Notes submitted by Signora Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler.
THL Lucien d’Artois called the March meeting to order. Our Seneschal, THL Juliane de Vivonne, greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Juliane read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.
The second quarter newsletter will be coming out soon. If there are any articles that people would like to see published, please submit them to me asap.
I am going to start looking for a deputy. If anyone is interested, please let me know.
Notes submitted by Lady Raven and Captain Brendan, South Downs Backup Chroniclers.
THL Lucien d’Artois called the February meeting to order. Our Seneschal, THL Juliane de Vivonne, greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Juliane read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.
Nothing new, but has been considering getting a table at this year’s Atlanta Pride. However, it is currently scheduled for the closing weekend of Gulf Wars, so perhaps next year? check FB group to see what interest might be. It’s possible that there may be enough interest if we don’t have as many people heading to GW as usual. Suggested FB poll to gauge interest.
(She has a Korean class at the same on Wednesdays now, so submitted report electronically) The class meeting will be a live cooking show from Ogata (Charlie). If anyone would like to take a class for the barony, please get in contact!
Site is down for the moment. Kingdom is in control until further notice. Should be coming back slowly over the next couple days.
Our website is having some temporary difficulties. This is above my paygrade and I have temporarily given up control to the kingdom webminister who has cut everybody’s access to the website both as a viewer and an admin. By tomorrow Wistric, Piers, and I should have access. Other people will come up slowly after that, as we can institute new security protocols. Aelia, you’re our priority. Once you regain access, please change your password to something difficult to guess that you haven’t used on other sites.
It is now mandatory that we only use the official kingdom email addresses on our website. As soon as I regain control, I will be changing all email addresses to the addresses. If you don’t have one but need one, please contact me. Please check these emails. I am sorry; I was not given a choice.
In more positive news, Piers Simmons has stepped up as my deputy. For now, he is responsible for the DP. You should make sure your DP page is up to date, and give him things to do. We have also recently put a pronouns section on DP pages, so if you are comfortable doing so, you should give us your pronouns on the DP form. This is strictly opt-in.
Since last month I have added awards to Cellach and Aelia’s pages, changed the webminister page so that it lists myself and Piers as the webmin, fixed the sidebar so that all Wednesday activities are listed instead of just the 4th Wednesday, and changed the link on the A&S page to the 2021 A&S spreadsheet. Some of these changes did not stay on the site because of the aforementioned problems, but they will be back as soon as I regain control.
Hello Loveliest of Baronies. Reminder about Baronial Shop on RedBubble. Helps pay storage fees. Aelia & Margavati have made some cute designs. Will share link.
MWAS. Baronial and Kingdom court will be on the same FB livestream, Sunday at 5pm. If you need court time, let B&B know tonight or tomorrow morning. No last-minute stuff.
A reminder that all official activity should exclude modern politics. This includes postings to Baronial FB groups.
Red Tower – we still don’t know about dates, but in thinking it over, we still don’t know where we’re going to be at that time. For those considering submitting a bid, please think about doing it as a day trip, as it will be a simpler event and will have less to adjust. Can we consider combining RT and CW again? maybe RT on Friday?
SCA Business
MWAS (Raven). Event coming up this Saturday. A&S judging is in progress NOW. 2 full tracks of classes. Judging for populace faire is on the event page right now, go vote.
We will have online activities on Saturday night, graciously hosted by Mistress Ellen and the monthly Homecoming Social. MW will be adding a bardic circle, hosted by Master William Brewer, to Homecoming, and we hope to also host a revel – still looking for someone to host it, so please contact Raven if interested.
Margavati tells us that for zoom security, a private group within public event online for Soong’s vigil.
The business meeting was closed @ 2001.
The next business meeting will be held on 03 March 2021, 1930, Zoom Meeting.
Notice: Due to the events that occurred at the Capitol Building on 06 January 2021, the normal Baronial Business Meeting was rescheduled to 13 January 2021.
Notes submitted by Signora Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler.
THL Lucien d’Artois called the January meeting to order. Our Seneschal, THL Juliane de Vivonne, greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Juliane read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.
On the armor side of the house. There was a request to borrow armor for a photoshoot. We officially declined due to COVID. However, unofficially, if someone wanted to loan their armor and take care of cleaning, that would be on them.
Penfeathers is looking for submissions. If any of our youth would like to submit something. That would be artwork or an article. The contact for that would be Jennifer Harrington.
We have money. We finally got paid for Midwinter. There was a problem with the mail. We have $8,443.00. We will have enough money to pay for the storage unit to pay for the rest of the year.
I started a Tik Toc account for personal use. I created a secondary account for SCA. I will see what comes of it. It will be informational/entertainment.
I am behind on the Quarterly Newsletter due to real life. However, I plan to have it ready by the end of this weekend. If anyone has any last-minute articles, I would gladly accept them.
Thank you for being flexible. It has been a stressful week. It’s okay to not be okay.
I want to emphasize that we don’t do outside political stuff during official SCA stuff
I want to talk about Red Tower.
We all know that Gulf Wars has been moved to out weekend
Don’t despair!
There are a few things being considered.
Not official! We have had an offer to combine with another group.
There are pros and cons. The biggest being that it would be two weeks before Castle Wars
Because they are a small group, we would do most of the heavy lifting
That means we would have two events without any money coming in right away since it takes a couple of weeks from PayPal
We may be able to do it on our old weekend in September.
It may not end up being a physical event
It will be decided this month.
This is our best-case scenarios
The downside is that it is very hot that weekend.
We can also roll Red Town and Castle Wars into one event
Not a good choice as one is a melee event and the other is a tournament
The kingdom is making some changes to the website structures
Pietro is no longer our Webminister
He is amazing!
SCA Business
Yes, we are doing MidWinter this year. It will be on Feb 6th.
It will also be lasting over to Feb 7th for the elevation and court.
We are looking at doing some evening activities. We are working with the HomeComing crew as their event is on the same night. They will be adding some rooms for us. Keep your eyes open for that information.
On Saturday, there will be classes. If you are interested in teaching a class, please talk to Lady Alisandre. There is a google form on the event page.
Master Lorenzo is running our regional faire.
There will be a subtlety showcase for cooks who can show their food in disguise.
Juliane and Lucien are sponsoring a prize. They are focusing on extra-European. The prize is a set of teacups.
There is no theme this year.
Emelina will be handling the advertising.
At demos, I normally have a banner for the Barony. Would it be okay if I flew something like that for Meriedies?
We would need to get permission.
We also have banners that have the badges for the Barony.
Tammy’s vigil will be having her vigil on the first day of MidWinter.
I have created a FB group for updates.
The business meeting was closed @ 2016.
The next business meeting will be held on 03 February 2021, 1930, Zoom Meeting.