had several dozen eggs in his car, free to a good frypan
The business meeting was closed, and the populace went to vote on candidates for the Heart of South Downs and Chivalry awards.
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 7 September 2016, at the Atlanta Friends Meeting House.
Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler.
Matthias gave a brief orientation to our new meeting space – Friends’ meeting house in Decatur. Most meetings will be held in the lobby/greeting room. 11 meetings during the year, we will meet in the smaller classrooms in the back. Matthias and their excellencies will have keys to the building, as well as Lord Camulacaros (since he lives closest to the site).
Officer Reports
Chronicler (Lady Raven Helmsplitter)
Nothing to report
Webminister (Master Wistric Oftun)
Matthias will send Wistric some materials to add to the website, including updated details about the new meeting location.
Arts & Sciences (Lady Veronica da Lucca)
Veronica introduced her new deputy, Mistress Sunneva
This month’s classes (third and fourth meetings):
One class lined up – Wistric and Sunneva will teach German judicial combat as described by Talhoffer
Possible dance practice for the other session
Rapier Marshal (Lord Brendan de Hay)
We still have practices Sunday afternoons (alongside armored fighter practice) and Tuesday evenings at Blackburn Park
Tourney of the Foxes – we will be fielding melee teams in honor of her excellency
This Sunday (10 July 2016), come join us at the rapier and armored regional practice in Byron, GA!
Armored Marshal (Lord Robert Throckmorton)
We are looking for a deputy marshal – please contact Lord Robert if interested
Herald (Lord Bjorn Gullharr)
Lord Bjorn pointed out that we only have 2 business meetings between now and red tower to vote on baronial awards
It was decided that the men and women of the barony would meet separately after tonight’s meeting to discuss nominations for the Heart of South Downs and the Chivalry awards, then vote for each award after the August business meeting
We have a new deputy herald – THL Matthias (hooray!)
Chatelaine (Lady Stella di Silvestri)
Lady Stella asked what we in the barony want to do to improve/change (if anything). Along these lines, stay tuned to the South Downs’ FB group for anonymous surveys where you can share your ideas (or just contact Lady Stella directly)
Next 5th Wednesday potluck will be in August – would like to know if we can use the kitchen for potluck (or class?!)? Inquiries will be made (yay!)
Reeve (THL Maire Dhocair Inghean Chiarain)
We have a little money ($12,000); the Seneschal and Reeve want to use some of it to go through the storage unit and make repairs to baronial supplies:
Banners? new? blinged out?
Poles for banners?
feast gear? etc.
Discussion about silk painting kits that the barony owns (discovered in the storage unit?): – perhaps we could do a silk banner class?
Ximon will need 2 guys (who are not afraid to lift heavy things) to help with inventory, so let him know if you want to help
Farouk asked about loaner armored gear? Sir Morgan is currently inventorying it, and the new marshal will want to coordinate. Donations are – as always – welcome
Concerns were said about potential financial losses for Red Tower, based on conflicts with a couple other events (Glenn Abhann coronation, bacon bash, etc). Moira and others addressed those concerns and described how the budgets are actually fine and these conflicts are not actually unusual.
Their Excellencies
Tournament of the Foxes is coming up! Her Excellency will be sponsoring teams for rapier, armored,and archery! Please let her know if you wish to take part
Regional youth fighter practice will take place during the Sunday figther practice after RUM
Scribal nights continuing, 2nd and 4th Thursdays
Upcoming Events
RUM (15-17 July 2016)
Co-Autocrats: Lady Veronica and THL Maire
Is in good shape. Schedule is approved and on FB event page, under the description.
Teacher bags, made by Stella! Next week’s meeting will be a project night, stuffing teacher bags. Please come and help!
Ximon offered to help set up, since he’s not going to be able to make the event.
Moira will need to go to the storage unit for supplies, so she may need help with that.
Troll will be outside, to manage the crowds in a timely an efficient manner.
WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! we can get on site at 7 for set up, 8 for the populace.
Fundraiser lunch will support the Southern Consortium Gulf Wars camp, and will have an extended schedule
Raven will have questionnaires for crash space posted by Saturday – if you can offer crash space (or if you know of someone who needs crash space for RUM), please fill out the questionnaire
Hotel space is no longer being held, but they will extend the rate as long as rooms are available
Red Tower (30 September – 2 October 2016)
Rebecca and Mattias are co-autocratting Red Tower
The event will be held at Little Talapoosa Park
His Majesty will be attending Red Tower, as well as His Highness (but he may be attending Glenn Abhann coronation instead)
Request for additional handicapped portapotties, to accommodate people wearing garb, people with chronic health issues etc. – the extra room makes everything easier 🙂
Event theme is italian
Interested in teaching a class? Please check with Lady Veronica
Master Geoffrey is planning to host the Cock and Feather Tavern Friday night
We may have a woodburning class on an upcoming class night to help make site tokens
Need volunteers:
Saturday breakfast
Fundraiser lunch – sponsored by South Downs, for the Castle Wars discretionary fund (to fund things the SCA won’t pay for – revel, etc.)
Do we have MoLs lined up for armord and rapier tournaments?
Do we have a field herald?
Royal wrangler
Royal lunch – Justina will coordinate
Children’s activities wrangler – Mistress Allesandra has volunteered
DragonCon (1-5 September 2016)
Confirmed for parade and fan table – Stella is coordinating
Castle Wars
Feast bid is down to $8/person
Met with portapotty people; looking at adding three additional portapotties to accommodate needs at this site
Volunteers needed:
Travelers fare
Breakfast – Mistress Mara has volunteered)
Field steward
Site tokens
Midwinter A&S
Due by the September business meeting
Potential site: Booker T Washington park in Chattanooga
Still need autocrat/bid – Lady Alisandre has offered to put together a bid; anyone else, September business mtg is deadline for bids
Potentially a weekend event?
Regional fighter practice on that Sunday – at Blackburn?
Stella Nova (novice A+S competition) will take place at Midwinter A& S
Other SCA Business
Justina is traveling to San Diego for ComicCon, and would like to bring largesse from SD to the san diego SCA group (Caid’s colors are azure, argent, and or). If you would like to contribute, please contact her directly
Sari Safari – Jadi is planning a field trip Sunday of RUM to go to local sari shops and have indian food for dinner afterwards
Marietta project nights are restarting at Mistress Jadi and THL Andreva’s house
His Excellency is interested in making T shirts for the barony – would welcome ideas for t-shirt design as well as for a (new) populace badge
Non-SCA Business
Duke John had several dozen eggs in his car, free to a good frypan
The business meeting was closed, and the populace went to discuss nominations for the Heart of South Downs and Chivalry awards.
Next South Downs business meeting will be held Wednesday, 3 August 2016, at the Atlanta Friends Meeting House.