Red Tower Feasts

That’s right, you have the opportunity to enjoy two feasts at Red Tower 50!

Friday Feast

Friday’s feast is a special feast crafted by Lady Genovefa de Hareflot for up to 30 people, the planned theme will be in the taste of 10th-11th century Frankish.

Friday’s Frankish feast: $10

Saturday Feast

For Saturday, come sup with us as the newest Meridian Grand Chef, Master Thomas Paumer, and his team craft a BBQ (beef and chicken) feast fit for a Baronial celebration! Vegetarian options will be available.

A note from our feast steward:
The Barony is happy to host all of you to the greatest in backyard barbecues. We plan on providing some of the most delicious cuts of beef and chicken, and a selection of sides to make your mouth water.

To reduce the logistical issues of cooking at a very primitive site, we are asking each family to sign up to bring one pot luck item. We are asking mostly for non-alcoholic beverages placed in labeled 5 gallon coolers, or desserts. Please bear in mind that ice water is completely appropriate for one of these beverages.

We are excited to share this feast of “ex-L-ellnce” with you.

Saturday’s BBQ feast: $20

Register for your space today!

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Medieval Recreation in Atlanta, GA