All posts by Webmin

Gaming at Red Tower

From Sir Geoffrey, Owner of the Cock and Feather Gaming Tavern:

On this coming Friday Eve, at Red Tower, we shall once again have the Cock and Feather Gaming tavern awaiting your arrival. I invite you to arrive early, and set your camp. Fill thy mug and come forth to spend a wonderful evening of gaming with friends in a lively tavern!!! Once again our focus shall be more on the games of chance that allow multiple players to join into one game, so that it shall be easier for all to meet and make new friends… and then win from them all of their monies!!! (Don’t worry…. I will give you more monies!!!)

We will have Knuckle bones, Teetotum, and several dice games out on the tables throughout the evening, however, the normal games such as 9 man morris, tafle, or Adre will also be available for play, so if you have a favorite, don’t worry…. it will be there!

I will see you all on Friday eve!!!

Red Tower Rapier schedule

From Brendan de Hay, South Downs rapier marshal:


0900 Inspections/sign-in begin

1000 Early Bird tourney

If you are signed in and inspected, or at least standing in line to be inspected AT 10AM, you can play. Format dependent on number of available fighters.

<from this point forward, all times listed are approximate>

1100 Red Tower Rapier Champion Tourney

Hosted by the current Red Tower Rapier Champion, Ld. Piers Simmons. Straight Double-Elimination, possibly modifications to be announced at host’s discretion. Winner gets custody of the distinctive Red Tower cloak for a year, and the title Red Tower Rapier Champion.

1300 Red Tower Baron’s Prize Rapier Tournament

Trash talk has already begun..

In the 14th and 15th centuries, mercenaries known as condottieri plied their trade throughout the Italian peninsula. Their tactics were focused as much on economics as on actual warfare. In this tournament, success lies not only with the one who has the most skill with a blade, but also the one who best controls their purse strings.

The tournament will be set up as round robin pools, and each fighter will begin with five coins. For any given bout, a fighter may choose to pay their opponent a certain number of coins based on their opponent’s reputation for skill: 3 for a Master of Defence, 2 for a Captain of the Order of the Blade, 1 for anyone else (bribes may be refused or renegotiated). This payment will score the bout as a win for the one who buys it, and only one party may accept a bribe. The bout must still be fought “for show”, and the one who takes the bribe may also score a win.

There will be one prize for the fighter who scores the most wins, and another prize for the fighter who ends up with the most coins. Both prizes may not be won by the same fighter.

1430 Armored/Rapier Team tournament.

Find an armored fighter to team up with. Each team consists of one armored fighter and one rapier fighter. (Masters of Defense, please do not team up with Knights. Please?)

Each round is 2-out-of-3, one bout on each field. If one team wins both bouts, their team advances.

If a third round is required to decide the match, all fighters take their respective fields, and “Lay on” is called on both fields simultaneously. The first person to defeat their opponent takes the round, and their team advances.
If a set of fighters double-kills in the third bout, they do not refight unless the other field is inconclusive.
If both field double kill or kills from opposite teams are considered simultaneous then the third round will be refought.

If there is time, perhaps a pick-up melee tourney.

Whenever time permits and a marshal is available to observe, field will be open for pickups.

Red Tower Class Schedule

Red Tower Class Schedule

Time Subject Instructor Location About the Class
10:00 AM Italian Hem Stitch Lady Alisandre dela Chapelle A&S Pavillion 1
11:00 AM Dogs in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Mistress Peryn Rose Whytehorse Peryn’s Fieldside Pavillion Overview of dogs in our period, their body types, uses, and equipment. We’ll also talk about the Meridian Hound Guild and dogs in the SCA.
11:00 AM Intermediate Embroidery – Button Hole Stitch Baroness Leda Sand A&S Pavillion 1 You need this stitch for the Needle Lace Class
11:00 AM How to Get the Most Out of Your Volunteers Baroness Celestine de Chatham A&S Pavillion 2
12:00 PM LUNCH Fundraiser Lunch will be served
1:00 PM How to Be the Best Volunteer You Can Be Baroness Celestine de Chatham A&S Pavillion 2
1:00 PM Beginning Needle Lace Baroness Leda Sand A&S Pavillion 1
2:00 PM Intermediate Sewing – Construction Stitches Baroness Leda Sand A&S Pavillion 1 You need these stitched for Mistress Alessandra’s dress class
3:00 PM Making Late Period Clothing on a Budget Mistress Alessandra Fioranvanti A&S Pavillion 1 Learn about making late period clothing without breaking the bank. Sourcing fabric and accessories, inexpensive trim options.
4:00 PM Artistic Critique and the SCA Mistress Margavati Bai A&S Pavillion 2 We will focus on feedback and A&S entries.

Red Tower Schedule

From Mathias Blackett, the Event Steward:

Friday September 30th

5pm – Site opens

7pm – Traveler’s fare available

Sunset – Bardic circle, Cock & Feather tavern


Saturday October 1st

7:30am – Breakfast

9:30am – armor inspection

10am-12:30pm – A&S classes

10:30am – Red Tower heavy tournament begins

10:30am – Red Tower rapier tournament begins

10:30am-Noon – Archery/Thrown weapons range opens for open practice

Noon – Fundraiser lunch provided

During lunch – Court at Their Majesties’ discretion

1pm-5pm – A&S Classes continue

1pm – Baron’s Prize tournament (Rapier)

1pm – Baroness’s Prize tournament (Heavy)

1pm-2:30 – Royal Round (Archery)

2:30pm – Heavy/Rapier crossover tournament

2:30pm-4:30pm – Bridesmaid tourney & Weapons Master Qualifications (Archery and Thrown)

5:30pm – Court at Their Excellencies’ discretion

7pm – Feast

Following feast – revel, bardic circle, gaming tavern


Sunday October 2nd

7:30am – Breakfast

11:00am – site closes

Red Tower update

Alisandre, the camp mistress for South Downs, asks that people planning to camp with South Downs at Red Tower report in on the barony Facebook page.

Mathias, the event steward, has announced the feast menu for Red Tower:

The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi (1570) Master Cook

Prepared by Grand Chef Mariana Cristina Tirado de Aragon

Course I
Italian Cheeses
Beef Croquettes-vinegar, pepper, salt, fennel, beef, eggs, cinnamon, parsley, garlic
Fruits- pears, grapes, and plums
Bread-flour, salt, butter, rosewater, eggs

Course II
Mushroom Soup-mushrooms, olive oil, onions, pepper, raisins, verjuice, cinnamon, saffron, herbs (parsley, thyme, sage) almonds
Parsnips- parsnips, butter, garlic, walnuts, almonds, parsley, garlic, ginger
Lamb- pork fat, onions, verjuice, common spices (galingale, ginger, cardamom), prunes, cherries
Flaky Pastry-flour, almond milk, sugar, rosewater, salt, olive oil, cinnamon, wine cooked raisins, pine nuts

Course III
Roasted Chicken-chicken, pork fat, orange juice
Broccoli- broccoli, slat, orange juice, pepper, garlic
Herb Tortellini- spinach, butter, herbs (parsley, thyme, rosemary), parmesan cheese, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, saffron, raisins, eggs
Apple Crostata-apples, butter, sugar, white wine, cinnamon, provatura cheese, raisins